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They Are Not From This World. Elohim 'The Powerful Ones' Scary Truth of the Bible

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posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 10:55 PM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
Noting in the Bible says that we are the only creation of God.

And nothing in the ancient texts way before the bible makes any reference to God at all. The ancient texts talk about aliens. This is what Wallis is saying. Had you actually watched the two videos above you would know that. But like any good willful denier, you didn't. *Spank*

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: TrueAmerican

Yes, there are great similarities between creation and flood legends from most cultures around the world. That does not invalidate the Biblical accounts, it supports it.

But the general assumption is that the Biblical account post-dates the Sumerian ones. The Biblical account of itself, however, purports to be from before the Sumerian culture existed. So, perhaps it was the Sumerian culture that copied?

The thing that is laughable about this 'expert' in this video is that the vlogger ascribed these Sumerian accounts to the Annunaki.

But the Annunaki were not Sumerian. They were invented by Sitchin for his series of SciFi books.

The words "Annunaki" or "Nibiru" do not exist in any Sumerian texts that we have. They aren't Sumerian words.

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (held at Oxford University).

edit on 10/8/2023 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: TrueAmerican

I told you, I've watched many of Pauls video's.

You jump to lots of conclusions about people. Ive said for a long time now that I believe that angels and demons are by definition extraterrestrial, and so is a single creator God.

Who made the aliens?

Who told ancient man about the Big Bang? "God said, Let there be LIght". Did the Annunaki tell us how the universe was created? Maybe they talked about a creator also.

Who told the Hindu's about the Oscillating Universe? A Day and a Night of Brahma? This incarnation is but a dream of God, which will desolve when he awakens

Maybe you could expand your thinking beyond mundane 'aliens'. Lizzid People.

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 11:10 PM

originally posted by: redchad
You are right most modern day Christians don't even know the real name and history of the diety they call God. They base their whole belief system on a collection of books put together by a group of old men 1700 year ago. And the leader of this group Constantine made himself God's representative on earth and anyone who didn't agree was a heretic. So all these Christians follow this book despite the destruction the Church of Rome has committed.

The Septuagint texts were put together about 500 years before Christ. The Dead Sea Scrolls have large parts of the Old Testament, verbatim, up to a thousand years before Christ.

Most of the New Testament was likely completed before 70 AD (as there was no mention of the fall of Jerusalem in them, and that would be a big 'hot topic' and fulfillment of prophecy for Christians and Jews alike).

There may be a few sentences in the New Testament which were included which had a later date, because they do not appear in the earliest texts.

There are, in all, about 60,000 textual fragments of the New Testament, most that would argue strongly against the canonical Bible being compiled as late as 323 AD.

edit on 10/8/2023 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: TrueAmerican

The ancient texts talk about aliens.

Really? I always thought the interpretation was "gods" not aliens.

BTW those gods or aliens W/E are fully accounted for in the scriptures.
Whether or not man refuses to write of the true God at all do to worshipping
these aliens. Or demi gods or false gods or idols etc.
edit on 10-8-2023 by Saloon because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Thank you for that insight into the age and accuracy of the Bible text. I understand that the Books that are not included in all modern day Bible versions, for example Enoch, (Eastern Orthodox includes) because they need three sources for a book to make it into the modern Bible. Dead Sea Scrolls did provide a backup to the book of Enoch which was in Ethiopian I believe.
There are other books not included as well. They aren't suppressed, they just didn't make the cut due to a requirement for concordance with multiple languages such as Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic.

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 11:27 PM
The annunaki were a race of beings that were represented as having wings in ancient times. A very advanced race of beings back then that probably had the ability to fly from one area to another. Did they really have wings as pictured, or did humans just see them flying around in crafts and the wings represented the fact that they had craft that could fly them around.

An advanced race of humanoids at the time could have existed that had mastered air travel, they were not necessarily aliens. Think about our advancement over the last hundred or so years as to flying technology, could there have been a civilization thousands of years that could have figured out what we now have taken for granted.

What would the ancient people have done if they saw people or another hominoid race flying around? How much would a race of beings advanced since that time, enough to possibly fly craft we are calling alien ships today? Thousands of years ago they could have developed ways to cloak their communities or cities, they would have left humans that were chaotic and found somewhere that they could live without all the warmongering and desire to rule the world. This race of beings could still be out there, or maybe they all died off in some tragic event. WE will never know for sure and to this day the world is too chaotic for them to make contact with us because we are not a race they could trust. Just think of what our warmonger leaders would do with the technology they could have. It is best for them not to be discovered in my opinion.

In fact, this reality we live in does not even have to be real, we could be experiencing a very advanced technology that is computer generated and it is tied to our minds...we may just be being tested if we are honest and trustworthy enough to be allowed to exist in the real reality. We could be living a virtual reality and within this virtual reality it would be impossible for us to know if it is real.

There are so many possibilities and what we are being led to believe in the reality we live in does not necessarily need to be true, half of what we are led to believe is either propaganda, consumerism, or just plain BS. Our reality we know is not by any means real, people of influence now and in the past have led us to believe what they wanted us to believe is real. They created value in things that have no real value, we have been conditioned beyond most people's ability to comprehend the truth....this has been going on for a very long time, many generations.

I know that when I cut myself I bleed, and that I can die in this reality. I know if I mess up and get hurts. To me this reality seems real, but I am not sure it is real and it is possible that this is a place we are being tested. There is a being they refer to as Sanat Kumara. The head of Shambhala. Think about the names here. Sanat Kumara is supposedly the one who delivers the test of our worthiness. Mix up the letters of sanat, what other name can you make of it that put ancients through a test including Jesus in the bible. Look at the similarities of the pronunciation of Shambhala and a similarity to valhalla. In Hebrew, the sound of Sa or sha looks like a letter W when written. But, W is pronounced Wa in the north, Va could be a version of this same city if the letter was seen in a different culture evolving. Evolution of language could change things a bit, just like sanat and satan both testing our worthiness.

Sanat was also depicted as a being that was from out of this world as were the angels and god. The bible talks of the time that the deceiver runs the world...Satan tested Jesus but Jesus resisted his temptation and was left alone by satan.

I see similarities between a lot of different ancient religion origination's in history. But the basic concepts all seem to have evolved a real long time ago from the Sumerian religion. There was a distinct difference in names of the dieties there, but also thousands of years and also many different language changes over the time period. So it could possibly be that the Sumerians might be the basis of the religions elsewhere.

Just my observations from looking at different similarities of religions years ago. The India Hindi religions also seem to be extremely old too, so that could be part of the structure too. The sign of god on the forehead was protected, what religion or civilization had a spot on their forehead.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 12:46 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut
But the Annunaki were not Sumerian. They were invented by Sitchin for his series of SciFi books.

The words "Annunaki" or "Nibiru" do not exist in any Sumerian texts that we have. They aren't Sumerian words.

I guess you better go rewrite the wiki article on them then:

The Anunnaki (Sumerian: š’€­š’€€š’‰£š’ˆ¾, also transcribed as Anunaki, Annunaki, Anunna, Ananaki and other variations) are a group of deities of the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylonians.[1] In the earliest Sumerian writings about them, which come from the Post-Akkadian period, the Anunnaki are deities in the pantheon, descendants of An and Ki, the god of the heavens and the goddess of earth, and their primary function was to decree the fates of humanity. They should not be confused with the Apkallu.

And there is plenty more in that article that states otherwise.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 12:48 AM
While we are on a topic that mixes Anunnaki and common Religionsā€¦ā€¦ anyone aware and can link any discoveryā€¦. in the way of finding exactly where the Tower of Babel is located?

In other words has the Tower of Babel been finally found? If so link info.



posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 02:23 AM
The Elohim are US, the subjective thoughts behind the objective world of thought forms. A body of souls.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 02:36 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Your own head, itā€™s a metaphor for a false reality built on false beliefsā€¦ the world we call ā€œreal lifeā€.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 04:06 AM

originally posted by: TrueAmerican

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
Noting in the Bible says that we are the only creation of God.

And nothing in the ancient texts way before the bible makes any reference to God at all. The ancient texts talk about aliens. This is what Wallis is saying. Had you actually watched the two videos above you would know that. But like any good willful denier, you didn't. *Spank*

Do you guys read the bible? Do you listen to youtube sermons where these issues are addressed?

This is clearly false.

Did God create life on other planets?

The Bible teaches that the Earth is the only place in Godā€™s creation where life exists since all things in the universe were created specifically for man. All other celestial bodies besides Earth are merely adornment of man.

Notice the three reasons the Lord made all celestial bodies in the universe: signs, seasons and days and years. Pastor Armstrong explains these reasons in detail in his Genesis study, but in summary all three reasons point to man. They exist to provide use for God in communicating to mankind. These objects have no purpose outside of man on Earth.

Furthermore, the infinite heavens are a testament to man on God's attributes and character. He is infinite, completely unlike anything we can imagine and three times so. This is the definition of holy, completely different and seperate from anything.

Here again, the Bible states that the heavenly testimony is a declaration for manā€™s sake. The universe is for man. Next, the Bible says that man rules over all that God has made:

The Earth, indeed the universe, is temporary.

Finally, once the Lord returns to Earth and reigns in HIs kingdom, then the entire universe is destroyed according to scripture:

Rev. 21:1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea.
Rev. 21:2 And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband.

More info:

P.s I don't want to seem like I'm always raining on the parade, but I hope you guys have an open ear on this subjects. Assumptions are dangerous and google is awesome. Simply search, what does the bible say about aliens, or life on other worlds. There are hundreds of articiles from theologans and there is a consensus on these matters readily available to learn, if you so choose.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 04:10 AM

originally posted by: HeirHeart
The Elohim are US, the subjective thoughts behind the objective world of thought forms. A body of souls.

The Elohim are anything that is part of the spiritual realm, period.

That includes:

1. God almighty
2. Angels
3. Fallen Angels
4. Demons - souls from Nephelim.
5. Even dead people.

It is both singular and plural designation.

When a human dies, he becomes an Elohim, his eternity, either heaven (if covered by the blood of Christ or the first fruits of the Old Testament) or Hell if one denies the gift of eternal life and treat the grace of God, his sacrfiice, and reject it.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 04:25 AM

originally posted by: liveandlearn
True American, I am great full for this thread. Thank you.

I have long wondered why no one questioned the old testament. At the moment I can't articulate all my questions as well as the inconsistencies.
I will say that I think humankind has more power than we know but it has been suppressed. There is a place in the new testament where, after Jesus performs a miracle?, jesus says, "you can do all this and more".

Have more I could say and many more questions but will stop now.

If you manage to articulate your thoughts or any questions, I'll be happy to answer them the best I can, as a Christian.

True American, the thread starter, doesn't believe the bible, eternal life, sees any significane in prophecy, but seems rather inclined to the idea we are created beings by some aliens to mine gold. How much hope and satisfication is there in such a worldview. AA proponents likely believe in evolution as well, so all life is completely meaningless. That is 100% what evolution worldview means. If that is true, why doesn't everyone try to be King and Queens of the world - there is no punishment since its all an accident and meaningless right? That should be what happened, that long ago, humans would have destroyed themselves, yet we haven't, because we have morals - a common conception of good and evil, right and wrong and that 100% comes from GOD. There is no philosophical argument for evolution being compatible with right/wrong, and morals. They are 100% mutually exlcusive. Right Wrong, Good/ Bad, is 100% a worldview of God, period.

That said, I watched his video, which was the wrong one sadly, and still retain to my believes because of the reaons I already mentioned. I'll be happy to watch the other videos if and when I get even a base response to why no one ever seems to every acknolwedge prophecy. That is the truth staring you in the face. You need to begin and end your argument there at the starting point. Please explain prophecy. How can you cope with that possibility.

Feel free to use the points of Klassified - they be self fulffilling or merely not true or too ambigious to make real claims, though I highly disagree with the later.

I mean, it's pretty specific to say, the Messiah will be born in Bethlehem. That alone is a very small probability. Add 574 more on tope of that and you'll need an infinite number of multiverse to hold the atoms that would be requried to put balance the scales of chance.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 06:29 AM

originally posted by: TrueAmerican

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
Noting in the Bible says that we are the only creation of God.

And nothing in the ancient texts way before the bible makes any reference to God at all. The ancient texts talk about aliens. This is what Wallis is saying. Had you actually watched the two videos above you would know that. But like any good willful denier, you didn't. *Spank*

If you had watched the video I linked to, atleast go the conclusion chapter, Heiser explicetely states there is not one ancient text that says these beings are aliens, coming from a different planet. That is sitchen interpretation.

Seriously, watch the video I linked to you. You called me out in this thread, and when I respond, and give a video, you don't even watch it to learn where I'm coming from. What is the point of the thread if you refuse to look at the other side's case. You believe something, and I gave a perfectly good link from a bible scholar and theologan which explains quite clearly why and how what you believe could be wrong - and I'm being generous and giving the benefit of the doubt.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 06:59 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
The annunaki were a race of beings that were represented as having wings in ancient times. A very advanced race of beings back then that probably had the ability to fly from one area to another. Did they really have wings as pictured, or did humans just see them flying around in crafts and the wings represented the fact that they had craft that could fly them around.

An advanced race of humanoids at the time could have existed that had mastered air travel, they were not necessarily aliens. Think about our advancement over the last hundred or so years as to flying technology, could there have been a civilization thousands of years that could have figured out what we now have taken for granted.

In fact, this reality we live in does not even have to be real, we could be experiencing a very advanced technology that is computer generated and it is tied to our minds...we may just be being tested if we are honest and trustworthy enough to be allowed to exist in the real reality. We could be living a virtual reality and within this virtual reality it would be impossible for us to know if it is real.

There are so many possibilities and what we are being led to believe in the reality we live in does not necessarily need to be true, half of what we are led to believe is either propaganda, consumerism, or just plain BS. Our reality we know is not by any means real, people of influence now and in the past have led us to believe what they wanted us to believe is real. They created value in things that have no real value, we have been conditioned beyond most people's ability to comprehend the truth....this has been going on for a very long time, many generations.

I know that when I cut myself I bleed, and that I can die in this reality. I know if I mess up and get hurts. To me this reality seems real, but I am not sure it is real and it is possible that this is a place we are being tested. There is a being they refer to as Sanat Kumara. The head of Shambhala. Think about the names here. Sanat Kumara is supposedly the one who delivers the test of our worthiness. Mix up the letters of sanat, what other name can you make of it that put ancients through a test including Jesus in the bible. Look at the similarities of the pronunciation of Shambhala and a similarity to valhalla. In Hebrew, the sound of Sa or sha looks like a letter W when written. But, W is pronounced Wa in the north, Va could be a version of this same city if the letter was seen in a different culture evolving. Evolution of language could change things a bit, just like sanat and satan both testing our worthiness.

Sanat was also depicted as a being that was from out of this world as were the angels and god. The bible talks of the time that the deceiver runs the world...Satan tested Jesus but Jesus resisted his temptation and was left alone by satan.

I see similarities between a lot of different ancient religion origination's in history. But the basic concepts all seem to have evolved a real long time ago from the Sumerian religion. There was a distinct difference in names of the dieties there, but also thousands of years and also many different language changes over the time period. So it could possibly be that the Sumerians might be the basis of the religions elsewhere.

Just my observations from looking at different similarities of religions years ago. The India Hindi religions also seem to be extremely old too, so that could be part of the structure too. The sign of god on the forehead was protected, what religion or civilization had a spot on their forehead.

You bring up some interesting points. The bible also mentions "in the earth" as well, so there could be realms down there. There is a lot of evidence from past traditions mentioning this topics.

I'll bring up prophecy again, my favorite proof and seperator from any other religion, idea, concept, philosophy. Everything might be real or not, if there wasn't prophecy that comes true. That is does is like a beacon of light to me, to pay attention to the one thing that is different from the rest. That is not the same or equal, which is the definition of holy.

Speaking of holy, separated from common or any things, in comparisons from religions, there is noting whatsoever in common with Christianity to any other religion, period. History, is not religion. If there are common history or stories, fine, but the narratives aren't the same.

Christianity is different from all religions because it explains the world and what is in the hearts of man so adequately and precisely - that the heart of man is desperately wicked - that we all have the capacity to be mother teresa or that german guy in WWII, but for circumstance, temptations - worldly or from spiritual realm. Sin is real, which explains death, that thing we know is alien and not the true purpose of creation. But I digress.

All other religions, humans enter heaven due to their own merit. How good or bad you are, based on your works, whether they outweigh the bad, or perhaps how much knowledge, wisdom, or how many meditation sessions you've done in your life - seeking enlightenment yada yada, becoming immortal through ones work, striving, earnig merit, where if you earn it, you deserve it and it is now your right to go to heaven and be immortal. Christianity is the exact opposite and the most likely when you view it from the perspective of what is more likely - a mere human earning heaven or being granted it from God in heaven, coming to the knowledge and perspective that the only true thing any human can ever do, is to actually have faith, in the power of God. That is the only thing we could ever do that is accurate, objectively, that can be attributed as righteousness, as the right thing to do, it is the correct right thinking - which is drawing near to God in spirit and truth. The truth is the Word that sanctifies. Drawing near to God is surrounding in meditation on God's word and precepts and praying to Him. These things are the things which fill the heart, which quenches the thirst, safisfying that no treasure or knowledge can, to have the true rest of God, the peace and bliss that comes from Him. I wish everyone could know how good it feels and how free one is to want to turn away from sin - I'm free as a bird, satisfied, without fear, and am filled with infinite hope.

Now other religions, I have no doubt were inspired by the fallen angels, bene elohim god's with a lower case g, given dominion over the territories over earth at the fall of babel, so they could rule righteously, with justice, but they failed, instead giving knowledge out of ignorance, not knowing or caring that they instead caused sin to increase exponentially in the past - teaching them things they "ought not know" ie sorceries and technologies for war and sexual sin, chakra knowledge etc.

The only dominion God left for himself was tiny Israel. Out of it, from His Kingdom of priests, teaching them through the law and events of the O.T. that they could not save themselves, came forth, Jesus, sent by God, to fulfill the law, that through His blood, being both fully God and fully man, sins are forgiven, original sin dealt with, satan defeated, and He rightfully and judiciously took back dominion over all the territories on earth from the fallen angels/ bene elohim, whom are still up there flying around the skies.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 07:03 AM
The fun part of all this is going to be when the old god (s) come back.

Per Hosea 6-2 and John 2 Israel was to be cursed for 2000 years and blessed for a thousand. Appears the 2000 year curse is over in 2033. So it appears the next ten years are going to be very "interesting".

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: TrueAmerican

Cool, just don't blame him if something follows you around after you go summoning it. This has been known to happen for all of human history also, but you don't have to listen. Do it YOUR WAY.

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

The words "Annunaki" or "Nibiru" do not exist in any Sumerian texts that we have. They aren't Sumerian words.

Of course they don't. They are both Westernized forms of words derived from Sumerian. Understand the tool you are using. "Nibiru" is mentioned in the Enuma Elis more than once.

edit on 8/11/2023 by Klassified because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Enki is who? I had a little black dog named Inky. Doesn't sound like he's so tough. And Enlil sounds like a girls name.


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