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It is well past time for a Government coup. They have lost their fear of the people and need a remi

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posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by rickymouse

And the PTB know how to get into a uprising and turn it their way, install thier own leaders. In short it would never get off the ground in this day and age. Some in the extream patriot movement are PTB straw men anyway.
edit on 22-8-2012 by Logarock because: s

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 08:30 AM
I believe George R. R. Martin sums this sort of thing up to an absolute tee;

"Power is a curious thing...Three great men, a king, a priest, and a rich man. Between them stands a common sellsword. Each great man bids the sellsword kill the other two. Who lives, who dies? Power resides where men believe it resides; it's a trick, a shadow on the wall, and a very small man can cast a very large shadow."
―Varys to Tyrion Lannister, A Game Of Thrones.

I could not agree more. We are ultimately the ones with the power, but most of us believe it belongs with those in charge. They serve us, we do not and should not serve them... To think otherwise is repugnant.

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by Logarock

Originally posted by RealSpoke
reply to post by hawkiye

a young marine was put in a psych ward with no due process

Anyone can be put in a psych ward with no due process. Anyone that appears to be a threat to themselves or others that is.

To bad they didnt get to Nat Turner in time.

If you or I were slaves, barely fed enough to live, worked from sunup to sundown 7 days a week, whipped and beaten for giving someone a "wrong" look and had our children and wives taken from us and sold to others wouldn't we do the same as Nat Turner?

Until we have lived under the conditions that slaves did we cannot possibly pass moral judgments about them or any attempts they made to gain their freedom.

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by brice
Listen Groingrinder, there are lots of things everyone can do to reclaim our governments and banks. What have you done to make the world a better place to live? Judging from the avatar you have chosen, I would guess your not even old enough to get off your X-box to vote, let alone to call for an armed insurrection. Lucky you, cause that means you have time put that joint out, carry on with your education and run for some sort of office and make the changes your generation sees fit. In the mean time why don't you start with something easy like helping an elderly person cross the street, you might just feel better about yourself and the world would be just a little better.

And what sir, have YOU done......

Second line

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by brice
Listen Groingrinder, there are lots of things everyone can do to reclaim our governments and banks. What have you done to make the world a better place to live? Judging from the avatar you have chosen, I would guess your not even old enough to get off your X-box to vote, let alone to call for an armed insurrection. Lucky you, cause that means you have time put that joint out[/i], carry on with your education and run for some sort of office and make the changes your generation sees fit. In the mean time why don't you start with something easy like helping an elderly person cross the street, you might just feel better about yourself and the world would be just a little better.

Why is it that, that seems to be everyone's key fighting point? I mean really, there are more important things to worry about than a plant that causes no harm. Like our educational systems, the drones patrolling cities, for Christ sake, we need Peace Officers instead of Police. But since we want to fight for our freedoms we smoke marijuana and that's a bad thing? It's funny our fore-fathers were avid marijuana and hemp supporters, I mean the original drafts of the Declaration of Independence were written on hemp. Our revolutionary fore-fathers, the ones who broke away from a government that was to oppressive and corrupt, probably did so with joint in hand. But please lets carry on in the sh%@ storm schools that push out more and more robots ready to be filled with more Gov't nonsense.
edit on 22-8-2012 by th3onetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

That was my point..a bit of TIC there. Tea Party should get the same considerations. We will have to forgive them that they dont wait untill they wake up in full slave conditions to rise up.

edit on 22-8-2012 by Logarock because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 09:21 AM

I think the blame should fall on the baby boomer generations. Screwed the world up for the rest of us.
reply to post by Samuelis

Your statement shows you have not studied economic and politics.......................It was politicians, bankers and corporations that messed over y'all not us baby boomers.

I worked from the age of 10 (orphaned and cleaning houses and baby sitting) until my job with the same company for 16 years and at age 57 was outsourced to someone in India.

My husband and I had mega amounts of money removed from our paychecks for Social Security and now the Republicans want to steal that from us.

Now, start researching as to the medical and retirement package perks your state reps get.
Who in the hell works for who?

You are a slave and don't even know it to the government that is screwing you over big time.

The few elite controlling the many ignorant public.

A public that is too lazy to do the research and find out who is really to blame.

And it's not the baby boomers....................I've worked, scraped, saved, gone without for decades.

You youngsters are spoiled rotten.

We've had to work long and hard to get where we are at and never had anything handed to us.

Kids now with cars at 16, limos to go to a prom, $30,000 weddings, honeymoons in the Bahamas, many live with mom and dad who foot the bill.

If you were blessed with a 130+ IQ, have a really good job, believe it or not, that was pure luck DNA wise.

I started out born in downtown St. Louis, single parent (product of an affair), orphaned at 9, abused from age 9-20 and still managed by age 59 to have a good 38 year marriage, a home, a town home, and fairly nice life.

But I worked hard and sacrificed. Honeymoon was camping in a tent through Canada for one week. Three vacations in 38 years, no purse over 30 dollars and two pairs of good walking shoes at 70 bucks.

No diamond rings, no sail boats, no vacation cottages, no eating out anywhere that cost more than 10 bucks a plate (and that for fancy occasions).

My credit rating is 750 and I've managed to save.

Again, "baby boomers ruined it for the rest of us"


Our corrupt government setting the New World Order into place is what is wrecking it for you.

At least do the research and know who your real enemy is.

edit on 22-8-2012 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by Erongaricuaro

Star for you.

I remember hand me downs, cleaning houses and babysitting, having to save for weeks to buy one beatle album.............hell kids now get 100s of songs, X boxes, cars, their own room
, their own bath
, We shared one bath for eight people.

First two years on the farm we had a out house.

These youngsters now days couldn't survive two weeks of the farm work, house cleaning, baby sitting - hell I was cooking at age ten.

I see these youngsters now, and they are spoiled, self-centered brats (not all but enough of them).

And ya know what, through all the hardship I endure, it made me stronger and I'm a pretty happy person.

I don't need 200 dollar shoes and purses, fancy cars, drugs and alcohol to make me happy.

Just a good book, a nice lawn chair on my back deck and watching my two rescue dogs laying in the sun, knowing two less dogs were gassed.

Many Americans (and European kids) are again spoiled rotten, they don't know the meaning of compromise or sacrifice and that is why our divorce rate is now 50%.

Spoiled children who mostly live off of mom and dad..................the baby boomers.

The Middle Class baby boomers who foot the bill for everyone else.

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 09:39 AM
The baby boom was instigated and supported by the gov

Well you needed a workforce to produce goods, and gather resources to gain strength economically
, industrially, and militarily.
You needed a workforce to invade and capture resources to make you strong, keep you strong and gain dominance
You needed a large population
A bigger population pays more taxes ( don't worry about what they will take back in the years to come ......someone else's problem )
A bigger population make it harder for any would be invader ( cold war )
A bigger population increases your chance of dominance and survival after SHTF

The baby boom was post ww2, during the cold war, you need to consider the mentality of the time

The US is a factory
Factories need a workforce
But times change
Automation comes to all factories to some extent
Thus a lesser need for a large workforce
You've become surplus to requirements

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by groingrinder

a condemnation of the government is a condemnation of oneself.

usually, people will invoke the 5th Amendment's provision against self incrimination rather than willingly confessing that they are so completely corrupt that even their creation is intolerable and an offense to their sensibilities.

but it seems clear that is where we are know.

honestly though...why would people create something where fear is the critical component in the relationship?

anyone who would do such a thing had emotional problems to begin with...they shouldn't be trusted to create another government.

that being said...No...a government coup is no past time, especially because those that would conduct the coup can only be trusted to replace it with something even worse.

take your medication and stay out of the business of government would be my advice. you'll be happier and live longer.

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 10:00 AM
I suppose many will read this and find points they agree with but..... have too much invested in the 'norm' or steady flow, as it is right now to even upset the cart. How many are on SS or SSDI or a government pension? And if some a coup occurred, how long could you/they make it with out that monthly check. So many have bought into debt lifestyles that they essentially themselves to live hand to mouth, and are counting the days till the 3rd rolls around each month for the next check. Those are the ones 'corralled' by the government. They have no dissenting power because of their dependency on the government as it affects their livelihood .

We have all watched as liberties have eroded and been outright stripped from us. Especially the baby boomers. We have watched things progressively become more regulated, I would say since around the early eighties. It crept in slowly, and gained momentum as prosperity increased, and many thought it a boon and safeguard to our safety.

You know, TV is a reflection of society...... What do you see? LOL, a curious thing, back in the eighties, I was in my thirties and watching TV become more liberal and thinking it wasn't too long till it would be acceptable to see bits of nudity or T&A...... well lustfully thinking, I was anticipating such an evolution, and would probably be one of the last to protest any such encroachment on the public. Now we all know how soft porn has created so many problems for our culture and moral make-up. At sixty, I have did a 180 on my thoughts concerning such a move. I guess its maybe wisdom, age or seeing the decay of the moral structure. And at the time I'd of been only too happy to participate in. The drive for 'prosperity' was not such a bad thing, though unbridled self interest tends to escalate quickly into Greed. And the purveyors of 'Bling' were not the least bit shy about providing such luxury, it was easy to sell and staggering profits to be made by accommodating the masses who believed they had earned it, felt they deserved it, or even those who thought they would manipulate it to benefit themselves. Quite literally a 'vicious circle'.
So that is where we are now, trying to hang on to all that 'stuff' now in decay, that 'stuff' that in actuality 'owns us'.
So we have positioned ourselves in a precarious position, allowing our needs to remain the primary factors to our unwillingness to upset the apple cart. Which is half filled with rotting produce by the way.
Our very youth has been sated with electronic devices and social environments into a dumbed down and selfish, and ignorant class of citizenry.
There is no question the government has given us everything we want in an attempt to 'capture' us and drive us to dependency. With dependency they control dissent. The citizenry has become soft to the point of obesity. The baby boomers will come and go in the next couple decades, and any memory of the liberties we once had with them. Then it will be RIPE for the government to implement socialism, communism or an outright dictatorship. An Oligarchy as the supreme government. And it will slide right in with little trouble. Once the baby boomers are gone, who will give accounts of the freedoms we once had? and that were lost in recent times.
But our government will be of little concern as global economic and ecological decay overshadow the collapse of the civilization we have created. Then you could also add the Biblical context...... but that has conveniently been target and all but destroyed. Disregard it at your peril, because if it's true and correct, it makes no difference what those who have abandoned it think. It will come to pass regardless. And if these are 'The Last Days' as foretold, theres absolutely nothing we can do. As for myself, I subscribe to 'The Last Days' scenario, but I know few will by virtue of having been stripped of the knowledge by our very government, the very one whom........"In God We Trust".

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by michaelbrux
reply to post by groingrinder

take your medication and stay out of the business of government would be my advice. you'll be happier and live longer.

Dude you should put on a rain suite before you delve into political hyberhole mind gas. Your a pure status quo man running behind babble. You would do well in government for that reason as well as your contempt for those who would govern themselves.

By the way is that a threat?

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by VforVendettea
People are so over worked/fluoridated/taxes/poisoned/spyed on/tracked that they are too tired to stand up for themselves even though they should.


In addition to the mechanisms listed, TV is just as deadly to reasoned, deliberate thought.

I can dial-in "mainstream" media broadcasts that would not pass the critical thinking of a normal functioning 10-year-old. I can watch government pronouncements that make even less sense. I watch slow-motion videos purporting to show subliminal messages.

It's clear our cognitive senses are under sustained, continuous assault.

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by hawkiye

Originally posted by groingrinder
reply to post by hawkiye

Thanks, but we do not need non-participation. We need to really participate much more. Every Democrat and Republican needs to be ousted. That will require much participation.

Really? How has participating in a corrupt fraudulent system been working out for us?

While everyone is enamored with the dog and pony show fake elections a young marine was put in a psych ward with no due process and that is just one that we know about while their agenda continues to march on.

Time to face reality Rs & Ds are not going to be ousted anytime soon when there is no way to verify the vote. But hey we need more to participate in that farce... Sigh...

What ever dude good luck with your campaign to use a corrupted fraudulent system to fix itself. Been there done that for over 30 years with many others it hasn't made a hill of beans worth of difference... But hey we got to keep the distractions going with ingrained cliches about voting and participating...

edit on 21-8-2012 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)


posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Logarock

Originally posted by michaelbrux
reply to post by groingrinder

take your medication and stay out of the business of government would be my advice. you'll be happier and live longer.

Dude you should put on a rain suite before you delve into political hyberhole mind gas. Your a pure status quo man running behind babble. You would do well in government for that reason as well as your contempt for those who would govern themselves.

By the way is that a threat?

not a threat...advice.

no one does well in Government, that will include you...just like everyone else.

oh...perhaps, God sent you with a special mission. or maybe you don't need a think you can govern yourself but you don't even possess a written language. who's alphabet will you use to write your laws?

maybe you can steal a language to construct your government...doesn't sound like a good start to your plan of self governance, but like I said...most people are so corrupt they don't even realize its corruption.

you can steal some land, some buildings...maybe kidnap a few people, rape others, kill some.

i bet you think that would be a wonderful beginning for your glorious nation of free people?

you should avoid government and if you cannot your first act should be to talk to the people at the funeral home.

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 10:15 AM

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 10:33 AM
This is why they will win; because everyone *snip*, is HERE; TALKING about it. Not one of you are out there strapping up and DOING something about it. Okay, you CCW, cool. Not one of you will PRO-ACTIVELY use that right, and if you do, I commend you, but don't talk about it here.

I just find it sad that the internet both connects us all, and yet divides us. It turns into a stagnant cess-pool of thinkers relishing in their free exchange of thought, while the DOERS keep their exchange of thoughts among real people in person, and they turn that exchange of thought into REAL planning and tactics.

The government doesn't take anyone sitting on their @ss seriously. Yeah, it's good that we can sit here and have the freedom to express ideas; BIG DEAL. I'm pretty sure not one person here NEEDS another member to tell them how it is, or to "show them the light". We can ALL clearly see where our government has wronged us, and we know exactly what we WANT to do.... But we're sitting here talking about it, because it's the only way we can make our cowardice out to be something more than it is.

/Sorry folks, I don't mean to offend anyone. I'm no domestic terrorist, and I'm no radical extremist. I'm just a pissed off freedom lover who doesn't have the means on his own to do anything significant. And there's plenty of pissed off people like myself, with both the power and DUTY to organize and fight, yet they do nothing but wait.

I believe it's time to implement Citizens Enforcement, and denounce the authority of law-enforcement completely. Let some gov't spook come interrogate me, at least I have the balls to say what noone else does.

If each and every man with a fighting spirit refuses recognition of the authority of law-enforcement... We win.

We don't NEED to oust politicians and fight the military and take down Tyrannical leaders. If we simply boycott our recognition of their power, they'll start making some changes alright.
edit on 22-8-2012 by MaztaKeef because: added closing statement


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edit on 22-8-2012 by GAOTU789 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by jaxnmarko

You are correct. We do not need anarchy! We need to get rid of the Democrats and Republicans that are now in power in Washington. To do that we cannot just write in none of the above on our ballots. We need to seek out independent candidates who are not beholding to the criminal gangsters in the Democrat and Republican parties. Democrats and Republicans need to be shunned forever at the ballot box. They have proven time and again that they are not with us. They are against us.

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by groingrinder

The coup de ta happened over 2 decades ago in America... only now people are realizing that the sitting government is not our own....AND still some don't realize it.....I am wondering at what must happen to the individual to realize they are indeed a prisoner of a war lost? Texas only recently thought they would stand up to the global government and the military was ready to put the smack down on them.... Texas stepped down fast. Yet, with all the proof already in our faces, people are talking about voting lol

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by ScatterBrain

And what happened about 2 decades ago ..............hmmmm............ermmmmm...........ahhh !
The collapse of the soviet union ( supposedly )

The enemy was perceived to be gone
The threat was diminished
Capitalism and western control grew

Thanks for your help, but your no longer needed
Infact all these rights and privileges you have ........that we allowed you to have to keep you onside and productive
Well.............'ve become ..........surplus to requirements

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