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European court rules human rights violated by climate inaction

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posted on Apr, 9 2024 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: Dandandat3

bring your old asses to fl when the temperature is 105, humidity is around 80% and heat index makes it feel like 115 or higher and you can't get that sticky sh@@ off you. then complain about how hot switzerland is.

edit on 9-4-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2024 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: Dandandat3

That's Europe for you. People often believe wokeness started in America, but in reality it was the European courts who started going retarded first. Europe is so democratic, you will be arrested and sent to prison for social media wrong think, you have to justify the use of force in a court even after being attacked, you get government fines in addition to the office cancelation fee for missed or skipped medical appointments, anonymous sperm donors become financially responsible for two gay women who conceived a child with your life juice in a lab setting.

They just want to make sure they stay as the leaders of clown world with this stupid heatwave thing. How is being hot outside anyone else's problem other than the complainant??

Boggles the mind.

posted on Apr, 9 2024 @ 07:33 PM

originally posted by: BernnieJGato
a reply to: Dandandat3

bring your old asses to fl when the temperature is 105, humidity is around 80% and heat index makes it feel like 115 or higher and you can't get that sticky sh@@ off you. then complain about how hot switzerland is.

Or New Orleans in the summer.
Below sea level humidity wrecks many visitors.
You can literally see the sweat oozing out of your pores.

posted on Apr, 9 2024 @ 07:46 PM

originally posted by: gort69
Please note is Switzerland Not Sweden,

Two totally different countries, with totally different weather.

Oops. Thanks for the correction. Still, same difference:

In Switzerland, summer temperatures range from the low 60s to the high 70s Fahrenheit, and can be warm and sunny, or rainy and foggy, within hours. The average temperature in Switzerland in the summer is between 18°C and 28°C, with the warmest temperatures in July and August. June is officially summer in Switzerland, with an average high temperature of 70°F and 12 days of sunshine.

And, still idiots.

posted on Apr, 9 2024 @ 09:59 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
I thought it was about Carbon Emissions that are much more dangerous and make black clouds when burning.

Based from carbon emission like rolling coal?

Only China and India are primarily doing this black clouds of soot. Europe and the Americas primarily are hard core on preventing particulates coming out of smokestacks, but those mentioned in the 1st sentence are not being made to stop by the same people who would have us do away with our CO2 and farm animals.

posted on Apr, 9 2024 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: BernnieJGato

This ideology is creating weak, dependent, and entitled citizens.

Especially among the low information media gobblers.

If we blame the government for everything we end up putting the government in charge of everything.

This is a prime example of why the EU is called a nanny state.
edit on 9-4-2024 by NorthOS because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2024 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: Dandandat3

Title of the thread is misleading, the case was heard in the court of human rights but it doesn't have anything to do with human rights being breached. It's to do with the government being in breach of its own climate change targets. More cases will definitely be brought because just about every country is in Europe is a similar breach of their own commitments.

Also, what does this have to do with Sweden? You do realise that Switzerland is a separate country don't you?

posted on Apr, 10 2024 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: NorthOS

Painfully big facts. Even without an in depth scientific understanding of how things work, basic logic is sufficient to see through the charade if a person is willing to look. It deeply saddens me how many people are totally fine just downing the koolaid.

posted on Apr, 10 2024 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
So these old women sued the country because it's hot outside?
And they won?
This is so freak'n stupid. Seriously.

Not really because the elderly have more of a propensity of getting heat-related diseases and/or dying from it. 0heat,especially%20among%20people%20who%20already%20have%20breathing%20difficulties.
edit on q00000028430America/Chicago2424America/Chicago4 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2024 @ 04:35 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone
Not really because the elderly have more of a propensity of getting heat-related diseases and/or dying from it.

I know. I"m old.
SO WHAT? It's irrelevant.
Again .. they are suing the government because it's hot outside.
This is beyond STUPID. It gets hot. That's what happens.
And that some court agreed with them shows how brain dead the world is becoming.

edit on 4/10/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2024 @ 04:38 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: quintessentone
Not really because the elderly have more of a propensity of getting heat-related diseases and/or dying from it.

I know. I"m old.
SO WHAT? It's irrelevant.
Again .. they are suing the government because it's hot outside.
This is beyond STUPID. It gets hot. That's what happens.
And that some court agreed with them shows how brain dead the world is becoming.

So what if they die? Is that what you mean?

posted on Apr, 10 2024 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Then at the same time the new generations blame the old boomers for the condition of the planet we will leave them.

“Oh what a tangled web we weave”

posted on Apr, 10 2024 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

Then the Swedish government need to buy them an air conditioner to save their lives.

Due to the global scale of this “climate crisis” there isn’t a thing that ‘lil old Sweden can do in the short term to change anything.

That is if you buy into any of this.

posted on Apr, 10 2024 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: MrGashler

Remember that time when people used to think for themselves and take responsibility for themselves?

posted on Apr, 10 2024 @ 06:31 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
interesting factoid:

The additional environmental cost of transporting these batteries results in a higher carbon footprint than ICE vehicles. A 2021 study comparing EV and ICE emissions found that 46% of EV carbon emissions come from the production process while for an ICE vehicle, they ‘only’ account for 26%. Almost 4 tonnes of CO2 are released during the production process of a single electric car and, in order to break even, the vehicle must be used for at least 8 years to offset the initial emissions by 0.5 tonnes of prevented emissions annually.

Almost 4 tonnes of CO2 are released during the production process of a single electric car and, in order to break even, the vehicle must be used for at least 8 years to offset the initial emissions by 0.5 tonnes of prevented emissions annually.

this is something they don't tell you when you are sitting in a line waiting for a charging station in sub zero temps to get 86 miles out of a charge.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 03:47 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone
So what if they die? Is that what you mean?

What are you talking about? Seriously ....

Some old people are suing the government because it's hot outside.
It gets hot. It's what naturally happens. It's called SUMMER.
It's the way life works. It's the way the world exists.
Are they going to sue the government next because it gets dark at night?
Are they going to sue the government because it rains on a certain day?
Are they going to sue the government because the crickets are too loud at night?

#ing stupid.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 04:07 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
Some old people are suing the government because it's hot outside.

It's actually very clever. And it's really good to see older people who actually see the urgency of the situation and understand the science, knowing their own power and taking effective action at a state level. We need to see more class actions against the fossil fuels companies who have actively lobbied governments against action and transparency for decades. Making states legally accountable for their own inaction is a major step forward. I wish them every success.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:03 AM
a reply to: BrucellaOrchitis

and what about those who don't buy into the failed predictions of doom? You know, those of us who are considered "Climate Deniers" because we aren't convinced we caused the Earth to change it's weather pattern, and coincidentally believe that we can't do anything to change the Earth's weather pattern.
edit on 11-4-2024 by network dude because: Beto, what a stupid name

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:12 AM
a reply to: network dude

What about you?

I don't know what you're expecting but it should go without saying that not everything is about you.

You've made your choice. They're making theirs. What's the problem?

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:24 AM

originally posted by: BrucellaOrchitis
a reply to: network dude

What about you?

I don't know what you're expecting but it should go without saying that not everything is about you.

You've made your choice. They're making theirs. What's the problem?

So this ruling won't effect me in any way? Having a court decide that because some folks are in a cult, everyone must abide by their cult rules?

Everything in my life involves me, so the me part of me is interested in this, why did you feel the need to post on this thread? is it all about you?

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