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Liberals seem to be on a rampage against women with low melanin levels

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posted on May, 31 2023 @ 09:33 AM
FYI: Melanin: the protein/hormone responsible for human skin color

I have noticed that the liberals are openly attacking "white women", especially soccer Mom types. I thought that those were the types of white women who were voting for liberals.

For the last 40 of those years, they have voted for the Democratic presidential candidate in greater numbers than men have.
I am wondering why suddenly there are lots of articles and lots of liberals openly insulting and demanding white women repent and change their ways (i.e. stop being evil, as if they are all evil white supremacists)

There is a new book out "White Women" that liberals seem to adore, it blames white women for racism and white supremacy and it's philosophy is the "talk of the liberal town". Is alienating and insulting a voter base that was ones strongly yours really a good idea? Do white liberals really hate themselves that much? Do liberals in general hate people whose skin doesn't have much melanin in it, that much?

People have long sought forgiveness for their transgressions. In days past, they may have turned to penance, confession or even self-flagellation. Today, white women shell out $2,500 to be told how racist they are. That’s the business model of Race2Dinner, an organization co-founded by Regina Jackson and Siara Rao in 2019. One white woman volunteers to host a dinner party at her home, and eight to 10 others join for a two-hour session with the founders — one who is black, the other Indian American — to discuss their role in perpetuating white supremacy.
It seems that liberals are thrilled to insist that white women, especially affluent white women are really racists perpetuating white supremacy.

Lately, I've been seeing multiple articles about how white women only vote the way their husbands tell them to. The View had an open discussion on this issue. Sunny Hostin said of white women who aren't voting for Democrats

It's almost like roaches voting for Raid, right?"
She likened the suburban white woman to a roach and a book/TV series.

Do they want to live in The Handmaid's Tale?" with reference to the Hulu series about women who live in forced sexual servitude among an oppressive, religiously motivated country.

Even Hillary is in on the trend of liberals putting down and insulting white women.

white, married women are pressured to vote the way the men in their lives expect them to vote.

Even Target, the bastion and love of suburban white woman has joined in. A Target executive said that white women aren't doing their part to fight racism, putting down white women.

She proceeded to say that it was the role of "White women" to call out "transgressions."
In "calling out" white women isn't she really insulting them? According to Websters Dictionary one of the definitions of "call out" is to publicly criticize or fault.

I know that liberals are relying on what they see as the people who belong to their party, people of color, for votes and to get a win. But for now at least 57% of the US has low melanin levels (the protein/hormone that everyone has that creates skin color) and it seems that liberals are on an "anti-people of low color", rampage.

It is so bad that even Tim Scott has been called by liberals, a "token", Uncle Tim, and Oreo and far worse - even saying he is a white supremacist, as a black man who grew up poor and underprivileged.

his whole purpose as a Black Republican is to serve as a Trojan Horse for the GOP, a Negro Whisperer for white supremacists

I want to clearly state I KNOW racism is wrong. I grew up in military housing, lived in it for 50 years. So I grew up in a totally integrated environment where people were respected for what they achieved, how hard they worked and for their basic character.
I am now seeing more racism in politics and made a much bigger issue, towards everyone, every race, than I did during the days when I watched MLK on the TV. In my opinion, it is the liberals and Democrats who are fomenting it and now in my personal opinion, fomenting hatred for people based on the lack of color in their skin. This is just as wrong and evil as fomenting and having hate for people of color. I see liberals purposely trying to make the races hate each other and don't understand the goal of their game.

This isn't a new trend, we have seen this in the past few years from liberals. Before now it seemed to be focused on white men, but now the focus is shifting and being more "inclusive" focusing on insulting, berating, and "calling out" white women as well. This is just as wrong and evil as blaming people of color for problems in society, in my opinion. I know my opinion is the opposite of the opinion of liberals who think they are being saints in calling out white people, not realizing they are not awakening white people, they are insulting them by telling them they are all a bunch of white supremacists, even if they don't know it or don't think they are (i.e. implying they are evil, nasty people because of the lack of color in their skin).

"The View" co-host Whoopi Goldberg wondered on Monday if "we need to see White people get beat up" to see meaningful police reform before clarifying that she was "not suggesting that" following the death of Tyre Nichols.

Stanford University student Gabrielle Crooks, a member of its student government, expressed her hatred for white people in a series of tweets this past summer. “Yes I think white people need to be eradicated yes I will go feral over mediocre white men we exist,” she wrote in July 2020. Despite advocating for genocide, her student senate page biography states that she aspires to be a “human rights attorney” and “address racial violence.”

Again to be clear, I have a very unpopular stance that goes directly against liberal ideology.

I think human beings are human beings.

I think every human is descended from exactly the same small pool of early humanoids.

I think we are all relatives, all family, and all equal.

I think people should never be judged by the color of their skin.

I don't think we should focus on the color of a person's skin and have to be careful how we talk to other humans based on the color of their skin so they aren't accidentally offended.

I think all people are basically the same under the durmus and should be judged by their achievements, how they treat others, how they live their lives respecting other people and other's property.

But again this is antithetical to what liberals want and I understand that.

edit on 5/31/23 by The2Billies because: grammar

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 09:45 AM
This is no different than what happened during the early stages of WW2. Where the Jews were segregated and treated differently, where neigbours were told to spy on their Jew neighbours and tattle if they saw/heard anything of 'importance'.

If the roles were reversed and this book was called 'black women' , can you imagine the uproar (rightly so) ?
But in this case it's perfectly fine off course. We are being divided on purpose.
Divide and conquer, age old war tactic.

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: The2Billies

Satan still hates Eve, so his mark of Cain conspiracy cult has the white genocide, or #mayocide bit going on as usual.
You know, because logic is what they have to appeal to the great wall of china

Saint Scotty, beam me up.[/]

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: ancientlight

Everyone I know is not paying attention to any of this nonsense. I don't even know anyone who discusses ANY news whatsoever . Most people realise it's ...nonsense. We would rather talk about our personal lives and our families.

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
a reply to: ancientlight

Everyone I know is not paying attention to any of this nonsense. I don't even know anyone who discusses ANY news whatsoever . Most people realise it's ...nonsense. We would rather talk about our personal lives and our families.

So sad you don't pay attention to the news. That means the political class can do anything they want and you won't know about it until it is too late and the knock is at your door.

If you don't want to talk about things that the political class is saying that will influence policy and your everyday lives, then that is your right.

I for one am appalled that liberals and Democratic Party politicians are speaking like this openly and freely about a group of people based on the color of their skin and their gender and how evil they are because of the color of skin they were born with and the gender they were born with. As you say no one cares, until the hatred lands at your door or the door of your grandmother, mother, sister, niece, wife. Until they decide that people who don't care, really won't care, if liberal politicians decide to act on the things they are saying as justified and necessary.

So sad you clearly find open hatred by influential liberals
for people based on the color of their skin
and find open hatred by influential liberals for people based on their gender
to be a big yawn fest, not to be discussed,
to be swept under the rug and ignored.

A very liberal stance when it comes to this issue
and most Democrats probably agree with you

that this should be totally ignored
and it is perfectly ok to discriminate
based on skin color and gender
IF the discriminated against are the "wrong" race and gender
according to liberals and Democratic Party politicians.
Very sad indeed.

edit on 5/31/23 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: The2Billies

We fight it but not feeding it energy.
We fight it by behaving like normal civilised human beings and treating everyone equally in daily life

Their brainwashing doesn't need to be discussed, it needs to be fought by starving it .

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: The2Billies

women in general have been dominating womens sports for far too long. Picking on black women is raycist, so that won't be done out loud, but those white women need to check their privilege. And stop all the winning in women's sports. It's not even fair.

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: network dude

I was terrible for stealing a scholarship from a man in a dress.

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

my point has been made.

Shame on you kets. What about the dude in the dress's feelz?

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 03:12 PM

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
a reply to: The2Billies

We fight it but not feeding it energy.
We fight it by behaving like normal civilised human beings and treating everyone equally in daily life

Their brainwashing doesn't need to be discussed, it needs to be fought by starving it .

I disagree with you. Oh, it's not my problem so let's just ignore it...the practice of slavery, the treatment of the Jews, child neglect/abuse, sex trafficking, civil rights, censorship, on and on.
AND, we fight it by being decent human beings as you said.
edit on 31-5-2023 by Seeker1910 because: Messed up because I am new at this.

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: The2Billies

Everything you wrote is right on. Thank you for articulating my internal rant.

This post should be on the ATS front page.

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: The2Billies

I think people don't find it very concerning because it only affects a small portion of the population. Like how trans issues only actually matter for a tiny portion of the population.

People are focused on things that actually affect their life and there is no white genocide or white oppression happening beyond a small portion of very outspoken liberal idiots that think everything is racist.

People have lives to live and this really does not affect most people as much as media and social media would like people to believe.

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: Turquosie
a reply to: The2Billies

People are focused on things that actually affect their life and there is no white genocide or white oppression happening

Until it does affect people personally
but by then, it will be too late, won't it.

We've seen this in the past, not too distant past
when a small group of deranged politicians
started out condemning a group of people
saying they were dangerous
saying they were evil as a group, all of them,
and the end result was oppression
followed by genocide.

edit on 5/31/23 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: Turquosie

If women were truly feeling oppressed, they wouldn't dare speak up, would they? Oppression tends to create a sense of being intimidated and kept down ... in one's place. You know, the very thing the left accuses the right of doing to their women. Of course, we're here speaking up very loudly about it.

But you see videos of white leftist women being shamed all over the place and even paying to be shamed.

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: The2Billies

Except its completely differn't because in those situations the demonized people were a minority. Not the majority. There is zero chance of a white genocide happening.. unless this is 80 years from now maybe it will be possible.
edit on 31-5-2023 by Turquosie because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: Turquosie

It could, and I can tell you how.

You divide the whites against themselves. The white saviors join the rest and take out the ones who refuse to bend the knee. Then the ones who check other diversity boxes join the rest and turn on the "saviors". Then they take out the women. Then they take out the Alphabet Mafia. By then, how many are left that aren't some other ethnicity?

Don't say it can't happen. What do you think the Civil War was?
edit on 31-5-2023 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

sure maybe thats slightly possible. But very unlikely and furthers fear and paranoia. Maybe its because im not in L.A. but literally no one i talk to says how whites are racist and we need to give all our jobs to minorities or whatever.

No one ive met ever talks like this which leads me to believe its largely just very loud ultra-liberal lunatics and rich bored housewives who are like this.

Sure, there are some ocassions that it actually does affect someone, like that Royal air force story. However, minority racism happends as well.

I just don't see the it actually affecting people's lives enough to worry about. Just don't vote in far-left lunatics. Other than that, why worry about what social media is saying? That will just drive a person mad.

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 07:26 PM
I get the anti-white vibe more and more . Especially if I'm shopping in Publix (grocery chain in Florida).
Nowhere else as much as there.

The cashier will greet the black woman who's in line behind me , but nothing to me.
Same with the entire vibe in the store. Don't get the same vibe in other stores, just there.

Won't be back there unless I absolutely have to

Go woke go broke & all

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: Turquosie

I have posted before about the after school tech classes offered only to girls. That affected my son who would have dearly loved to take them. Then when no girls signed up, they were simply cancelled and not even offered to boys.

That's an example of how woke is bad.

And I can talk about the years I spent teaching in an inner city school. You want anti-white? Try being a white teacher in one of those.

posted on Jun, 1 2023 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: Seeker1910

I am not ignoring the propaganda/brainwashing, I am not feeding it my energy by engaging with it directly.

What I am doing is engaging with it indirectly, by making the changes in my own life and behaviour , and acting counter to the brainwashing in my dealings with my fellow humans, to negate the bad actions/behaviour brought about by the brainwashing. Do you see?

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