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Lucus And The Return Of Planet X!

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posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by dragnet53

The name is michael shermer.

I also like it the fact most skeptics just think of BS out of thin air and also make up sh~~ without any facts themselves. I have seen this many of times on shows that show skeptics.

Could you provide an example? Consider an example showing where I point out misrepresentations in Lucus' presentations. That would be an on topic comment.

So far no one has been able to provide anything to support Lucus. Why not?

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Antoniastar
reply to post by rajaten

Hi rajaten,

Thanks for posting this!! I just finished listening to all 8 vids. Although I already knew some of the info there is still lost of helpful stuff. Personally I've been packing for about 3 years now so I don't think I can prepare anymore that way. Ya never know though. It's amazing how much experience I now have in packing for an emergency. lol Wow. I'm a pro now.

Uh but, if I have to climb Mt. Everest, I'll have to shed some of my belongings.
Someone's gonna have to drag me up there on a gurney cuz I have this condition called fat ass. It's not chronic but I'll never make it past the first flag.


haha your welcome Antonia. Glad to hear you are preparing. Whether or not we believe completely in these things, I think its very intelligent to prepare either way. Scouts motto: BePrepared
I hope you have a solid water purification solution.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
Has he fixed any of horrific misrepresentations? He has a large number of incredibly bad mistakes including:
1. the Norway spiral was a Russian ICBM
2. the petroglyph spirals are not a sign of danger
3. IRAS did not discover any new planets
4. the 3600 year cycle does not exist

and the list goes on and on

Hey Stereo, did'nt they say that the mystery object that was picked up by IRAS was just a bright, distant galaxy? I'm not so sure the Norway spiral was a missle, it does look similar but something was just too perfect about the spiral. Also, I would like your opinion on what the petroglyphs mean. Thx.

reply to post by ChemBreather

Chem, I am having the same problem, I can only find videos 1-4. Can someone link the others please?

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by Centurionx

Only the first four segments are up right now. The rest should be here today or tomorrow.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by ChemBreather
Great find ! Cant wait ...
I was watching this last night, it is John Moore and Lucus...

I understand it like this, that lucus descovered this PlanetX think while researching 9/11....

[edit on 17/8/2010 by ChemBreather]

Cheers for that video I havent seen that one either. Im watching it now while I wait for the other 6 segments of the intelihub interview to get uploaded.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by rajaten

Oh cool, I was wondering what was going on, did'nt realize it was so recent. Regardless of what others might say, Lucus offers very interesting information, and leaves it to the researcher to draw their own conclusions.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 07:09 PM
What do the concentric circle petroglyphs in the video have to do with the Norway spiral? Circles and a spiral aren't even the same thing. This guy is really reaching on that one.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by Centurionx

IRAS was a new type of observatory. It detected infrared radiation. When something like that happens it always leads to problems in interpreting the data. A particular quandary was 10 objects that did not have optical counterparts. These turned out to be 9 galaxies and an interstellar "cirrus" cloud. The galaxies were surrounded by dust that prevented almost all light from escaping the galaxy. The dust did heat up because of the light absorption and that was what was being detected by IRAS. It's a fabulous discovery.

The spiral is a common symbol seen in art. It appears that this is one of several geometric shapes that are innate in our brains. These symbols are considered to be signs of religion in ancient art.

Spirals are also used to symbolize water.

There are lots of people that pretend to know what spirals mean. Lucus is one. He tells you what he thinks the spirals mean. That's okay. Nothing wrong there. The problem starts when he says that he is only providing facts. His opinion or his description of what he thinks he sees in the rock art is his opinion, yet he claims it is a fact.

Ancient Rock Art is Still A Mystery

Archaeologists tell us that they know little about these prehistoric images pecked onto rock surfaces known as "petroglyphs." Deciphering and understanding their meaning has been elusive.

most petroglyphs date from AD 1300-1650, although some may be as much as 3,000 years old. Petroglyphs in Wyoming's Legend Rock have been dated to at least 5,700 years of age.

Here is the problem. The problem is that the meaning is difficult to pin down. Petroglyphs and pictographs do not appear to be writing in the sense that we use the word. Then there is the age problem. Be aware that this site is discussing only the petroglyphs of the American Southwest. The best and most amazing collection of rock art is likely the Hoggar mountains of Africa.

The previously mentioned link also states,

but the more esoteric symbols such as zigzags, spirals, dots, concentric circles and others are less easy to define and have most often been relegated to the category of religious symbols.

I don't think I could have said this better:

Petroglyphs appear all over the world in one form or another, and it seems to be an inherent drive in humans to leave their mark upon rock faces -- to tell a story, to mark a spot, commemorate a spiritual experience or simply as an attempt at physical immortality.

You might also be interested in reading about the Chaco canyon spirals.
Astronomical Markings at Three Sites on Fajada Butte
Kawaiisu petroglyphs at Sheep Springs
Chuckwalla Spring Petroglyphs

Not a common spiral... the outer circle may be a rattlesnake connected to an inner spiral. In some beliefs spirals are believed to be portals to the spirit world.

Hohokam Rock Art

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by Centurionx

As I have pointed out many times beware that Lucus offers his opinions and then calls them facts. Almost all of what he states are opinion, calls them facts, and then asks you to derive your conclusion from his opinions.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 08:37 PM
This has to be some of the worst research ever.
My god, there were spirals in human history BEFORE the norway one?!

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by hippomchippo
This has to be some of the worst research ever.
My god, there were spirals in human history BEFORE the norway one?!

Ummm that is kind of the point. He ties in recent events with ancient civilizations. The Norway Spiral is a VERY small piece of his entire presentation. Have you actually bothered to hear what the guy has to say?

on topic... I found the original presentation at Brave New Books to be very thought provoking and by the time it was finished, I obviously had several questions. I have heard Lucas himself is on ATS and I have u2u'ed that member, but so far no response.

Interesting to note, Lucas claims to have stumbled onto this theory prior to the Norway Spiral, and that event was pretty much confirmation in his mind that his theory may very well be correct. If you go to the users Youtube page you will finds a few other fairly recent interviews with Lucas. The "Red Ice' Interview is much listen for anyone truly interested in this theory.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by hippomchippo
This has to be some of the worst research ever.
My god, there were spirals in human history BEFORE the norway one?!

Worse than that even, when he sees circles he instantly associates them with the spiral. He's like a little kid trying to force the jigsaw puzzle together. That's just my impression. I do watch the videos though. They are interesting none the less.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 08:50 PM
I've followed Lucus since the beginning of his "work" was coming out online. I'm not a believer neither a denier. It's very interesting stuff and all I am going to say is anything can happen, so let's see.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by MrWendal

Originally posted by hippomchippo
This has to be some of the worst research ever.
My god, there were spirals in human history BEFORE the norway one?!

Ummm that is kind of the point. He ties in recent events with ancient civilizations. The Norway Spiral is a VERY small piece of his entire presentation. Have you actually bothered to hear what the guy has to say?

Interesting to note, Lucas claims to have stumbled onto this theory prior to the Norway Spiral, and that event was pretty much confirmation in his mind that his theory may very well be correct. If you go to the users Youtube page you will finds a few other fairly recent interviews with Lucas. The "Red Ice' Interview is much listen for anyone truly interested in this theory.

Since his interviews are posted here every two weeks, I have heard quite a bit of his ideas, but trying to make the norway spiral and a random spiral from ancient history connect is just far reaching, aswell as his "research" into planet X.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by MrWendal

His theory is based on misrepresentations. He purposely reads half of a sentence about the IRAS data, because the second half shoots his claims down.

The only thing thought provoking in his presentations is seeing how many misrepresentations you can catch. If you turned it into a drinking game you'd die of alcohol poisoning.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by stereologist

Please explain to me your opinion on the denver airport murals.


[edit on 17-8-2010 by rajaten]

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by stereologist

Spirals are also used to symbolize water.

oh noes! Stereo just proved the great flood!!

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by dragnet53

Hey! You think you are Lucus pulling such a wacko inference.

What does a symbol possibly indicating water have to do with something that never happened. There is no evidence for a global flood.

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by rajaten

while watching one of the videos posted on this thread, I came across this from a couple months ago...

now NASA is still claiming this to be a supernova remnant, but it seems both spanish and russian scientist disagree with that finding

who are we to believe?

yes I know this has been discussed on ATS in a couple of thread(I found them) and it seems both of those just died, because posts by infamous members claim that its what NASA says it is...

I know alot of people don't give any credit to what NASA has to say, but can we automatically discredit these other finding based on an orginization that people don't trust?

interesting to say the least

[edit on 17-8-2010 by kalisdad]

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by dragnet53
reply to post by stereologist

Spirals are also used to symbolize water.

oh noes! Stereo just proved the great flood!!

The propagandists are all over the planet x/dwarf star threads...not just on this forum, but the other conspiracy forums too.

They remind me of the all the other fruit loops throughout time who promoted that the Sun revolved around the Earth or that the Earth was flat.

What I prove in the presentation is that the elites and governments are preparing for something big. You can't debunk that.
They don't even try to debunk it because they can't, so they stay far away from that subject.

Their tactics are so obvious, even a 10 year old could see through them.

They try and find a flaw or a conjecture in the presentation, then, they try and use that to say the entire presentation is wrong.

The presentation is bullet proof. Even if a part of it turns out to be coincidence or something, there is still a vast level of information left that still leads down the same path.

All these people that read these forums can see their obvious tactics; the way they slither around threads injecting their venom into certain topics.

They can scream Russian Rocket all they want...but, nobody believes them. I think it's kind of cute to see the replies they get on their rocket theories.

Every single person I have personally shown the Norway Spiral to has had the mentality of "Yea sure, Russian Rocket... Whatever".

What else I have shown is that ancient atifacts prove that there was intelligent human life on this planet long before the mainstream says so.

What some of these fools fail to understand is that I am not here to prove anything to them...either you can put the pieces together or not. If you can't, it's YOUR fate, not mine. I'm not here to hold your hand through mamby pamby land while you waste my time catering to your every question. There is not enough time left in life to worry about changing your mind, in fact I really hope you DON'T change your mind. This presentation is not designed with you in mind, because I don't care about you. I would rather have you move to the Jersey Shore and be the first to vamoose. Good riddance to your narrow minded arrogance. It's narrow minded people who are destroying our world.

I designed the presentation originally for my friends and people who had the capability of seeing the bigger picture. That's all I care about.

I raise my cup and tip my hat to those who can see.

Carpe Diem!

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