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Where does the idea that Freemasons worship Lucifer come from??

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posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by King Seesar
Having attended European Lodges (in fact I am presently in Europe and have attended several Lodges while here), I can see that the first part of this video is actually a Freemasonic ceremony however after the jumpy edit to the pentagram scene it is not. I realize that you have a pet theory about the Continental Freemasons but in my experience Freemasonry doesn't support Monarchies unless they are a part of constitutional governments protecting the rights of their nation's people.
edit on 20-10-2012 by no1smootha because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by no1smootha
reply to post by King Seesar
Having attended European Lodges (in fact I am presently in Europe and have attended several Lodges while here), I can see that the first part of this video is actually a Freemasonic ceremony however after the jumpy edit to the pentagram scene it is not. I realize that you have a pet theory about the Continental Freemasons but in my experience Freemasonry doesn't support Monarchies unless they are a part of constitutional governments protecting the rights of their nation's people.
edit on 20-10-2012 by no1smootha because: (no reason given)

Good point but let me take a stab in the dark here the European lodges that you visted were in the United Kingdom right???, if not i stand corrected and ignore my theory of (if any) other European countries being more of a culprit on all of this such as more infiltration, sacrificing of goats or whatever.
As far as Freemason's not supporting Monarchies i was under the impression that (relatively speaking)
alot of royalty were Freemason's again maybe i'm wrong but that is what my research said..
edit on 20-10-2012 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by King Seesar
No I haven't visited Lodges in the U.K., the Lodges I visited are Greek and French Lodges of Continental Europe.

The members of the monarchy you are speaking of are from the U.K. which has a constitutional and representational government.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by no1smootha
reply to post by King Seesar
No I haven't visited Lodges in the U.K., the Lodges I visited are Greek and French Lodges of Continental Europe.

The members of the monarchy you are speaking of are from the U.K. which has a constitutional and representational government.

I remember reading other royality from different countries being Mason members also, but my point is the corruption in alot of aspects comes from various Euro countries and the United Kingdom is used as a shield for such because everyone points to them when we talk about a moarchy.

For instance the Chateau des Amerois aka Mother of Darkness Castle is located in Belgium about a year and a half ago someone posted a video called Black Nobility which named some names and most of the people didn't come from the United States or the U.K., he was wrong on some names but some he got right and his idea was in the right place.

My take is you have 3 basic evils on it's core level on this topic with what we are talking about you have....

A: The Fritz springmeier angle (traumatizing the victim to create alters and mind control slaves ect ect) which takes place in verious Euro countries and was used in MK-Ultra projects as well...

B: The human trafficking trade which is very popular in middle eastern countries and so fourth, with this they drug the victim on a non stop bases and force said victim to do there bidding....

C: Targeted Individuals people who are targeted for different reasons being a actvist or in the political realm or experimentation and so on, this technique is used by gaslighting the vicitm or the use of high tech weapons some times both, probably a off shoot of MK-Ultra definitely a black-op program.

Now how does this relate to Freemasons worshiping Lucifer you may ask, well most sane people would say that the perpetrators of either A B or C are pure evil and under the Christian veneer they would be considered Satanists or by the Christian faith Lucifer worshipers or workers and i'm sure at some point some former or deceased Mason participated in one of those so the whole group gets blamed... is it fair no but that's why you have so many detractors in one sense...kind of like Albert Pike being seen as a racist so now you must all be.

Anyway my theory on such...

edit on 21-10-2012 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by chief_counsellor

I'm seeing a lot of interesting conversation here, but personally I don't know enough to really contribute. I know that according to esoteric knowledge Lucifer represents the power in Venus and Satan represents the power of Saturn. Freemasonry allows all members to worship their god in the way they see fit, which means you could be a satanist or a jew, and still be accepted into the organization.

But when it comes to climbing the ladder in Masonry you have to learn and memorize information that may relate to the powers of Venus and Saturn in order to become educated in the esoteric they have defended over the centuries. Learning about Satan or the role Satan plays in society does not directly imply worshiping him. IT is merely education.

On a related note I imagine that the Grand Architect of The Universe that the masons so clearly accept as the ultimate highest god is not Lucifer or Satan, but I do think Lucifer and Satan are part of the Grand Architects creation and therefore are worthy of attempting to understand in order to better understand the one great Grand Architect. But I could be wrong. I wouldn't claim it impossible that the masons at the top recognize Lucifer as the Grand Architect, but I am skeptical of such a claim.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 03:45 AM
Silly silly birds.

The serpent is not evil
From the chaos of the dark, the serpent sheds his state of perfect totality so that we may experience being.
The serpent is Chthonic - it represents both the masculine and feminine, the undifferentiated self.
Do you think serpents are evil? Long before Christendom was in infancy, the most ancient and knowledgeable of our ancestors paid respect to the serpent. Naga, Isis, Osiris, Quetzalcoatl, Pythagoras, Demeter, Dionysus and the Delphic oracle Pythia are only a couple good examples of how revered our now rejected serpents used to be.

Yes yes, I suppose that perhaps it is possible that literally every culture to come before the birth of Christ were devil-worshiping scum. I suppose if you buy into the idea that 'Paganism" is akin to "Satanism", you might as well stop reading here.

However, if you are open minded enough to aspire to real spiritual truth - if you are interested in finding your own highest consciousness - I recommend you give your dogma a minute on the sidelines to entertain the following idea.

The Serpent is the state of animal consciousness, unified consciousness, from which existence itself could be born. Consider one of the most ancient of all symbols - the Ouroboros - the snake biting its own tail. It is not an arbitrary symbol. The Serpent or snake represents the 'generative aspect' that gives rise to itself, forgets its nature, and becomes whole again in the underworld - both the prime force of creation and fertility. The infinity, the circle, the wheel.

The Serpent is the Two-in-One
Duality and Unity are both the serpent
"Quetzalcoatl died in the West to be reborn in the East"
the two-in-one implicit in the serpent - also in the consciousness of men

If the serpent has played the role of animal instinct and temptation in other cultures, it is only in the Christian tradition that the serpent has become so hated and despised as Satanic. As a matter of fact, this is a very stunted and traumatic position for a human culture to adopt. It is very immature to see the snake as "Evil" as opposed to "good".

It is unhealthy to compartmentalize yourself in this way! People aren't good OR evil. Ideas aren't good Or evil. The serpent teaches us about balance (kundalini ring any bells?) and the center of being, the yin-yang. The serpent puts us in touch with what Jung called our Shadow - without knowing the Shadow, we will never be whole, having rejected an integral part of ourselves.

Do you believe that

Light = Good
Dark = Evil ?

If you happen to see the world this way, I humbly challenge you to challenge yourself. If you do not care to entertain the idea, I wish you all the best in holding onto your stones, but please do not step on my dragons.

edit on 3Tue, 10 Dec 2013 03:46:17 -0600America/Chicago13b46Tue, 10 Dec 2013 03:46:17 -060010 by greybird because: (no reason given)

edit on 3Tue, 10 Dec 2013 03:51:10 -0600America/Chicago13b51Tue, 10 Dec 2013 03:51:10 -060010 by greybird because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 04:00 AM
Yeah its an old thread but anyone who actually wants to know these things?

Read my threads.

Jesus is Lucifer the Hidden Unicorn

Deafened by the NepTUNE of the Holy Spear-It

Chi Rho = MC^2

The Art of Shadow Ash and the Shade of the Sha

I have a ton of stuff I will continue adding to the last one about the Sha.
Will try to add a few more pages of info this week.

Keep in mind as the writing progresses so does my own mentality so expect tons of twists and turns.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 06:40 PM
Woah, it's threads like this that make me glad I'm a Buddhist Freemason

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 11:43 PM


posted on Dec, 4 2023 @ 01:29 PM
This point of view comes from very stupid people. Having been a Mason for a very long time, 99.99% of the statements made about Freemasons are laughable. If people really believe the things that they're posting then they must be liberals.

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 08:41 AM
I’m sure that it’s already been mentioned in this thread:

There is no Lucifer in Freemasonry. These false allegations stem directly from the infamous Taxil Hoax.

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: MonadicLight

My education was that Lucifer was another name for the Morning Star Venus Goddess of Love.

Also Lucifer was a common term for a match head back in olden times because of its alchemical make up and inclusion of Sulphur which is associated with fire and brimstone.

It's really important to understand the context and associations of the practioner when they invoke the name.

Ask don't assume.

Different sects make use of sacred symbols and make their own additions as part of the invocation power of the symbol.

I'm very sensitive to inverted pentagram that are black and red. Those are power colors in LaVeyan tradition and sometimes they start emanating energy of their own accord and it sets off an energy that I find hostile to me and it makes me uncomfortable.

I have a friend who is a Satanist and she wears gentle silver inverted pentagram but they radiate positive energy.

It's the symbol the colors employed the material the object is made of and one reason witches with charge such a high price for the piece.

Some early practices will buy cheap replicas made of 8nferior metals and it changes the energy of the object.

Some new initiates don't understand alchemy and they just buy the symbol because of aesthetician designs and are completely unaware of the energy being emitted.

I'm living in a highly magical and Masonic town with a large Christian population and its rare to see someone wearing certain symbology because there is a strict social order regarding gatherings and large ritual congregations because it can get chaotic in some groups depending on how many people are participating and the ability of the initiatives to afford proper materials.

It's complicated. Our local lodge has been sealed everything I walk by and most business is conducted by the lodge in the next town over which is more wealthy and affluent.

I've met masons off all types.

One gentleman uses a bungee cord on one side of his suspenders because of limitations financially but he is kind and jovial and a positive influence every time we meet.

There are so many types of Masons that people make associations about the whole based purely on their experiences and while it makes for interesting discussions its dangerous to assume anything about the whole based on the actions of the one.

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

In the Craft, York, and Scottish rituals that I have conducted and experienced, I have not encountered any literal, overt, symbolic, or subtle references to Lucifer.

The philosophical, religious, and/or spiritual systems practiced by any individual Freemasons outside of the sanctuary of a Masonic Lodge/Temple are not representative of Freemasonry itself.

There is no Lucifer in Freemasonry.

posted on Jan, 2 2024 @ 03:28 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jan, 3 2024 @ 09:26 PM

edit on 1/3/2024 by elevatedone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2024 @ 09:50 AM
"kundalini ring any bells?"

Yes, yes it did.

Sorry to bump an old thread ressurected because of spam bots, but couldnt resist. But hey lot of things in this thread were new to me.

A friend was asking me a couple of questions about Freemasons because he knows that I use to know a couple. I told him to read Pike's book... I'm going to tell him that the book is not "accurate". And no neither of the two masons I use to know did not tell me to read it, I found it on the internet. Imagine that, finding falsehoods on the internet?, what has the world come to?.

I'll get back to reading.

posted on Jan, 4 2024 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: MonadicLight
There is no Lucifer in Freemasonry.

You can serve something that you don't believe exists without even realizing it. Freemasons must believe in the existence of a supreme being and in the immortality of the soul. They don't say who that supreme being is. According to Christianity - by denying Who God is, that is in effect following Gods enemy, Satan.

Belief in a supreme being is not the same as worship of God. Freemasonry principles and rituals are irreconcilable with Catholic doctrines. Their oath to conceal in inviolable silence whatever they secretly do together is also a reason for the ban on Freemasonry in the Catholic church. Also, priests, bishops and even cardinals have been caught trying to incorporate Freemason principles over Catholic doctrine, and those principles are in direct contrast to Church teaching. Basically traitors sabotaging the Church. PopeLeo XIII wrote about Freemasonry and it's pantheism, rationalism, and naturalism. He said the ultimate and principle aim' of Masonry 'was to destroy to its very foundations any civil or religious order established throughout Christendom, and bring about in its place a new order founded on laws drawn out of the entrails of naturalism."

Papal Ban of Freemasonry

These are why Catholics are not allowed to be Masons.

Catholic Church Statement on Catholics Forbidden to be Masons

It is widely believed, and even in some cases acknowledged, that Freemasonry and Freemasonry principles have infiltrated the Catholic Church and tried to change it's belief system and doctrines. Working within the Church to reform the Church to their beliefs. Priests, Bishops, and even some Cardinals are thought to be secret Freemasons or at least agree with their principles. Freemasons scored GOLD with "Pope Francis" who came out and said that God wills for there to be many religions ... that's anti-Catholic and straight out of Freemasonry principles.

For anyone interested in what Freemasonry has been doing inside the Catholic Church .... Read 'INFILTRATION. the Plot to Destroy the Catholic Church' by Taylor Marshall.

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 03:21 PM
Because they do serve Lucifer. Sadly, many of the members on the bottom rung don't know it until they reach the highest levels, and by that point, they're fully indoctrinated.

A good documentary to watch on Bitchute about freemasonry/luciferianism is titled "X Factor Winner Reveals World's Secret Religion." It's by Altiyan Child's, and it's five hours long, but it's worth a watch.

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