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BBC interview wheelchair user and police victim Jody McIntyre. BBC scum defend the police

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posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by JonoEnglish

yes i have met nice police officers to who were very helpful to me, and have been brilliant in times of need on the few occasions i have called them in my lifetime.

however that does not excuse the bad ones.

if i said to you that some of the protesters were really nice people who would not harm a fly would that change your opinion of the protesters who committed acts of violence?

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by JonoEnglish

are you defending the police? After they ripped a man with cerbral palsy from his wheel chair, and dragged him across theroad?

Seriously? I have NO time for people like you. You will defend the nazi scum police, no matter what attrocities they do. Yes, they are there to protect the peace and uphold the law. But time and time again, they cause violence and unrest, with their shoddy tactics. And the likes of you sit there and blindly defend it, from the saftey of your computer screen.

Try it for yourself. Find something you have the heart to believe in, and protest against it. When the police kick the sh~~ out of you for it, don't come bitching to us. In a fair and democratic country (which we are suppsoed to live in) the police would allow protests to go on. Instead of hindering them at every possible oppertunity. If your only experience of protesting is watching it on the BBC, then you haven't got a leg to stand on. Go out and try it before condeming it. And get real, before condeming the actions of the police against a man in a wheel chair, who can't defend himself. You should be ashamed.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by lifeform11
reply to post by JonoEnglish

yes we are slamming the police for brutality and violence, or are you one of those people who condemn the protester for violence then excuse the police for doing the same thing?

if the police should not be call out for violence then why should the protesters?

if violence is wrong, then any violence is wrong is'nt it?

i take it you have never heard of reasonable force
edit on 14-12-2010 by lifeform11 because: (no reason given)

Maybe you think the Police should be armed with feather dusters to tickle those naughty violent protestors.

When you are outnumbered, facing an angry mob, without a clue what they are capable of doing, I'm sure your rationality will stay in tact and treat every person in front of you with utmost respect.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by NadaCambia

Yes I can agree with that, Its like the uniform goes to their heads or something.

They have double standards too, I know of a person that got arrested for assaulting a guy who was holding his cousin captive in there house, she was seeing him at the time but that didnt give him the right to keep her inside.

any way the guy who was holding this girl against her will rang the police after been assaulted and the police came to arrest this other guy, but told him it was only because they had arrest him to interview him, after the interview the copper switched the tape recorder off and told the guy he had done them a favour for beating up this kid as they have been trying to get him in for a while.
edit on 14-12-2010 by ThePeopleParty because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:02 AM

You're not being serious are you? How many jobs do you know of that would ask you to confront and deal with violent people?

What's dangerous about confront and dealing with violent people? This is typical police rhetoric, it's what they do, put themself in the victim position. The truth is nobody is out trying to fight the police. Cite numbers of serious injury and deaths amongst UK police, please. I'd love you to bring facts to the table. So we can all see how dangerous the job is. About as dangerous as crossing the road

I suppose being in the army isn't dangerous too is it?

Sure it's dangerous. But it's an occupation for thugs, warmongers and generally scum of the earth types. Everyone I know in the British army is a chav, intent on going over and shooting 'ragheads' and 'pakis'. It's a last resort for the underclass of society. Kill some muslims or go on the dole.

They ARE here to protect and serve people, including people who work in the government.
I don't know where you live or what experiences you've had in life, but to say what you are implying is ignorant.

These people in government are criminals. Why are they protecting criminals? Do tell.

The government operate illegally. Where are the police beating and harassing politicians? Politicians break serious laws every day. Where are the police to punish them?

The Police are there to uphold the law. What serious laws are the politicians breaking every day? Please tell me!
If so why haven't you reported them to the Police?

I can't report them to the police. The police would do nothing. As I say, police serve the politicians. They're pawns. Sheep. Baaa. The system is set up in a way to make the elite exempt from law. And the police participate in this system, knowing full well its corrupt. Lets not play stupid.

If I punched a police officer in the face for no reason, I'd see jail. If a police officer punched me in the face without reason, at worst he'd get a paid holiday.

The police are here to protect the criminal government and steal money from the people. They're revenue-agents.


Yes, seriously.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by JonoEnglish

maybe you should rewatch the O.P. video, i do not see angry mobs, i see a man in a wheel chair who is no threat.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by JonoEnglish

Originally posted by lifeform11
reply to post by JonoEnglish

yes we are slamming the police for brutality and violence, or are you one of those people who condemn the protester for violence then excuse the police for doing the same thing?

if the police should not be call out for violence then why should the protesters?

if violence is wrong, then any violence is wrong is'nt it?

i take it you have never heard of reasonable force
edit on 14-12-2010 by lifeform11 because: (no reason given)

Maybe you think the Police should be armed with feather dusters to tickle those naughty violent protestors.

When you are outnumbered, facing an angry mob, without a clue what they are capable of doing, I'm sure your rationality will stay in tact and treat every person in front of you with utmost respect.

Give over. This idea that protestors are out attacking police is moronic. Anyone who's seen the footage knows who the violent agressors are.

The protests turned violent because the police started beating people who strayed from the 'agreed route'. Police are enforcing Nazi like laws that stop people from protesting without government approval.

It's absolutely laughable. The protests would be alot more peaceful with no police there.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by Acidtastic
reply to post by JonoEnglish

are you defending the police? After they ripped a man with cerbral palsy from his wheel chair, and dragged him across theroad?

Seriously? I have NO time for people like you. You will defend the nazi scum police, no matter what attrocities they do. Yes, they are there to protect the peace and uphold the law. But time and time again, they cause violence and unrest, with their shoddy tactics. And the likes of you sit there and blindly defend it, from the saftey of your computer screen.

Try it for yourself. Find something you have the heart to believe in, and protest against it. When the police kick the sh~~ out of you for it, don't come bitching to us. In a fair and democratic country (which we are suppsoed to live in) the police would allow protests to go on. Instead of hindering them at every possible oppertunity. If your only experience of protesting is watching it on the BBC, then you haven't got a leg to stand on. Go out and try it before condeming it. And get real, before condeming the actions of the police against a man in a wheel chair, who can't defend himself. You should be ashamed.

Wow, you are very quick to judge!

Where did I say I agree with the way they handled that guy in the wheel chair?

Try it for myself? How do you know I haven't been active in protests my friend?

How do you know that I haven't been assaulted by a police officer?

My view, one that I know isn't very popular on here, is that I'm proud of the Police, for the job they do.

YES, they make mistake, YES, there are some really BAD COPPERS! But, to slate and drag the whole force down to the level of a group of violent thugs is shameful.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by JonoEnglish
What one earth do you think will happen if the Police just sit back and allow groups of protesters to do whatever they want to get "their own message" across to whoever it is intended?

There isn't a country in the world that has the balls to try that one.

The idea that anarchy is the same as violent chaos is an elitist phallacy designed to frighten the phlebs into accepting control and that's supported by that other insidious fallacy, that the phlebs have the mandate for change at the polling booths.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:09 AM
I have also had good history with the police too. But these were good individuals.

The problem is the police as a collective. They do not operate or think for themselfs. You get a few of them together and it's like The Borg

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by lifeform11
reply to post by JonoEnglish

maybe you should rewatch the O.P. video, i do not see angry mobs, i see a man in a wheel chair who is no threat.

I'm not saying they were right in what they did at all.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:18 AM
Being in the army is dangerous? A lot of the police come from the army. They have been well trained over seas in how to treat or deal with the public. What happened on that march was a disgrace. No other word for it. Police dragging a cripple out of his wheel chair? Reminds me of when maggy closed the pits, the police really attacked the protesting miners. Still today they are not trusted, in those villages in the north. She put english workers on the dole, whilst importing coal from an aparteid govt. RSA. They should be kettling the banksters and politicians. Charging their horses and letting the dogs bite them. The only people that should be dragged in the streets are the lying thieving politicians and their friends in the banks.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by JonoEnglish

are you an active protester with experience of police brutality? I find it very hard to believe that you are, with views like that. Not saying that nazi pigs don;t have a hard job, but they deserve NO sympathy when they pull crap like this. They deserve every brick, and every molotov cocktail thrown at them. They work as one, indiscriminatly beating eveyone in their path. From the 15 year old school girl (in uniform) which they beat unconscious, to Jody McIntyre, who was needlessly abused by those "who are there to keep the peace"

Police are scum, when they act like this. And they seem to act like this one hell of alot. I have zero respect for them. They blindly follow orders they know to be wrong. Which in my eyes = people with NO morals who have NO right being police officers in the first place.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by NadaCambia
I have also had good history with the police too. But these were good individuals.

The problem is the police as a collective. They do not operate or think for themselfs. You get a few of them together and it's like The Borg

Those dam borg!

I do support the Police as a whole. Now take the acts of individuals, then that is different.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by ThePeopleParty
reply to post by JonoEnglish

The police are aggressive, I have witnessed first hand how brutal arrogant and malicious they can be.

I was once In the town with my girl friend and we started having an argument out side of a bar, and she hit me with her bag and the next thing I know I was hand cuffed and dragged into a riot van by two officers. When i got to the station these two officers accused me of hitting my girl friend, which me my girl friend and the two officers knew wasnt true.

anyway they kept me in over night and I was telling them to go check the cctv or interview my gf and find out the truth, but they wouldnt have none of it,

Was this your first arrest? The police will use ANYTHING to bring those without criminal records into police station processing areas for fingerprinting and DNA swabbing. If you had ended up in court and acquited, the police should then have destroyed those records (not saying I believe they do!)

So to stop this attack on my mams house me and my brother went outside to fight these guys until police got there (whom by the way my sister had rang) and before these guys got into the house with the kids in, To cut a long story short they came out of it worse off and as the police arrived they where a bit bloody and me and my bro got arrested and charged with GBH with intent, ABH, assault and a fray.

Police do not like direct, self and family defensive action as it undermines the idea that we actually need policing!

While me and my bro was locked up in cells waiting to attend court these guys went back to my mams house and my house while there was just my girlfriend and kid and my brothers gf and kid in the house and smashed all the windows on my house and the rest on my mams.

Seems like an unofficial policy to me! Let the thugs police the streets, keep ordinary people locked up in their own homes watching rubbish on telly, too afraid to go out. Then the police can get on with their real work of driving around in their APR equiped cars finding ever more resourceful ways to fleece the motorist.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by Acidtastic

You sound like a nice chap.

Matey, throwing bricks, m. cocktails makes you worse than the police whose wrongful acts you are complaining about.

edit: No I'm not an active protestor, I have in the past. I have been assaulted by the Police, not at a demo though.
edit on 14-12-2010 by JonoEnglish because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by JonoEnglish

Originally posted by NadaCambia
I have also had good history with the police too. But these were good individuals.

The problem is the police as a collective. They do not operate or think for themselfs. You get a few of them together and it's like The Borg

Those dam borg!

I do support the Police as a whole. Now take the acts of individuals, then that is different.

I think you've got it the wrong way round. The Police as a collective are not good. Individual Police officers are good. The Police on the whole are good on paper, and nothing more.

When hundreds of police officers go out and hit protestors with batons, for protesting against a corrupt government, that's good? We've gone from small localised police to big massive police forces. Where local bobbies serving their community are no longer. Those days are long gone.

It's like small government vs big government. The Police do not serve the people, they serve their bosses, their bosses serve their bosses, and if you go far enough the rankings these people serve the government and elite.

Individually they may serve for good reasons and work towards a better society. Collectively they work for the ruling elite. That's something that can't be denied.

A whole town could denounce police activity, but if government hold a different view, the police will roll with what the government want. They'll ignore the people they're meant to serve and protect.

Your outlook just doesn't apply in 2010.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:42 AM
Police officers 'tried to stop hospital staff treating injured protester'

Police have been accused of attempting to prevent seriously injured protesters being treated at the same hospital as officers hurt during last week's tuition fees demonstration, igniting claims that one student's life could have been put at risk.

The mother of 20-year-old Alfie Meadows, who required brain surgery after allegedly being hit by a police truncheon, claimed that when her son was taken to Chelsea and Westminster hospital officers objected to him being treated there.

Susan Matthews, 55, said that only the intervention of an ambulance worker allowed her son to receive urgent medical treatment for the stroke he suffered after receiving his injury. "If he hadn't, Alfie would have been transferred and he could have died," she said.

After allegedly being hit by police, the philosophy student fell unconscious and later sustained bleeding on the brain.

His mother added: "The ambulance man took us to Chelsea and Westminster hospital. That [hospital] had been given over to police injuries and there was a standoff in the corridor. Alfie was obviously a protester and the police didn't want him there, but the ambulance man insisted that he stayed."

She said that he was then asked to take Alfie to another hospital. "The ambulance man was appalled and he said: 'I'm getting angry now, and I'm not going to do this.'

"The senior nurse in charge took us into a resuscitation room to keep us away from the police because, she said, they were finding it upsetting to see protesters in the hospital."

The injury to Alfie, a second-year undergraduate at Middlesex University, is already the subject of an investigation by the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

Yesterday afternoon investigators interviewed Alfie at Charing Cross hospital in west London, where he was taken for surgery as his condition began to deteriorate. His mother, an English literature lecturer at Roehampton University, said that her son had made a good recovery after a three-hour operation.

"The first thing Alfie said when he woke up was about how many other people had been hurt and how the police had been striking and bashing everyone. Any one of those kids there could have been Alfie.

"I'm from the generation of Blair Peach [hit over the head by police at a London demonstration in 1979] and we knew that anyone could die if they were hit. He's amazingly jolly now. I don't know it that is from a sense of having survived or the morphine."

A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "The issue is under IPCC investigation."

Meanwhile, pressure is growing for an inquiry into how the Royal Protection Squad allowed a car containing Prince Charles and his wife Camilla to be attacked by protesters.

Police rejected reports that a communication breakdown led to the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall being caught up in the protests as they travelled to a theatre in central London.


That's how the police act as a collective. Just another small example.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 08:13 AM
BBC newsreaders/interviewers are overpaid teleprompters who live in such a displaced bubble that they can no longer see the difference between truth and evil lies.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by NadaCambia

When hundreds of police officers go out and hit protestors with batons, for protesting against a corrupt government, that's good? We've gone from small localised police to big massive police forces. Where local bobbies serving their community are no longer. Those days are long gone.

That's true, the police are state funded thugs in situations like this. Reminds me of Iranian basij last year attacking kids for congregating and protesting against corrupt state actions.

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