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What am I seeing in the sky? They look like bright stars flying around.

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posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 11:45 AM
I'm curious to hear what you all think about this.

On two occasions I've seen objects that look identical to stars (clear, bright, white) move around the sky unlike anything I've seen before. They are almost as clear and bright as the stars that make up the Big Dipper; bright and obvious, even in town. I saw them in late 2015 and last Friday at 9PM. I have no photo or video. The objects never appear when I have a camera (which I usually do). I'll describe the first occasion.

In winter of 2015 I read about the CE-5 Protocol. I had been practicing mediation for a few years so I decided to try it. Each evening around 10PM I'd take my dog out before bed for a few minutes. We'd go into the back yard, I'd sit in a chair and repeat the CE-5 visualization three times. Then I'd watch the western sky for a few minutes. I did this each night for about a week; exactly as described.

One night as I was looking at the stars I noticed a small, perfectly square constellation in the sky toward the southwest. I thought, "That's odd. I've never seen that before." As soon as I noticed it, three of the stars of the constellation zoomed off in different directions and vanished. They moved so fast they left white streaks. It all lasted only a few seconds. Here is a rough diagram I drew:

At that moment a couple things became immediately clear to me: CE-5 works and whatever I saw knew when and where I'd be looking, down to the second. It felt like a "Hello. We got your message." I was ecstatic. I continued the same routine for another week but never saw anything and decided to stop.

Over the years I continued to practice CE-5 periodically. But I never saw anything until last Friday.

Last Friday I drove up to a ridge out in the desert to spend the night and stargaze. There was a city to the north and a city to the south. But the sky above me was very, very clear. I could see the purple cloud of the Milky Way. No moon was in sight. I hadn't done any CE-5 visualizations for at least a month and hadn't thought about it. I was there to relax and be in nature. I left my camera at home.

Around 9PM I saw what looked like a few faint stars on the northern horizon in a perfectly straight line. I thought, "That's very odd. There is no such constellation." They were kind of hard to see because of the light pollution from the city to the north. As I struggled to make them out I realized they were moving and there were more of them.

I watched as a line of stars slowly made its way up from the horizon and partially across the sky (well away from the light pollution at this point). They were all an equal distance apart, moving relatively slowly. They all appeared identical; like bright, white stars. This continued until I could see about a dozen of them moving across the sky in a straight line. I was quite excited at this point, waving my arms and talking to myself.

As they neared west/northwest the lead star got progressively further ahead and then faded into the black. Then the next star faded out and so on. This went on for a few minutes. There must have been two dozen stars that passed overhead, all in a straight line, moving in an identical manner, stretching from the horizon in a perfectly straight line up into the sky, fading out one by one at the exact same spot. It was hard to count because I never saw more than a dozen at any one time.

I few things occurred to me: Their movement was precise, without deviation (that I could see). They exhibited a coordinated acceleration pattern; always the same distance apart until the lead would speed up and fade out. I would have guessed that a central system was controlling their movement. They were silent. They were identical. I could see no visible propulsion. Just white lights moving across the sky. They left no streak as they disappeared. Each one just faded to black over a second or so.

Here's my attempt at a diagram:

I have no idea what I'm seeing. I'd guess they're craft of some kind. I have no idea whether they are inside or outside our atmosphere. They don't look like airplanes. They don't look like satellites. They don't look like space stations. They don't look like rockets or missiles. They seem to know when I'll be looking and whether I have a camera.

I'll post a couple questions to start with:

Any idea what these things could be?

Has anyone else heard of or seen something similar?

Edit: This video is extremely similar to what I saw on Friday. So I'll assume that is what I saw. Thank you beyondknowledge2!

edit on 19-9-2023 by radmobile because: Starlink Update

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 11:52 AM
Before I say anything, could you explain what CE-5 is?
I believe what you are describing, but I personally don't know what CE-5 is.
It's clearly some method of contacting I guess, but it seems a little far fetched.
Contact exercise 5? But who invented it, what do you have to do etc.
Just guessing.

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: radmobile

What you describe is Starlink. It is a constilation of hundreds of satalites for Internet access.

They go dark as they enter the shadow of the Earth.

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: Hecate666

CE-5 is basically a contact meditation or visualization. You call out and picture your location in detail to lead someone to your location. Steven Greer popularized it (not sure if he invented it).

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: beyondknowledge2

Interesting video! I'm watching a bunch of them now... I had no idea what Starlink looked like.

The Starlink train is similar to what I saw, but not exactly what I saw. What I saw was perfectly aligned and spaced equally and further apart. Each dot appeared smaller/further away. They each vanished at a single point, high in the west/northwest sky.

Would an Earth shadow hide satellites in the middle of the western sky over WA State at 9PM in mid-September? (I know almost nothing about the Earth shadow) The sun had gone down in the west an hour earlier so I wouldn't think that possible. The objects were bright and obvious from the horizon until high in the sky. I did see a satellite cross the western sky traveling south to north prior to seeing the "star caravan". It was small and dim by comparison.

Do orbiting satellites speed up? I'm trying to imagine how an optical illusion could cause the lead satellites in Starlink to appear to move further ahead than the rest. Perhaps when they approached the horizon that could happen? Again, what I saw disappeared high in the sky; one by one.

Edit: I'm watching more Starlink videos. I'm going to assume that's what I saw on Friday until I have a good reason not to. I'll edit my original post.
edit on 19-9-2023 by radmobile because: Starlink Update

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: radmobile

Yeah, one thing you described (the line of stars) is likely starlink.

I've seen it myself, maybe. Something *like* it, at the very least. What I saw was a line of moving star things way out high, traveling slow, spaced apart evenly.

Starlink is basically that, although strangely enough every video I've ever seen of SL has been extremely fast, grouped together in clumps, sometimes appearing streaky, disappearing rather quickly - fairly different from what I saw.

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: dothedew

Same. Most of the Starlink videos look different from what I saw. But I did find one VERY similar; nearly identical. So I'm assuming that's what I saw Friday.

What I saw in 2015 was certainly not satellites. Unless satellites have warp capability, lol.

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 01:36 PM
I have seen a few UFOs, all without the exercise [thanks for posting btw].
I believe you saw bright pinpoint lights doing weird stuff.
I have seen small lights dancing around a Thunder cloud, like insects. That was before mobile phones and cameras were only with film, which I never had ready.

I think the exercise's real reason is for focusing. That's why people probably see more after they meditated. But it's not unique to people who do this to see UFOs.

I sometimes prefer stories without pictures, like it used to be. The accounts are more detailed, with more background info and frankly more interesting to read than: "L@@K UFO over Brazil [or wherever]", followed by some blurry video.

Just reading Fortean Times' 'It happened to me' books, from the 2000s. Just written accounts, so creepy and interesting. [Also one true story in there is from me 😎]

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: Hecate666

I too prefer written accounts anymore. Now that anything digital can be faked; photos, video or audio add zero credibility in my opinion. If I can't experience it myself it's all a story anyway.

I find CE-5 interesting. I think there's certainly merit to the idea that simply being there and paying attention increases your likelihood of seeing something. At the same time, I've had too many odd circumstances and coincidences to discount the possibility that I'm not somehow contacting something and receiving a response.

I'll keep at it!

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: beyondknowledge2

He reported he first saw the whatever's in 2015

Star Link?

The first 60 Starlink satellites launched on May 23, 2019, aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. The satellites successfully reached their operational altitude of 340 miles (550 kilometers).Aug 2, 2023

You into the crystals again?

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: radmobile

I've seen the same lights, except not as many but I believe they are satellites!

Just had a thought... I wonder if all these sats have been put out there to hide the fact there are UFO's flying around but now we can't tell the difference and so just say they are Sats!

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: WorldxGonexMad

I wonder if all these sats have been put out there to hide the fact there are UFO's flying around

For a growing number of devices and faster communication.
Plus redundancy.
Wonder no longer.

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 07:29 PM

originally posted by: Hecate666
Before I say anything, could you explain what CE-5 is?
I believe what you are describing, but I personally don't know what CE-5 is.
It's clearly some method of contacting I guess, but it seems a little far fetched.
Contact exercise 5? But who invented it, what do you have to do etc.
Just guessing.
About 25% of the population has some kind of mental illness. You can find many testimonials about CE-5, but I'm guessing most if not all are going to be in that 25%. The hoaxer Steven Greer was teaching people how to do CE-5 for thousands of dollars per participant, but then he started selling apps for smartphones to do CE-5 and I assume he's sold quite a few apps to people in that 25%. He made a crappy movie to help sell his CE-5 app:

CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FIFTH KIND -- A Ridiculous Pseudoscience Documentary
Just to give you some idea of the level of mental illness in that video, Greer shows a picture of a bush, unedited. Then he photoshops it to resemble an "alien" and gives it a name and says he's been having conversations with it. I'm not kidding, I'm embarrassed to say I watched the whole 2 hour sales pitch to people who don't have much of their sanity left if they are going to swallow that nonsense. And if they do swallow that nonsense, they are perfect marks to buy Greer's CE-5 app!

Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind is not a pleasant movie by any means, but it’s almost humorous to watch the level of ridiculousness that proceeds on screen. This film has a very small niche audience that will appreciate it, and otherwise, it should be entirely dismissed.
Then it's funny to read the comments by the people who actually believe Greer was talking to that "alien" in that movie, that was just a photoshopped picture of a bush!

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 11:00 PM

originally posted by: Hecate666
Before I say anything, could you explain what CE-5 is?
I believe what you are describing, but I personally don't know what CE-5 is.
It's clearly some method of contacting I guess, but it seems a little far fetched.
Contact exercise 5? But who invented it, what do you have to do etc.
Just guessing.
CE-5 works best with high payment amounts .
Look up Dr Greer and CE-5
edit on 19-9-2023 by ancientlight because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 11:10 PM
a reply to: radmobile

Steven Greer popularized it (not sure if he invented it).

there's your problem.
edit on 19-9-2023 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 01:23 AM
Interesting, you're one of the very few people I've encountered who has also seen "strangely-flying satellites."

I made a thread about the one I saw a while back if you wanna check it out.

posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 01:42 AM
Whenever I see a vid of starlink I always hope it descends a little and goes back the other direction like space invaders...

posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: Schmoe1223

Thank you. I'll check out your thread.

Edit: I've not seen a skipping behavior. But perhaps I saw something similar in 2015 to the "space bugs" tkwasny described seeing from a radar station.

Honestly they could be any number of things. I'm realizing a myriad of objects would appear identical in the sky if they're metallic enough and at the right altitude. Are they machines? Are they biological? Until I see one come down and land in the yard I may never know. I only know they continue to defy conventional explanation.
edit on 20-9-2023 by radmobile because: Updated after reading other thread.

posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: radmobile

Something similat to your sightings.

Back in the day us kids used to go down the local oval on Fridays nights and just hang out.

We would lay on our backs and watch stars moving about. Usually a star would move in a rectangular course right above us. And more than just one.

That was back in 1974, decades before starlink. The location was 20 miles north of Perth western Australia.

posted on Sep, 21 2023 @ 06:05 AM
Not sure what your square star thing could be, very interesting.

The line of stars though, could also be flares being dropped by a plane. Dropped at regular intervals, going in one direction, bright for a while until they burn out, one by one. I've seen flare drops and they seem like that.

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