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Still Dont think they built FEMA Camps???

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posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 04:32 AM
Thanks for the heads up! As far as whether they exist, well I'm pretty sold after going and taking a look for myself at the supposed one located near my home town. It seems there is entirely too much evidence that they fully intend on locking up a large group of somebody. And any way you slice it, that is not ok to me!

I'm entirely fed up with these crooked, murdering elitists and their sick point of view. They seem to think that the average erson is no better than cattle and they are a completely diffeent species. They also think the planet is theirs to have. They have said as much in the many books and oother media they have no problem releasing because most people pay no attention.

Well I have had enough. They are only right on one point. They are not the same species as us. Human beings have compassion and empathy. They do not.

We need to stop them before we are not only thought of as cattle, but shoved into corrals like cattle as well.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by Redwookieaz

chill out brosef!

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 04:44 AM
I work for the government and can assure you, these 'camps' aren't really what you think they are.

You will not be interned, promise.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 05:05 AM
I don't think those black boxes would be very credible way of disposing of mass amounts of body's.

Firstly the are way too large, yes possibly you could stack body's up but what about the width? They are much wider than an average person would need yet not wide enough to fit two abreast.

They would also be a logistical nightmare to transport in mass to a disaster area. Assuming they are stacked about ten high you would probably struggle to get more than 15-20 stacks in your standard 40 foot truck trailer. That's not a lot when you are talking about maybe thousands of victims.

Although it is claimed they are air tight there still would be a huge risk of leakage due to failure of the lid or casket. Surely incineration would be a far more practical means of disposal rather than risk something as simple as a leak to contaminate an area again.

Another question is what would they intend to do with them once they are filled? Plastic is the last thing you want to burn and probably not strong enough to withstand deep burial which you would have to do.

Just doesn't seem very credible to me.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 05:13 AM
Ok, first off...Try and keep an open mind people. Fear-mongering and such do nothing but distract you from the obvious truths:

1. FEMA camps exist. You'd have to be blind to believe otherwise.
2. There are mass coffins, incinerators, armed guards, etc. located in MOST centers. There is also a significant military presence in SOME centers.
3. It hasn't publicly been stated BY FEMA OFFICIALS what these detention centers are for, or indeed if they even 'exist'. So don't even try speculating because we've technically been told nothing thus far.
4. By inferring from previous incidents (Katrina, etc.), we can see that centers like this WERE NOT used in previous disasters. Therefore these centers are NOT intended for the general public as it stands now. Not to say they couldn't be used to hold American citizens in detention, just that they haven't been used for that so far.
5. FEMA and their affiliates aren't finished building or stocking these detention centers. This has been an ongoing project for a long time.
6. The total space of known detention centers isn't enough to hold even the smallest significant portion of the U.S. population. Again, KNOWN centers. The ones that may be underground, disguised, etc. aren't taken into account.

I'm not going to bother citing any of this because anyone could come to the same conclusions if they just took a look around and did some of their own footwork.

So, looking at all of this, it becomes apparent that there ARE secretive projects in the works, but to what end we can't say. Just remember: Where there's smoke, there's fire.

edit on 12-11-2010 by Kryyptyk because: spck

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 05:29 AM

It’s been said the government has a plan to declare martial law and round up millions of United State citizens into concentration camps. Jesse may have found a conspiracy in plain sight as he investigates the proliferation of law enforcement Fusion Centers around the country. And they may be connected to hundreds of detention centers ready to accept prisoners at the stroke of a Presidential pen.

sounds like nazi Germany attitude, good luck America sorry to hear your leaders are douche bags.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:03 AM
I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with the proposed purpose of these camps. But Jesse Ventura's show never comes up with real answers. He will talk about a certain conspiracy, and "try" to investigate it, but doesn't seem to cover any new ground about the topic. The couple of shows I watch just leave the viewer with a big question mark. I could learn more about these conspiracies on ATS. I do appreciate the show for one reason though. It might make more people of the general public aware of certain ideas they may have never thought of or wouldn't have thought of on their own. That's exactly what I like about this site since I stumbled upon it a couple of years ago. Whatever helps the public keep an open mind to what may really be going on in the world.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:13 AM
My friends,

Perhaps these camps are being set up in the event of Earth Changes via Solar 24, and perhaps the Big Boys know what is coming? It could therefore be possable that said Solar storms could reek enough havoc to warrent a round up of people and place them into a camp for security?

Here in the UK, the weather has/is changing dramatically that one doesn't need the weather man to tell us. The season's are seen to be messed up. Something is causing it, and it's my belief the Sun is involved.

I'm just saying....

Paranoia can be a terrable thing,

Be safe be well


posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by Aeons
Here is what I don't get about all this.

What exactly is your problem with this?

You would like for your governments to be unprepared for disasters? To function as if mass casualties and fatalities are never possible?

I understand that you may have concerns as to these same authorities planning problems intentionally. I don't think that is necessary - disasters seem to happen easily enough themselves.

During the Katrina aftermath, I heard interviews with people who apparently were in these camps and their main problem seem to be that someone expected them to clean up after themselves and make their bed.

Some of them seemed to actually have a problem with being asked to leave.

Is it just that your level of paranoia makes it so that you would prefer no government ever plan for any problem? You'd prefer to just think that in a disaster with lots of bodies that you'd rather just ignore them? Leave them to rot in place?

I don't understand something about your concerns.

Thats fine!! BUT Be transparent DONT build these camps under secrecy. We the taxpayers should KNOW what we are buying. IF there if nothing to hide then I want a manifest from EVERY FEMA CAMP stating the purchases of every item inside of each camp!!! THERE SHOULD NOT BE HIDDEN CAMPS WHAT DONT YOU GET?!?!
By the way as unprepared FEMA was with Katrina it makes you wonder what it is they are there for?????
edit on 12-11-2010 by Interfacer because: Wanted to add a statement.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 06:54 AM
But hey you were taught by your schools and your television that we arent supposed to ask questions. When the government says its secret you are taught to immediately take their word for it and get immediate comfort in knowing that they are taking care of things. WELL NOT ME AND NOT ANYMORE.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 07:19 AM
So what they are gonna put all you people in fema camps? You people need to get a grip.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 07:24 AM
just because there are fema camps doesnt mean they will start to round up regular citizens and start to lock them up, the way i see it is being prepared, say if tomorrow we were to go to war with china and you have all the chinese citizens just running around setting things on fire to protest and causing disruption of the country, what do you do? you can replace chinese with any other future enemy of the united states. the fema camps are just TPTB being prepared for the inevitable end in such a diverse country...

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by fianna
So what they are gonna put all you people in fema camps? You people need to get a grip.

Hmm maybe you don't see whats going on with this world of ours in the past 10 years? Or maybe you are ok with your children's children becoming slaves, murderers, or never to be born?

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 08:08 AM
I live in the Atlanta area, and I heard them mention one of the alleged FEMA Camps is located in this area. I wonder where? Guess I'll find out when the show airs.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Aeons
Here is what I don't get about all this.

What exactly is your problem with this?

You would like for your governments to be unprepared for disasters? To function as if mass casualties and fatalities are never possible?

I understand that you may have concerns as to these same authorities planning problems intentionally. I don't think that is necessary - disasters seem to happen easily enough themselves.

During the Katrina aftermath, I heard interviews with people who apparently were in these camps and their main problem seem to be that someone expected them to clean up after themselves and make their bed.

Some of them seemed to actually have a problem with being asked to leave.

Is it just that your level of paranoia makes it so that you would prefer no government ever plan for any problem? You'd prefer to just think that in a disaster with lots of bodies that you'd rather just ignore them? Leave them to rot in place?

I don't understand something about your concerns.

If your government really cared about the population they would build underground shelters to protect the population in case of nuclear or biological attack instead of protecting themselves in underground self sustained cities. Do you really think our government is prepared for anything other than for themselves? How about Hurricane Katrina and the BP oil gusher leaking in the Gulf of Mexico. Quick response? I do not think so and how about the launch of a Triton type missile off the coast of Calif? Sure makes the population feel secure when they say it was a contrail off a 757 jet LOL. Protecting our borders against illegal entry of illegal aliens, are you kidding me this is the biggest joke ever.

Yes Fema camps are a perfect place to rot in place. Concerns? When you have individuals like George Soros trying to undermine our country you better worry about Fema camps and what they could be used for especially rounding up Americans that disagree. Fema camps? Do you realize how many massive warehouses are setting empty that can house millions of people across this nation instead of razor wired fenced in Fema Camps. ^Y^

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 08:35 AM
A few years back on a site much smaller then this they talked about the camps and they had gathered information sadly I didn't save any of it. But in one camp one of the builders overheard a conversation that was very disturbing and thought about it and decided he had to somehow leave the company and the best way was to say he was moving so they wouldn't think much of it, anyhow he said when they were building the buildings one thing didn't make sense but it did when he overheard the conversation. It seems what he had noticed was piping being put in in the upper walls where they shouldn't be but..... he overheard these guys saying they were for when they put the people in there and pacified them into false thinking then they would be gassed, yes they were gas lines.

People when on the road in out of area locations saw and took pictures of rows after row after row of these burial containers and in different areas people reported that they were seeing Chinese military caravan type things in California passing them on the highway when people wrote and asked what was going on it was said by our government they were here for training exercises.......Chinese here for training exercises. I heard the thought behind this was WTSHTF our military wouldn't turn against there own families and friends or the American people so they are using the UN and other Country militaries. One member said they lived near the New York/ Canada border and they saw UN trucks stopped on the side of the road now remember this was some years back so they weren't watching the border for

Look at all they are doing to try anad get the people riled and get the people up off there butts so they can put their plan in action. I wouldn't be susrprised if the banking collapse would be another thing they are going to use they do have many options to pull on we the people.

If you look back in time and see how the Bush's Grandpappy Preston was involved with the Rockerfellers and their railroad helped with weapons for the Nasi's you might wake up a little more. Read about the Bush Family maybe start with Preston dear old grandpappy you will see about the Rockerfellers and also a few other interesting names in there.

The Elitist have been working on their plan for decades and waiting for the right time.


Sorry about caps didn't know, remember also when you watch them also watch to see what the other hand is doing.

I hope this never occurs, I don't mind being wrong and made to look loony it would be better then any man, women or child suffering because of them and their selfish greed and power.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by T0XiK

As bad as your theory sounds, i think its one of the more logical ideas of why these places exist. Look at what we did to the Japanese during WWII. I dont think they were burning down everything or anything but the US government still did what they did. I just think they are there in case there is an invasion, or a roundup of people who the PTB deem a threat to national security during a major war.

I think they are there for a SHTF scenario. It is unsettling that they exist though.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 08:38 AM
Yep, Alex Jones is the man and anybody not listening to his daily show on the Internet is missing the most truth you can find out there. Watch VERY carefully ANY person on ATS that tries to cut AJ down in ANY way. Examine all their posts and you'll probably find that all they do is support the official fairy tale on 9/11. I've seen this myself again and again, the ones that attack AJ are just disinfo shills that push the government line of lies for the most part.

Nobody has done more to educate more people to the satanic new world order that is infesting governments around the world. He's made about 30 films on the subject and had more views on youtube than anybody else by FAR. If you trash Alex Jones for all he has done, then you are a Traitor to the human race and work for the dark forces. You probably have a CIA logo on your pay stubs also. None of the people that attack Alex Jones are exposing the lies of the new world order and that's how you expose their dark hearts every time!

This episode is going to be awesome. For the first time in prime time they are going to show the reality of our lying government and the FEMA camps they denied for so long. Don't forget, the Neocon SHILL, Glenn Beck, after first saying they were REAL, then said that Popular Mechanics went to ONE site that everybody knew was a straw man and it was a train station so he declared that there was no such thing as FEMA camps! LOL This is just one of many reasons Beck is a shill for the new world order but one that mixes in a little truth to slip in the lies such as that men in turbans did 9/11! LOL

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by Aeons

The concern with these camps for most people is the nature of thier design and functionality which lead many to see them more as prisons then camps. The high fences with barb wire facing inwards indicates that you're not free to leave if you desire. The "camps" are meant for citizens not criminals or POW's. They have places for those people and they're called prisons and detainment centers.

The crazy thing is that we've done this before during WWII with Japanese decent U.S. Citizens. You can read more about it here -> World War Two - Japanese Internment Camps in the USA

On December 7th 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. US citizens feared another attack and war hysteria seized the country.

On February 19th 1942 Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. Under the terms of the Order, some 120,000 people of Japanese descent living in the US were removed from their homes and placed in internment camps. The US justified their action by claiming that there was a danger of those of Japanese descent spying for the Japanese. However more than two thirds of those interned were American citizens and half of them were children. None had ever shown disloyalty to the nation. In some cases family members were separated and put in different camps. During the entire war only ten people were convicted of spying for Japan and these were all Caucasian.

Life in the camps was hard. Internees had only been allowed to bring with then a few possessions. In many cases they had been given just 48 hours to evacuate their homes. Consequently they were easy prey for fortune hunters who offered them far less than the market prices for the goods they could not take with them.

Hope this helps you see the concern American Citizens might have with these Fema "Camps".

The messed up part is that it's always spun that the conspiracy theorists are the paraniod ones, when it's the paranoia from the ones in control in losing their control of it's people.

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 08:48 AM
One final thing I would LOVE to add!!!!! A huge part of the population of GERMANY did not even know about the true PURPOSE of concentration camps til they actually were shown in 1945 when ALLIES came in. It IS NOT because they were DUMB, they either didnt want to believe the Rumours, never heard any rumours or are literally too afraid to believe their fellow countrymen could do such things that it would shatter the WHOLE paradigm of what defines CIVILIZATION. Which I think is happening to America today. It is soo easy to laugh and say yea this would be a GREAT script for a hollywood movie. Some people are literally too afraid to look deep into what is really going on as long as they are working 40 hours and getting their kids off to the bus. Honestly who has room in their psyche to stay awake at night worrying with soo much to do to pay bills and make your house work. They are litterally too distracted or too afraid and rather hope or assume. We need BRAVERY AND HONEST MEN to stand up in the GOVERNMENT.. WE are soo far gone

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