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What Are They Hiding? Egypt's 'Area 51'?

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posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 10:08 PM
i can't fathom why someone would hide a new discovery on the basis of it changing history. why would hawass care? surely it would boost tourism for new discoveries. it must be something undeniable.

scott your work is top notch. isn't the internet just such a great thing.

btw, thanks for the hint about what's in that area. in all the thousands of years since the pyramids were built surely there's been records and adventurers who've gotten into that area before the fence was built!

i want to ask you. is this something that is worth hiding? this reminds me of the story about the templars who dug underneath the temple in jerusalem. i kept thinking about it and then i realized, hey, these guys didn't have internet and pictures as we do today. for them to go through all that trouble they must have KNOWN that it was that important. what could possibly be that important? bones and scrolls would NOT be! it would have to be something undeniable. the only two options i could think of were

1. something not from that time.
2. something not from that place.

ok i'm gonna stop myself now.

seriously, keep it up! we care.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 07:10 PM
brilliant work scott , fascinating stuff.
is hawass covering himself by building the wall , excavating and either discovering something extraordinary and claiming all the glory for himself (in which case you can use your theory to prove you were right all along and make him look a fool) or hoping to excavate and find nothing , or build his wall , keep everyone out and leave whatever is buried there (if anything is) hidden for as long as he can to protect his beliefs of ancient Egypt.
just a thought.
keep up the excellent work and good luck.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 01:52 AM

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 09:03 PM
Scott I saw that Jim Marrs is headed to Egypt. Any plans to have tea with him?

[edit on 17-1-2009 by BOTAL]

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by BOTAL

Hello Botal,

Botal: Scott I saw that Jim Marrs is headed to Egypt. Any plans to have tea with him?

SC: Tea? Tea? A dram or two of single malt and then perhaps we might have a deal!! I do know one or three nice spots!


Scott Creighton

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 07:47 PM
Are you or do you have irish roots scott!

Just a very short non one liner, but I would be intersted to know>

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Scott Creighton

Hello ATS,

Here is a small update relating to my research at Giza.

I raised this issue of parallel lines close to the Apex of the Great Giza Triangle (within the blue box in Fig. 1 below) some time ago.

Fig. 1:

In Fig. 2 below I have highlighted these parallel lines:

Fig. 2:

These peculiar, parallel lines are very reminiscent of the "Galleries" found to the west of G2.

When I originally raised the question as to what these lines might be, researcher and photographer, Jon Bodsworth, explained that they were perhaps lines marking bays for coach parking for the Open Air Theatre at Giza. You can read this here with some photos Jon took of this area:

Now look at the image below - in particular look at the SHEER SIZE of this supposed "overflow parking area". Fig 3. below shows the size of the Open Air Theatre compared to this supposed "overflow parking" area. Now, a rough measurement of this highlighted "overflow parking area" shows that it is approximately a little over 1 kilometer in length x quarter of 1 km wide!!!!

Fig. 3:

Now consider this:

For his part, Samir Farag, head of the Cairo Opera House, says the Aida 2002 production shows a noticeable improvement in facilities and services over previous shows. A service area has been set up in the theatre's court area for food and beverages, rest rooms and a 4,000-car capacity parking lot.


The area highlighted in the images above covers approximately 2,300,000 sq ft.

If we assume the average car footprint of 40 sq ft (which is quite generous) x 4,000 cars then the area used is 4000 x 40 = 160,000 sq ft.

In other words, the area highlighted in the images above as the supposed "OVERFLOW PARKING AREA" (suggested by Jon Bodsworth) is the equivalent area of 56,000 cars which is 14 times what is actually required - the open-air theatre on the Giza plateau has a capacity of 4,000 people although this was upgraded to 5,000 in 2002!!!

56,000 cars!!!! Now that is quite some overflow parking area!!!!

Now ask yourself the question - how many open air theatres do you know of that need an overflow parking area for 56,000 cars!!?? Does this sound like a reasonable explanation to you?

Best wishes,

Scott Creighton

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 11:05 AM
Considering Hawasses obsession with insisting that there is nothing unusual about the building of the pyramids and his attitude toward theories that the age of the pyramids and the sphinx are not identical, I would have to say that he doth protest too much. Yes he is hiding something, quite desperately. The question is what could be so devastating to the theories that he wants the general public to believe that these walls could be hiding?
It is anyone's guess, but whatever it is.. it most certainly would threaten the lies he has been spreading about the age, nature and origin of the pyramids or he would not be going to such extreme's to keep prying eyes out.

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 03:14 PM
I believe that James Henry Breasted might have also stumbled upon something and he certainly had some 'interesting' aquantiances. Worth looking in that direction, should you feel inclined.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:16 AM
Great research and theories Scott. I really think you have some good evidence something extremely important could be hidden beneath the sand there.

When is your next expedition planned to try and get to the point?

I think Dr Hawass is one of the most corrupt men alive. All that mainstream archaeologists have said about the history of egypt to us the general public is a farce as far as i can see. As is with most of the ancient ruins throughout the world in my opinion.

I have only just come across your research so forgive me if I am asking a question which has been covered elsewhere, but have you looked in to the possibility that there could be other points similar to the Giza Apex point in somewhere like South America? Amoungst the Mayan Pyramids possibly?

I personally believe that the egyptians and Mayans interacted or were possibly part of a similar culture. I don't buy the fact that these civilizations didn't cross the oceans.

Hope you solve this theory.

Regards VL

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by volcanicleaf

Hello VL,

VL: Great research and theories Scott. I really think you have some good evidence something extremely important could be hidden beneath the sand there.

SC: Thanks - I appreciate the feedback.

VL: When is your next expedition planned to try and get to the point?

SC: I had planned to go last November but couldn't quite make it. Before my next visit (planned for this November), I hope to have official permission from the SCA (Supreme Council of Antiquities) to get beyond "Hawass's Wall". We will see if I get the permission granted.

VL: I think Dr Hawass is one of the most corrupt men alive.

SC: I think that's a bit unfair, really. He's got a monumental job to do with so many politics and other pressures to deal with also. In saying that though, he could probably get on the with job in hand better were he to keep a lower media profile.

VL: I have only just come across your research so forgive me if I am asking a question which has been covered elsewhere, but have you looked in to the possibility that there could be other points similar to the Giza Apex point in somewhere like South America? Amoungst the Mayan Pyramids possibly?

SC: I only came up with this theory by looking at the available evidence, namely the concavities of Khufu's Pyramid (G1) and Menkaure's pyramid (G3). These are the only two pyramids in Egypt confirmed to have these unusual features. I've not noticed them on any South American pyramids.

VL: I personally believe that the egyptians and Mayans interacted or were possibly part of a similar culture. I don't buy the fact that these civilizations didn't cross the oceans.

SC: With new scientific evidence appearing almost weekly pushing back the date when man first appeared in the Americas, I think this is very much an open question.

VL: Hope you solve this theory.

SC: I shall certainly die trying.

Kind regards,

Scott Creighton

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 12:42 AM
why dont ya ask what is going on there and go inside.

go meet with the authorities and get access
money buys power

if i can get into the catacombs of paris to get to the underground castle then you can get into hawass or maybe i will
though egypt is crazy at the moment so im not going near those nuts.

think ill stay here this summer and play halo instead

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 03:08 AM
Any idea what might be inside the perimiter of the wall?

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by GerhardSA

Hello Gerhard,

Sorry for the delay in responding to your question.

GS: Any idea what might be inside the perimiter of the wall?

SC: If there is anything of importance to be discovered at this location, it will not be above ground. Knowledge is infinitely more precious than all the gold in the world. If you wished to preserve knowledge for the benefit of your children or your children's children, where do you place it so that it will later be found ONLY by those that would understand what it is they have found - and not destroy it in their complete ignorance? Inside a pyramid where every tomb-raider and their grandma will go looking for gold? Not a good idea. However, something as large and obviously manmade as the pyramids would surely attarct attention and get people - looters and literates alike - to the general location. Only then by understanding the centroid geometry can the pyramids be used to "point" to a particular spot by those with the "math to see".

So, in answer to your original question - I think we will discover knowledge. Of what I simply cannot say. Perhaps knowledge of our very origins - who knows?


Scott Creighton

[edit on 7/6/2009 by Scott Creighton]

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 06:45 PM
Hello ATS,

Here is a small update to my research work at 'Giza's Area 51'.

I have been doing some further analysis of the parallel lines within the blue rectangle below (this area is adjacent to the Apex of the theoretical Great Giza Triangle - see below):

As you may recall, the rsearcher and photgrapher, Jon Bodsworth, suggested the apparent grid in this area was perhaps an overflow coach parking area for the Open Air Theatre close to G2 (now demolished - the theatre that is, not G2).

This seems improbable to me since the area of this rectangle containing these peculiar lines would easily contain something in the order of 1.5 coaches for every one of the 4,000 capacity audience of the theatre, equivalent also to something in the order of 56,000 cars!! This is some OVERFLOW parking!!

Looking closer at this area (using Google Maps) we can observe telegraph poles (at least their shadows - circled yellow in the images below) across the area:

You can see these poles better with Jon Bodsworth's photo of this area here: From this photo it can be clearly observed that these are communication poles and not lighting.

Now, the really curious thing about these poles is that they only seem to exist inside this rectangle. This is to say that if we follow the line of any group of poles in any direction, they vanish outside the rectangle. See images below:

Of course the cables on these poles may simply go underground outwith the blue rectangle but it is curious that it was decided that any such cables should run above ground within the area highlighted by the blue rectangle.

Thoughts anyone?


Scottt Creighton

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 04:09 PM
Hi Scott,
Just found this thread today and was captivated. Just wondering if you have got any further with your research, obviously with the down fall of the Egyptian government things have changed (may not be for the better).

Anyway, I downloaded Google earth 6 today to try and look at these posts and it appears that the whole site has been smoothed out. What is your thinking on this or have you managed to get there yet and see it for yourself.

I would love to know your thoughts.


posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by yeebsy

Hello Yeebsy,

Many thanks for your post. You write:

Yeebsy: ...I downloaded Google earth 6 today to try and look at these posts and it appears that the whole site has been smoothed out. What is your thinking on this or have you managed to get there yet and see it for yourself.

SC: Dr Hawass knows about the Giza Centroid Theory since I informed him of it via email. As such, he is also aware of the specific location to the southwest of the Giza plateau indicated by the theory (image 1).

Now, what is remarkable, is that very shortly after Dr Hawass was informed of this theory, what do we find? We find this:

I hope the above images from Google Earth give a sense of the activity that is going on at the location of the Giza Centroid Theory - they are sparing no expense to investigate this area. I have emailed Dr Hawass and asked him to explain this major excavation but have yet to receive a reply from him. I guess he has more immediate concerns right now. I am, however, of the opinion that this area I identified a number of years ago to the Egyptian authorities is now being seriously excavated. It only remains to be explained - WHY?

Kind regards,

Scott Creighton

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 06:26 AM
Thanks Scott, I will be keeping an eye on this thread. Most interesting.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 04:52 PM
Hello ATS,

Here is a brief update to this thread: "What Are They Hiding? Egypt's 'Area 51'?

It seems there is considerable development occurring around the GGT Apex location (see image 1). Not yet sure what this development is for. There are a number of curious aspects of this development (especially when you view with Google time-lapse function).

Image 1: (The Great Giza Triangle (GGT) is Derived from Basic Centroid Geometry). The derived triple-centroid triangle is quite unique to this particular arrangement of the centres of the three main Giza pyramids and the resulting triangle apex 'indicates' a location to the southwest of the Giza plateau first identified in 2006.

Image 2: (Feb 2009 - The apex of the GGT is untouched).

Image 3: (March 2009 - Digging/excavation commences).

Image 4:

Image 5:

Image 6:

Image 7: (2011 - New buildings and other features appear at the GGT location).


Scott Creighton

edit on 21/9/2011 by Scott Creighton because: Fix Image URL.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 10:04 AM
Just stumbled upon this thread and all I can say is WHOA!

I really think you're on to something here Scott. Are there any newsarticles about this digsite? Or is this all done in complete secrecy? Your theory is very solid, we all know the Egyptians were masterful mathematicians, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if this geometry actually holds true. I mean, there has to be something buried there... RIGHT?

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