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posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: grubblesnert
a reply to: rickymouse hey Rick, Thanks!! Keep it.

And the same to all the excellent responses

I found this while sorting my bookmarks. Something I read a while back in my studies.

I have to state that what I know is from the work of others mostly, I do test things on myself to try to find if they are correct if possible. It is hard on the body though to be testing on myself so much. I have found that foods and meds that are said to block acetylcholine do make it more enjoyable, but now I am once again interested in very intense thinking to evaluate what I read. Also, boosting your ability to think all the time seems to make you a little less healthy. This is probably because when you do stuff involving exercise the neuroexcitement created by this boosting of acetylcholine too high temporarily causes muscle spasms when you do things. Sage increases acetylcholine and has an effect in the brain that increases memory retention and retreval. But it also can increase muscle spasms, it is not the best for people with epilepsy.

I give thanks to all the people who fund the research I read and those doing the research itself. I would not want to be stuck in a lab researching, it is too slow, I like to learn fast from reading hundreds of research articles done by others on a subject.

posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: rickymouse


posted on Apr, 29 2018 @ 07:05 PM
Check what I found on Yahoo...

I can side track it, it is my thread.

That is the most ridiculous article I have seen, none of those foods are a problem if eaten moderately. In fact many are good for you. This person must be joking, I will never open an article like this again, I mean someone who says you cannot eat bacon should be banned from ever posting another article. Scroll through the list and be amazed at how many foods that can be healthy are on it, if moderation is observed. If you aren't eating cherries or grapes, you may eat candy or cake. If your eating a pickle you are not eating a twinky.

When you live to over fifty you should not be torturing yourself anymore. Moderation is the clue, don't eat that stuff every day.
edit on 29-4-2018 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2018 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

That paper was interesting but I don't think it applies to Alzheimer's disease. The first example spoke about a neurotransmitter imbalance that was reversible and the second concerned a neuromuscular disease.

I think Alzheimer's disease actually causes the brain to deteriorate and is not reversible.

posted on Apr, 30 2018 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: toms54
a reply to: rickymouse

That paper was interesting but I don't think it applies to Alzheimer's disease. The first example spoke about a neurotransmitter imbalance that was reversible and the second concerned a neuromuscular disease.

I think Alzheimer's disease actually causes the brain to deteriorate and is not reversible.

If you halt the progression of a disease the body may be able to heal itself. The brain has a reserve of stem cells but it can be depleted if overtaxed.

As with all scientific articles the application of the information has limitations or parameters. Our brains can recover from dips and jumps in neurotransmitter balance, it does every night. When we sleep the balance is altered on some. Somehow this is related to the circadian cycle, but some people do not have a problem with altering the timing while others do. I worked night shift for over a year, I had no noticeable problem after maybe two weeks of working, my whole sleep cycle was off though. That is one of the reasons why I do not always think all information and evidence about sleep time is correct. I also usually do best with around six hours of sleep a night. Now that I am getting older though or because I have altered my diet to a more natural one, I seem to do better if I go sleep before midnight.

The thing is that many many chemistries actually boost acetylcholine. Glyphosate and pesticides used on plants and grains permanently inhibit acetylcholinesterase which raise the acetylcholine. Then people need to take medicines to correct the problem, being permanently inhibited means the body has to start to create it from scratch so sometimes you need to take promotors to treate the inhibition of the ACHE. antidepressants and other cholinease inhibitorsto alter it back to normal. The government says that pesticides and glyphosate are safe but if they are, how come there are so many meds being given to people that would be a treatment for the pesticide/herbicide side effects.

posted on Apr, 30 2018 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Hate to say it brother, but dementia isn't reversible at this point... its progressive

And unfortunately we don't know what Causes it either... so theres no preventative

No medication helps it... you can treat certain symptoms, but the difference is minor...

comfort measures is pretty much the only thing that we can do

posted on Apr, 30 2018 @ 11:38 PM

originally posted by: Akragon
a reply to: rickymouse

Hate to say it brother, but dementia isn't reversible at this point... its progressive

And unfortunately we don't know what Causes it either... so theres no preventative

No medication helps it... you can treat certain symptoms, but the difference is minor...

comfort measures is pretty much the only thing that we can do

I have read research that showed that some types of dementia can be put into remission. Maybe fifty research articles talking about slowing the decline. A couple did say they may be able to partially restore the brain, but not the lost memories. I do not know about those that say they can restore a brain. Once lost, I think it is gone.

I read research from all over the world, NHS and NIH are some of my favorite sources. WHO is good too. I also have lots of links to other organizations and research universities. Harvard is a good site too. Not much is happening with medical, they take a long time to fix wrong paths they are on. Finally they accepted that the meds they were using was making the alzheimer disease worse. They were chasing the wrong demon by blocking a protein, that protein was elevated in the brain to help to slow the progression.

You can slow the progression of certain dementias just by putting sage on your chicken and in your soups. This herb could be possibly used in adjuvant therapy for alzheimer disease and dementia. 300 miligrams of sage is not a lot of sage. Too much sage can give a person spasmy muscles though.

I have looked at lots of different chemistries that can help prevent or stop the progression of this disease. But people have quit eating these things, they mix too many spices and herbs together. Many of the cooking practices and combinations of foods years ago when I was young have chemistry that actually helped protect against alzheimer and dementia. There is way more dementias and alzheimers today than years ago.

posted on Apr, 30 2018 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Well im glad to see they're working on it at least...

I don't trust Drug companies, and Let me tell ya, IF they truly are trying to find a fix, or even a way to slow the progression... they're taking their sweet F*****G time with it

I HATE this disease... and that is not a word i ever use... but in this case its warranted

They use tons of different kinds of meds for various symptoms, but again... nothing slows it in the real world

And though its wonderful to believe that something as simple as sage can help... it really doesn't unfortunately

I work in "heavens waiting room"... believe me... This disease needs to be eradicated as fast as possible

They should be putting Every resource they have into destroying it, or at least figuring out what causes it

In Canada they give us barely anything in health care... we scrape by while drug companies get rich basically testing their meds on the elderly.... i see it every day... Doc comes in.... this isn't working, lets try this one... over and over and over...until he/she finds something that has some slightly positive effect... but the fact remains, its progressive

These people who prevent the right kind of funding will be sorry one day when it effects them... and it will

The stats show it... almost half of the population will eventually end up with some form of Dementia

I pray im not one of them

posted on May, 1 2018 @ 12:15 AM

originally posted by: Akragon
a reply to: rickymouse

Well im glad to see they're working on it at least...

I don't trust Drug companies, and Let me tell ya, IF they truly are trying to find a fix, or even a way to slow the progression... they're taking their sweet F*****G time with it

I HATE this disease... and that is not a word i ever use... but in this case its warranted

They use tons of different kinds of meds for various symptoms, but again... nothing slows it in the real world

And though its wonderful to believe that something as simple as sage can help... it really doesn't unfortunately

I work in "heavens waiting room"... believe me... This disease needs to be eradicated as fast as possible

They should be putting Every resource they have into destroying it, or at least figuring out what causes it

In Canada they give us barely anything in health care... we scrape by while drug companies get rich basically testing their meds on the elderly.... i see it every day... Doc comes in.... this isn't working, lets try this one... over and over and over...until he/she finds something that has some slightly positive effect... but the fact remains, its progressive

These people who prevent the right kind of funding will be sorry one day when it effects them... and it will

The stats show it... almost half of the population will eventually end up with some form of Dementia

I pray im not one of them

Many of the real research articles show that too much dopamine in the brain along with too little acetylcholine in the brain cause the problem. Dopamine can be neurotoxic if levels get too high. The issue is with correcting this issue and the answer is to lower the tyramines that increase dopamine levels. The Ummami taste in foods actually increases risk in this disease. The feel good drug without the alertness promoter. The problem is in the foods, we have thrown away sensibility in nutrition. Other dementias come sometimes from eating too much other plant defense system chemistry or other additives they throw in food, alum in pickles and cheese and baking powder can cause dementia if you overconsume it.

If the medical industry looked at the research already done, they would see this stuff, but why would they do that, it would lessen the need for healthcare and medicines. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out, almost anyone can research and find this stuff but it takes a lot of time and research to understand how to interpret the information and compare it to other research properly.

I have known people who had alzheimer disease. I watched the progression, I knew what meds and supplements were prescribed, you never should supplement high doses of calcium with alzheimer disease, the deterioration feeds on calcium. Screw the osteoporosis risk, looking how calcium works at the cellular level and it's relation to autoimmune diseases, it should not be taken over a hundred fifty percent of RDA. They make a half dozen meds to block calcium use by cells that I know of, it is better to restrict intake than to block the utilization. Vitamin D supplements in higher doses, especially D2 should not be done long term. There is evidence it helps some things, but also evidence that it can cause other problems. Vitamin D increases absorbtion into the body from the intestines.

I can go on and on with possible ways to lower risk of alzheimer disease.

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 11:50 AM
Just to update. More and more proof is coming out that the anticholinerogenic drugs are increasing alzheimer risk. Somewhere I posted links about this and maybe this needs a new thread, my thread is older already. Here is a link. More research is being done in Europe to try to control dementia, here, it seems it is too profitable of a business to explain to people how not to get it. of2&yptr=yahoo

Eat your eggs and drink your real coffee, it will help to keep you thinking. Unless of course, you are allergic to eggs or something in caffienated coffee.

Here is a link I have too, I do not think I listed it in this thread.

Here is another thing related to dementia, those of you who like the spicy foods might not want to believe this, but these foods can cause problems with thinking too.
edit on 22-7-2019 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 04:33 PM

Just adding a little to this thread before it disappears. new article about anticholinergenic meds causing cognitive decline. I mentioned this before here, lots of meds fit into this class

posted on Oct, 7 2020 @ 09:30 PM

posted on Feb, 10 2021 @ 09:48 AM
Well, this is interesting. Seems that the cytokine storm that is causing lots of covid deaths can be moderated by choline. Since a lot of people have deficiencies these days because of diet deficiencies and many people take meds that block Acetylcholine, it possibly can increase the risk of SARS-CoV2 turning covid. A deficiency in Choline can also cause fatty liver in some people. Now an acetyl group needs to be present along with choline to make acetylcholine and too high a levels are not good either. Making sure to get enough is important through diet, and remember, Betaine needs to be metabolized to choline, so vegetables converting to choline is dependant on having an adequate enzyme. I genetically have a problem converting betaine to choline plus have a problem with converting choline to betaine, so I must eat both. Only one daughter shares this two way genetic enzyme deficiency. That enzyme deficiency is not that uncommon either. So some people need to eat different than others to be healthy.

Here is a link on how choline and Covid19 are related. Remember, a lot of people take meds to increase acetylcholinesterase which essentially breaks down acetylcholine.

You do not want too much acetylcholine and you do not want a deficiency. And acetylcholine has multiple pathways it is involved in in the body, it is a neurotransmitter. Glutamates are also neurotransmitters, but too much glutamate is bad too, keeping a balance of things is important. You are not going to see many articles that investigate the meds that block acetylcholine usage by the body as related to covid 19 because so many entry level meds do that to kind of dumb us down a tad so we believe in what the doctors say. I am not against doctors, they are there to help us, and many of them probably do not know why some of the medical practices they have created are actually there, they cannot comprehend that anticholinogenic meds can lead to problems with dementia and improper reaction to diseases.

I am not against medicines, I am just deciphering what side effects can come from long term use of some of the meds out there. Remember, if they test things like metformin as to if it is creating additional problems with severe covid, they are comparing it to people taking other kinds of diabetic meds, and they get to choose what they test against...another med which also has a side effect that increases susceptability to covid 19. If there is no diabetes treatment, there is no meds. I doubt if any testing is done on people who are not taking meds since that would not be a confirmed diabetes. Diet is better at controling diabetes if it is still in the pre-diabetis stage.

I technically do not have hypoglycemia because I have no medical prescription for it and the only evidence on my records is that I had very negative reactions to diabetic medications when they tried to treat my epilepsy at first.

posted on Feb, 15 2022 @ 12:38 PM
Here is another article addressing how anticholerigenic meds can lead to increased dementia risks in older adults. Always remember that lots of entry level meds have anticholerigenic properties. I have put references already in this thread about which ones do.

Politicians benefit by people believing their lies and I would say over half of the people in our country are either taking a med that has this property or consuming some super food chemistry that dopes you down.

edit on 15-2-2022 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2024 @ 10:55 PM
Here are some interesting links.

Now both of these links are related, organophosphates are mentioned in both and even when Glyphosate degrades, the organophate residue in food can cause some neuronal problems it seems.

I have genetics that make it so organophosphates cannot be broken down very much, most people have one copy of this gene snp. I have limited my exposure, especially with grains that are preharvest treated with glyphosate. I get organic flour and make my breads mostly. So I have already taken steps to lessen my risk. But this new evidence shows that even the majority of people with a one copy are at risk of problems with thinking, and they may need medications to calm their brain and think rationally. Long term exposure to the residue seems to be a problem too for all. organophosphates can cross the blood brain barrier and it appears that when a cow eats grains high in organophosphates, the tallow residue, present even in the meat itself, adjuvates the problem. I would guess that this also is happening in the chicken fat and pork fat too even though it was not tested. Remember, half of lean beef is actually fat, over half of lean chicken is fat. but I do not know the fat content of pork meat, I guess it was never really tested because pork is fatty.

I do not know of the detox ability of those that have zero copies of that gene. But organophosphates in DDT most likely caused my fathers brain cancer to form back in the late sixties to early seventies because it did for quite a few farmers. With the increase in organophosphate residue and metabolites in grains, this could be causing a lot of neurological problems in people in the USA. There is an area in the one article...NIH...that shows levels in Europe and also in the USA and Americans have lots more organophosphates in the blood when tested compared to Europeans...probably because they got rid of pre-harvest spraying of grains with glyphosate there in most places.

Is this causing a need for more meds to treat all sort of mental issues in the USA...which has jumped up a lot since 2012 when they allowed pre-harvest spraying? Is this what is causing irrational thinking so much these days in people? Scan or read these articles. The one talks about organophosphates in furniture covering to fireproof it, which also causes it to form gasses when hot out or if we touch it and then eat with our hands. I only read articles and try to analyze and compare how it relates to regular life here. It appears that the not toxic rating does not include brain and nerve damage with it's approval by the FDA.

This is just some evidence, it is up to you personally to evaluate it and consider if it is effecting you or your family. I don't know your genetics risk, just mine and my families risk. Plus, I do not know if that genetic risk is even applicable to this new information, this may apply to everyone. I would not want you guys to fear eating, but am just warning you to monitor consumption to lower risk of neuronal damage. My high risk increases cancer risk, I do not know if this is about the same risk as what they are talking about for cancer or just brain damage.

I don't know everything and am not sure how to apply this information completely even though I have a lot of knowledge about this kind of stuff that effects metabolism and energy flow and physiology in the body and mind. I understand the pathways, but cannot directly tie things together because I refuse to test this on myself and wind up finding out it is real and irreversible.

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