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UN Estimates Rebuilding Gaza Will Cost Up To 40 Billion Dollars

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posted on May, 4 2024 @ 03:11 AM

originally posted by: JAY1980
Apparently you don't understand the concept of "You break it, you bought it".

Then the 'palestinians' can pay for it themselves since they are the ones who broke it. They are the ones who got billions in aid and, instead of spending it on proper infrastructure and proper education, spent it on terrorism. They are the ones that were moronic enough to attack a country that could beat the snot out of them. So yeah ... you break it you bought it ... Gaza can pay for it's own rebuilding since it's their own damn fault the place is a mess.

posted on May, 4 2024 @ 03:28 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: JAY1980
Apparently you don't understand the concept of "You break it, you bought it".

Then the 'palestinians' can pay for it themselves since they are the ones who broke it. They are the ones who got billions in aid and, instead of spending it on proper infrastructure and proper education, spent it on terrorism. They are the ones that were moronic enough to attack a country that could beat the snot out of them. So yeah ... you break it you bought it ... Gaza can pay for it's own rebuilding since it's their own damn fault the place is a mess.

Can't you see/understand that Zionism/Israel creates terrorists them self? Zionisms is anti Jew basiclly! they create hate and hate for Jews them self!.
They took/stole their land with their dream taking their holy land again. Nakbar 1948, 700.000 people who lived there who call them Palestinians forced out of their homes/land, ethnic_cleansing, thousands killed. It all started with that with no end in sight for suffering.
So people who where born in mostly Germany and raised there came there after WWII. These so called people of GOD doing the opposite of his teachings (jesus teachings, in which they don't believe of course!!). Jesus isn't in their Bible.
They still steal land, threat them no respect, bulldozer their houses and now they destroyed everything basically in Gaza.
With 7 oktober, how horrible it was, Israel true face just got shown in full sight, and damn it's UGLY/EVIL!! Before 7 oktober you also had an economical blockade, every few years Israel mow the lawn, when the Palestinians flourish/doing better Israel mows/bombs it down.
And now they created even more enemy's and terrorists, as always! Nothing good comes out of Israel.

And not only that but Israel basically also destroyed surrounding country's, like Iraq, Libya, Syria, with the help of the US (doing Israel wishes). Iran is next on the list and good change it will be destroyed as well, maybe NUKED (when Israel is loosing this current war, which seems likely in my view.
So the US and her EU vassal states are also responsible supporting them, and not stopping them! Maybe even Israel also creates WWIII.

edit on 4-5-2024 by Plugit because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2024 @ 03:42 AM

originally posted by: Plugit
Can't you see/understand that Zionism/Israel creates terrorists them self?

No ... radical Islam creates terrorists.
It doesn't matter what people do, Islam hates
them and wants them destroyed or made into
subhuman subservient dhimmis.

And the Jews didn't 'steal the land'.
They have lived there all through history.

And no, they didn't come from mostly Germany.
MANY left Muslim countries because they were
so poorly treated in them so they went to their
own little Jewish country, which historically was
Jewish land, to be safe. If the Muslims had treated
them better in those other countries, then the
Jews wouldn't have all fled to Israel. It's the Muslims
fault Israel needed to be reestablished for a Jewish
edit on 5/4/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2024 @ 03:56 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: Plugit
Can't you see/understand that Zionism/Israel creates terrorists them self?

No sweetie ... radical Islam creates terrorists.
It doesn't matter what people do, Islam hates
them and wants them destroyed or made into
subhuman subservient dhimmis.

And the Jews didn't 'steal the land'.
They have lived there all through history.

And no, they didn't come from mostly Germany.
MANY left Muslim countries because they were
so poorly treated in them so they went to their
own little Jewish country, which historically was
Jewish land, to be safe. If the Muslims had treated
them better in those other countries, then the
Jews wouldn't have all fled to Israel. It's the Muslims
fault Israel needed to be reestablished for a Jewish

Not sure if you believe in GOD/JESUS but maybe there was a reason Israel ceased to exist? I don't think it ever existed with the name of Israel, the kingdom of DAVID existed. That country was called Palatine before Israel stole it, you had even passports with Palastine written on it (when the land was owned by the Britsch.
After Jesus got killed (by jews), god is for all the people, not just some chosen people.
Christians and Muslims lived in peace over there together, on that piece of land. After Israel came after wwII, then the problems started.

Same with 9-11, with the war against terrorist, they created only terrorists and destroyed those country's with millions death. 9/11 Attacks Were 'Blowback For Decades Of U.S. Intervention In The Middle East'.

Same thing now, with Israel after 7 oktober, more enemy's, more terrorist only! no solution's, only more problems, hell.

edit on 4-5-2024 by Plugit because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2024 @ 04:55 AM

originally posted by: Plugit
Christians and Muslims lived in peace over there together, on that piece of land. After Israel came after wwII, then the problems started.

Nope. Not true at all.

I have often heard the propagandistic lie that “before Israel, Jews and Arabs were best friends – we had no problem with them!” That’s certainly a romantic idea. Unfortunately, it is simply not true.

So why had der Grossmufti von Jerusalem – Hajj “Amin” Al-Husseini – and his terrorist gangs been massacring Jews for three decades prior to that? It certainly wasn’t because of land theft. It sure wasn’t about “freedom fighting.” It was about hatred of the Jewish People.

Then what prompted the violence of the Nabi Musa pogrom in 1920? Oppression by Jews? Over what? The stated reason for the pogrom was because elderly Jews had the audacity to sit in folding chairs for religious services at the Kotel – the “Wailing Wall” – all that is remaining of OUR Temple, which antisemites try to pretend never existed, just as Jordan sought to hide the Dead Sea Scrolls from the world for this same reason.

What of the pogroms in Chevron and Tz’vat in 1929? Or the Chevron pogroms of 1834 or 1517 for that matter?

What of the so-called “Arab Revolts” where der Grossmufti von Jerusalem – a close personal buddy and pen-pal of Hitler, requested (and received) Nazi funding to attack Jewish refugees and thousands-of-years-old-villages? There was not one centimeter of Palestinian land stolen at that time and still, the man who Yasser Arafat claims is his “uncle” decided to align himself with Hitler and help the Reich recruit Bosnia Muslims for the Hanschar SS Division.

Palestinian pogroms before 1948

British Palestine 1917-1948 - Both Muslim and Jew Beat the Snot Out of Each Other

Crisis Phase (November 2, 1917-April 19, 1936): Jewish nationalists began a struggle for a Jewish state in Palestine following the issuance by the British government of the Balfour Declaration on November 2, 1917. In the document, the British government declared its support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine. Palestinian Arabs rioted in Jerusalem in March 1920 (“Bloody Passover”), resulting in the deaths of five Palestinian Jews and four Palestinian Arabs. Representatives of seven Allied countries (Belgium, Britain, France, Greece, Italy, Japan), which were meeting in San Remo, Italy beginning on April 19, 1920, decided to provisionally grant Great Britain the mandate over Palestine. Palestinian Arabs, who were opposed to the principles contained in the Balfour Declaration, opposed the efforts of the British government beginning in April 1920. Six Palestinian Jews were killed in political violence in Jerusalem in April 1920. The Jewish Self-Defense Organization (Haganah) was established by Vladimir Jabotinsky on June 15, 1920. Some 47 Palestinian Jews and 48 Palestinian Arabs were killed in political violence in Jaffa, Jerusalem, and other cities between May 1 and November 2, 1921. The League of Nations (LON) formally adopted a British mandate for Palestine in July 1922, which incorporated the principles of the Balfour Declaration in the mandate. Arab nationalists opposed the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. Some 75,000 Jews emigrated to Palestine between 1922 and 1926. Muslims and Jews clashed in Jerusalem and other cities from August 16 to September 2, 1929, resulting in the deaths of some 250 individuals. The British government established a commission of inquiry, which investigated the situation in Palestine from October 24 to December 29, 1929. Jewish militants led by Avraham Tehomi established the National Military Organization (Irgun Zvai Le’umi – “Irgun”) in April 1931. Some 60,000 Jews emigrated to Palestine in 1935. Palestinian Arabs demanded that the British government halt Jewish emigration to Palestine, but the British government ignored the demand. Some 500 individuals were killed during the crisis.

And there is more ... so much more ... but I"m only allowed to quote just so much when posting.

Israel Palestine Before 1948

August 15, 1929 - Palestine Riots (also called the 1929 Massacres, Western Wall Riots, or the Buraq Uprising) start when a group of Jews march to the Western Wall, shouting “the Wall is ours” and singing Hatikvah. Rumors start swirling that they are attacking local Arabs.

August 16 — 20 1929- A young Sephardic Jew is stabbed to death (possibly unrelated to the tensions); his funeral becomes a huge anti-Arab demonstration.

August 23 1929 - Arabs converge on Jerusalem, spurred by rumors the Jews were going to try and claim the Western Wall. They start to attack Jews in the Old City, and violence begins to spread.

August 24 1929 - Hebron Massacre: as a result of hearing reports of Jews massacring Arabs, Arabs attack Hebron’s Jewish quarter, killing between 65 and 68 Jews. Over the course of the week of riots, 116 Arabs (possibly higher) and 133 Jews are killed.

1936 - Arab Revolt Stage 1: Palestinian Arabs revolt against British rule, demanding Arab independence and a cessation of Jewish immigration. Amin al-Husseini calls for a general strike, which lasts from April to October. As a result of the strike, Britain declares martial law and sends 20,000 troops into Palestine.

1937 - Peel Commission report published, recommending partition for the first time, separating Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state, with a British Mandate remaining over Nazareth, Bethlehem, and Jerusalem. The Arab Higher Committee denounces it immediately, fully opposes the idea of a Jewish state, and calls for a state of Palestine with protected rights for Jews and other minorities, a cessation of Jewish immigration, and land purchase.

1937 - Arab Revolt Stage 2: turned more violent, lasting for two years (until 1939). It becomes more a campaign of murder and sabotage against the British and the Jewish population in Palestine. In response, the Irgun starts attacking Palestinian civilians.

The Jewish population in Mandate Era Palestine was larger than all the Palestinian Druze, Sikhs, Bahais, Metawalis, and Samaritans – all combined. The land was historically Jewish and it was largely populated with Jews. Many Jews migrated there prior to the establishment of Israel, and after the establishment of Israel, because Muslims treated them so poorly in majority Muslim countries that they had to leave and had no where else to go other than British Palestine.

Islam is a violent, expansionary ideology that seeks the subjugation and destruction of other faiths, cultures, and systems of government. The Quran contains 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. It's violent. It's bloody. It's intolerant. It's NOT 'the religion of peace'.

posted on May, 4 2024 @ 04:56 AM
The nonsense - "Everyone in the Middle East got along fine before Israel existed"

List of major attacks 1834-1948.
(just the major ones. not bothering to list the 'little' ones)

- 1834 Hebron massacre

- 1834 Safed massacre

- 1838 Safed massacr

- The 1920 pogrom

- 1921 Jaffa massacre

- 1929 Hebron massacre

- 1929 Safed massacre

- 1938 Tiberias massacre

- 1948 massacre

posted on May, 4 2024 @ 04:58 AM
Rebuild Gaza and they'll just screw it up again and get themselves in trouble. That's the mentality over there.


"Our conflict is not an Israeli-Arab conflict. Our struggle is not for a Palestinian state. We are seeking the world. We are seeking the whole world. We are seeking a confrontation against all Crusaders, against all Christians, against all infidels until they adopt the Islamic religion, until they follow the Sharia of Allah. We are not interested in Palestine. We are not interested in Tel Aviv or in Ashkelon. What is important for us is to see Islam ruling the world. This is the religion of God and we are fighting to see Islam rule the world." - Abu al-Ayna al-Ansari, a leader of a Salafi group in the Gaza Strip that is allied with Islamic State ideology

“As Muslims, we don’t believe in states, borders, and embassies, and most certainly not in Israel’s right to exist. We have to focus on imposing the rule of Islam wherever we are, to signal to the infidels that their support of the enemy is useless." - Abu al-Ayna al-Ansari


“We bless every drop of blood that has been spilled for Jerusalem, which is clean and pure blood, blood spilled for Allah, Allah willing. Every martyr (Shahid) will reach Paradise, and everyone wounded will be rewarded by Allah.“ - Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, on PA-TV in 2015

“The Islamic Resistance Movement: Islam is its way. It is from Islam that it derives its ideas, concepts, and perceptions concerning the universe, life, and man, and it refers to Islam's judgment in all its actions. It is from Islam that it seeks direction so as to guide its steps. “ - The covenant of Hamas, a terrorist organization that enjoys widespread popularity in the Islamic world despite brutal massacres of Israeli men, women and children.

"It was a calculated act, performed with conviction and faith in Allah... I dedicated myself to Jihad for the sake of Allah and Allah granted me success. Do you know how many casualties there were? That was made possible by Allah."- Tamimi, one of the bombers who slaughtered fifteen innocents, including six children at a Sbarro's pizza parlor.

"When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off the fingertip of them" - Literature from the Jama'at al-Tawhid wa'l-Jihad Salafi group in Gaza quoting from the Quran to justify sending rockets haphazardly into Israeli population centers.

"I am proud and honored to be a terrorist for the sake of Allah... This is Islamic religious law. I don't invent anything. I follow Islamic religious law in this." - Umm Nidal, a woman who sent her six sons on suicide missions against Jewish civilians

We are in need of strong and powerful heroes in order to implement the words of Allah: [The companions] 'are tough against the infidels and merciful among themselves.' We … motivate the students, to wage jihad, for the sake of Allah, and we instill love for Allah and His Prophet in the souls of our sons - Hamas spokesman at a 'summer camp' for kids. The Quran verse referenced is 48:29

"Our campaign against the Jews is a purely ideological Islamic campaign. - Islamic State magazine A-Naba' shortly after a March, 2022 murder spree

"My labeling is Islam only. Do not include me in any faction, organization or party because I am Muslim and that is enough for me." - Suicide note from Kamal Mahmoud Abu Bakr, a Palestinian terrorist


“We are… linked to the Muslims of the whole world by the solid doctrinal and religious connection of Islam, whose message God wanted to be fulfilled by the Seal of the Prophets, i.e., Muhammad” - From the charter of the Hezbollah terrorist group, which has kidnapped, tortured and killed numerous non-Muslims.


"One of the greatest virtues in Islam is jihad for the sake of God. Ramadan is the month of jihad and battles, and most Muslim battles took place during the blessed month. This is your season, o people of jihad. Jihad during the fasting month of Ramadan has a great taste -- for what better way to break your fast than to kill infidels and relish the sound of the weeping of the despicable tyrants and infidels." - Saudi-based terrorist magazine, al-Jihad


“Our hero [the suicide bomber] believed in Allah and died while fighting for Allah” - Islamic Jihad leader, Abu Ayman

"We are fighting to apply what Allah said to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. We are fighting so people don’t look to other people but only to Allah. We don’t believe in complete freedom: it is restricted by Allah’s laws." - A member of al-Nusra, an al-Qaeda affiliated group responsible for hundreds of terror attacks

"Being Muslims, we do not believe in political parties or parliamentary elections, but rather in an Islamic regime... Our heading towards the establishment of Islamic law (Sharia) is jihad in Allah's way." - A spokesperson for al-Nusra, explaining what motivates the car bombings, suicide attacks and execution of hostages

"Jabhat Fatah el al Sham will work towards achieving actions for the religion of Allah, may he be exalted, strengthening Sharia law and the rule of justice between people, all people." - The leader of an al-Qaeda linked terrorist group


posted on May, 4 2024 @ 05:10 AM
a reply to: 19Bones79
40 Billion heh. Now that could build a very luxurious holiday town/city just like in Dubai. Cos according to some on here it wont be for the "Palestinians" because they will be genocided.

posted on May, 4 2024 @ 05:15 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
The nonsense - "Everyone in the Middle East got along fine before Israel existed"

List of major attacks 1834-1948.
(just the major ones. not bothering to list the 'little' ones)

- 1834 Hebron massacre

- 1834 Safed massacre

- 1838 Safed massacr

- The 1920 pogrom

- 1921 Jaffa massacre

- 1929 Hebron massacre

- 1929 Safed massacre

- 1938 Tiberias massacre

- 1948 massacre

Should have said after Zionism, 150 years into existence.

edit on 4-5-2024 by Plugit because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2024 @ 05:58 AM

originally posted by: Edumakated

originally posted by: Threadbarer
a reply to: Edumakated

Oh look. Another member cheering on ethnic cleansing.

I didn't say anything about ethnic cleansing. I said flatten Gaza entirely and the Palestinians can be taken in by Egypt, Jordan or whoever. The reality though is that even those countries don't want them because they know culturally, Palestinians are fanatical nut jobs.

The Palestinians had their chance. Israel got out of Gaza in 2005. It is literally beachfront property. Instead of turning Gaza into a productive destination and creating a functioning economy and city, they turned into a rats nest of Hamas terrorist. They could have literally just created a Palestinian Dubai out of Gaza by now.

They FAFO. The only way this ends is to move the Palestinians away from the area. Make the other Arab countries take them. Ship them to Siberia for all I care at this point. Send them over to Afghanistan.

What is clear is that they cannot stay in Gaza. They are not capable of living peacefully and productively in the region. Get them far enough away so they cannot antagonize Israel. They lost the war. Time to move on.

The forceful displacement of people is a definition of ethnic cleansing, so you did actually call for ethnic cleansing.

The Siberia thing isn't the worst idea. I've said before that Israel could absorb Gaza and make the residents there citizens. Those who refuse can be sent elsewhere to lands acquired for them to make a new state. Short of that the only reasonable solution is the 2 state solution.

It's difficult to thrive when there's a historic blockade that being said it's also too easy to turn anything into a weapon... Maybe Israel should own that land but they shouldn't be disregarding human rights. Either everybody has them or nobody can have them.

posted on May, 4 2024 @ 06:24 AM
I’ll take a person from Palestine for 30 shekels thanks Eddie.

a reply to: DBCowboy

posted on May, 4 2024 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

A person from the ethnic group that resides in the region known as Palestine.

posted on May, 4 2024 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: Edumakated

You realize that ethnic cleansing doesn't just refer to genocide, right? For example, when Stalin forced all the native Tatars in Ukraine to relocate to Siberia, that was ethnic cleansing.

It is the removal of an ethnic group from a region. Which is exactly what you're advocating.

posted on May, 4 2024 @ 07:09 AM
Chris Hedges on the moral corruption of Israel and the “savagery” of violence

The west moral compass is BROKEN, KAPUT! without repair possible..
Just defend Israel, because you know after wwII, never again!

posted on May, 4 2024 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

And the Jews didn't 'steal the land'.
They have lived there all through history.

After WWII, when Israel was established and the Jews from Europe were moving in they were provided with fully furnished homes. Some even reported coming into their new home and seeing the dining table set.

Where do you think all those homes and furniture came from?

Now when you say that the Jews didn't steal the land, you're technically correct. It was stolen by the US and the British and given to the Jews. But it doesn't change the fact that the state of Israel only exists because thousands were displaced.
edit on 4-5-2024 by Threadbarer because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2024 @ 08:00 AM
Scorched earth is the only way.

We will be revisiting this issue again and possibly on American soil.

70% of Americans own at least one gun.

You all are infidels in their eyes. You are unworthy of the blessing of Allah. They would murder you in your sleep. Feel sorry for them all you want.

Feel free to go to Gaza and find out just how long you would last.

posted on May, 4 2024 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
a reply to: FlyersFan

And the Jews didn't 'steal the land'.
They have lived there all through history.

Now when you say that the Jews didn't steal the land, you're technically correct. It was stolen by the US and the British and given to the Jews.

This is a common belief of Israel haters. It's also demonstrably untrue and demonstrates how misinformed most Israel haters are--which is usually why you hate Israel. Most of the time, the more informed people get, the less they hate Israel.

The UN passed a resolution "creating" Israel. But that's all they did. US and British and other UN troops didn't go in and establish the state. The Jews did that themselves. They weren't "given" anything. The US formally recognized the new state of Israel, but that was it. The US didn't become a significant material supporter of Israel until the 1960s.

Especially ironic is that the Jews initially just did it through immigration. Jews were moving to the area and BUYING homes from willing Arab sellers. Other Jews were moving there and establishing homes in places where nobody lived. With the massive influx of Jews immigrating there, some Arabs grew concerned that if enough Jews moved there, the Arabs would become the minority.

And this was legal immigration. When Americans voice concerns about illegal immigration, we're "racist." So you support these racist Arabs that didn't want those pesky Jews diluting their population?

Eventually the Arabs got so mad at all these Jews legally coming there that they started a civil war.

They lost.

Years later, they started calling themselves Palestinians.

Almost 80 years later, they've refused to accept that they lost and are still attempting to perpetuate the war through terrorism, and they get international support from people like you? This would be like old remnants of the Confederacy still launching terrorist attacks against the US government in the 1940s, and people in other countries rallying in support of them.

It's an absolutely preposterous position for Western progressives to take, to support these terrorists. But progressives believe and support lots of contradictory positions.
edit on 4-5-2024 by YourFaceAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2024 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Doubtful dear. (G'day F.F!) Have you SEEN pictures of Gaza now? Theres already about nothing left.

Looks like the whole place has been...and needs now to be..leveled. Sorry for the innocent's affected in Gaza.🫤

posted on May, 4 2024 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

While relatively small, Gaza is still a lot bigger than can be shown in a few camera shots, which is all we see in the media.

And given the media's propensity to lie about Israel, I'm understandably skeptical that every building is leveled.

posted on May, 4 2024 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
a reply to: DBCowboy

A person from the ethnic group that resides in the region known as Palestine.

I live in Oregon, what ethnicity is an Oregonian?

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