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UFO Information Dump

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posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 08:30 AM

a little news report i ran across. I have come across this before about something going on that is deep, dark and goes way beyond little gray aliens.

US Congress Gives Government Authority to Keep UFO Information Secret

Conservative pundit Tucker Carlson isn't afraid to talk about many topics in the public sphere.

However, when asked about the stories he's "scared" to cover, Carlson said the "UFO story" is on that very short list.
"The thing that bothers me with the UFO story ... If you talk to people who have actual knowledge of it that they gathered themselves, there are parts of that story that I do not understand at all that are really, really, really dark ... There's a spiritual component there that I don't fully understand. That story bothers me," Carlson told the conservative show's hosts.

Both Clayton Morris, a former host for several FOX programs, and Carlson alluded to having knowledge about a similar story related to UFOs.
Both added the story they were referencing isn't something they have talked about with their families.
"It's so dark. I haven't even told my wife about it," Carlson said. "And this is not just stuff I read on the internet. It's deeply disturbing stuff." recent whistleblowers and hearings

Carlson acknowledged on Redacted that recent whistleblowers and hearings have brought more attention to the topic of UFOs or UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). However, he said there would be implications if the public or media had access to more classified information.

"We've had something like 10 whistleblowers, but it isn't always front-page news. Some of that is suppression, but some of it the public just can't deal with it," Carlson told Clayton and Natali Morris. "It's just too far out. The implications are too profound."a reply to:

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posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 09:33 AM
maybe this is why tucker Carlson will not touch the UFO subject

UFO investigations by British government were blocked by 'demonic forces', according to extraterrestrial expert
Story by John O'sullivan •

The U.K.'s foremost UFO expert said that the British government failed to investigate reports of unidentified anomalous phenomena(UAPs) in the 1990s because they feared 'demonic forces' were at play.

Nick Pope, a former high-ranking member of the Ministry of Defence and their UFO chief between 1991 and 1994, said that Lord Hill-Norton, the chief of staff, nixed any probes into possible extraterrestrial encounters because he was influenced by a priest who deduced that UFOs were demonic.

The U.S. government, Pope claims, has had similar religious objections in the past. Many American officials had looked for biblical reference points to inform their investigations into UFOs, which are now known as UAPs.
UFO expert in Britain 'telepathically' calls aliens to UK's Roswell

"It’s counter-intuitive that some official resistance to taking UAP seriously comes not from hard-nosed science-minded sceptics who think studying the subject is a waste of government time and money, but from a faction that believes UAP are real – but demonic," the UFO expert said when talking to

"This stems in part from a biblical description of Satan as being “the prince of the power of the air” – a quotation from the book of Ephesians," Pope said when explaining further.

There is an abundance of theories bandied about the internet that UFOs may indeed have religious origins. A new documentary titled God Vs UFOs has explored that very topic. However, there has never been an official confirmation from a government that their extraterrestrial policy may be shaped by scripture.

These religious theories, Pope said, are impeding extensive research into extraterrestrials. "The thinking seems to be that if UFOs are some sort of demonic manifestation, engaging with it feeds them, by giving them energy, and should therefore be avoided," he reasoned.

"This was likely to have been a factor in something reported by Pentagon UFO investigator Luis Elizondo. He said that when trying to get a senior defence official engaged on the subject, he was rebuffed by the officer, who told him to go and read his bible."

This line of thinking, Pope says, emerged from the United States and eventually became the school of thought among many governmental officials in Britain. "I saw a similar thing in the UK, when the former Chief of the Defence Staff Lord Hill-Norton – who I briefed on several occasions – fell increasingly under the influence of a maverick priest, Paul Inglesby, who believed the phenomenon was demonic," he said.

After his service was up, Inglesby joined a church where he would become an influence on figures such as Earl Mountbatten, the uncle of Prince Phillip. This influence, Pope believed, proved malign in the context of getting the British government to throw their weight behind UFO investigations.

‘This was particularly unfortunate because Lord Hill-Norton was arguably the leader of what might be called a “believer faction” in the establishment,’ outlined Mr. Pope.

‘He’d tabled numerous questions in Parliament about UAP, and was pressuring defence ministers to release information on UFO cases such as the Rendlesham Forest incident.

‘Inglesby’s steering him away from a defence and national security focus and towards a religious interpretation of UAP was an unwelcome distraction and something I fought hard to counter.’

The Rendlesham Forest incident refers to Britain's most notorious extraterrestrial sightings. Starting on Boxing Day(December 26) 1980, there were three days of sightings of scorch marks and broken branches attributed to a ‘craft of unknown origin’ in the woods near a military base in Suffolk in England.

The unsolved case is described by many as "Britains Roswell." The UFO department of the Ministry of Defence closed down in 2009 because none of the reports they had received in over 50 years had been deemed a threat to Britain militarily.

"It makes one wonder what other government scepticism and pushback on UAP is motivated by extreme religious views and belief in the reality of demons," said Pope, when speculating that the closure may be religious in motivation.

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posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 09:10 AM
2023 in review
we saw whistleblower Grusch which actually went no where nor did he or anyone come forward with proof. We saw alien bodies in the Mexican congress which turned out to be a hoax, alien balls in the ocean which might very well be industrial waste, 10 foot tall aliens in Las Vegas, alien baloons, the news being flooded with stories of aliens, US congress passing bills and laws that got stripped down to nothing and ended up dead, we saw congressmen running around the halls of congress like carzy people in a loony asylum looking for aliens and crashed alien machines and came up with no evidence of anything alien. Inspite of all the no proof pod casters continue with stories and nothing to back them up. The government disclosure ended with we have no evidence and if we did we don't have to tell you.

2023 was a big media circus that amounted to nothing at all. I think the public is getting tired of all the hype and getting the rug pulled out from under their feet time and time again. Looking at the past 75 years of UFOs there never ever been once that anyone presented proof. it is all being generated by Hollywood, TV, and book sales, pod casts and just stories. No one ever saw an alien and could prove it, no one ever saw a UFO and could actually identify it as an alien craft. All we know comes from science fiction.

but with all that said there does seem to be something going on for real OR this entire UFO phenomenon has been around so long it has become engrained into our collective pop culture and has taken on it's own reality. it is an egregore

what has become fascinating is the egregore of the UFO phenomenon it is like children sitting in a circle wide eyed and mesmerized hearing and telling stories of fairies, magic dragons, unicorns and magical beings within the circle it is their reality. Same with the ufo community they sit wide eyed and mesmerize of stories of black flying triangles like tales of flying carpets, little gray beings, fantastic flying machines. Within the circle (community) these are accepted as reality like a magic dragon or unicorn because everyone agrees it is true. As the egregore becomes autonomous it begins to manipulate the thinking of the circle. There does not have to be any fact or truth anecdotal evidence is enough as long as everyone agrees it could be true and over time the group makes it true which empoweres the belief system

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 09:45 PM
lately i have ignored trying to figure out what UFOs are or if they are even real and focused more on the UFO community in general. It is looking more and more like a religion or cult. Believers are taking the stories on faith and faith alone. no one ever came forward with any proof. Just like religion and believing in god and Jesus the son of god. You believe it because the priests say it is true so you take their word for it.
The UFO phenomenon takes on different forms depending on who you are talking to a person from a religions backround will say UFOs are demons or compare aliens to angelic beings. in science it is said there are no aliens based on scientific principals example the speed they move the G force would crush any biological being. Hollywood, TV and writers turn it into science fiction or pure fantasy for sale. You could say the entire UFO phenomenon is a shape shifting philosophy of idealism.
it is the mechanics of the phenomenon that is interesting and not some fuzzy little dot in a photograph. It leads one to explore the possibility of a powerful force engaged in mass manipulation. There is no concern for minor details like the rising cost of food or small isolated wars, petty political squabbling, focus is more on a shifting of the collective Consciousness this will create the domino effect and everything else will fall into place. It is simple and elegant of hiding in plain sight. You can stand right in front of a blind person and they can not see you, but a person with a higher consciousness will know you are there and understand why. Teaching to see without your eyes.
The entire UFO community and their stories of fantasy is the decoy and the public took it hook line and sinker.
you do not have to know who or what is driving the bus or for that matter why?

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