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Support call for digital id and banking

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posted on May, 18 2024 @ 03:18 PM
Checked the pdf. All questions are about your finances. Intrusive but not too personal. Nothing you have said or in the paperwork gives any information about what they want to info for or how they will use it. Perhaps they have asked the tax-man for the info and been refused as per data protection and you not having consented to the bank and the inland revenue sharing information about you.

Also, do you have any kind of contract with the bank? If so, does it implicitly state you have to tell then whatever they demand? And if so, does that sit within all legal parameters where you live?

Have you checked laws in your country? Is any of this a breach of your privacy? Are there any legislative remedies to protect your personal information? Could you quote the law at them? Claim or rely on existing rights to refuse to comply as in ''under section ? of Act ?, I claim my right to privacy'' type thing?

I think it better to put your queries in writing rather than on the phone, you have formal evidence then. I also think your letter gives away too much information about your views, far more personal than basic financial info.

Smells of smoke screen. If people comply with this, seemingly innocuous, banks, money, financial circs, won't be long before you have to declare ethnicity, gender preference, sexuality, religion et al to satisfy their fake authoritative approach to their customers who pay all their bills.

posted on May, 18 2024 @ 04:56 PM
Wait till you are forced to take Medicare in the US. Lots of questions and they want to inspect your home.

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 09:30 AM
Been a good day today, talked to a few different people about it.

In the banks defense, fraud is an ongoing problem for the banks. The computing systems today are not like what they where with a whole new landscape of weakness and exploits to take advantage off. The bank is trying and do something about it to help reinforce the expanding digital walls.

I contend how this has been done in my situation. With a lot of new technology emerging and legislation passed, things are changing quickly. When it come to the latest technology, I have been more of a slow adapter not wanting to deal with all the bugs and implementation issues that do go on. Got no choice on this one.

Lot of people I have talked to are disgusted and concerned about the breach to privacy going on. For my self to defend against fraud, privacy is one approach I use. For the bank too so quickly and forcibly alter the standards of privacy has reduced the level of trust in how this institution operates.

As one stuck at the end of just what exactly does all this new legislation and technology really mean? Only time will tell. With the tone set so far, looks like a big information rush is on. As for what kind of risk / benefit this means for me is an unknown due to the complex nature of the situation.

In situations where there is risk, it is in breach of the Nuremberg Code to not also provide informed choice.

What actual risks do exist with supplying the bank with my overview of my financial situation.

1/ Information creep. Since I have now consented to a brief overview of my full financial situation, what is to stop a full deep dive into it all? Just how much economic advantage exists for those with access to this data on all of their customers? All it takes is one or a few bad staff member in a critical position to sell this information off to the highest bidder. How corporations like Blackrock get so big and continue to grow is one example of where information creep does lead.

As one involved in business, this kind of privacy breach can harm my economic potential as competitors or other scrupleless business practice take advantage of it.

2/ Misinformation. My work situation is complex and could be filled in some different ways, none of which is a fully accurate description of my actual situation. Will there be a different benefit or predacious depending how I answer? If this information is that critical that it justifies blocking access too my ability to transact, should it at least be true and accurate?

Will it be used against me if the wrong impressions are formed by how I answer? With how things have gone so far, already feel under arrest as the economic handcuffs are put on, where everything I say can and will be used against me. My liberty has not been fully deprived yet, but has given me some problems and work to do. My rates as a qualified IT professional is $200 per hour to continue work on this matter.

There are a lot of unknowns just where exactly all this technology is going, can get scary at times. I know the government has gone full steam ahead. I took the slow and steady approach with covid, feeling the same way here.

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: kwaka

What industry am I in?
What is my job?
What are your sources of income?

How did you get into your current financial position?

I don't really understand the last question, but the first three seem pretty standard. Pretty sure every credit card application ever asks the same questions. I just recently opened a bank account after not having one for eight years. I had been using a payroll card with my previous employer and would just withdraw all the money from a free ATM every week. I had to use it at my new employer because they did not cut a paper check. I realized it was already drawn on a bank of america account these reloadable payroll cards. So I just opened up one account at the source and now I can get all my cash out in one day instead of spreading it out three days due to withdrawl limits.

Either way, other than that last question the first three are standard in every credit card, loan application or new bank account here in Florida USA. I never thought them too intrusive as the IRS already has all this information, and frankly so does the intelligence community if you are lawfully employed.

Although upon reflection, the phrasing of "what are your source of income" seems a bit nosey for accepting deposits. It makes sense when borrowing money for a lender to know how you are capable of paying back the charges. I guess the institution does not want to knowingly accept illegal money; such as proceeds from drug, human and arms trafficking, embezzlement, retail theft and so on. But who would be honest about those things anyways?

It would be much better if employers had designated cash reserves for payroll for employees who wish to opt out of mandatory banking. Its like communism for banks this mandatory banking principal. There should be legislation passed to enshrine a citizens right to be paid directly in cash bypassing this dark magic madness that convinces responsible adults they are not responsible enough to safeguard their own income.

That mantra of "if i carry cash I will spend/lose it" is a subliminal mind control message which was embedded into folks before they were taught responsible money management. It completely ignores the fact that the behavior shifts to instant borrowing by just tapping and swiping a card or phone which enables more impulsive spending habits and racks up burdensome debt in a faster manner.

We need a law that returns the right of the citizen to receive their wages in cash when opted for.

posted on May, 20 2024 @ 05:20 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

I never thought them too intrusive as the IRS already has all this information, and frankly so does the intelligence community if you are lawfully employed.

I agree. It has not been standard practice before from the banks before with saving, has been with loans. How this intelligence community is growing with technology does open up a whole new range of exploits to explore.

With the governments recent push on Digital ID, I get it in some ways. I want to know who someone is before lettings them into my house too. I know I cannot stop it with the way technology continues to evolve. Looking for a reasonable path through it. When seeing what happens to those that question government policy too loud, I am on thin ice and need to be careful how I proceed.

I have meet some full on against Digital ID, their knowledge of technology is limited so more of the unknown to fuel the fear. Got that change thing too, more unknown to be worried about. Hopefully they learn something about it all on their journey and able to find a way through it that does work for them.

I don't really understand the last question: How did you get into your current financial position?

It is one question that does raise more about where is all this going? With such access already to my financial data, does not sound like much attempt has already been made getting to know me. Or maybe it has and the banks just wants to know how accurate and candid I am about it?

Overall it does appear the bank has doubt about it, at least with the team doing this 'getting to know you program'. Maybe it can help when deciding what transactions to pass, flag or fail? With all of the options being things that do affect most people over time in some way, just what kind of accounts or anomalies are they looking for?

I have not contacted the bank yet, been busy. Know I have to do it soon.

posted on May, 20 2024 @ 10:56 PM
Contacted the bank. Thankfully the bank did give me a phone number for someone I could directly call familiar with these issues and did not have to bounce are the switchboard for a bit. There was also one new term put in the automated introduction. If I was to mention any health concern in the call, the bank would take this as consent to collect medical information on me. I did ask for permission to record this call at the start of the conservation.

From the tone, the lady has heard a few of these calls and concerns. The plan is for every CBA customer to be contacted eventually.

I expressed concerns with how third parties can have access to overviews of my financial situation. Did not have to answer that question.

I did not push the matter with information on my employment and industry. Kept it consistent with my ATO file. It has been getting quick and easy when doing my tax, not the hours of paper work many years ago. Can overdraft and do conduct business, know things happen so if checks and balances to need to be made. Maybe I could of pushed this one too? I don't see some basic transparency in business as a bad thing so let it go for my situation at this time.

Being over the phone the rest of the verification was done with some old security questions. Saved a lot of time over moving documents around. I am back in. It is a nasty shock to be locked out. Was not an immediate crisis, does have a lot of chronic implications.

A new letter to the complaints department with a link to this thread too see if they want to make any public comment? Not sure what to do about my business and personal transactions yet? Know it is going to take some time to sort things out. Whatever way it goes, a plan B should something fail with the way money works is a good idea.

posted on May, 21 2024 @ 07:04 AM
Maria Zeee LIVE @ 6PM – FULL BLOWN TYRANNY! Digital ID – What it REALLY Means, & What Now?

A discussion from one further out in the front lines of this conflict, goes for about an hour. She has been debanked as well and hearing other stories about it.

In some ways it it good news I have been put high on the list as this digital ID rolls out, must be doing something right. I am also proud about my face book ban, a video of me on the steps of parliament house calling it as I saw it in the early days of coved. Now it links too

For some nut job to say they are the science, while ignoring what the science is saying, always the hard way in sorting out the facts from the fiction.

posted on May, 21 2024 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: kwaka

I want to know who someone is before lettings them into my house too

In dealing with the paranormal / gray zone, not always an easy answer. if doing more good than bad, cool. When pushing boundaries, hold the line.

posted on May, 21 2024 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

It is easy to get mad at the bank but I would bet there is a government regulator in the back ground wanting the bank to create a dossier on everyone.

that's the ticket right there, although banks are always scheming on ways to get more of your money, the Government is always scheming to. the more they know the more they can come after and take.

posted on May, 21 2024 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: BernnieJGato

It is easy to get mad at the bank but I would bet there is a government regulator in the back ground wanting the bank to create a dossier on everyone.

Getting into the history of the telecommunications industry, nothing new for the state. How accounting places like KPMG and others feed back an analysis to those those up the chain? Maybe there could be some benefit plugging into their matrix? I don't know where all these reward cards are going? For a 10% discount on the purchase, that data must be worth something?

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: kwaka
a reply to: Cvastar

Yeah, where these globilist control freaks are going, global control? Hopefully some of the AI catches up soon to help moderate the ego going on.

I do have a credit union sorted. Not all are the same in how they work, From Catherin Austin Fitts, a better option as the crazy train hits if you pick a good one. Still no guarantee as the next global financial crisis hits, got better odds if anything is going to survive.

Wow, a credit union.......I'd never thought of that. Interesting choice and as recommended by Catherin Austin Fitts! She' pretty brilliant. You're probably on to something.

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 06:29 AM
Just sent off the following complaint:

1/ Tell us what happened

I would like to provide some feedback on my experience with the new Know Your Customer or KYC program.

I did receive some emails and SMS messages about needing to verify my identity. That is fine. I did try, but had concerns about the questions with my employment and financial situation. Just what exactly am I consenting too as more third party providers are seeking more information?

It was not made clear just what exactly would happen if I did not provide these details by the 16/05/2024. From one message, it was access to new services that would be impacted. There was no one I could directly reply too with the messages I did receive about my concerns. I was not caught surprised that I did get fully locked out.

To find my self locked out of all banking facilities is a stressful experience. I was not immediately impacted by it, but was going to create a lot of problems the longer it went on. I did receive one phone number I could contact once my account was locked.

The phone call went well and sorted out the verification. Did not have to respond to the questions about my financial situation overview. I did respond to the question about my employment.

When conducting this call, there was an automated message at the start that any mention of a heath issue will be taken as consent for the bank to collect my personal health information. Has a similar consent policy been made when it comes to answering these questions about employment and financial situation?

For a more detailed account on how this process has gone in my situation and how I worked through it:

In progressing through the issues of privacy the way I have, I am in an awkward position with submitting a complaint about this matter. To do so will open some of my social media profile to the bank. Hope it helps the greater good find a more reasonable path through the complex issues.

2/ And how we could fix it

Improvements that can be made include a clearer and consistent message about what exactly will happen if I do not complete the verification in how all banking services will be locked until completed. I did have some doubt with the mixed messages of a work in progress.

How this is about the issues of fraud in a technological evolving landscape is a more reasonable way to put it than the terrorism approach.

I don't know if there is some covert consent clause with the questions on my job and financial overview. If so, just ask for consent on these privacy matters.

To get locked out to more easily find someone familiar with the topic and issues has been a stressful process.

As one of the earlier ones to go through the KYC program, hope it helps in trying to find a responsible, reasonable and appropriate path through the challenges ahead.

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