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The Dark Pyramid of Alaska and the Why Files take on the subject

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posted on May, 5 2024 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: SchrodingersRat

Focused on the strategic side of ongoings huh? That's a fancy word for the good stuff sir. You're not fooling me with that.

posted on May, 5 2024 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: Scratchpost

Radar units cannot pick up ground seismic waves, other than the antenna wiggling and messing up the signal.

That is different equipment.

Edit: As already mentioned above.

edit on 5-5-2024 by BeyondKnowledge3 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2024 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
What if....
The MIC has fully developed very advanced tech under the cover of the Roswell incident and helping to further the UFO idology?

What if.....
The threat of alien invasion is being presented to create a majority of believers in aliens?

It would stand to reason that an agenda would have to have been planned out to direct the masses. What could that be? How would it benefit TPTB?

Imagine if you will a massive 'alien' attack, wiping out vast numbers of people. Depopulation agenda false flag, keeping the blood off their hands.

There may well be a rare, occasional off-world visitor to planet earth but I don't personally think that's what we're seeing. I'm seeing a false flag in the making.

People can easily be led to believe anything. RFID chips are a good example; people were up in arms over the idea for years while governments really had no plan on implanting chips in everyone......but the silly people now walk around 24/7 with that 'chip' in their hands, playing games and watching TilTok videos. Even many of the homeless have their very own personal tracking chip/device.

People want to believe so the government is showing them proof. Do you trust anything the government pushes so hard? I don't. I smell a rat.


I completely agree.

posted on May, 6 2024 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

This is yet another one I want to believe, but for totally vain reasons I don't want to be a fool believing another flimsy Linda Moulton Howe vehicle.

I agree with the hosts opinion she's a true believer on par with an 'archaeotheologist," and saturated with confirmation bias.

But I can't help going and looking at coordinates to find things that look like things, though it stands to reason any actual remnants of anything would be completely scrubed from Google.

If i was like those claiming pyramids are on Mars I could proclaim I found a remnant shaft to the underground. It's sorta rectangular and measures about 20 by 10 feet. These images suck though. The US Air Force keyhole satellites still had better resolution in 1963.

edit on 6-5-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2024 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: budzprime69
a reply to: SchrodingersRat

Focused on the strategic side of ongoings huh? That's a fancy word for the good stuff sir. You're not fooling me with that.

Yeah, that was a pretty lame dodge.

But seriously, my systems are not on the "front lines" so to speak. It's more back-end image and location analysis and most importantly prediction - i.e. if this and that and that at these locations, then what's next and where? That's where the AI comes in.

I hope that makes sense.

posted on May, 7 2024 @ 11:20 AM
Isn't this how the predator movies first started...or was that Aliens vs Predator?

Either way, nephilim build all the preflood wonders.

edit on 7-5-2024 by ADVISOR because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2024 @ 12:02 PM
Thanks for sharing, hell even that fish isn't getting on my nerves anymore

posted on May, 7 2024 @ 08:47 PM
I caught this episode after watching oddly enough 2 other videos about this particular subject. What I find most interesting is that you can actually find the site that this black pyramid is supposed to be located on Google Earth. The truth of the matter is that when you look at the site, it’s not all that remarkable until you look close at the terrain. Then it starts to give you the idea that there is something under that dirt.

How would such a thing happen? Well, I watched a video about how these sudden earth shifts occur and these massive glaciers and dirt moving happen very quickly. Not in hundreds of years, but in hundreds of days. A pyramid could be covered in sediment if there were a sudden flooding and massive melt of the ice caps and glaciers, though I don’t think it would be something that would raise the level of the oceans so much as a glacier on a land mass would move massive amounts of dirt and debris, then recede when the weather changes.

We have been seeing a lot of talk about a pole shift, and when those things happen apparently things can go absolutely haywire.

That being said, is this story plausible? I think so. Is this story the truth? Not likely as something like this would require lots and lots of people employed to create the infrastructure and not all those people would be capable of keeping a secret. If they are using only government employees, then that would mean we have two societies living in the United States. One of the citizens, and one that is a shadowy society of people who have access to things that the rest of us do not. Thus not a free society at all.

At any rate, as much as this episode was neat, I’m not entirely sure I believe it.

posted on May, 9 2024 @ 10:59 AM

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