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Modern Mind Control

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posted on May, 3 2024 @ 04:19 AM
a reply to: Lapidoth

We've come along way when it comes to bio-feedback studies.

That's interesting to hear as anecdotal evidence.

I'm suspecting that this is not only happening by accident to the still fragile minds of adolescents, but might have reached a real-time design based on the Metadata provided by our Mobile phones ever more sophisticated sensores...

posted on May, 3 2024 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: Terpene

Feedback loops are an impressive technology, I remember first thinking about them after learning that SpaceX was using lidar to land their rockets.

As far as sophisticated sensors go, I came across this yesterday:

Just published Apple patent signals aim to measure brain activity using AirPods sensor system

Today the US Patent & Trademark Office published a patent application from Apple that relates to a next-generation of AirPods Sensor System wherein the housing and tips of AirPods could include a number of active and reference electrodes configured to measure biosignals and electrical activity of a user’s brain. The biosignals measured by AirPods could include, but are not limited to, an electroencephalography (EEG), electromyography (EMG), electrooculography (EOG) and more.

Makes me wonder what an advanced AI could do with someone's EEG, EMG, and EOG, especially if stimuli and feedback loops were involved.

edit on 3-5-2024 by IndieA because: Added thoughts

posted on May, 3 2024 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: 5thHead
And yes Brittany Spears should be used as an example. Look what they did to her. Her father couldn't do that on his own. He had help. The Help of medical professionals. There was a lot of money to be made and she was turned into a slave. They used her kids to manipulate her. Her father was taught how to do this to her and as far as I know he is Scott free. He knows the right people. He's part of the club now.

I don't think coercive and controlling behaviour is anything new, we just have the language needed to describe it now. People living in abusive, toxic relationships, including children, are often suffering from something not that far removed from Stockholm Syndrome. Madams, pimps and pedophiles, amongst others, have capitalised on these control mechanisms for centuries.

The depths to which MKUltra sank in terms of human experimentation is though astonishing. Tactically, they discovered new and novel ways to torture and murder people, but they clearly crossed other lines too, using other human beings as objects to be played with. Though seemingly with limited success, beyond perhaps getting very good at inducing psychosis.

Zero oversight, a bottom-less purse and an unlimited supply of acid and amphetamines. What could go wrong?

posted on May, 3 2024 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: Beesnestbomber

Sorry pal but you are flat out wrong, it did happen, and sub projects are still going on in secret to this day. I trained in therapeutic hypnosis & learned some incredible things about what is possible.

One guy was hypnotised into a trance in which he visualised meeting himself as a child, and following himself growing up from the ages 10-18, he lived the whole thing, eight years in a trance, and when he came out of it, it had only been thirty minutes of real time. But he lived it, day in, day out. Weirdest thing, afterwards, he began to recover memories of an invisible 'imaginary friend' who had claimed to be a time traveller, who had been with him in his real life from the age 10-18. Absolutely pant-wettingly crazy stuff, but absolutely genuine.

There are many more incredible possibilities. Simply hypnotising someone to practice their musical instrument in their imagination for an hour a day led to one guy being an absolutely phenomenal guitarist within six months, despite never having picked up an actual guitar in that time.

These things are very real - and you sir, are very uninformed.

posted on May, 3 2024 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: BrucellaOrchitis

They even crossed over into trying to use occult powers (demonic power) to try to control people, and to obtain information about their enemies, again using novel methods of hypnotic torture.

posted on May, 3 2024 @ 08:31 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: BrucellaOrchitis

They even crossed over into trying to use occult powers (demonic power) to try to control people, and to obtain information about their enemies, again using novel methods of hypnotic torture.

Given that they took the top of the skulls off two men, inserted electrodes and then tried to get them to kill each other by applying electricity to different regions of the brain, and when that failed, shot them both and had the bodies burned - kind of reduces your example to the realms of MKUltra the Nancy Drew edition.

No offence meant - you get what I am saying?

posted on May, 3 2024 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: IndieA

I can guarantee you, you're not the first wondering...

posted on May, 3 2024 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: IndieA

Feedback loops are an impressive technology, I remember first thinking about them after learning that SpaceX was using lidar to land their rockets.

As far as sophisticated sensors go, I came across this yesterday:

Just published Apple patent signals aim to measure brain activity using AirPods sensor system

Today the US Patent & Trademark Office published a patent application from Apple that relates to a next-generation of AirPods Sensor System wherein the housing and tips of AirPods could include a number of active and reference electrodes configured to measure biosignals and electrical activity of a user’s brain. The biosignals measured by AirPods could include, but are not limited to, an electroencephalography (EEG), electromyography (EMG), electrooculography (EOG) and more.

That's interesting.

The Canadian from the second video in the OP who threatened Kanye with being legally drugged into oblivion is very much in to this sort of thing.

His name is Harley Pasternak. And a few years ago he was all about monitoring your heart rate and breathing, your location, how many steps you take. Recording ambient sound around you. Listening in wherever you go.

This guy's a real creepo

Overnight, my Fitbit tracked my sleep. It's gone from being the thing that motivates me to move more throughout the day to my most useful tool to measure how much and how well I sleep, as well as calculating the best times for me to go to sleep and wake up based on my current sleep patterns. It has a program called Sleep Stages that analyzes how much light sleep, REM, deep sleep, and restlessness I have on a given night. This data will help me manipulate my nighttime habits to improve my sleep quality for the rest of the week and beyond.

This guy wants to know everything about you. He's a real weirdo. And think how he could get all his celebrity clients to use those things. Even promote them. Creepy as hell man.

edit on 5311010America/Chicagoam03 by 5thHead because: 👺

posted on May, 3 2024 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: 5thHead

I saw a video quite awhile ago about i think Holmes the theater shooters dad being some kind of psychologist im foggy on the details because it's been a long time since I watched it but the person who made the video seemed to think Holmes was mind controlled or something similar to do the shooting.

It seems like some people involved in these things as either perpetrator or victim sometimes have connections to either psychology or the government in some capacity.

posted on May, 3 2024 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: Shoshanna

I believe you can absolutely drive someone crazy if you mess with them enough. You confuse them, discredit them, give them no place to turn, use their loved ones against them. If they ask for help they look crazy.

Yeah, I think they know how to turn most people into a shooter. I think they've known for a while. And some will still resist and just kill themselves, and if that doesn't work the sickos kill the one they were messing with..

edit on 5311010America/Chicagoam03 by 5thHead because: 💊

posted on May, 3 2024 @ 11:05 AM
I have seen the power of hypnosis first hand. I have a friend who was a "theatrical" hypnotist he hypnotised my best friend and my son. People think with the MK Ultra thing that the person being conditioned is a straight forward thing, ie. just tell some one to kill some one and they would do it. It aint that black and white, it's subtle little bits here and there over time. Altering the "reality" in someone's mind and yes they can induce violence even in a short period of time. So to have some one for months or years anything is possible.

If you really want examples you only have to look at all these demonstrations happening around the US. Oh, you can come out with "but it's only stupid young students" but the methods that some one is using is working.

posted on May, 3 2024 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: Shoshanna
a reply to: 5thHead

I saw a video quite awhile ago about i think Holmes the theater shooters dad being some kind of psychologist im foggy on the details because it's been a long time since I watched it but the person who made the video seemed to think Holmes was mind controlled or something similar to do the shooting.

It seems like some people involved in these things as either perpetrator or victim sometimes have connections to either psychology or the government in some capacity.

I have always suspected foul play with regards to that theater incident.

There were reports of either gas canisters, gunshots, or both, coming from multiple directions, and the alleged shooter seemed very trance like throughout the court hearings. The fact that his lawyers had him in court with colored hair was also odd. Idk, maybe that was to help with chances of an insanity defense. It was so long ago, I don't really remember the details.

posted on May, 3 2024 @ 12:29 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: IndieA

I can guarantee you, you're not the first wondering...

I know of this one thing:

AI makes non-invasive mind-reading possible by turning thoughts into text

An AI-based decoder that can translate brain activity into a continuous stream of text has been developed, in a breakthrough that allows a person’s thoughts to be read non-invasively for the first time.

The AI is trained while participants listen to podcasts.

The learning process was intensive: three volunteers were required to lie in a scanner for 16 hours each, listening to podcasts. The decoder was trained to match brain activity to meaning using a large language model, GPT-1, a precursor to ChatGPT.

That research was done with a fMRI scanner, but today I learned about similar technology using an EEG cap.

Mind-reading AI can translate brainwaves into written text

Using only a sensor-filled helmet combined with artificial intelligence, a team of scientists has announced they can turn a person’s thoughts into written words.

In the study, participants read passages of text while wearing a cap that recorded electrical brain activity through their scalp. These electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings were then converted into text using an AI model called DeWave.

Although these advancements in technology are impressive, the technology is far from being accurate.

While the system is far from perfect, with an accuracy of approximately 40 per cent, Lin says more recent data currently being peer-reviewed shows an improved accuracy exceeding 60 per cent.

And from the previous article:

“Our system works at the level of ideas, semantics, meaning,” said Huth. “This is the reason why what we get out is not the exact words, it’s the gist.”

For instance, when a participant was played the words “I don’t have my driver’s licence yet”, the decoder translated them as “She has not even started to learn to drive yet”. In another case, the words “I didn’t know whether to scream, cry or run away. Instead, I said: ‘Leave me alone!’” were decoded as “Started to scream and cry, and then she just said: ‘I told you to leave me alone.’”

posted on May, 3 2024 @ 12:39 PM
I'm fairly certian that the electromagnetic aspect of the study of neural monitoring and manipulation of brain waves has been ongoing for at least 50 years, as this patent from 1974 reflects.

Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves

Apparatus for and method of sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagnetic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform which is modulated by the subject's brain waves. The interference waveform which is representative of the brain wave activity is re-transmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplified. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual viewing and routed to a computer for further processing and analysis. The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a compensating signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired change in electrical activity therein.

edit on 3-5-2024 by IndieA because: Reworded

posted on May, 3 2024 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: IndieA

Language is a very complex and convoluted process brainwave wise. I wonder how easy it would be to extract emotions, colors, sounds, tactiles and smells.

That's all extraction, but what about inception... That's the scary thaught...

The eye transmits much more information than the brain consciously processes but that's not to say that the unconscious part doesn't affect it.
If you'd Studie that in depth, with enough biofeedback data, you'd be able to hide alot of programming in visuals.

Just imagine what some could do if your mobile was able to read your brains electromagnetic field with even just a very bad resolution.
If they know what the stimulus is and they've got real time data of the brains em field.
If somone had remote access to your mobile they could even start tweaking and pretty soon they'd have a good understanding of what buttons to push.

posted on May, 3 2024 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: Terpene

Yep, all this new tech has me thinking of all sorts of possibilities as well, which usually leads to doing more research, which then leads to thinking about even more possibilities.

posted on May, 6 2024 @ 03:18 AM
a reply to: 5thHead

Perhaps "control" is not the best word to describe what is happening, more something like "manipulation". And then I wouldn't say "mind manipulation" but "behavioural manipulation". Some people being manipulated (by various techniques) to do things they wouldn't have done otherwise, so that the things they do are no longer really by (of?) their own choice.

And those most involved in this type of manipulation like to brag about their success with the term "mind control", but how much control they exactly have over what follows is up for debate. In the end, the one who is master over these manipulators is the one pulling all the strings anyway (of both manipulators and their victims). The same one "who is misleading the entire inhabited earth" (Rev 12:9).
edit on 6-5-2024 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2024 @ 05:28 AM

originally posted by: 5thHead
So, let's get a little history first to understand where we came from.

We have MK Ultra and kids being abducted and drugged in Montauk NY.

Now that was a long time ago, but what happened to those people? The Doctors and physicians I mean. What happened to the drugs that were developed? What happened to the data they collected? Who is currently using it ?

Who are the children of these doctors? What have they gone on to do?

It's like Chuck Schumer said. They have ways of ruining you.

There are people in this country that use drugs to drive people crazy and control them. I don't mean party drugs... Recreational drugs. I mean mind control. TORTURE.

Now to the present.

This whole video is good and recommended It should be a real wake up call. It's disturbing to say the least.
but about 10 minutes in you hear from this "trainer". He's from Canada and admits to using illegal drugs on people. Not weed or coke or something. Experimental drugs. Very creepy dude and he knows pretty much all the "stars".

Also, Canada had some pretty crazy mind control experiments themselves.

It's still happening and there are a lot of medical Doctors that should be in prison.

No need for mind control when people have zero critical thinking and are prepared to accept everything in most cases. Having said that I do think there are many programs on how to control the mind and perception people have on various matters.

posted on May, 6 2024 @ 05:31 AM

originally posted by: crayzeed
I have seen the power of hypnosis first hand. I have a friend who was a "theatrical" hypnotist he hypnotised my best friend and my son. People think with the MK Ultra thing that the person being conditioned is a straight forward thing, ie. just tell some one to kill some one and they would do it. It aint that black and white, it's subtle little bits here and there over time. Altering the "reality" in someone's mind and yes they can induce violence even in a short period of time. So to have some one for months or years anything is possible.

If you really want examples you only have to look at all these demonstrations happening around the US. Oh, you can come out with "but it's only stupid young students" but the methods that some one is using is working.

Is hypnosis highly disputed?For example in the case of 'alien abductions' when hypnosis is used to extract information, many psychologists disagree with the 'technique' because is highly controversial.

posted on May, 6 2024 @ 05:51 AM

originally posted by: BrucellaOrchitis

originally posted by: 5thHead
And yes Brittany Spears should be used as an example. Look what they did to her. Her father couldn't do that on his own. He had help. The Help of medical professionals. There was a lot of money to be made and she was turned into a slave. They used her kids to manipulate her. Her father was taught how to do this to her and as far as I know he is Scott free. He knows the right people. He's part of the club now.

I don't think coercive and controlling behaviour is anything new, we just have the language needed to describe it now. People living in abusive, toxic relationships, including children, are often suffering from something not that far removed from Stockholm Syndrome. Madams, pimps and pedophiles, amongst others, have capitalised on these control mechanisms for centuries.

The depths to which MKUltra sank in terms of human experimentation is though astonishing. Tactically, they discovered new and novel ways to torture and murder people, but they clearly crossed other lines too, using other human beings as objects to be played with. Though seemingly with limited success, beyond perhaps getting very good at inducing psychosis.

Zero oversight, a bottom-less purse and an unlimited supply of acid and amphetamines. What could go wrong?

Well said and may I add there could be more to the mind manipulation industry that hasn't come out. Control of the mind is an art and without it the system we know wouldn't exist and it's unlikely religions and political systems would survive or create in the first place the way we know them.

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