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Why I believe we are facing Apocalypse. The 'Unveiling' signifiying that the world is at an End.

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posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 12:41 AM
Why is it worse than it ever has been previously?

Technological development ensures that the worst, most egregious crimes against humanity can be instantiated on an enduring, even eternal basis - the death, slavery & abuse will never end, once they are finished springing their trap to ensnare us all.

Prior to the most recent new technologies, there was always a way to fight back, to overcome their efforts to a greater or lesser extent around the world. Freedom's lamplight still shone. But now? It will not be a recoverable situation. Grotesque powers of surveillance & control systems already exist. All that remains is for the high powers of the world to wage war until some group or another comes out on top so they can implement their final solution, whereby they eliminate threats & enslave, forever, those who remain.


Currently all the nations are advancing as quickly as they dare, until the moment they can throw the switch & kick off a war between the superpowers & their allies, in a game for all the marbles. This is why they are beginning to seed ideas of conscription into the anglophonic world order, starting in the UK. This is why they want a new civil war in the USA, to overwhelm the strongest of the states (Texas), to brutally subjugate them, to warn the others from ever trying to rock the apple cart again.

Evil at record levels is being normalised in culture; I don't think there is any doubt that for decades the culture in the anglophonic world order has been a race to the bottom. The change has been incremental for a long time, with gradual nudges in terms of adjusting what is acceptable - normalising violence, sexual content, perverse moral & mental states, very much normalising & even celebrating Satanic beliefs & practices, and lowering the standards of what we expect from our leaders, to the point that we expect nothing of them in terms of moral fibre, and they don't even really hide it any more. They are not accountable to us in any meaningful way & are willing to connive & abuse in order to grow their own power.

Somewhat tied to the above, spiritual beliefs generally are mocked & in particular people who practice the Christian faith are openly ridiculed in the mainstream culture. Children are taught to ridicule spiritual ideas, and if they are to believe anything at all, they are to worship Satan, because God is evil & just wants to constrain your liberty. Hell is broadly believed to be a fun place of total freedom & debauchery - when in truth it is a brutal prison for lost souls & rebellious demons (demons rebelling against Satan) which was an adaptation of a sort of local-to-Earth 'pocket dimension' by Satan, and his rebel angels, mainly for the purpose of hurting God through the abuse of Humanity. To those who claim that Hell is created by God, I would ask you why God promises to throw Hell itself into the Lake of Fire in the Book of the Revelation of St John, along with Death itself, and the Devil & his fallen angels, if they are not ALL considered to be enemies of the will of God to be utterly & completely defeated & forever destroyed..?

Inversion of morality; abandonment of morality.. "Woe to those who call evil good & good evil" This is a common strategy of the elitists in our time, and in a trickle-down manner it ultimately is expressed by the common people too. We are told that the only way to stop war in Ukraine is to push MORE war in Ukraine. This is just one example - there are many. The ultimate example of this is the way that God is called evil & Satan is called good. This is essentially the unforgiveable sin - which is the ONLY unforgiveable sin in this world - to knowingly & willfully state that the works of God are the works of the Devil, in order to advance whatever sinister agenda you happen to be advancing. Every other sin, when treated in line with a reverential & sincere time of repentance, can be forgiven by God. I have always claimed vociferously that God is far more merciful than anyone can imagine - and especially FAR more merciful than (tragically) many misguided Christians believe Him to be. It combines with the proper understanding that God never intended for there to be a 'Hell' at any stage. Satan created Hell as it is commonly understood, and God permits people the possibility of escaping that dreadful place, by sending angels to call them to faith in Him - even after the heart has stopped & brain activity has ceased, even after they are dragged away by foul demons following a life of sin & ignorance.

Society is caught in an unhealthy imbalancing of technological interdependencies - there is a serious risk of a 'dominoe effect' whereby one critical piece of infrastructure fails, then every other aspect of our infrastructure fails in quick succession. A cyber attack knocks out the electrical grid - supply chains would crash within hours, and the stores would be looted within 48 hours. Gasoline would run out within 24 hours & no more would be delivered, roads would clog. People would be experiencing home invasions within days & nuclear power stations would be melting down within a month. It could be as quick as that, it could be slower depending on what exactly occurs - but the 'just in time' logistics doctrine is so grossly unstable that it would be mayhem within a very short time.

Further thoughts include the following - I was planning to do an essay on all of these combined, but it would be too long to read comfortably, hence here's the highlights for you to pick & choose & add your own thoughts. I will add further detail as the thread evolves.

Precipitation of societal collapse - deliberately sought by ruling class towards Great Reset.

No place for the everyman at the table of power.

Intense polarisation of political views making for a dangerous fracturing of interpersonal & institutional rivalries.

Increase in the serious risk of warfare between developed nations which all possess world-ending technologies.

Evidence of massive psychological & biowarfare operations intended to depopulate our world having already been used once, in a trial run or slow burn near-extinction level event.

Cost of living untenable & only getting worse - worse than ever before, basic needs unmet.

Beginnings of a permanent lockdown in progress - no more flights, 15 minute cities, useless electric vehicles, etc.

Massive uprising in popular sentiment against the increasingly authoritarian ruling establishment in the world-leading West.

Equally massive push for a worldwide authoritarian regime which is doubling down on the punitive & deconstructive measures.

Unparallelled time of deceit leveraged against the common people by the ruling class.

Technological development has erased 'fuzzy grey areas' where freedom (choice, expression, ANONYMITY, dissent) once prevailed.

Freedom of speech & legal protections deemed to be dangerous misinformation & criminalised.

Technologies advanced beyond our moral & ethical maturity (AI).

Technologies capable of total control & domination in every domain - financial, health, communications, surveillance, employment - even THOUGHT.

Technology capable of erasing massive labour pools instantaneously with no clear model for replacement in terms of jobs for workers.

Technology which will fundamentally change the way we exist as living beings in the world - in any world.

posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 02:04 AM
I think the answer is quite simple.
There are too many assholes in the world.
And, every one of us is on someone else's list.

posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 05:35 AM
You pretty much nailed it FiTO. The Beast is the corporation with a thousand faces; government, finance and media. The ten heads are diversity manifested; heads which fight amongst each other (M vs F, race vs race, rich vs poor, R vs D, E vs W etc) eventually killing the whore of Babylon which is those of us who trade morality for hedonistic pleasure and immediate gratification. This is what society is being pushed towards, the complete isolation of every person while yet connected to the life-sustaining control grid. They have us by the iphones (balls!). They've left us no alternative but to technologically regress to a point where individual autonomy can be sustainable which requires skills, land and financial leverage. oh, and people too.

posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

The apocalypse is the unveiling, there need not be any destruction... But thats up to us, we might just not be able to continue with the all the lies we've been building our truth on...

Good thing that, unless one decides for all, we'll all go our way once the cats out of the bag.

for some it absolutely will be their end... But that's just the nature of their reality, a lie can't exist inside the truth...

posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

We well may be entering the end of days, so live each day as if it were your last.

As for technology being bad or good, that would depend on who you ask.

posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
Technological development ensures that the worst, most egregious crimes against humanity can be instantiated on an enduring, even eternal basis - the death, slavery & abuse will never end, once they are finished springing their trap to ensnare us all.

Religion ensures that the worst, most egregious crimes against humanity can be instantiated on an enduring, even eternal basis - the death, slavery & abuse will never end, once they are finished springing their trap to ensnare us all.

Huh.. reads the same.

I'd hardly say technology is is the reason. Technology is agnostic of its purpose - blame the people, not the science.

posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

That's quite the list.

posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: Cvastar
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

That's quite the list.

A lot on there is sadly the reality.

posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 10:30 AM
People have been predicting the end of the world since, well, more or less the dawn of civilization.

They've been predicting Tribulation and The Second Coming since the moment they took Jesus down from the cross.

Still here.
Still waiting.
edit on 31/1/24 by Freeborn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 10:37 AM
every generation tends to believe it's living in morally darker times than the past.

posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: FenrirMT

Yet crime rates are still declining, I mighr hold my breath when they start rising again.

posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

We are always facing the apocalypse. It's like there always being an antichrist, or an approximation thereof.

Yet, I have read revelation multiple times, and every time I read it I am more convinced it was veiled political commentary against Rome and Domiitian. Likely written the last year of his reign.

This calls for a mind with wisdom: the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman is seated; they are also seven kings, five of whom have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come, and when he does come he must remain only a little while. As for the beast that was and is not, it is an eighth but it belongs to the seven, and it goes to destruction. (Rev. 17:9–11)

Apart from being terribly written, it is very vague.

Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. The former 5 could be the fallen, and Rome "is".

But it could also be more personal and not referencing Nation States. Could be Rome specific.

The first "Christian" text is likely The Epistle to the Galations around 50 CE. So if you start the Christian relevancy clock during Caligula you can arrive at Domitian. Caligula is a natural choice to start, seeing as he declared himself a God.

Augustus (27 BCE–14 CE)
Tiberius (14–37 CE)
Caligula (37–41 CE)
Claudius (41–54 CE)
Nero (54–68 CE)
Galba (68–69 CE)
Otho (January–April 69 CE)
Aulus Vitellius (July–December 69 CE)
Vespasian (69–79 CE)
Titus (79–81 CE)
Domitian (81–96 CE)
Nerva (96–98 CE)

You can argue Judeans wouldn't know about the year of 4 emperors. They would only have recognized the big ones.

So Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Vespasian, Titus, Domitian.

In both cases Rome and Domitian are The 6th.

Of course, this is no different than what people do today, or do with a Nostradamus quatrain. That is lens it through personal bias and try to make it line up.

I just feel the veiled nature was an intentional way to hide the political commentary and frame it as from a source higher than the gods of Rome.

I know everyone wants to take this and repeatedly see signs of the apocalypse, or try to apply it in an updated context, but that is a misstep IMO.

Like Nostradamus was talking about The Danube, but because people don't know it's former name was "The River Hister" people love applying that antichrist to Hitler.

I think it's so intentionally vague it can forever recycle it's usefulness and relevancy.

And that is the secret I think Nostradamus knew.
Being vague and deferring to god with political dissent doesn't get you killed.
edit on 31-1-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 12:13 PM
I remember reading " The late great planet Earth" by Hal Lindsey....

When are you Revelation experts going to get it right?

posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
People have been predicting the end of the world since, well, more or less the dawn of civilization.

They've been predicting Tribulation and The Second Coming since the moment they took Jesus down from the cross.

Still here.
Still waiting.

And when you realize it's happening, it will be too late for you.

posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Cvastar
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

That's quite the list.

A lot on there is sadly the reality.

Very true.

posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 01:02 PM

originally posted by: Cvastar

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Cvastar
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

That's quite the list.

A lot on there is sadly the reality.

Very true.

Then I read about people stepping up to change the world and there seems to be hope budding again.

posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: theatreboy

And when you realize it's happening, it will be too late for you.

If it happens it happens, sod all about it I can do.
So I guess I'll just continue living my life the best I can without worrying about Armageddon or whatever.

posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 02:29 PM
Technology = bad, religion = good. What a disgusting line of reasoning.

The unstoppable march of science and technology is responsible for the standard of living we enjoy today. It is responsible for every luxury and convenience you enjoy in life. It allows the 8 billion people alive today to be fed through the Haber process. Modern medicine has cured disease, drastically reduced infant mortality, allows amputees to walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear and has extended the average human lifespan. There are literally tens of thousands of other examples I could give all within the last century. Some within the last decade. In less than a century we went from the Wright Brothers Plane to landing on the Moon.

Mankind has achieved this in spite of the priests. In spite of the dogma that clouds the search for truth. In spite of the cathedrals, mosques and temples that would control us with fear & terror. All they have ever done is hold us back. Silenced those who asked questions. Tortured those who revealed the truth that refuted the scriptures. Murdered those who sought to wrest power from them.

Those of us who walk in the light will not willingly be dragged back into the darkness because of your fear of your imagined, malevolent deity.

March on technology, I say. I want my spaceships, replicators and androids

posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 04:37 PM
Guns don't kill people, people do. etc. etc. IMO the same goes for technology... future is one where the technology is used for the benefit of all life on the planet, not the enslavement.

Free energy - is available, the threads are abundant on this subject, zero emissions. Other tech and applications
we haven't seen yet...

When we have taken it all back from the thieves we'll have wireless everything at frequencies harmonious with nature.

...all we gotta do is take it back. Quantum is coming!!!

IMO we a way past tipping point in this Clash of Titans - Nexus Point in time and if we are weren't winning I couldn't be typing this...

posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 05:03 PM
One day the human world will end. This world won’t. It has gone through much already and always spring back. I mean when the sun turns red and the Earth burns, that’s another matter. We will be long gone by then and every work we created and memory we made will be erased.

Doesn’t really matter. The universe dies when we do. If you know you know.

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