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“All I saw in Israel was cowards with guns”

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posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by Cito

I am not aware of Israeli involvment in Iran-Contra or Panama. Do you have any links to information?

Israel has co-coperated with Iran in the past even after the 79 revolution when Iran supplied the Israelis with information on their air raid on Iraq's Osarik Nuclear reactor.

This helped Israel tighten their operation. Obviously an Iraqi bomb was something neither country wanted to see.

For me it is not about Jewish sterotypes. I do not think this Israeli administration represents Jews around the world. Mabye a large proportion in Israel, but there is oppisition there as well.

Gideon Levy, Uri Averny, Neve Gordon are all vocal critics of Netanyahoo and previous administrations. But they are under sever pressure from the extreme right in Israel.

[edit on 7-6-2010 by Peruvianmonk]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:52 PM
While i agree that the Isreali action was terrible and completly disproportionate, i have to see the Isreali point of view. I live in the U.K. and if my country was completely surrounded by enemies who are hell bent on the complete distruction of my country i might actually support such action. The flotilla was warned that it should not come due to constant arms smuggling from fellow muslim countries and therefore was out to provoke the isrealies. I am not completely defending what happened but i do understand. (bring on the haters)

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by Peruvianmonk

I guess the USA is going to be the next Nazi Germany.

I'm not choosing sides, but all the signs are here.

"Jews are responsible for people being poor! We must get rid of them!"
"Jews are responsible for the media! We must get rid of them!"

Whatever happened to ending the stupid stereotypes? Is it not a violation of the T&C to discriminate?

Does not everyone here know a jew atleast? Is that person responsible for your bad circumstances?

Looks like pretty soon lots of people are gonna be thinking this way.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by sonofmuldernscully

Hi there JIDF!

You all use this phrase an awful lot -

"and if my country was completely surrounded by enemies who are hell bent on the complete distruction of my country i might actually support such action."

It's getting old, we all see through the LIES.

Humanity is waking up.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by sonofmuldernscully
if my country was completely surrounded by enemies who are hell bent on the complete distruction of my country i might actually support such action.

Israel isn't in danger of destruction at all, they're better equipped than everyone else in the Middle East, and have powerful western allies.

It's the countries surrounding Israel that I feel sorry for.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

Just to be clear you are not linking me with the sterotyping of the Jewish people are you? I don't think you are but just want to make sure.

The problem is that Israeli governmental decisons are putting Jews at risk both in Israel and abroad. Many people either through ignorance or pre-concieved opinions on Jews and Israel cannot or will not differentiate (Yes spell checked) between the two.

People see the Palestinians suffer and they get angry, and rightly so. This can be mis-directed or abused.

The Gaza Flotilla were directing their anger in the correct way.

[edit on 7-6-2010 by Peruvianmonk]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by Silcone Synapse

So the much revered US marine corp so well known throughout the World for there unfailing compassion and humanity ask any VIETNAMESE,KOREAN.CUBAN MEXICAN IRAQI ,AFGAN OR THE HUNDREDS OF BLUE ON BLUE VICTIMS IN NUMEROUS CONFLICTS WORLDWIDE The only place you are safe with an american soldier is in front of him with him firmly down your sights.From a fellow veteran...

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by sonofmuldernscully

Since you are so understanding and experienced of such conflicts , that would mean that you understand the Irish history and can appreciate the formation of the I.R.A??

Take your time with your reply...I have waited years already!!

Tiocaidh ar la!!!

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:11 PM
I have respect for Ken O' Keefe.

I have watched every interview, every news article he has featured in and he has consistency throughout.

The guy is smart, savvy and I believe he is considered an 'enemy of the state' for his strong views.

I respect his convition in what he believes.

Is he justified in his stance against what he deems as criminals in this world?

Yes I believe so.

Can he be used as tool of propaganda by the arab/muslim media?

Yes I believe so.

Can you claim his past as a US Marine is representational of what other fellow marines think?


He renounced his US citizenship and burned his passport as he does not have an allegiance to what the United States represents or the US marines for that matter.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:22 PM
At least Israel's Press Office is taking this all very seriously

(don't recall how youtube links work)


'The Israeli government has apologised after its press office emailed to journalists a spoof video about the flotilla which tried to dock in Gaza. The video shows people dressed as peace activists singing “we con the world” to the tune of We Are the World.

A spokesman said the video did not represent the Israeli government’s view. The video contains real footage of the Israeli raid on the flotilla in which nine activists died

In the clip, which parodies the video made for the 1985 charity song, the singers are dressed up in costumes representing the captain of the flotilla, western peace activists, and Arabs wearing keffiyeh scarves.'

[edit on 7-6-2010 by naught]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by Skellon

Agreed on all points.

Which makes him 1 in 300 million in my opinion.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by Peruvianmonk

Dont see to much brvery here mate a couple of squads of lightly armed Israeli soldiers dangling from ropes and 200 activists fueled on propaganda and hate armed with broken bottles ,steel poles, lead weights on the ends of ropes knives machettes ,and bad attitudes a no brainer really who would come off best any one in the same situation would use any weapon available to them to defend themselves that what the soldiers did, so much for Peace activists!!and brave ex marines

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Peruvianmonk

No matter how hard the Israeli authorities try the truth is emerging.

A kind reader pointed out that Israeli troops and the Israeli authorities have now admitted to firing bullets at the deck of the Mavi Marmara before the commandos landed, and I think the evidence is that these bullets wounded some passengers and provoked the resistance to the landing.

“T. said he realized the group they were facing was well-trained and likely ex-military after the commandos threw a number of stun grenades and fired warning shots before rappelling down onto the deck.” The NYT also reported that the Israeli military fired rubber coated steel bullets before landing on the ship.

Alarmingly, there is now good evidence that the Israelis systematically erased much of the photographic evidence of their aggressive assault on the ship after they confiscated it from the passengers and journalists. No wonder the Israelis are rejecting an independent commission to investigate the massacre– it would find that not only were crimes committed, but that there was then a concerted cover-up.

The crack of an Israeli sound grenade and a hail of rubber bullets from above were supposed to disperse activists, but instead set them in motion. And when three Israeli commandos slid down ropes out of helicopters to take over the ship, a crowd set upon them.

Vladimir Lenin ''A lie told often enough becomes the truth''.

Not these days Mr Lenin. There are too many of us seeking the truth today, and we shall not be silenced.

I like how they are changing their story as they feel like with it going from 'paintball' rounds that go 'splat' to rubber bullets.
Who knows they might even be admitting next week that, yes, we did fire a few rounds more than we should of!

Israel, you've seriously let yourself and your people down with these acts.
Oh and this is from someone who used to openly support Israel too.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:39 PM
If you guys really believe that crap, then I feel sorry for you.

Even in the picture, you can see the top of his sidearm still sitting in his holster.

And what, the guns that they took magically disappeared and were thrown overboard??? OK..... whatever you say.

"yes, we could have shot them, but we are peace loving" don't you see it's the Israelis that are killers, don't pay attention to the bomb strapped women and kids we send into Israel, or the mortars and rockets we fire into Israeli soft targets all the time, those are propaganda, yeah that's the ticket, it's the Israelis firing on themselves to make it look like it's us, yeah that's the ticket. Just ask my wife, Morgan Fairchild"

That was one of the most patently ridiculous stories I've heard. He made it sound like he was Steven Seagal in Undersiege.

"After, I disarmed the soldiers, using my former ninja, I mean Marine training, we used ancient chinese herbology and acupuncture to treat them because we love the Israelis".

"What, my brothers just released a statement saying that all Israeli pigs must die and Israel wiped from the face of the earth? No, those websites are propaganda machines created by Israel, because they want our peace loving brothers to become violent as a form of propaganda...."

Give me a freakin Break, If I ever ran into this former marine, I would call him a big fat lying pussy to his face.


posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Peruvianmonk
reply to post by Silcone Synapse

The thing is though i am sure a lot of American citizens will see O'Keefe as a traitor becasue he renounced his American citizenship and now holds dual Irish/Palestinian citizenship.

What do you think will be made of that?

[edit on 7-6-2010 by Peruvianmonk]

Sounds like a man who refuses to compromise with what he believes is right.

and the US has been supporting israel for way too long.... perhaps he did not wish to have his name associated in any way with a country controlled by israel by means of its tentacles in the US government called AIPAC

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by Peruvianmonk

Dude, if you were on that boat, you need to reevaluate your choices. What do you mean by brother. Are you related? or are you just another muslim trying to propagandize the destruction of Israel. This is getting old. Have you guys tried just leaving them alone? I'm just sayin that might work. If you guys would quit lobbing missiles at them and blowing folks up....who knows.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by debz325
All I see in Palestine is idiots with bombs strapped to them!

When all that is left for a palistinian child to give his life meaning is to detonante at an israeli checkpoint a beltful of plastik explosives...

We must do better, we are humans... we MUST do better managing our affairs.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Eagleheart56

Also guilty! Although not a blanket sympathy with all Muslims in general but to the plight of the everyday people of Gaza. I also do not have a blanket distaste to all of Israel just their current administration. I did a few years of Krav Maga training after I left school, although I learnt to defend myself adequately, the focus from my instructors appeared to be primarily on devastating and disproportionate counter attacks, including repeatedly standing on my opponents head after I have knocked them to the ground. This is something which Israel does on a national scale! Not surprising considering Krav Maga is their martial art equivalent. Good on Mr O' Keefe for throwing this in the mix, I will continue to read both sides and try to find somewhere I belong the truth will be hard to find in this one, the water is ver murky!

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 04:03 PM
How about the Palestinians stop shooting rockets into Israel? Then there wouldn't need to be a blockade in the first place. Unfortunately, I realize that's never going to happen.

Israel made the first move toward peace when it left Gaza, but the Palestinians threw the olive branch right back in their faces. I don't care what they say anymore. Israel is a country, with people and mothers and fathers and children and babies. All the Palestinians see is soldiers, and their goal is kill every single Israeli. There is no solution here. One of two things must happen: the Israelis must leave or the Palestinians must leave.

I think it will be the Israelis who choose to leave. Either way, they win, because the Palestinians will only stew in their own juices and kill each other. That is all they know.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by Skellon

Skellon, there is a saying "Once a Marine, Always a Marine". I don't know if O'keefe has renounced his joining the Corps or not, but that saying still exists and yes, they really do take it to heart.

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