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How ageing is" immune deficiency"

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posted on Apr, 21 2024 @ 01:02 AM
Something which has been popping up around the edges now seems to gaining some full anacdotal attention. People are noticing that the ageing process seems to be speeding up after that certain medical procedure, we know you can't beat father time , but you can mitgate the effects with a healthy lifestyle, and keeping the telemeres on the DNA as intact as the original blueprint as possible. But the question is would the immune deficiency which is a fact of the medical intervention, cause a more rapid onset of ageing if a deficient immune system had more important things to look after than the maintainece of effcient cell division? more than a few people have decided that the more rapid ageing that they are experiencing is another side effect of that redated conncoction that they were threatened and cajoled to have injected.

posted on Apr, 21 2024 @ 07:14 AM
a reply to: annonentity

My first reaction without even watching the video was 'nah; no way that's true!'. Then I thought of all my former co-worker 'lady firends' I've kept in touch with for 30+ years.

I went over a year without seeing them when Covid first hit, and now we meet for lunch 2-3 times a year. Every single one of them (all vaxxed to the max) DO seem to be aging at an accelerated pace.

I went to the 'big city' near by for a run on my favorite craft stores, and after three years of no in-person shopping I had quite a shock. Same lovely store personnel, but I swear they've all aged 10-15 years.

In all honesty I can't say 100% 'it's the vaccine', but it sure gives me one more reason to keep my eyes (and mind) open as I watch the world go by.

posted on Apr, 21 2024 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: nugget1

Yeah now that you mention it I do have friends that I noticed the same thing happened to them.

posted on Apr, 21 2024 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: annonentity

Stress can do the same - it accelerates the aging process due to its impact on the body's biological systems, but the body can heal itself again - it just needs some time to recover.

However, if the vaccine is to blame - then I don't know the answer, but I am sure some people will be able to heal.

posted on Apr, 21 2024 @ 08:37 AM
A friend of mine just lost his wife. Her untimely death was entirely unexpected. I never asked if she was vaccinated, but she had a few health issues.

I went to the fundraiser for her yesterday and met up with some people I hadn't seen in a few years. Everyone looked well-fed and healthy except one couple. They're both about 5 years younger than me and my GF but looked 20 years older. Incredibly thin and so old-looking they were like liches. They could have only been scarier if they floated a foot off the floor and moaned. I had heard on the grapevine that they were meth heads, from what I saw, it's true. Not vaccine victims, but tweaked up meth head losers who couldn't even afford to donate $7 for a plate of food.

posted on Apr, 21 2024 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: annonentity

Funny I was just reading some stuff on this Rapid Ageing...and looked here for anything on it.

Study: COVID Vaccines Are Causing ‘Hyper-Accelerated Ageing’ in Humans - LINK

Evidence for Biological Age Acceleration and Telomere Shortening in COVID-19 Survivors - LINK

Revealed: Vaccine Induced Cellular Aging - LINK

posted on Apr, 21 2024 @ 03:26 PM
I remember before the vaccine was even released, reading about how every previous attempt to develop a coronavirus vaccine had failed because all the animal subjects developed VAIDS, a type of vaccine-induced immunodeficiency disorder. They had been trying for decades then right when it was necessary they managed to create a "working" vaccine despite the fact they had very rapid human trials with a small window of time for analyzing side effects. Probably much smaller than required to properly detect any impact on the human immune system.

Now massive numbers of people seem to get sick easily, lingering or dormant conditions are re-activating (look at all the warnings about shingles recently), which happens when the immune system starts to fail. Same thing for cancer, it can spread much more freely when the immune system is weakened, and it certainly seems to be much more prevalent in the last few years, especially the last year. As for rapid aging, that thought has crossed my mind because I've seen some evidence for it, but then I see other vaccinated people who look perfectly healthy.

So I'm not really sure, but I do know the vaccine does damage to our immune system. It's also worth keeping in mind that everyone reacts slightly differently to drugs and we also know not every batch was the same, some batches had a much higher number of reported side effects. Having a compromised immune system would probably also lead to an increased rate of aging, or at least symptoms which can look like aging has occurred, such as the appearance of late stage cancer patient. But until we are willing to acknowledge it nothing real can be done to fix it.

posted on Apr, 21 2024 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Probably whats more like the truth is that the Spike protein in the Covid flu
or the one in the Vax is doing the rapid ageing in some individuals.

posted on Apr, 21 2024 @ 07:53 PM
Some meds do accelerate aging, some block proper immune response. Most meds actually alter metabolic pathways or just alter pathways. A balanced diet which complies with your ancestors eating habits if they were healthy is a way of fixing many issues people have. But with many foods becoming deficient in nutrients from burned out soils or chemicals added to increase production, size, and shelf life, it is becoming a problem with health.

Just because a person looks old, does not mean they are unhealthy. I knew some people in their eighties that were wrinkled all up, but could outwork most younger workers. They were never sick much either. How did they die....from being too active and getting hurt or some just went to sleep and never woke up.

There are natural telemerase compounds in some foods that help restore telomere length if consumed regularly. Natural growth and repair hormones in parts of veggies that most people discard because they are not the sweetest. Also, in a plant or animal, different parts of them have different properties. I could give multiple examples of this, but it would make my post extremely long just talking about the chemistry of the different muscles of a cow and how the cows diet effects the chemistry of these muscles.

The chemicals in veggies vary widely depending on how they are grown too. The lower stalk of celery has more eugenol, the white part, as you go up the stalk, it starts to turn to apigin, and the top most part and leaves have hardly any eugenol and mostly apigenin. Both these two chemicals have different properties and tastes. Eugenol is used to dumb down nerves, it is what is used for teething kids. Apigenin chemistry is more anticancer. Cooking celery turns Eugenol more to Apigenin. Parsley leaves are very rich in Apigenin.

I did not look up the spelling of those two chemicals to check if I spelled them correctly.

I did not watch the video, should watch it but studied this so much I kind of know what it is going to say...which it probably does not tell you where to find the chemicals to increase telemere length I predict. Different parts of the plant are involved and unless you do extensive research you won't even comprehend that this exists so you won't even search for the info. It is important to also note, some chemistry in foods and chemicals used on foods can cause telemere shortening too.

posted on Apr, 21 2024 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Your bang on in that estimation. Another thing I came across is a little muscle in the back of the calf on the lower leg,I forget the reason but if it is flexed about a hundred times it drops the blood sugar, it is activated by walking which people just do not do these days, i'ts a long strip muscle under the two calf muscles.I have the suspicion that in restless leg syndrome people unconciously activate it to lower blood sugar.

posted on Apr, 21 2024 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

From what I read, they cannot make a vaccine that attacks the coronavirus because we have evolved with that virus so long, elements of it are part of our genetics. That is why they chose to target the spike protein with the vaccine...which was not very well though out since it has some bad problems and also causes our immune system to possibly attack the coronavirus when you do come in contact with the virus...and possibly some of our own genetics too if it gets all fired up. VAIDS is a real problem, and it appears that the vaccine is accentuating this somehow.

I am just glad I found info that deterred me from getting this vaccine. Because I have an intolerance to some vaccines and overreact, I followed the info that the NIH and Pharma companies said about not taking the vaccine in my situation. I also have problems with propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol, and polysorbate 80....I have a problem with shampoos and foods containing these chemistries so I have identified the intolerance years ago and highly lowered my use of them which makes me much healthier. Once in a while I do screw up and eat the wrong kind of ice cream or double acting vanilla in things which gives me problems....I am not perfect, and I do not check every ingredient in things. I learned to avoid sweets I do not make myself using ingredients I tolerate better. But I am only human. Those glycols make my breathing messed up and I overreact to viruses and microbes if I consume them. It is absorbed by my skin also from shampoos, so I try to rinse well using a soap free washcloth while rinsing...Also linoic acid or lanolyn are problematic for me in shampoo, guess it is related to wool allergy I have.

posted on Apr, 21 2024 @ 09:42 PM

originally posted by: annonentity
a reply to: rickymouse

Your bang on in that estimation. Another thing I came across is a little muscle in the back of the calf on the lower leg,I forget the reason but if it is flexed about a hundred times it drops the blood sugar, it is activated by walking which people just do not do these days, i'ts a long strip muscle under the two calf muscles.I have the suspicion that in restless leg syndrome people unconciously activate it to lower blood sugar.

I wonder if that muscle is near a blood vessel and increases circulation when activated, pumping the blood from the legs up to the organs in the body. I read about a vein in the bottom of the foot that has a bulge and when we walk, that bulge acts like a pump to increase blood returning to the upper body to help circulation and detoxification of the body. Maybe that muscle also is involved in that or a similar system.

posted on Apr, 21 2024 @ 11:20 PM
The poorer the circulation in the lower leg, also means that the area is at least two degrees lower than the core body temp.Uric acid crystals can]t form at body temperature, thats why gout affects those lower areas. Dipping the feet in hot water is a great remedy to stop an attack, cayenne cream is getting popular to increase the circulation. Or taken orally the lack of walking in the modern age has a lot to answer for.I am sure high blood sugar and the poor diet is half the cause.

posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 04:34 AM
a reply to: annonentity

As an orthopedic reflexologist and kinesiologist, I think the muscle you are thinking of is the soleus and there are a few veins which rely on the action of the muscles to return the deoxygenated blood back into circulation.

posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 04:45 AM

posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 04:52 AM
They wouldn't be discussing it, if it wasn't in the picture;

According to our analysis, SARS-CoV-2 could become a bioweapon candidate in the future. It achieved a total score of 24 out of 36 on the bioweapon risk assessment criteria (Table I). Because of the method used to qualify and quantify the attributes of the virus, our results are not directly comparable to the original BRAT validation study; nevertheless, the awareness of experts and decision makers should be raised toward the possibility of the COVID-19 disease arising as a bioweapon agent.

The vaccine is the bioweapon, there's no virus.

expected incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis have been found associated with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines (Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 and Moderna mRNA-1273).3,4 The classic clinical presentation of COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis is acute chest pain with an average time of onset of 3 days (range 1-28 days) after vaccination

military proves vaccine causes myocarditis

It a bio weapon.

Enjoy your death shots.

posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: Kenzo

Dont spike

Spike protein accelerates aging

It would be better if we were to focus our knowledge on ways to naturally fix the problems the vaccine and virus caused than to complain about the damage they did. The information you posted might help find a way of reversing the damage if I can find research on it. It doesn't take an expensive pharma drug to treat the symptoms, it takes nature's natural chemistry to cure the problem most times, combinations of natural food chemistries can also work together. The natural cure does not show instantaneous results, it takes months to correct the problems most times and it is hard to tell if it worked or not sometimes.

I should make time to look at this path of thinking, but I would need more information that is correctly collected to identify what can fix it. Research is often full of evidence that points at a problem but it is often designed to find ways to make medicines out of what is already known. We are talking about fixing something new with the spike protein's problems.

posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

I agree , we must look natural compound to this .

By looking this, i find out that anthocyanidin called cyanidin seems to be potent activator of sirtuin 6 .

Senolytics are also considered anti-aging compunds by some sources....i have not checked is there connection to sirtuin 6 .

Sources :

26 Cyanidin Rich Foods (Ranked)

Most likely there are other sirtain 6 activators also than cyanidin. Might be these : Quercetin , luteolin , fisetin, Resveratrol ,Curcumin, Berberine ,Kaempferol
edit on 22-4-2024 by Kenzo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: Kenzo
a reply to: rickymouse

I agree , we must look natural compound to this .

By looking this, i find out that anthocyanidin called cyanidin seems to be potent activator of sirtuin 6 .

Senolytics are also considered anti-aging compunds by some sources....i have not checked is there connection to sirtuin 6 .

Sources :

26 Cyanidin Rich Foods (Ranked)

Most likely there are other sirtain 6 activators also than cyanidin. Might be these : Quercetin , luteolin , fisetin, Resveratrol ,Curcumin, Berberine ,Kaempferol

Quercetin is in onions, highest levels in the areas near the top and in the bottom near the roots. Also in the everyone cuts off and tosses out.

Fisetin is in strawberries and in sage and rosemary I think. very good chemistry. Kemerferol is formed in Chicken soups by the breakdown of sage rosemary and thyme...that is why the taste changes and sage and rosemary flavor disappear. I add the spices in stages to retain of the flavor of the sage and rosemary. Lutiolin is also in parsley and celery and is heat stable if I remember right. Grapefruit containes lots of narrangenin which is also a cyanidin like chemistry.

I eat mostly berries for my fruit, except sometimes I do consume pears for their growth and repair hormone properties. I eat grapefruit but not much other citrus, oranges make me break out in hive like bumps, so do tomatoes. I get my Resveratrol from coffee, it has some of that, actually more than some wines because the sulfites break it down Coffee also has three or four types of quinine chemistry that is also anti-covid...but that would not fix the spike damage from what I know about it.

posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Thats the one it seems to be great at getting the blood sugar down a lot.

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