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RED ALERT: The Total Takeover Of America Enters Its Final Phase !

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posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 07:58 PM
Greetings Burntheships! Thanks for the insightful thread here.. I for one am listening and have been listening for years..
I have been at my witts end trying to get the word out over the years.. Im just glad there are others out here that are helping in doing so..
One man, nor one woman can not change the word...

However our message may be the changing factor when it comes down to it.. many voices speaking and changing the mind set..
Driving the lower astrals back into their holes!!

I would like to share a couple videos with you here...
The Population Reduction part 1

The Population Reduction part 2

You are correct about the final phase.. The codex is to be set into place this years 2009 dec. 31st..
We shall see if this bodes true.. And see if Monsanto will have its ways with the worlds food patents.. Such as the vids explain..

[edit on 29-6-2009 by zysin5]

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by zysin5

thanks for posting those here. Codex is so dangerous! We need to keep votiing on that also if there is a vote. I have posted some threads to alert people to CODEX ALIMENTARIUS...

They have us cornered...the money, the water, the internet, our food, the flu, vaccinations, high gas prices, miniature cars, and the doctors and medical, and ...and they want to us to give up our right to keep and bear arms.

Not gonna do it no no...

Here is a video and song that I am inspired by. I think Credence Clearwater saw it coming....great music!
But to me it is not doom and gloom it is kind of exciting to know a challenge meets up with us, and we are prepared!

All right!

Hope you got your things together.
Hope you are quite prepared to die.
Looks like we're in for nasty weather.
One eye is taken for an eye.

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Than what is it that you propose we do than to prevent this from happening? Revolt? Not a good plan not if you want the military knocking down your door at 3am? Call your congressman?
no I believe that wont work either so if you can't go left and you can't go right or up or down all we can do is walk straight and watch as our union dies around us.

OR we can start a movement at the state level get our states to see the BS that goes on March on the capital of each of our states when they see that they have our full support than I believe we will have change.

How about a civil strike can you imagine no one going to work not you not your boss no one oh the chaos that would bring!

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by BlackOps719
I can't argue with one single part of your original post, and I feel damned for saying it, but I just don't see anyone out here listening.

Half of the country are only looking for somebody to take care of them, another quarter actually support the changes that are taking place, and the last quarter are so frayed and disorganized that it makes mounting any real effort for resistance seem all but impossible.

Speak out and you are a racist or a terrorist, protest and you are a racist and a terrorist, try and educate the general John Q. Public and you are a fringe wack job. Most of the people I know in the regular world wouldnt have the grapes to talk back to a cop, must less fight one. They arent hardened or prepared, they wouldnt make any waves at all.

What do we do?

And don't say write your f*****g Congressman because it is obvious that we are beyond that point.

I feel the need to agree with this guy. When I look around at the people I know, that post pretty much sums it up. We'll have to be in the thick of it before anyone tries to do anything. (woo hoo my first post in like 2 years!)


posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by burntheships

This thread will not last long, you included links to petitions and that is a no-no...according to T&C.

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 10:19 PM
OK, since that is against the rules why doesn't someone make a web page to start a petition?

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by burntheships

How many of these guys do we have on this forum anyways, the ones that just take verbatim exactly what Alex Jones says and post it up here?

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 10:46 PM
What courage some have...amazing. While some folks wallets are emptied and the taxes they pay are spent on housing the robbers, they still sit idle and complacent.

Poker games are only fun for a night.

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by MagicaRose
OK, since that is against the rules why doesn't someone make a web page to start a petition?

Dont be so easily thrown off target. There are plenty of online petitions out there. Right under your nose in fact.

reply to post by pluckynoonez

Just your plucky two cents as you always say...

[edit on 29-6-2009 by burntheships]

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by SPC_D
reply to post by Amaterasu

Than what is it that you propose we do than to prevent this from happening? Revolt? Not a good plan not if you want the military knocking down your door at 3am? Call your congressman?
no I believe that wont work either so if you can't go left and you can't go right or up or down all we can do is walk straight and watch as our union dies around us.

OR we can start a movement at the state level get our states to see the BS that goes on March on the capital of each of our states when they see that they have our full support than I believe we will have change.

How about a civil strike can you imagine no one going to work not you not your boss no one oh the chaos that would bring!

Read my thread... And my book. If enough people are acting towards the abundance paradigm, it will be emergent in the world.

Check it out.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:43 AM
We have already lost this. Our fellow citizens have been brainwashed with TV video games, etc. They've been dumbed down to the point that if you could get them to listen to you they still wouldn't understand it. I have a friend who was smart enough to get it, but a few weeks ago gave in to the fear and is now actively burying his head in the sand. The few that are left will be drugged or exteminated when we become a problem.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:48 AM
There's nothing that can be done at this point.

All these things are destined to happen. And neither of us can do a thing to stop it.

What you all need to do is wake up and get ready for what's coming. Being ready is the best thing to do right now.

And it's 5 Minutes to Midnight, not 1 (though I got what you meant, just in case you didn't mean that which I'm thinking)

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 01:15 AM
All I can say is spread the word.
Let people know...let them either grow up or stay ignorant.
We only can pray the majority wake up...This will start off ugly, but I believe in the end, we will prevail.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by burntheships

it occurs to me that the america u so love... free speech, liberty and so on is already dead. Traded away for a few bars of gold...

But hey, pick over the wreckage and salvage what you can.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 02:23 AM
I feel the nead to tell my opinion to this thread although i'm not American and i don't have the slitest idea of what you people going through over there.
The one that clicked me was the anouncement of "water". How can a goverment, any goverment, can tell you that is illegal to collect the rain water let's say from your roof, just so you can water you plant all filter it or anything you want to do with it anyway. (Did i got it wrong?).
Unfortunatelly, as a European member, our media doesn't say almost anything about the law's of Europe that propably pass every week. As a "prophetic" old song says (in free English translation) "i'm afraid of all those things that will happen for me, without me".
European Union, as everybody knows was the first step, to see what it happens in a "country" that big and if you can control it with small efforts. I don't know if USA is about to have the same system, but one thing is for sure, at least from my point of view. Europe failed for the ordinary people. It's a good thing for "the ones they rule" though. And i say failed cause our money goes off our pockets with the speed of light. And i thing this is only the beginning. As i mentioned above, we don't have the slitest idea of what kind of laws they are passing.
But i'm conviced that YOU are in a state of "lab rats" somehow. If those bills you say they finally pass, they will see the outcome and will try (and succeed) passing them over here too.
Vaccines about the lab flu (swine) concernes me also. We have no announcement yet of being obligatory but if you have to do it eventually we'll have to do it also, late this year, when everyone expects a rise of the lab flu.
Please correct me if i'm wrong

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by SPC_D
I'm tired too, buddy. But we must continue the fight the good fight, even if we are the last man standing. Honor demands it. If we do not stand in battle against these who wish to hold tyranical power over us, then we dishonor those ho came befor us and fought for those freedoms.
Don't give up.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:41 AM
There is nothing that anyone can do. It doesn't matter if you had 1000's of people contacting the senate, TPTB are getting in to position and are ready to play their last card.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by burntheships


No kidding?







Well, late's better than never. *sigh* Ok, come on in... Gotta lose that cellphone though...

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 07:09 AM
I have to say the following: If these individuals, The Powers That Be, the Illuminati, The New World Order or whatever you may call them, are as powerful as you people paint them to be, then there is nothing anyone can do to stop them. If they are as powerful as you all claim they are, there is nothing you or anyone can do about it, no amount of resistance will budge, nothing. I made my mind up a long time ago and I will not be on the losing side.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by frostback

Believe me, Frostback, it is probably more embedded in Canada than the US. Do you understand what the "Green Energy Act" in Ontario was all about?

Did you Know Bill 150 known as the Green Energy Act…

    Takes away your civil right to object to any infrastructure project proposed for your neighbourhood regardless of impact on you and your family.
    Strips municipalities of their planning protection rights, effectively re-zones all of Ontario into an Industrial zone.
    Severely curtails environmental rights.
    Eliminates the need for proper Environmental Assessment thus putting Threatened and Endangered Species at risk.
    Eliminates previously protected designated Green Spaces and gives them to Industrial Wind Turbine developers.
    Excludes Ontarians from any say or objection in the establishment or location of industrial wind turbine plants.
    Systematically Silences Ontario citizens .
    Fails to address health issues or any impacts on residents whatsoever
    Bestows the Energy “Czar” power over pricing and procurement.
    Awards aid to commercial wind-turbine developers, whose profits will come exclusively from public funds (guaranteed 20 years).
    Enacts a ”reverse onus” clause whereby developers will no longer be accountable, but rather it is the “victim” who must prove harm by doing their own costly environmental assessment. The victim is allowed only 15 days to complete.
    Infringes on our right to fair government, health and safety, and erodes trust and checks and balances in the system.
    Raises your electricity bill by an estimated 30%
    Search and Seizure – Grants the government the right to enter a place of business without a warrant to ensure conformance to energy audit standards with fines of up to $25,000.

Welcome to Fascism.

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