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The Russian Ministry of Defense has published data on mercenaries killed in Ukraine

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posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 06:03 AM
Hello ATS!

According to the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, the Ministry of Defense published data with the number and breakdown by country of dead foreign mercenaries in Ukraine.
During the conflict, almost six thousand foreign mercenaries were killed.

The exact number is 5,962, with the majority from Poland (1,497).

In total, it was recorded that 13,387 foreigners fought on the side of Ukraine.

After Poland in terms of the number of mercenaries comes Georgia - 1042 arrived, 561 were liquidated.


USA - 491 out of 1113 killed;
Britain - 360 out of 822;
Romania – 349 out of 784;
France – 147 out of 356;
Germany – 88 out of 235.

Total for Europe - 3611 out of a total of 8112;
Total for America - 1354 out of 3051;
Total from Asia - 859 out of 1898;
Total from Africa - 103 out of 249;
Total from Australia and Oceania - 35 out of 77;
Total - 5962 out of 13387.

I can state that the slaughter is extremely severe: about 40 percent of the visiting mercenaries die. The situation with Georgian mercenaries is even worse - over 50 percent died there. The only exception is Germany.
These are very high figures. When participating in other military conflicts, the usual percentage of deaths of American and European “soldiers of fortune” is 10-15 percent.

Thank you.
edit on 15-3-2024 by RussianTroll because: correct

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 06:13 AM

During the conflict, almost six thousand foreign mercenaries were killed.

Claims the Russian propaganda machine.
How exactly do they supposedly know this?

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

So a Russian goverment controlled newspaper is to be believed? How about something from the FREE press??

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: Kurokage

So a Russian goverment controlled newspaper is to be believed? How about something from the FREE press??

sure enough, those with burning pantalones that quote verbatim what their criminal government says are very trustworthy.

+9 more 
posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

If we're just posting unsubstantiated news about deaths in Ukraine now, these will be far more accurate than a state controlled news outlet and government mouth piece.... says-12844916

March 2023
Ukraine war: More than 220,000 Russian troops and mercenaries killed or injured since start of invasion, UK defence sec says

February 2023
Over 30,000 mercenaries fighting for the Russian paramilitary Wagner Group have been killed or injured since the Ukraine war began, US officials say.

White House spokesman John Kirby said the group had suffered significant losses in recent weeks, with about 9,000 fighters killed in action.

Wagner has recruited heavily in Russian prisons, and Mr Kirby said most casualties were untrained convicts.

Despite the casualties, Wagner has made gains around the city of Bakhmut.

Some of the fiercest fighting of the war has taken place around the eastern city, with Wagner mercenaries heavily involved in Russian efforts to capture it.

Or this about the French fighters...

France denies Russia's claims that it has mercenaries in Ukraine

PARIS, Jan 18 (Reuters) - France denied on Thursday claims made earlier by Russia that there were French mercenaries in Ukraine, as it responded to a statement made earlier this week by Russia's defence ministry that Russia had killed French mercenaries in Kharkiv.
"France helps Ukraine with supplies of military material and military training, in full compliance with international law, in order to help Ukraine in its fight to defend its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity," said the French foreign ministry.

Russian state media RIA Novosti named 13 “French mercenaries” who were supposedly killed in a strike on Kharkiv, citing a French NGO called SOS Donbass which claims to be in contact with French nationals in Ukraine,

The problem is – the NGO isn’t what it claims to be, and those listed weren’t really dead.

An informed source familiar with the soldiers listed said that while the names were legitimate – albeit contained transcription errors, all other details had been fabricated.

So if the Russian government is lying about the French fighters, what other fighters are they lying about??

edit on 15-3-2024 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 06:47 AM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
USA - 491 out of 1113 killed;

This propaganda has been debunked by a FREE PRESS.
And how would Russia know there are 1113 Americans fighting?
The wouldn't know that.

Fact Check Russias Christmas Tale of 466 Americans Killed in Ukraine War

The claim that 466 U.S. “mercenaries” have been killed fighting in Ukraine is false.

U.S. citizens fighting in Ukraine by and large signed up to serve in the International Legion of Ukraine, part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, or regular army units. That means they are not mercenaries under international law, but volunteers. While no exact death toll is available, media reports suggest Shoigu may have exaggerated the number of Americans who died fighting for Ukraine by tenfold. The U.S. State Department has not made available a list of U.S. citizen deaths in Ukraine.

“Our ability to verify reports of deaths of U.S. citizens in Ukraine is limited. In addition, not all U.S. citizen deaths may be reported to U.S. authorities. For these reasons, we are unable to provide a definitive number of all U.S. citizens who have been killed,” a State Department spokesperson told in writing.

But varying media reports suggest dozens, not hundreds, of U.S. citizens have died fighting in Ukraine. In October, Reuters, citing officials for aid groups Safe Passage 4 Ukraine and the R.T. Weatherman Foundation, said 30 U.S. citizens had died fighting on Ukraine’s behalf.

edit on 3/15/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

what do you actually want to achieve with your threads? most people here have probably understood that you love your homeland above all else, but it seems that you are playing the missionary who wants to convert everyone else - which you will probably not succeed in doing. in the end, these facts remain: russia has started a war against a sovereign country and putin has given a thousand different reasons for this in the meantime.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 06:52 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: RussianTroll

If we're just posting unsubstantiated news about deaths in Ukraine now, these will be far more accurate than a state controlled news outlet and government moth piece.... says-12844916

March 2023
Ukraine war: More than 220,000 Russian troops and mercenaries killed or injured since start of invasion, UK defence sec says

February 2023
Over 30,000 mercenaries fighting for the Russian paramilitary Wagner Group have been killed or injured since the Ukraine war began, US officials say.

White House spokesman John Kirby said the group had suffered significant losses in recent weeks, with about 9,000 fighters killed in action.

Wagner has recruited heavily in Russian prisons, and Mr Kirby said most casualties were untrained convicts.

Despite the casualties, Wagner has made gains around the city of Bakhmut.

Some of the fiercest fighting of the war has taken place around the eastern city, with Wagner mercenaries heavily involved in Russian efforts to capture it.

Or this about the French fighters...

France denies Russia's claims that it has mercenaries in Ukraine

PARIS, Jan 18 (Reuters) - France denied on Thursday claims made earlier by Russia that there were French mercenaries in Ukraine, as it responded to a statement made earlier this week by Russia's defence ministry that Russia had killed French mercenaries in Kharkiv.
"France helps Ukraine with supplies of military material and military training, in full compliance with international law, in order to help Ukraine in its fight to defend its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity," said the French foreign ministry.

Russian state media RIA Novosti named 13 “French mercenaries” who were supposedly killed in a strike on Kharkiv, citing a French NGO called SOS Donbass which claims to be in contact with French nationals in Ukraine,

The problem is – the NGO isn’t what it claims to be, and those listed weren’t really dead.

An informed source familiar with the soldiers listed said that while the names were legitimate – albeit contained transcription errors, all other details had been fabricated.

So if the Russian government is lying about the French fighters, what other fighters are they lying about??


“Kyiv post” is more accurate news?

I remember using and back referencing “Kyiv post” a year ago and some poster in Europe said “Kyiv post” was an unreliable source lol

The mental gymnastics is hilarious lol

edit on 15-3-2024 by Imhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 06:52 AM
Again another thread pushing Russian Propaganda and lies. There's nothing other than the Russian government saying these are provable deaths, with plenty of evidence to the contrary.

This thread needs to be moved to HOAX bin

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 06:54 AM
a reply to: Imhere
If you re-read I said...

If we're just posting unsubstantiated news about deaths in Ukraine now,

I see you forgot to highlight that part??

And they are more accurate than the Russian government mouth piece.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 06:55 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: Imhere
If you re-read I said...

If we're just posting unsubstantiated news about deaths in Ukraine now,

I see you forgot to highlight that part??

And they are more accurate than the Russian government mouth piece.

Yeah, in your opinion lol



You want accuracy, it’s Kiev. Not “Kyiv” btw

edit on 15-3-2024 by Imhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 06:58 AM
a reply to: Imhere

So the Russia goverment is a more accurate account of deaths in Ukraine in your opinion? Now thats funny! I'll be chuckling all weekend at that clown news. You should be a stand up comedian.

You want accuracy, it’s Kiev. Not “Kyiv” btw

Well, tell that to the Ukraianians then???
edit on 15-3-2024 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 07:02 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: Imhere

So the Russia goverment is a more accurate account of deaths in Ukraine in your opinion? Now thats funny! I'll be chuckling all weekend at that clown news. You should be a stand up comedian.

I never said it’s more accurate.

Just pointing the irony you posting “Kyiv post” as being more accurate lol

Comedian? That would be the gopher Zelensky. Who’s being kept alive because he’s the useful idiot in this situation.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 07:07 AM
a reply to: Imhere

You want accuracy, it’s Kiev. Not “Kyiv” btw

A country or locality can change the spelling of whatever they want.

I mean, we can still say Turkey, and people will know where we’re talking about… but that doesn’t mean we’re right in correcting the spelling of Türkiye.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 07:07 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: Imhere

So the Russia goverment is a more accurate account of deaths in Ukraine in your opinion? Now thats funny! I'll be chuckling all weekend at that clown news. You should be a stand up comedian.

You want accuracy, it’s Kiev. Not “Kyiv” btw

Well, tell that to the Ukraianians then???

Tell that to the Americans.

It’s still chicken Kiev btw. And not chicken “Kyiv “ all of a sudden now lol

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: Imhere

I never said it’s more accurate.

Just pointing the irony you posting “Kyiv post” as being more accurate lol

Comedian? That would be the gopher Zelensky. Who’s being kept alive because he’s the useful idiot in this situation.

I didn't say it was accurate, I said it was more accurate as other sources claim the same thing unlike the Russian story thats been posted. if you actually read my post you'd see I said...

f we're just posting unsubstantiated news about deaths in Ukraine now

I know it's a long word but unsubstantiated meaning : not proven to be true : not substantiated

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 07:18 AM
a reply to: Imhere

ell that to the Americans.

It’s still chicken Kiev btw. And not chicken “Kyiv “ all of a sudden now lol

You should have a comedy routine!
It was the Russians who called it Kiev and not the Ukrainian spelling of their capitol....

The roots of Chicken Kiev can be traced back to the 19th century, when it emerged in the imperial kitchens of Tsarist Russia.

Which has nothing to do with the propaganda being pushed about foreign fighters being killed in the Ukraine. You seem more bothered about chicken in garlic butter than the lies being posted here?

edit on 15-3-2024 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 07:50 AM
I expect there are/were more than that.

I remember reading an interview with an American over there saying the uke military leaders were incompetent, sending troops to their death, not listening to advice and even laughing at them.

Still, they all got what they deserved.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 07:54 AM

originally posted by: Maybenexttime
I expect there are/were more than that.

I remember reading an interview with an American over there saying the uke military leaders were incompetent, sending troops to their death, not listening to advice and even laughing at them.

Still, they all got what they deserved.

Look at Zelensky’s last summers failed offensive that was hyped up.

With all the leopards etc. Which now, you don’t even hear about them anymore as they’re being sent to museums.

We have confirmed Patriot systems getting blown. And those systems are intricate. Manned by multiple crews.

Surely it’s not only “Ivan’s” (as some of the usual British residents here like naming) there manning em.

edit on 15-3-2024 by Imhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: Maybenexttime

You still advocating for the deaths of all Ukrainians?

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