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Environmental causes for gender dysphoria

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posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 05:29 AM
We have all known that the sperm count has been falling in Western males for a long time, we also have been observing gender dysphoria climbing. at some stage, it was bound to reach a critical stage where it got so prevalent that we are seeing social and legal changes going along with it. The latest analysis seems to point to polluted environmental factors, mainly endocrine disruption. It seems to be reaching a critical stage when the warning signs were flashing red decades ago. Like it or not it is the hormones that give us our sexual characteristics. Shove in a powerful chemical disruptor and the very soul of the various countries will change whether we want it to or not. This interview spells it out. if we are part of nature and operate within a niche like the rest of the wildlife on this planet, it would appear that straying from that niche might have led to our undoing. and now are having to play y chemical catchup to mitigate the damage. Check these epidemiological studies out in this interview, it points to the major causes.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 05:49 AM
I’ll always be surprised that I learnt of these environmental impacts from a loud guy from Texas. Seems his shouting can lead to some big truths if you follow the white rabbit.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: anonentity

How f’d up will it be when we find out all the sex change and gender dysmorphia is from toxic pharmaceutical laden drinking water….

The info is trickling out little by little, gay frogs… etc…

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 08:00 AM
So it's not a choice or a sexual perversion?

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman
So it's not a choice or a sexual perversion?

It's not a choice but it's definitely sexual perversion.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 08:15 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman
So it's not a choice or a sexual perversion?

I’ve always thought this was part of the problem.

It can probably be all three things.

Choice, sexual kink, and what if it is environmental.
The problem is that the people with the first two (choice, kink) don’t want to be lumped in as also being mentally ill, or “poisoned” from the environment.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: anonentity

I have not watched the video (it's a long one!), but I've looked into this before, and I tend to think that endocrine disruptors probably do play a part. I don't believe it's the sole reason though. I think there are many reasons, just like there are many differences in folks who identify as transgender -- for example, heterosexual men (autogynephiles) vs homosexual men (naturally effeminate men, for want of a better word) vs asexual men. And with women, which has not been studied as intensely, we have butch lesbian women (again, for want of a better word) and autistic teenage girls and girls who don't want the sexual attention they start receiving after puberty. And, of course, there's just plain old social contagion (especially among teens).

It's also worth noting that genuine intersex births have been increasing, which would also implicate endocrine disruptors.

It's a complicated subject with many moving parts.

But one of the questions we need to ask is if it's something in our food/water/air/soil, why not everyone? Simple genetics? Timing? Quantities? I don't know but it behooves us all to find out.

We do know that our sexed biology and physiology is not as simple and clear cut as we all once believed. I think further studies on guevedoces (like Caster Semanya) would be helpful here, where boys appear to be girls until about age 12, at which time they develop a penis and male anatomy (wider shoulders, etc). If I recall correctly, this condition is related to the absence of a particular enzyme or protein while in utero, or the inability to properly process that enzyme at that time. Thus the initial cycle fails, but the later cycle (at puberty), succeeds. Understanding the entire process better could only help us -- in many ways.

I think another avenue to explore might be chimera twins... whereby one twin dies and its cells are absorbed by the other twin while in utero. If a male twin absorbs his female twin (or vice versa), how would that affect their sexed biology and physiology?

I would also add, however, that I would not like to see anyone claiming to be transgender subjected to invasive medical testing to prove some particular condition to justify a transgender identity. We can and should be able to find reasonable and effective policies and solutions without subjecting anyone to such gross invasions of their persons, or violating their personal privacy.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Thank you for this, i did start to watch the video but got pulled away.
I usually dont agree with some the youtube videos you post but i bookmarked this one, it is SO important.
I have been trying to spread this information when i can, its out in the medical community so to me, the ones who push hormone blockers and sex changes for children are extremely ignorant or willfully causing harm.

Stanford Medical Childrens Health
Mayo Clinic "diseases and Condition"
NIH National Library of Medicine

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

The idea of issues like this arising from Chimera twins is probably not something most people consider, like myself, it had not even occurred to me that this could account for some of what we see in these emerging conditions, but it makes very logical sense.

Also I tend to lean in favor of RFK here when we know so little of the impacts of vaccines that our kids are forced to take, i would have no doubt that these, along with other prenatal conditions (like smoking/drinking/medications), have on the developing fetus.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 10:35 AM

originally posted by: datguy
a reply to: Boadicea

Also I tend to lean in favor of RFK here when we know so little of the impacts of vaccines that our kids are forced to take, i would have no doubt that these, along with other prenatal conditions (like smoking/drinking/medications), have on the developing fetus.

This is intriguing, and like you, I never considered this. But we know that the MRNA vaccines have had adverse effects on menstruation and possibly sperm counts, so this is something to be studied and considered if we're really going to move forward with these types of vaccines.

But we also know that some diseases -- like mumps -- can cause sterility in men. What effect (adverse or otherwise) might the mumps vaccine cause?

Given that young children and even infants are receiving some vaccinations, that could easily affect their sexual development, this may be a very real concern.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: Cwantas
It's not a choice but it's definitely sexual perversion.

Many of them are asexual. So uncomfortable and insecure in their own body that they can't view themselves as a sexual being.

(post by Cwantas removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman

I believe that's called mental illness

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: anonentity

I have not watched the video (it's a long one!), but I've looked into this before, and I tend to think that endocrine disruptors probably do play a part. I don't believe it's the sole reason though. I think there are many reasons, just like there are many differences in folks who identify as transgender -- for example, heterosexual men (autogynephiles) vs homosexual men (naturally effeminate men, for want of a better word) vs asexual men. And with women, which has not been studied as intensely, we have butch lesbian women (again, for want of a better word) and autistic teenage girls and girls who don't want the sexual attention they start receiving after puberty. And, of course, there's just plain old social contagion (especially among teens).

It's also worth noting that genuine intersex births have been increasing, which would also implicate endocrine disruptors.

It's a complicated subject with many moving parts.

But one of the questions we need to ask is if it's something in our food/water/air/soil, why not everyone? Simple genetics? Timing? Quantities? I don't know but it behooves us all to find out.

We do know that our sexed biology and physiology is not as simple and clear cut as we all once believed. I think further studies on guevedoces (like Caster Semanya) would be helpful here, where boys appear to be girls until about age 12, at which time they develop a penis and male anatomy (wider shoulders, etc). If I recall correctly, this condition is related to the absence of a particular enzyme or protein while in utero, or the inability to properly process that enzyme at that time. Thus the initial cycle fails, but the later cycle (at puberty), succeeds. Understanding the entire process better could only help us -- in many ways.

I think another avenue to explore might be chimera twins... whereby one twin dies and its cells are absorbed by the other twin while in utero. If a male twin absorbs his female twin (or vice versa), how would that affect their sexed biology and physiology?

I would also add, however, that I would not like to see anyone claiming to be transgender subjected to invasive medical testing to prove some particular condition to justify a transgender identity. We can and should be able to find reasonable and effective policies and solutions without subjecting anyone to such gross invasions of their persons, or violating their personal privacy.

Very good post!

To answer your last paragraph-

Intersex is a medical condition/developmental genetic disorder that has nothing to do with being intersex- but often used by the trans-lobby n trans activists-ideologues to promote n justify transgenderism- or the claims made in its name- it is often claimed intersex shows the spectrum of biological sex and there are degrees of being male/female- but that's false- sex isn't a spectrum- it's simply binary- there are no degrees of being male-female-

They've cornered themselves a lot insisting to use medical conditions to justify the claims made-

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 11:45 AM

originally posted by: TXRabbit
I believe that's called mental illness

And? Yes, it has a name. It's in the title of this thread.

Do you also bash people with depression, anxiety, bipolar, autism, PTSD, etc...? Also mental illnesses.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: linda72

Intersex is a medical condition/developmental genetic disorder that has nothing to do with being intersex- but often used by the trans-lobby n trans activists-ideologues to promote n justify transgenderism- or the claims made in its name- it is often claimed intersex shows the spectrum of biological sex and there are degrees of being male/female- but that's false- sex isn't a spectrum- it's simply binary- there are no degrees of being male-female-

Your point is well taken, and I'm certainly not suggesting that intersex = transgender or vice versa. My only point is that just as endocrine disruptors may cause/relate to gender dysphoria/dysmorphia, so too intersex conditions may be caused/related to endocrine disruptors.

As far as the argument about sex being binary, this holds true specifically in terms of sexual function in reproduction of the species. Female serves one function and male serves another function, both of which are necessary in order to reproduce. Neither can reproduce alone. Nor is there a third (or fourth... or fifth... etc) factor which can replace male or female and successfully reproduce.

On the other hand, as a whole, we are ALL a unique combination of both male and female factors, in varying ratios and proportions and quantities. For example, every man has some female hormones floating around and every female has some male hormones floating around. These factors don't just co-exist, they work together.

When it comes to the social construct -- gender norms, roles and stereotypes -- I don't think even one person is totally and completely gender "conforming". And there's no reason we should be either.

Sex being binary is important -- crucial even -- for certain purposes. For others, not so much. If at all.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Is also important to note that social constructs play an important role in the "Dysphoria"

If we lived in a completely understanding society where we all appreciated the differences in others, there would be less pressure on youth who feel different to express themselves. Because of these stereotypes homosexuals were/are ostracized, regardless of what the media shows.

This certainly feeds into the dysphoria and confusion that has always been present in youth in regards to puberty and sexuality. When we start getting unqualified people teaching the children that since they feel gay, they must be in the wrong body, that is an entirely different and more severe issue. Of coarse this does not address the few examples of intersex hermaphroditism.

The distinction needs to made between health conditions, reproductive sex and recreational sex. Our children do not need to be taught about recreational sex, they need scientific biology and proper health care treatments, anything else should be between them and their parents/family.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: datguy

Is also important to note that social constructs play an important role in the "Dysphoria"

I agree wholeheartedly. I think this is obvious in the descriptors transgender identifying persons use. "I must be a woman because I like pink and dresses and makeup."

To be fair, this is really all they've got -- social constructs dictating gender norms and roles and stereotypes. There is no way to know how anyone else feels inside, so it's impossible to know how it feels to be a man or a woman. We all know how we feel and that's it.

One problem is when we're told that feeling a certain way means something it doesn't. So, for example, if someone likes pink, and society tells them that only girls like pink, then the natural conclusion is that anyone who likes pink must be female. It isn't always easy for the non-conforming person to declare, "YOU must be wrong, because I like pink and I'm not female, so it's not ONLY girls that like pink."

Hence, it's easy to see how/why non-conforming people would find it easier in society to "live as" the opposite sex.

I know I've used very simplified examples, but sometimes they are best to make a simple point.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman
So it's not a choice or a sexual perversion?

I think it's just a Fad .

Being Gay is no longer special literally no one cares , It used to get lots of attention but now it's considered normal.

Trans on the other hand is getting all the attention and in my opinion most Trans people are just Gay people taking it to the next level .

Their are of course SOME actual cases of true Gender Dysphoria SOME , But no where near what we are seeing . People are sheep , They are drones going along with society doing anything to get attention and not really considering the long term ramifications of what they are doing.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 02:14 PM
This is something I have extensively studied for decades and have amassed an extensive library of knowledge and information pertaining to this subject so I consider myself somewhat of a quasi-expert on the subject for whatever that’s worth?

Attributing the rise of “gender dysphoria” to modern environmental factors in itself fails to take into account this condition as well as homosexuality has existed throughout recorded history and is not a new phenomenon. Scientifically, it has been studied for over 100 years but what is new is more awareness, more acceptance and a better understanding of the condition as well as a broader application of the label.

The term gender dysphoria itself wasn’t coined until 1974 in a heady paper entitled: Gender Dysphoria Syndrome-The Conceptualization that Liberalizes Indications for Total Gender Reorientation and Implies a Broadly Based Multi-Dimensional Rehabilitative Regimen. This “re-conceptualization” and its “liberalized indications” gave birth to transgender populations whereas prior to this rethinking, a person either fit the narrow definition of classic transsexualism qualifying them for medical intervention or they did not. This new paradigm swept rapidly worldwide as it identified that some persons could still nevertheless benefit from “rehabilitative regimens”, i.e. medical interventions (transition therapies) even though they didn’t meet the standards and qualifications of transsexualism used in the decades prior.

Even early on in the study of this phenomenon, persons presenting with what we now call gender dysphoria (GD) were divided into categories based on severity or degree of affliction, sexuality and age of onset. Even the modern Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V tr) breaks GD down into different groupings loosely based on age of onset – early childhood onset, adolescent onset and adult onset with different indicators for each group.

As a sidenote, this condition was originally called Gender Identity Disorder (GID) and didn’t enter the DSM until 1980. The DSM-III -R categorized it as a spectrum of conditions broken down into three types: transsexualism, nontranssexualism, and not otherwise specified. The first two types were subsequently combined and standardized into the official diagnostic name of 'gender identity disorder' in the 1994 DSM-IV.

The point here is one thing is not necessarily like the other. Regardless of what it is called or categorized as not all persons falling under the current trans umbrella are the same as much as the modern trans narrative would like this to be true and the differences have been erased for political reasons and divisions based on sexuality are now considered archaic and verboten.

In the later 1950s, particularly in the mid 60s and into the early 70s, transsexualism as it was then called was generally categorized into two main groups with different researchers using different and now deprecated terminology such as true/pseudo transsexualism, primary/secondary transsexualism and so on which was pretty divisive as it painted one of the groups somehow lesser or not as authentic so as these populations grew and the pseudo/secondary demographic became dominant, these distinctions were erased from the narrative. In the late 1980s, sexologist Dr. Ray Blanchard proposed a highly disputed and controversial definition of these groups based on sexuality with the now infamous two-type typology loved by the gender critical crowd – the HSTS and the AGP or the homosexual transsexual and the autogynephilic transsexual which are still roughly analogous with the primary/secondary or true/pseudo paradigm.

My point is those with what we call gender dysphoria are not a monolithic entity, they are a disparate group of unique individuals unfortunately all lumped together under a nebulous common umbrella so it is important to not demonize an entire community due to the actions of some within that community.

The consensus within the medical and research community points to in utero developmental factors as the etiology of transsexualism either due to the lack of or the abundance of hormonal levels as well as function of the receptors for those hormones during gestation as likely causing a predisposition for gender non-conformity and incongruence (GD).

There has been no evidence linking GD to environmental factors such as pollutants or chemicals in the water but that doesn’t necessarily indicate these aren’t factors just because they haven’t been connected. Considering that trans people have always existed, there must be more to it than that.

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