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The CIA Wants You to Know About AI-Generated Celebrities and Politicians

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posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 08:10 AM
Your gut feeling and subconscious are going to tell you the things I am about to say are not possible, but I assure you they are. First off, I believe the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has the most advanced artificial intelligence (AI) software known to man, and they use this AI to create propaganda, misdirection, and misinformation in our society to confuse and suppress us.

Seriously, I don’t think any of us understand how advanced technologically the CIA is compared to the public. We are just now obtaining access to ChatGPT. Don’t you think the CIA has AI software many years ahead of what the public has access to? Yes. In my opinion, the CIA has had AI technology that is at least 50 years ahead of our own. Can you imagine how advanced AI will be in 50 years? Well, the CIA already has that today. This AI runs our entire society and by deductive reasoning, this forum.

What else can this AI software do is my big question? If it can post political disinformation on this forum can it also make videos on YouTube and post there based on the things the AI observes and records in society? Can it simulate a video of two humans talking and make these humans appear indistinguishable from real living humans? Can this AI make a video that looks realistic as easily as it makes political disinformation posts on this forum? I’m positive this is possible.

The greatest conversation the government and CIA currently try to suppress from the population is the idea of how long they have had this type of technology. If we truly knew that answer, we would start to question the things around us a little too much. So, what is the purpose of this post? To let you know that I believe at least half of the people we have seen for years throughout the news, politics, Hollywood, and other forms of media are not real human beings. They are artificial beings created by advanced AI technology.

You should really watch this video before we continue. It looks real, but if you continue watching you will quickly see it is generated with AI software.

Evidence of AI-generated humans

We would be truly amazed what their AI is capable of. The system is designed to keep you from realizing this. The only real information given to the public about AI is through movies and science fiction, and even then, we are trained to associate AI with taking over the world, or something along those lines. They only want you to fear AI so you will not realize the power and capabilities of the AI software the CIA uses against the public. They especially don’t want us discussing how an AI can generate a human that is indistinguishable from another human, and you would never know the difference. The CIA has laced our world and internet with AI-generated humans that are not real people. For all we know, Joe Biden could be AI-generated. Donald Trump could be AI-generated. We vastly underestimate how advanced the technology is that the CIA has. It’s called cognitive dissonance.

Many of you will say that this is not possible, and the CIA would never use AI-generated beings to manipulate us. But look where our gaming technology is now. Not even our AI tech, but just our video game technology.

The most technologically advance basketball game in our current time, NBA 2k23, the game can put numerous avatars in the crowd, and have other avatars playing basketball on the court so everyone can watch. Look:

Capabilities of AI processing power

You need to realize, if the CIA is 50 years ahead of our tech in terms of AI capabilities and processing, their AI is fully capable of generating this entire US congress meeting with every human being AI-generated just as easily as our video games can process a court full of players. Look:

AI-generated congress meeting

If we agree that the CIA has AI tech 30-50 years ahead of the public, then the CIA has been utilizing this AI tech since before the television was invented most likely. Meaning from the first time we turned on televisions in our homes, there is a chance that anyone we have seen on that television could be AI-generated. The CIA likely had nanotechnology at the time the television was created, so they could easily implement AI systems into every television set. For all we know, Biden, Trump, or Obama could be AI-generated, and we would never know. Sure, there is a chance of these people being seen in public, but it could be that these three are simply actors who show up for in person appearances so their stories appear real, but everything we see about them on the internet could all a be property of AI-generation. Obama may have been the president, but he may have partaken in no presidential duties. The AI could have generated every video we have ever seen Obama in for all we know.

So why would there be AI-generated celebrities and politicians? Well, there are two ways you can look at this. The first involves a real living celebrity or politician purchasing and AI-generated version of themselves that they can use in their everyday life. So rather than showing up to a film set or political hearing, they can use the AI-generated version of themselves to attend every single event they don't want to attend. This saves them precious time and makes money while they sleep.

The second perspective revolves around the idea that some of these celebrities and politicians are not real people but are rather manifestations from an advanced AI that is used to manipulate our thoughts and behavior. These types of AI are utilized to launder money, among other things. For example, if you were a billionaire, you could purchase an AI that was attractive, could sing amazingly, and that the people would love based on data. You could then purchase this AI an entire history including social security number, and have it blossom into an internet celebrity. The AI could eventually obtain 20 million followers on social media, and the billionaire who purchased it could funnel all the extra income through their AI's name. Imagine if the careers of Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift, and Brad Pitt were all AI generated, whether they are real humans or not, but a billionaire owned the rights to all their AI-generated income. Do you see where I'm going with this? A corporation like the CIA could own the rights to numerous politicians and celebrities, but because they are all AI-generated, the CIA takes home the money earned by these AI-generated individuals.

We know that the CIA and government release information and technology to us a long time after the technology has already been created. They do this to dilute us into thinking that they don't have more sophisticated technology at their disposal. To further prove my point, have you seen this headline?

Romania hires first AI politician

Do you see the AI-politician they have started using in Romania on the left of the cover of the video? The CIA shows you this because they want you to believe that if an AI is utilized in our society, it must look like the AI on the right. A digital screen with words on it. A big reflective mirror. They don't want you to realize that AI is capable of also generating this entire video, along every single person in it. C'mon, does that guy on the cover look like a real human to you or am I going insane?
edit on 27-9-2023 by wiredcerebellum because: I edited to update YouTube links.

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 08:34 AM
IDK, I watched the video and do think the maker of the video confuses something, the guy on the photo is real, he is the one saying that it is an obligation to use AI. The only glimps I got from that AI face was the bluish one. They could have done a lot better, it was stylized that way. Honestly, with the capabilities I have (also others, with a few GIT commands) that install bunch of software to AI generate pictures in minutes.

About your point around Ariana Grande, Tailor Swift etc, check out Disney club. It's a behemoth of a machine to churn out celebs, with their own infrastructure to promote that. It's not that these people are specially gifted, it's because they were groomed, I mean, grew up to be managed and be good performers.

They have their career plotted out years in front and every single on of them undergoes the image change like for example Miley Cyrus, when they transition from kid celeb over teen star to become adult. It's not all breakdowns like Britney had in her later years, some of it is scripted and planned.

The CIA always had big interest in Hollywood, too.

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 08:37 AM
Yea, im not claiming that these celebrities are definitely AI-generated, I just believe some of them are. a reply to: TDDAgain

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 09:10 AM
What celebrities do you believe are AI generated? What makes you think they are? Because not every step of their life is documented? These people want private life too so not having any pictures where other people get real close or even touch. What would surely freak you out too, if you were a celeb, because crazy people being crazy.

It's the only way to make your theory valid, that there are no such circumstances. And even then, I think I once saw Robert Downey, for example, and when he looked my way, I pretended to not see him. Overcoming my urge to waive or smile, demanding attention from him in a way or another. Because that is what we do when we recognize such people, we demand a response they better give, or next headline is how they think they are someone better.

And in the end, what does it matter that I saw him?

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 09:12 AM
I have no true evidence to make it valid. That’s why it’s a conspiracy theory. a reply to: TDDAgain

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 11:17 AM
This documentary addresses some of the predictive programming that's been in use.


posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: wiredcerebellum
You gave nothing remotely looking like true/false evidence at all yet, other than your thoughts. I was trying to get some answers from you to understand your viewpoint better, that you completely ignored.

I guess we all just post our thoughts now and when someone shows interest, we claim it's a conspiracy board and then that's about it.

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 12:00 PM
Excellent post; well written, thought out, and it is more likely than not, all true. I have to wonder if AI created the COVID narrative and maybe it's now in control of things entirely...a little scary to think about. I love this topic so much, it's been on my mind a while now. I went so deep down the hole that I now am on to my smart phone in a big way....if you haven't seen Colossus the 70s movie you should

a reply to: wiredcerebellum

edit on 27-9-2023 by rebsmarie because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-9-2023 by rebsmarie because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 12:18 PM
Wow I never thought about AI controlling the entire Covid narrative. What a good thought! It’s definitely likely. a reply to: rebsmarie

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: wiredcerebellum

"They" have people believing that Alex Jones is only 49 years old, and he's a real person.

People have been pretty gullible, even before AI came along.

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 12:22 PM

Joe Biden deepfake responds to questions in 'real-time' using AI

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 12:25 PM
Joe Rogan may be AI generated too. Along with Trump, Obama, and Biden. a reply to: IndieA

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 12:26 PM
Joe Biden’s whole identity is probably AI generated. I bet he isn’t a real human. a reply to: MetalThunder

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: wiredcerebellum
Joe Rogan may be AI generated too. Along with Trump, Obama, and Biden. a reply to: IndieA

I'm not saying that Alex Jones is AI generated, I'm just saying that I don't believe that he's only 49 and not Bill Hicks.

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