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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 07:26 AM
There is a Vampiric group that appear to have quite extraordinary linguistic skills, i'll try and outline their activities and interests, though this is difficult as they write in languages that are extinct from around the world or otherwise completely unknown, an example of the difficulties involved;

Article illustrations for Forgotten Languages

That is an example of an engineered language they refer to as Cassini Diskus, they publish articles written in this on their website, without translation.

Cassini Diskus

This is their homepage, they have listed 14 contributers to the left hand side of the page, around half of them are regular contributers, yet they write articles in the language of many worldwide extinct cultures, African, Amazonian, Albanian, you name it they do it.

Forgotten Languages

The background to their research is that of the vampiric cult, so seemingly a group of extremely gifted linguists that always provide extensive academic bibliographic referances, yet are also given to producing disturbing videos on vampiric theme;

Member videos

Something is seriously weird around those parts. As an example of this intrigue, they have an article that suggests that Voynich is an adaption of a cryptic language known as Franciscan Alashi;

Voynich and Alashi

Which might be an interesting comparison, yet Alashi is also seemingly an unknown language, yet is mentioned and written within around 50 of their articles.

English quotations are sometimes found on the site but not often, the language they most commonly write in they refer to as Affel, supposedly a Romanian Vampiric dialect, they have many articles concerned with Affel and Romaniel

Affel language

If you run this through google translate it will recognise a few words it thinks are Romanian, but only give garbled translation. I don't consider this falsification of language, for example they have a few articles involving archaic English, and this looks fine;

De aldig sprekning aff de land folk aff de sud vest aff Engelland, seenens til har komen neder, met en diversning kama sneler dan da aff de ven av tragenig aff sprekning vorms, van de sprak va vor forealdigrear, de folgenear aff de Seneks op letear Cèrdik ent Kynrik, Stuf ent Wyddgár, brovt van de sud aff Danmark, der iland sitplats, va Kong Enylfrot kals "Eenlyd Zeeksen" oder Aldig Seksen, i va is nun Holstei, ent van de tri eelands Niderdstrent, Busen ent Heligoenland


The articles themselves generally give an historic overview of the culture involved, and relgious and spiritual practise that seem of particular interest to the group, so often spiritual texts and poetry will be quoted in the relevant language.


In the Loopscapes section of their website they write their own poetry and discuss the vampiric tradition, mainly in Affel, which i can sort of get the gist of and basically follow some of their invocations.

Their interest in language is essentialy that of the Demoniac, speaking and writing in unknown tongues, though interaction with archaic spirits, but this is studied in conjunction with the very latest theories on language and semiotics, and the underlying patterns of a Universal language, this group is certainly fully informed, and seemingly well ahead in the game...

language, not primitive egotistic interests, is the first and greatest divider, it is because of language that we and our neighbors (can) “live in different worlds” even when we live on the same street. What this means is that verbal violence is not a secondary distortion, but the ultimate resort of every specifically human violence.

Poetry, however, is not an aimless imagining of whimsicalities and not a flight of mere notions and fancies into the realm of the unreal. What poetry, as illuminating projection, unfolds of unconcealedness and projects ahead into the design of the figure, is the Open which poetry lets happen, and indeed in such a way that only now, in the midst of beings, the Open brings beings to shine and ring out

One thing you have to appreciate here is that animistic belief systems are not dualistic. Rather, they tend to be deixic. That is, animism is commonly associated with perspectivism. Where animism holds that non-human agents have human qualities, perspectivism holds that they also see themselves and the world from a human perspective.

Philosophy of Language

Pharmacovigilance exceptionally reports some language modifications (side-effects?) after drug or any other substances exposure; that is the case of that 54 year old english speaking male who, following general anaesthesia, transiently spoke in spanish (language switching).

The discovery of mirror neurons has generated intense multidisciplinary interest in intersubjective forms of communication, beginning with imitation and mimicry and progressing to simulating the mind of others as a way of grasping their intentions. Unfortunately, perhaps unavoidably, in the midst of all of this wonderful scientific research there has been limited attention to the deeper subjective meanings associated with the measurements.

Having 'entered the subject's world' we are then in a position to question purpose and negotiate alternative solutions. The latter is usually accomplished using a combination of overt, and covert communication. Covert communication is here defined as a set of communication devices designed to evoke, mobilise and move the subject's associative processes in a therapeutic direction

it is clear that on the basis of our theory, the general goal of therapy would not necessarily imply the elimination of voices, because as we have previously explained they help the subject become adapted to his environment. Therapy in our opinion should help subjects accept voices


So like i said, this group is highly enigmatic, though they put much out in plain sight, they provide no explanations and the archaic languages make them difficult to comprehend

They work on something known to them as 'The Dark Millenium' project, whatever this involves, it doesn't look pretty;

Dark Millenium

Any help and insight on understanding this group will be appreciated, whether debunking or otherwise, as they disturb me. I did wonder if they're connected to

Forgotten Books

Which claims to have the worlds largest online library.

edit on 11-7-2013 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

+5 more 
posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 09:06 AM
Here's an article that interested me, were it is clear the group do not associate themselves with the Indo-European, the only group that they appear to be against.

Those stupid Indo-Europeans

Frontiers can be envisioned as peaceful trade zones where valuables are exchanged for the mutual benefit of both sides, with economic need preventing overt hostilities, or as places where distrust is magnified by ultural misunderstandings, negative stereotypes, and the absence of bridging institutions. The frontier between ricultural Europe and the steppes has been seen as a border between two ways of life, farming and herding, that were implacably opposed.

Stupidity is clearly a distinguishing watermark of the Indo-European mind. By 're-inventing' agriculture, they invented borders and frontiers, that is, they discovered the concept of 'war'.

The typical Indo-Eurocentric statement could be this: 'early Indo-European warfare seems from the earliest myths and poetic traditions to have been conducted principally to gain glory—imperishable fame, a poetic phrase shared between Pre-Greek and Pre-Indo-Iranian'. It suits a retarded people to glorify war or, to be more specific, it suits the Indo-European's spirit to be... retarded.

The origins of the Indo-Europeans is an all-yawning extremely boring issue. it is more profitable for we all to study how and when can we expect those stupid Indo-Europeans to finally disappear.

Why this should be the case would trace back to the essential conflict derived from Sumerian texts, between the Vampiric Gallu Demons of primordial chaos, and those who's nature is toward protean, individual-centred, volitional order

The opposition of m e / partsu and n a m t a r / shimtu is not just conceptually implied, but turns out to be made explicit in third millennium cosmogony. Herein a cosmic ocean, N a m m a , produces a proto-universe, Heaven and Earth undivided. In a series of stages, all represented by gods, Heaven and Earth produce the Holy Mound (d u k u g ), which in its turn produces E n l i l , ‘Lord Ether’, who by his very existence separates Heaven and Earth. E n l i l , representing the space between Heaven and Earth, the sphere of human and animal life, organises what he finds by his decisions (n a m t a r / shimtu), and thus puts everything into place: the universe becomes a cosmos. Before being permanently subjected, however, the primordial universe (Heaven and Earth) rebels; its representative, a member of the older generation of gods, E n m e sh a r r a , ‘Lord All M e ’, tries to usurp E n l i l ’s prerogative to n a m t a r / shimtu (i.e. prerogative to make decisions). He is defeated by E n l i l and incarcerated in the netherworld for good. The myth can be read as a theistically-slanted argument on two modes of defining order: an immutable cosmological order (m e / partsu) whose unmistakable champion is E n m e sh a r r a , against a protean, individual-centred, volitional, anthropomorphic order, whose champion is E n l i l

Thus the conflict is framed in what i wrote of here;

Sumerian Vampire Cult

The concern with power through language in Sumerian times would be understood as the holding of the MES tablets, Divine Authority through the written word, the Demons of Primordial chaos first held such, and then they lost them, it seems now they intend to re-aquire them...and they are winning.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 09:38 AM
Katnz, first let me say I usually lurk your threads. I S&F and read along, too scared to say anything because your posts are usually way over my head. You open my mind to history I would never have known about if not for you.

Now, with that said, I have ran a lot of the scripts, (like you probably have) through translator. (Google really needs to get on top of these languages!) Like you mentioned previously, it is mostly gibberish. Such as -

A slope toad frog Nuo Mile Yeah wow frog puppet vomit Mainan Yun Yu Ying quite lost love pill Southern Mindanao dock, seat Chennai in progress woo woo Ole sell it sit Yun Nan shut the glass frog logic suffer Ammonium night woo Mary Works openmouthedness months - Southern Right falling into place at Mary Yeah. in progress with Omar plow Hey Sakura Japanese sit quite properly Ami Japanese raccoon malady quite vellus plow horse puppets slouch Hey setback Ma Ming, grouper frog puppet vomit the case of woman sitting against woo E building plot plow evil Tea South Russia in progress with the Omagh Well prison A plow Hey Chacha quite Aina Russia grave robbing Iraq and Li Yong today boast falling in some way in the instrument Ma Yun willowy puppet Aira quite Li wow. pseudo Southern Yeah dock

Taken from the first "paragraph" on this page,个-曽-哩

Puppet seems to be a reoccurring theme throughout most of what I translated. Now, if they were really vampires, I might assume they were speaking of their victims. I don't however believe in vampires, so I am unsure what to make of it.

Have you emailed Ayndryl? He seems to be the most frequent poster from what I can tell.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by Doodle19815


yes online translations won't be at all helpful, that opening paragraph going by the bibliographic referances is about Contrastive Grammar: theory and practice. In Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics, the sort of invocations you found suggested would be under Loopscopes, the articles are normally presented in a neutral objective perspective.

It probably would be the sensible thing to contact them and ask but i have a natural aversion to vampires lol

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by Kantzveldt

I'll be honest, I didn't want to come under their radar either!

I do see now that my link didn't go all the way through. Probably something to do with the symbols.

I have to run out for a bit, but when I get back I want to research some of those books...

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Doodle19815

Yes there certainly is that, but thanks for taking a look. To be honest i think you'd need the crytopgraphic and linguistic resources of the likes of the CIA to make any headway in this, in fact i did consider whether they were running it as a front, i can't see how a small group could be presenting articles in so many lost languages, such as the numerous Near Eastern and Oriental languages seen here.

Near Eastern Articles

Oriental Languages

I mean for whose benefit, without translation, are these articles intended for, can all their members read them..?

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 11:12 AM
Those are findings that only an Agent of the Talamasca! would come up with.

edit on 11-7-2013 by misschareesee because: z

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by misschareesee

Unfortunately they seem fictional, and so probably of little help in helping locate the Shelmin Database of 6,200 languages mentioned here in conjunction with experiments of humans.

The alpha-MT 1440 compound, when applied intravenously in humans, almost instantaneously elicits interesting glossolalia-like effects. Sentences uttered are well-formed syntactically and grammatically, yet the lexicon used is unknown and unrelated to any of the 6,200 languages in the Shelmin database.

Alpha waves are indicators of conscious attention, and since all of our subjects exhibited very high alpha levels during the recordings it is obvious they were at a conscious state apt for linguistic communication

Using Nodespaces V2.0 software for semantic mapping, we see a correlation with EEG data. Semantic maps correlation occurred there where a reinforcement of the limbic-cortex interaction peaked at the EEG data. This happened for both Eddag, Weddag, and Sca languages

Tryptamine mediated Semantic Mapping

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Doodle19815
Katnz, first let me say I usually lurk your threads. I S&F and read along, too scared to say anything because your posts are usually way over my head. You open my mind to history I would never have known about if not for you.

Now, with that said, I have ran a lot of the scripts, (like you probably have) through translator. (Google really needs to get on top of these languages!) Like you mentioned previously, it is mostly gibberish. Such as -

A slope toad frog Nuo Mile Yeah wow frog puppet vomit Mainan Yun Yu Ying quite lost love pill Southern Mindanao dock, seat Chennai in progress woo woo Ole sell it sit Yun Nan shut the glass frog logic suffer Ammonium night woo Mary Works openmouthedness months - Southern Right falling into place at Mary Yeah. in progress with Omar plow Hey Sakura Japanese sit quite properly Ami Japanese raccoon malady quite vellus plow horse puppets slouch Hey setback Ma Ming, grouper frog puppet vomit the case of woman sitting against woo E building plot plow evil Tea South Russia in progress with the Omagh Well prison A plow Hey Chacha quite Aina Russia grave robbing Iraq and Li Yong today boast falling in some way in the instrument Ma Yun willowy puppet Aira quite Li wow. pseudo Southern Yeah dock

Taken from the first "paragraph" on this page,个-曽-哩

Puppet seems to be a reoccurring theme throughout most of what I translated. Now, if they were really vampires, I might assume they were speaking of their victims. I don't however believe in vampires, so I am unsure what to make of it.

Have you emailed Ayndryl? He seems to be the most frequent poster from what I can tell.

Perhaps it is gibberish because you have translated it but you do not have the cipher...In all secret codes you can have several ciphers that have been agreed upon. Now the order of the code would be determined from the cipher not just the translation.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 05:19 PM
This is one of the more interesting things I have ever seen on this website.

Thanks a lot!

I don't have anything to add really. Just wanted to post so I won't lose the thread.
Also, I don't mind contacting someone from the site. What is it you'd like to ask them?

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by abeverage

Thanks, I was kind of thinking along these lines. I started with the capitalized words, uncapitalized, so on, no good.

Now, where did I put my super decoder ring?

I wonder if they get a weekly email with the cipher. But more importantly, how do they know this many languages, and WHY?

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 05:46 PM
It looks very Christmassy, and I'm pretty sure I've used wrapping paper that looked like that before.

All kidding aside though, interesting post OP, thank you. But since when is Albanian an extinct culture and language. When I was deployed to Kosovo, I'm pretty sure I've met real Albanians and listened to their language.

I'll have to spend more time on each one of those links, thanks for the heads up.


posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by Kharron

There's a short article on secret languages of Albania, i just thought how obscure can you get lol

Albanology-Secret Languages of Albania

reply to post by JayinAR

Well, i'd like to have Vampiric Affel to English translation software if available and any other translation help for the articles they present, i did see a translation dvd somewhere on the site but it was one obscure language into another if i remember correctly, and only shared among themselves...but you're right they are fascinating but scary to me, but good luck with any approach.

reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Their major obsession in terms of the iconography is with the mirrored image, which to me suggests the other half of an unseen reality through the looking glass, the Demoniac and the Demon as one.
edit on 11-7-2013 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Kantzveldt

Still processing the shapes from the language tried to look at like the hidden patterns in certain images that you cannot see till you stare. Definitely an interesting find. Was thinking the elder languages used may signify elder members within their groups very elder.

SnF for the intriguing thread Kantzveldt


posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 07:34 PM
Well, the home pic at the top is a mirror image. Maybe you are on to something there....

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by Kantzveldt

This is really quite curious. Why would they write their histories and summarized cultures in code? That gives the impression there's something they don't want us to see. Something they're trying to hide, a secret that might upset us...and if that's not the case, then this is just an incredibly irritating way for them to make a big deal out of nothing. Maybe this is their attempt to make some pathetic pieces of literature into something that seems a little more impressive? Who knows?

Either way, I'd love to give it a skim, but their secrecy or their vanity (maybe both) makes that a little difficult for me.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 08:42 PM
I have no idea where this piece fis into the puzzle, but here it is.

Google returned this,

May I ask how you stumbled upon this site Kantz?

Also, a users profile...

edit on 11-7-2013 by Doodle19815 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by Doodle19815

I came across them when i was doing a google image search for artifacts from Jiroft, these came up;

That was at the begining of May and i made a thread on them, but i was concerned with them from the start and soon realised they were mirrored across the vertical and horizontal axis, and that the site they were from was Vampiric in nature, the thread here,

Artifacts of Jiroft

I'm not greatly surprised that particular vampire works for the Government lol

They all have those blogs and they're invitation only, the articles are probably published in greater extent elsewhere, possibly with translations, sometimes the numbered references are far greater than appear in the actual article, which is perhaps just an introductory header.

edit on 11-7-2013 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 10:10 PM
I don't understand the code, except that I see blood, and something about people rather than being valued for their unique worth and inner life presence, are seen only as carriers of this blood force, its something really psychopathic and something sad, is haunting those symbols. For some reason I also saw what looked like a symbol for an insect at the center. I believe this may have an insectoid core.
edit on 11-7-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 10:34 PM
Star and Flag...very interesting...just commenting for later review.

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