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FBI source charged for allegedly providing false info on Bidens, which was cited by Republicans

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posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 08:42 PM
I guess we should have expected this.

Special counsel David Weiss has indicted an FBI confidential source who provided derogatory information about President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden on felony false statement and obstruction charges.

Weiss indicted Alexander Smirnov, 43, on one count of making a false statement and one count of creating a false and fictitious record related to statements he made to the FBI on a document known as an FBI Form 1023.

Who is Alexander Smirnov?

Smirnov is the same person that Republicans have called "a highly credible FBI source" and have used to claim Joe Biden is corrupt, according to multiple senior congressional sources.

Basically this article lays out how Republicans say this guy had little to do with their charges against the Bidens while Deomcrats say, ''ha'' you have this as a central piece in your evidence folder.

So it looks like this battle will be on. Prove Smirnov a liar in court of prove his reports as true.

Wouldn't it be interesting if this guy, on the stand says ''well, yeah, I made it up'' or if proof of his allegations are proven.

Or, better yet, what if he is a true FBI guy and is willing to take the hit for a lie while in all reality he is really a deeply planted ''false source'' established to set up the Republicans in the House.

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 08:59 PM
Obvious setup. Implanted Democrat agent masking as a "CI" and easily available. Working out as intended. Now people automatically think The Bidens must be innocent. Perfect timing. 🤣 Can't fool everybody though.

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

Wouldn't it be interesting if this guy, on the stand says ''well, yeah, I made it up'' or if proof of his allegations are proven.

Or, better yet, what if he is a true FBI guy and is willing to take the hit for a lie while in all reality he is really a deeply planted ''false source'' established to set up the Republicans in the House.

So many "what ifs" that make this story very intriguing!

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

I like the 'what if's'.

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 10:08 PM
You may hate America, but I GUARANTEE you're going to miss it.
edit on 15-2-2024 by VariedcodeSole because: eta

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

I'm shocked. Some complete scumbag made up lies about the Bidens and now he's been charged? Play stupid stupid prizes.

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 11:03 PM

originally posted by: VoiceofReality
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

I'm shocked. Some complete scumbag made up lies about the Bidens and now he's been charged? Play stupid stupid prizes.

i hope you are kidding because if you are not I fear for the nations future. This is a conspiracy site,not 4 chan or twitter. those might be more your speed.

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof
The corruption in DC is rampant on both sides of the fence and the entire town needs to be nuked from space.

Maybe the Russians will do us a favor when they get their star wars program up and running.

edit on 15-2-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 12:56 AM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: VoiceofReality
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

I'm shocked. Some complete scumbag made up lies about the Bidens and now he's been charged? Play stupid stupid prizes.

i hope you are kidding because if you are not I fear for the nations future. This is a conspiracy site,not 4 chan or twitter. those might be more your speed.

I'm glad you brought that up. So sites like this always promote ideas like "Deny Ignorance." Great except that it only ever goes in 1 direction. Conspiracy sites like this have grown into right wing echo chambers and I'm trying to figure out why. Why is a right wing statement never challenged? Statistically it would nearly impossible for all the conspiracies to only lean 1 way politically. I've always found this fascinating.

To pretend however that sometimes the right wing scenario is the one that needs to be denied, well you don't see that very often.

I am left leaning moderate for sure. But more than that I love reading conspiracy theories.
edit on 16-2-2024 by VoiceofReality because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 01:14 AM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

Wierd that Hillary, Schiff, Steale, and all the others haven't been charged with providing false information on Trump that was cited by democrats.

I'm sure it'll happen any day now...
edit on 16-2-2024 by watchitburn because: (no reason given)


Congress only published what the FBI included in its reporting on interviews with the guy.

Only after the claims were made public did the FBI attempt to verify the accuracy of what the CHS had said.
edit on 16-2-2024 by watchitburn because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 02:06 AM
I’m no fan of Joe Biden… kinda does make ya wonder though, Biden being a politician for like 36 years and as clean as a whistle. Then he becomes president and all of a sudden according to mostly hardcore Trump supporters his the most corrupt politician in the US.

I mean, the dude is clearly getting old and fragile… but I personally call bs on the corruption claims. That’s just my personal opinion though.

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 02:20 AM
a reply to: JadedGhost

Sure Jan,

The banks just made up the 150+ suspicious activity reports?

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 02:54 AM
a reply to: watchitburn

Tell us about his sons laptop again.

A wealthy kid who does drugs and uses his family name to gain influence, just like basically every other person who was born into wealth does… smoking gun right there, lol.

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 03:19 AM

originally posted by: JadedGhost
I’m no fan of Joe Biden… kinda does make ya wonder though, Biden being a politician for like 36 years and as clean as a whistle. Then he becomes president and all of a sudden according to mostly hardcore Trump supporters his the most corrupt politician in the US.

I mean, the dude is clearly getting old and fragile… but I personally call bs on the corruption claims. That’s just my personal opinion though.

Clean as a whistle except for the assault allegations and the scandals about dating the babysitter, and that's just the cosmetic issues with his "clean as a whistle" reputation.

This clown informant didn't create shell companies for Biden money, fake transaction records that were flagged as suspicious, they did not employ Hunter at 50k a month and then threaten to hold back aid unless the prosecutor investigating the company was fired. They didn't hide classified documents, which were illegal for Biden to have, pertaining to Ukraine in the timeframe Hunter was making 50k a month from an energy company there.

He didn't fake payments from politicians in Moscow to Hunter. He didn't hack Hunter's accounts to insert "10% for the big guy". He didn't sign a fake report saying that Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation to interfere in an election. He didn't force Biden to lie about never meeting Hunter's business associates when there were many such instances.

I'm not seeing anywhere where a large bribe being alleged as false, which would be easily checked if they'd simply give access to all financial records pertaining to the corporations that were not previously disclosed to the public, really changes the appearance of gross impropriety and benefiting on his position.

I also don't think this guy faked Hunter's firms getting money for acting as a passthrough or coordinator for biolabs in Ukraine. I don't think he is slipping Biden dementia juice.

This bribe information, even if fake, is not even the tip of the iceberg for Biden.

Sure though, you're no Biden fan... you just think some scumbag informant lying somehow negates all of this other information. Meanwhile, your floating totally unsubstantiated claims about Trump in other threads.

originally posted by: VoiceofReality

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: VoiceofReality
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

I'm shocked. Some complete scumbag made up lies about the Bidens and now he's been charged? Play stupid stupid prizes.

i hope you are kidding because if you are not I fear for the nations future. This is a conspiracy site,not 4 chan or twitter. those might be more your speed.

I'm glad you brought that up. So sites like this always promote ideas like "Deny Ignorance." Great except that it only ever goes in 1 direction. Conspiracy sites like this have grown into right wing echo chambers and I'm trying to figure out why. Why is a right wing statement never challenged? Statistically it would nearly impossible for all the conspiracies to only lean 1 way politically. I've always found this fascinating.

To pretend however that sometimes the right wing scenario is the one that needs to be denied, well you don't see that very often.

I am left leaning moderate for sure. But more than that I love reading conspiracy theories.

Sites likes this. Because there are so many of them, right? One of the few left for you to come show your disdain and contempt for expression that doesn't conform to your standards. Please let me know about other sites like this, which ones? When political views are banned and censored, who's fault is the creation of "echo chambers" where they're still permitted? There are dozens of milquetoast conspiracy communities that edit content to conform to the new globalist mandates for speech and thought if that's what you're looking for.

Right wing statements are challenged all the time and a fair portion of the "right wing echo chamber" constantly is complaining about the right wing scumbags that continue to work against their voter's interests. Somehow it's not longer enough that they criticize Republican politicians... now it's an echo chamber if they don't criticize the correct Republican politicians and one orange politician in particular.

It seems that the left is all about corporate power, authoritarian rule, and constant war... so I'm often confused what makes them any different from the establishment right except for a couple flags and some disingenuous slogans about equality.

Why is it that the people that have been playing stupid games lying about Trump, Hunter's laptop, gain of function research, and colluding with foreign entities to violate constitutional rights, all seem to not be winning stupid prizes?

What do your statistics say about that?

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 03:39 AM

originally posted by: ksihkahe

originally posted by: JadedGhost
I’m no fan of Joe Biden… kinda does make ya wonder though, Biden being a politician for like 36 years and as clean as a whistle. Then he becomes president and all of a sudden according to mostly hardcore Trump supporters his the most corrupt politician in the US.

I mean, the dude is clearly getting old and fragile… but I personally call bs on the corruption claims. That’s just my personal opinion though.

Clean as a whistle except for the assault allegations and the scandals about dating the babysitter, and that's just the cosmetic issues with his "clean as a whistle" reputation.

This clown informant didn't create shell companies for Biden money, fake transaction records that were flagged as suspicious, they did not employ Hunter at 50k a month and then threaten to hold back aid unless the prosecutor investigating the company was fired. They didn't hide classified documents, which were illegal for Biden to have, pertaining to Ukraine in the timeframe Hunter was making 50k a month from an energy company there.

He didn't fake payments from politicians in Moscow to Hunter. He didn't hack Hunter's accounts to insert "10% for the big guy". He didn't sign a fake report saying that Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation to interfere in an election. He didn't force Biden to lie about never meeting Hunter's business associates when there were many such instances.

I'm not seeing anywhere where a large bribe being alleged as false, which would be easily checked if they'd simply give access to all financial records pertaining to the corporations that were not previously disclosed to the public, really changes the appearance of gross impropriety and benefiting on his position.

I also don't think this guy faked Hunter's firms getting money for acting as a passthrough or coordinator for biolabs in Ukraine. I don't think he is slipping Biden dementia juice.

This bribe information, even if fake, is not even the tip of the iceberg for Biden.

Sure though, you're no Biden fan... you just think some scumbag informant lying somehow negates all of this other information. Meanwhile, your floating totally unsubstantiated claims about Trump in other threads.

originally posted by: VoiceofReality

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: VoiceofReality
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

I'm shocked. Some complete scumbag made up lies about the Bidens and now he's been charged? Play stupid stupid prizes.

i hope you are kidding because if you are not I fear for the nations future. This is a conspiracy site,not 4 chan or twitter. those might be more your speed.

I'm glad you brought that up. So sites like this always promote ideas like "Deny Ignorance." Great except that it only ever goes in 1 direction. Conspiracy sites like this have grown into right wing echo chambers and I'm trying to figure out why. Why is a right wing statement never challenged? Statistically it would nearly impossible for all the conspiracies to only lean 1 way politically. I've always found this fascinating.

To pretend however that sometimes the right wing scenario is the one that needs to be denied, well you don't see that very often.

I am left leaning moderate for sure. But more than that I love reading conspiracy theories.

Sites likes this. Because there are so many of them, right? One of the few left for you to come show your disdain and contempt for expression that doesn't conform to your standards. Please let me know about other sites like this, which ones? When political views are banned and censored, who's fault is the creation of "echo chambers" where they're still permitted? There are dozens of milquetoast conspiracy communities that edit content to conform to the new globalist mandates for speech and thought if that's what you're looking for.

Right wing statements are challenged all the time and a fair portion of the "right wing echo chamber" constantly is complaining about the right wing scumbags that continue to work against their voter's interests. Somehow it's not longer enough that they criticize Republican politicians... now it's an echo chamber if they don't criticize the correct Republican politicians and one orange politician in particular.

It seems that the left is all about corporate power, authoritarian rule, and constant war... so I'm often confused what makes them any different from the establishment right except for a couple flags and some disingenuous slogans about equality.

Why is it that the people that have been playing stupid games lying about Trump, Hunter's laptop, gain of function research, and colluding with foreign entities to violate constitutional rights, all seem to not be winning stupid prizes?

What do your statistics say about that?

Perfectly said đź‘Ť

These are not serious people.

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 03:44 AM
a reply to: ksihkahe

Wow, you certainly have a lot of claims there. Unfortunately for you though, without solid evidence they will just remain the rants of a right wing extremist who spends way to much time on bitchute.

Just sayin…

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 04:29 AM

originally posted by: ksihkahe

originally posted by: JadedGhost
I’m no fan of Joe Biden… kinda does make ya wonder though, Biden being a politician for like 36 years and as clean as a whistle. Then he becomes president and all of a sudden according to mostly hardcore Trump supporters his the most corrupt politician in the US.

I mean, the dude is clearly getting old and fragile… but I personally call bs on the corruption claims. That’s just my personal opinion though.

Clean as a whistle except for the assault allegations and the scandals about dating the babysitter, and that's just the cosmetic issues with his "clean as a whistle" reputation.

This clown informant didn't create shell companies for Biden money, fake transaction records that were flagged as suspicious, they did not employ Hunter at 50k a month and then threaten to hold back aid unless the prosecutor investigating the company was fired. They didn't hide classified documents, which were illegal for Biden to have, pertaining to Ukraine in the timeframe Hunter was making 50k a month from an energy company there.

He didn't fake payments from politicians in Moscow to Hunter. He didn't hack Hunter's accounts to insert "10% for the big guy". He didn't sign a fake report saying that Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation to interfere in an election. He didn't force Biden to lie about never meeting Hunter's business associates when there were many such instances.

I'm not seeing anywhere where a large bribe being alleged as false, which would be easily checked if they'd simply give access to all financial records pertaining to the corporations that were not previously disclosed to the public, really changes the appearance of gross impropriety and benefiting on his position.

I also don't think this guy faked Hunter's firms getting money for acting as a passthrough or coordinator for biolabs in Ukraine. I don't think he is slipping Biden dementia juice.

This bribe information, even if fake, is not even the tip of the iceberg for Biden.

Sure though, you're no Biden fan... you just think some scumbag informant lying somehow negates all of this other information. Meanwhile, your floating totally unsubstantiated claims about Trump in other threads.

originally posted by: VoiceofReality

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: VoiceofReality
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

I'm shocked. Some complete scumbag made up lies about the Bidens and now he's been charged? Play stupid stupid prizes.

i hope you are kidding because if you are not I fear for the nations future. This is a conspiracy site,not 4 chan or twitter. those might be more your speed.

I'm glad you brought that up. So sites like this always promote ideas like "Deny Ignorance." Great except that it only ever goes in 1 direction. Conspiracy sites like this have grown into right wing echo chambers and I'm trying to figure out why. Why is a right wing statement never challenged? Statistically it would nearly impossible for all the conspiracies to only lean 1 way politically. I've always found this fascinating.

To pretend however that sometimes the right wing scenario is the one that needs to be denied, well you don't see that very often.

I am left leaning moderate for sure. But more than that I love reading conspiracy theories.

Sites likes this. Because there are so many of them, right? One of the few left for you to come show your disdain and contempt for expression that doesn't conform to your standards. Please let me know about other sites like this, which ones? When political views are banned and censored, who's fault is the creation of "echo chambers" where they're still permitted? There are dozens of milquetoast conspiracy communities that edit content to conform to the new globalist mandates for speech and thought if that's what you're looking for.

Right wing statements are challenged all the time and a fair portion of the "right wing echo chamber" constantly is complaining about the right wing scumbags that continue to work against their voter's interests. Somehow it's not longer enough that they criticize Republican politicians... now it's an echo chamber if they don't criticize the correct Republican politicians and one orange politician in particular.

It seems that the left is all about corporate power, authoritarian rule, and constant war... so I'm often confused what makes them any different from the establishment right except for a couple flags and some disingenuous slogans about equality.

Why is it that the people that have been playing stupid games lying about Trump, Hunter's laptop, gain of function research, and colluding with foreign entities to violate constitutional rights, all seem to not be winning stupid prizes?

What do your statistics say about that?

maybe you should give the internet a rest, you'll find reality on your doorstep and not in some echo chamber. youtube is not a university, most of your info sources only serve to incite you against something or someone. or can you back up and prove everything you believe in or are you just parroting what some right-wing infowarrior told you on the internet? did you see tucker celebrating russian supermarkets? such an patriot! how do the right really manage to gather only the best of the best in their ranks? are there moments, where you sometimes doubt your sources or ask yourself if you maybe sometime wrong turn or is self-doubt forbidden?

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 04:32 AM
a reply to: JadedGhost

This is your brain.

And this is your brain on drugs.

Wow, you certainly have a lot of claims there. Unfortunately for you though, without solid evidence they will just remain the rants of a right wing extremist who spends way to much time on bitchute.

Just sayin…

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 04:50 AM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

Special counsel David Weiss was appointed by Trump

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 05:06 AM
a reply to: ksihkahe

Extraordinary claims require hard evidence as proof. Otherwise you are just as bad as this lying POS.
But this type of response is expected from certain types I guess.

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