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270,000 organic farmers to sue Monsanto

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posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by earthdude

Can you provide a source for the info you provided? I am not doubting you, just very curious. I've not heard this before.

Thanks in advance

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:28 AM
They're going to present evidence that GMOs are harmful to livestock, animals, and humans!!

In the case, PUBPAT is asking Judge Buchwald to declare that if organic farmers are ever contaminated by Monsanto’s genetically modified seed, they need not fear also being accused of patent infringement. One reason justifying this result is that Monsanto’s patents on genetically modified seed are invalid because they don’t meet the “usefulness” requirement of patent law, according to PUBPAT’s Ravicher, plaintiffs’ lead attorney in the case. Evidence cited by PUBPAT in its opening filing today proves that genetically modified seed has negative economic and health effects, while the promised benefits of genetically modified seed – increased production and decreased herbicide use – are false.


“Monsanto is the same chemical company that previously brought us Agent Orange, DDT, PCB’s and other toxins, which they said were safe, but we know are not. Now Monsanto says transgenic seed is safe, but evidence clearly shows it is not.”

edit on 26-7-2011 by nunya13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by robile

I went to the St. Louis Zoo in May when I was visiting my dad. The butterfly house was sponsored by Monsanto. It had so much meaning for me. Monsanto sponsoring pollen spreaders...

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 12:17 PM
Great news! Seems like people are waking up and are ready to slay the giant.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 12:24 PM
Not only do I want these farmers win, I hope they eventually take Monsanto down. This company is behind every evil food malpractice in this country.

The UK won't even buy our beef because our cattle is so loaded up with hormones....the hormones are of course purchased from Monsanto.

The next step we as citizens need to take is getting the fluoride crap out of our water supply.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
reply to post by pikypiky

Here's solution for that problem GROW your own garden and eat your own home grown food and share it with the community.

Yeah, that would be great, except, google and look up the number of people that are getting fined and or going to jail for doing this exact thing you are suggesting.

It is happening. Families are trying to grow their own food, and then they get fined or told to stop or risk going to jail.

It's a crazy lopsided world.

I hope these farmers kick the pants off Monsanto.

Harm None
edit on 26-7-2011 by amazed because: Cause I wanted to add another thought!

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

Sort of kind of related to the article:

I lived for 6 years in Iraq from 2003-2009. While there I ate the best tasting meats and veggies- I literally couldn't believe how good some of the foods were.

Tomatoes (which I HATE stateside) were small, compact, tasty and didn't have that clear goo oozing out of them. Peppers and onions were the size of lemons and had real flavor to them. Chickens were small- a bit larger than Cornish hens but tasted like CHICKEN and not styrofoam.

Everything was just grown and raised normally. No hormones, no genetically modified anything, no massive amounts of fertilizers, no antibiotics... just sun and water and manure (usually sheep based) was used to get the food to market.

It's one of the many things I miss about Iraq- the food was spectacular because it was grown & raised as it should be. Seeing the farmers push for genetically pure seeds and diversity of species is damn important. Having alternatives to the homogenous potato, corn, tomato etc. hybrids will keep a single disease or parasite from wiping out the world's food supply. The Irish learned in the 1800's how bad homogenized crops can fail.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 01:17 PM
S&F - even though I thoroughly believe in adding positive energy to our world, I have been hard pressed to feel good watching events of late. I see this as a sign of hope, a glimmer of mankind together saying "enough."

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 01:36 PM
this is such a great step for our nation and for nations across the world who are beginning to face the same beast. this has inspired ME to start growing my own food and stop living off the shelf of corporate corruption. thank you ats, your much better than glp.. : ]

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
reply to post by pikypiky

Here's solution for that problem GROW your own garden and eat your own home grown food and share it with the community.

This is exactly what I am doing! It feels good to grow food and share,especially if one neighbor grows one thing and you grow another.

You can grow a lot of food with just a few 4x4 raised gardens!! Make your own soil with 1/3 course vermiculite, 1/3 peat moss, and the last 1/3 with 4 or 5 different organic composts and manures.

For example, I grew 3 zucchini plants and had enough to share with 3 families and feed my chickens a treat for 2-3 months!!

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by RealAmericanPatriot

* * * *

The Fed paved the way recently for GMO crops to carry the ORGANIC label.

The Fed made it ILLEGAL to label ANY product as "GMO FREE".

Do you have a link or links where that can be verified? I'd like to know how it came about, and who within the federal government (agencies, Congressmen, Senators, others) made it illegal to label any products as being "GMO free". That's an absolute outrage and those people need to be publicly exposed and removed from their positions of power!!!!

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by amazed

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
reply to post by pikypiky

Here's solution for that problem GROW your own garden and eat your own home grown food and share it with the community.

Yeah, that would be great, except, google and look up the number of people that are getting fined and or going to jail for doing this exact thing you are suggesting.

It is happening. Families are trying to grow their own food, and then they get fined or told to stop or risk going to jail.

It's a crazy lopsided world.

I hope these farmers kick the pants off Monsanto.

Harm None
edit on 26-7-2011 by amazed because: Cause I wanted to add another thought!

If you have a backyard, you can arrange beautiful 5 gallon containers to grow sweet potatoes in! You can grow carrots with some geraniums for example. You can mix veggies into a flower pot and nobody would ever really know!!! If you just grew one type of veggie that you ate daily or weekly, think about how much money you save!

Until people start making it common, it will remain uncommon!!!

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by earthdude
Over one billion people could sue them for what they have done to the human digestive system. Our guts make pesticide now and there is no way of avoiding this as the polluted pollen is already worldwide.

Even though I tend to side against Monsanto in this one, I'm a bit baffled by some of the weird claims made by the anti-Monsanto fanatics for lack of a better term.

You think that somehow you have been genetically altered and your digestive tract is now manufacturing a pesticide? Is that what you mean?

A good case can be made against Monsanto without resorting to fantasy and delusions. Doing so actually helps their side by labeling their opponents as fanatics.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 02:18 PM
Let me guess:

This is being made public on every mainstream media news station, and is being accuarately and unbiasedly reported on?

Wait you mean to tell me the MSM isnt even picking up on this story? Shocking

Sad thing is, the majority of most people have no clue of what this is about. Monsanto is like Godzilla, tearing up our land, and the people are desperately trying to trip it up. The more we pull into the fray the better. This is about survival.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

Hallejuah! Please keep the news coming so we may all support the Farmers.

And if anyone knows the names, brands & trademarks Monsanto has under their corporate banner, please also share that - so we may be quite sure to spend our 'dollar votes' on Other brands!

We the people can put The Big Ugly right out of business. You damn right we can!

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 02:45 PM
I think this is biased. I do not like Monstanto, but the original source says different.

It says that in behalf of 60 family members, they are suing Monsanto.

Later in the article it mentions that all the plaintiff organization is formed by 270,000 members.

This is what I understand at least. Correct me if I'm wrong.

NEW York: On behalf of 60 family farmers, seed businesses and organic agricultural organizations, the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT) filed suit today against Monsanto Company challenging the chemical giant’s patents on genetically modified seed
edit on 26-7-2011 by Kantele because: Added external info

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by earthdude
Over one billion people could sue them for what they have done to the human digestive system. Our guts make pesticide now and there is no way of avoiding this as the polluted pollen is already worldwide.

You really must take a vacation in New Jersey, you'd love it.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 03:02 PM
Here's some more fuel for the Monsanto bonfire (which also involves Archer Daniels, Midland)

According to the Wall Street Journal, between 2005 and 2008, taxpayers provided fossil fuel producers--oil, coal, and gas companies--$72.5 billion dollars in subsidies and tax breaks.

and then there is this gem:

Between 1995-2009, taxpayers shelled out $246.7 billion dollars in subsidies. [bold]Sixty-two percent (62%) of American farmers received no subsidy at all[/bold]. These no-subsidy farmers and ranchers are primarily small operators grossing under $250,000 a year on their farms. In other words, these are family farmers that fit the idea most Americans have of farmers.

Nationally, ten percent (10%) of farmers received 74% of all subsidies, or $183.25 billion of the total $246.7 billion allotted. The bottom eighty percent (80%) of farmers who received a subsidy got on average, $572.00 dollars (not millions or billions--dollars)

..found at this link.

There are even scarier facts that go towards subsidizing farmers to the extent that we are unable to provide enough food to feed ourselves (from the agricultural perspective, not the community perspective), as most of the corporate subsidies are for GMO contaminated grains to be used for ethanol. So even if every square inch of farmable land was used to grow GMO crops, it would come with a dire price if eaten or sprayed with 'round-up'.
Just ask all the suicided farmers in India.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 03:04 PM
i feel like gardeners are being type cast as radicals

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 03:10 PM
this is awesome, 20,000 farmers coming forward to sue monsanto is REALLY good progress. now that this many farmers are learning about their evil heinous ways other civilians who arent farmers will have an idea about whats going on.

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