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Noah's Ark Discovery?

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posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

During the flood wouldn't the continents still been one, before the Great Divide?

Or is the Great Divide now a myth?

I love how "scientists" cannot seem to agree, or even agree to disagree, and contradict themselves. My Grandpa remembers the glowing screens lying about an Ice Age. Now it's Fire Age Doom porn.

When do we finally accept the fact that science is nothing but a guessing game that hides the true intent of disproving the existence of God, because that's ALL science is, it's damn sure not trying to improve mankind. That was proven with C19 and vaccination lies.
edit on 25-12-2023 by TheMindOfMax2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 01:08 PM

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: TheMindOfMax2

Naw. Not in 4,500 years.

Subduction uplifted the Armenian Highlands and the volcanic arc present in millions of years.

Trying to find a nice short video about it that isn't some pseudoscientific true-believer misindentifying BASIC fold geology or cave wall composition is harder than it should be.

"How Mt. Ararat formed Geology"

Top one is the only worthwhile one, too..

The rest are videos of this stupid "anomaly".

They honestly can't figure out naturaI fold formations, I can't help them, I don't think anyone can.


For example arrow B points to a "syncline". It's like the first things you learn about after the three basic types of rock. Basic folds.

What it looks like on Google Earth.

It's called The Durupinar Site, it's quite famous for being misunderstood.

A natural rock formation near Dogubayazit, Turkey, has been misidentified as Noah's Ark. Microscopic studies of a supposed iron bracket show that it is derived from weathered volcanic minerals. Supposed metal-braced walls are natural concentrations of limonite and magnetite in steeply inclined sedimentary layers in the limbs of a doubly plunging syncline. Supposed fossilized gopherwood bark is crinkled metamorphosed peridotite. Fossiliferous limestone, interpreted as cross cutting the syncline, preclude the formation from being Noah's Ark because these supposed "Flood" deposits are younger than the "Ark." Anchor stones at Kazan (Arzap) are derived from local andesite and not from Mesopotamia

I think the first video is some completely different site. This is not at 4000 m. The famous and studied Ark is on the base of the highlands around 1,900 m of elevation. Which is still about a mile out of global flood range.
edit on 25-12-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: komangwidiatmika

You must check out Ron Wyatt - he found the Ark. Fascinating.

Ron Wyatt, Noah's Ark, YouTube

One view of where all the water came from:

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: TheMindOfMax2
During the flood wouldn't the continents still been one, before the Great Divide?

The flood was supposed to take place in 2400 BC.
The continents haven't been all together for 500 million years.
HERE So .... NO.

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: BukkaWukka
You must check out Ron Wyatt - he found the Ark. Fascinating.

Ron Wyatt was a HOAXER and a TOTAL FRAUD. Denounced by everyone from Israel to his own church to the people who worked with him.

He discovered nothing. He was an anesthetist who made wild claims of finding just about every major artifact that could exist. He claimed visions of Jesus told him where everything was. Israel issued a statement about him saying that he wasn't an archeologist and that he has never had any permits to dig in Israel. DEBUNKED years ago.

Ron Wyatt Collosal Fraud Ron Wyatt fraud

Ron Wyatt Fraud Information

Are Ron Wyatts Claims Reliable?

Ron Wyatt claims are 'ABSURD' and 'FALL INTO THE CATEGORY OF TRASH' - Source

Joe Zias, the former Curator of Archaeology and Anthropology for the Israel Antiquities Authority said, “Mr. Ron Wyatt is neither an archaeologist nor has he ever carried out a legally licensed excavation in Israel or Jerusalem…We are aware of his claims which border on the absurd as they have no scientific basis whatsoever nor have they ever been published in a professional journal. They fall into the category of trash which one finds in tabloids such as the National Enquirer, Sun etc. It’s amazing that anyone would believe them.

edit on 12/25/2023 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

You were waiting for me to respond, I know it... ha ha ha!

You love me....

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 02:27 PM
For anyone who actually believes the hoaxer Ron Wyatt

Fake News in Biblical Archaeology

a) Ron Wyatt was not an archaeologist (he was a nurse anesthetist). This, in and of itself does not mean that he could not make a discovery. Many archaeological digs have volunteers helping them; some of these volunteers even make important discoveries. The interpretation of the discovery is done by trained archaeologists, however. One archaeologist has said archaeology is 10% excavation and 90% interpretation. Ron Wyatt had no training to interpret the discoveries he says he made.

b) Ron Wyatt was never carried out a systematic excavation that was licensed by the Israeli government. Joe Zias, the former Curator of Archaeology and Anthropology for the Israel Antiquities Authority said, “Mr. Ron Wyatt is neither an archaeologist nor has he ever carried out a legally licensed excavation in Israel or Jerusalem…We are aware of his claims which border on the absurd as they have no scientific basis whatsoever nor have they ever been published in a professional journal. They fall into the category of trash which one finds in tabloids such as the National Enquirer, Sun etc. It’s amazing that anyone would believe them.”2

c) Ron Wyatt never published any of his supposed finds in a peer-reviewed archaeological journal. Publishing something in your own newsletter or on your own website does not pass the checks-and-balances peer-review. Dr. Scott Stripling, the Director of Excavations at Shiloh, led by the Associates for Biblical Research, says that the goal of archaeology is not excavation, but publication.

d) Ron Wyatt never made any of his supposed discoveries available for trained archaeologists to examine.

e) Ron Wyatt never adequately addressed inconsistencies in some of his stories, such as how he discovered the supposed chariot wheels at a depth of 200 feet using scuba equipment designed for depths of 125-130 feet.

f) Marine biologist, Dr. Robert Carter has pointed out numerous problems identifying the coral-encrusted structures Ron Wyatt found as chariot wheels, including the fact that “many species of coral will grow a large, flat plate on a stalk-like projection, giving the appearance of an axle and wheel to those not accustomed to coral growth forms.”3

f) People, like respected geologist John Baumgartner, who knew Ron Wyatt and worked closely with him, have testified that he was dishonest with his discoveries, misrepresented the views of others, and intentionally deceived people.

The list of fantastical discoveries should, in and of itself, raise questions about any discovery Ron Wyatt claimed to have made. This didn’t stop his “discovery” of chariot wheels spreading. It has been repeated in articles and books and documentaries though. In actual fact, Ron Wyatt’s work has universally debunked by respected archaeologists and scholars. In fact, even two ministers in his own denomination (Seven Day Adventist) wrote an entire book called, “Holy Relics or Revelation: Examining the claims of Ron Wyatt” and concluded that his work was largely a hoax.

The reality is that the Associates for Biblical Research (, a group of Christian archaeologists and scholars who are dedicated to demonstrating the historical reliability of Scripture, often promote the findings of other archaeologists who have made legitimate discoveries in a controlled archaeological excavation. The reason they do not promote Ron Wyatt’s work has nothing to do with professional jealousy; it has everything to do his unsubstantiated, unscholarly, and, quite possibly, fraudulent claims.

Ron Wyatt Fake Vision of Jesus

Elsewhere Wyatt claimed that an angel prohibited him from providing the details of his phenomenal discovery! (HRR, 70, 90, 285). There also were other accounts of angelic appearances and even a claim of seeing Christ (HRR, 127ff).

Incidentally, the reason Wyatt knew he saw Jesus was because the Lord "was dressed exactly as Ellen White"

Incidentally, the reason Wyatt knew he saw Jesus was because the Lord “was dressed exactly as Ellen White saw Him in vision, with the blue border at the hem of his garment”! Ellen White was the founder of the SDA church.

Ron Wyatt Honest or Deceitful Fraud? - Read Here About His Blood of Jesus Hoax

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 02:28 PM

"One of the greatest frauds the field of biblical archeology has ever seen"

Rapture Ready - Was Ron Wyatt an Archeological Fraud

FAQ :: Was Ron Wyatt an archeological fraud?
Amateur archeologist Ron Wyatt is known for making sensational claims regarding alleged discoveries of biblical sites and artifacts. His claims were so fanciful and plentiful, it would seem logical to ask Ron if he had yet unearthed Jesus’ High School diploma. Wyatt most bizarre discovery has to be when he claimed to have found the blood of Christ and a DNA analysis of that blood indicates Christ was born of a virgin. (Wyatt died in 1999 of natural causes.)Here are some more of his supposed amazing discoveries: The true site of the crucifixion; the Ark of the Covenant; the true Mount Sinai (with a plaque announcing it as such); the site of Korah’s earthquake; the true site of the Israelites’ Red Sea crossing also with a marker “built by King Solomon” as a memorial; Chariot wheels from Pharaoh’s drowned army; the actual rock Moses struck to release water; the ashen remains of Sodom and Gomorrah; Noah’s Ark; Noah’s grave; Noah’s house; Mrs. Noah’s grave; Moses’ stone tablets containing the Ten Commandments, held together with golden hinges.

Although it took several years for reality to set in, most Christian ministries finally disavowed Wyatt’s work. The only true believers remaining are ones who continue to financially benefit from promoting his videos.

Ron was either a fabricator or he was delusional, but whatever the case may be, he was clearly one of the greatest frauds the field of Bible prophecy has ever seen. Wyatt’s years of research may amount to nothing more than garbage, however, he did help prove that some Christians are unlimited in their gullibility.

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I believe Ron Wyatt, 200%
Merry Christmas!

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 02:32 PM
edit on 12/25/2023 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: BukkaWukka
a reply to: FlyersFan

I believe Ron Wyatt, 200%
Merry Christmas!

Ron Wyatt has my confidence and support

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: BukkaWukka

Youtube, death bed confession of Ron Wyatt.

God will hide things until He determines it right to reveal things. He can make anything happen (such as covering the entire earth in water).

Someone may enjoy reading the comments on here and the details of the last statements from Ron.

The devil loves this argument as he doesn't want anyone to believe that there is proof of Jesus, and the Bible. I say, pray before going on a search to prove or disprove Ron and then pray again about it. God will let you know.

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 02:59 PM
originally posted by: Degradation33
a reply to: TheMindOfMax2

There's your geology analysis. Paleontologist and anthropologist examination should yield more data that helps to identify any trace of human engineering and if necessary, refute it entirely.

As a fan of the SCP series I can appreciate scientific anomalies like anyone else, until politics gets involved and sends experts to find the revenue in it.

edit on 25-12-2023 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: BukkaWukka
I believe Ron Wyatt, 200% !

originally posted by: FarmerSimulation
Ron Wyatt has my confidence and support

Ron Wyatt is a total fraud. PROVEN HOAXER. Denounced by Israel. Denounced by his own church. Denounced by those who worked with him. Denounced by scientists. Denounced by ministers. Denounced by historians. Denounced by archaeologists. Denounced by bible archaeologists and historians.

You want to believe a hoaxer because his lies match your belief system ... that's on you. Not too smart. But that's your problem. Hopefully you two won't be able to influence anyone to believe Wyatts lies. Luckily most people can see through them.

"One of the greatest frauds the field of biblical archeology has ever seen"
edit on 12/25/2023 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

You get so angry! Just don't understand. It's like he did something personal to you. Relax, and let people decide for themselves. I am sure it's not your assigned duty to make everyone believe he was a hoaxer. Grab a tea, have some cookies and chill out. Merry Christmas FF.

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: BukkaWukka
He can make anything happen (such as covering the entire earth in water

Already posted the information showing that there is not enough water in the earth, and on the earth, and in the atmosphere to 'cover the earth with water'. It's not there. There was no flood as the Bible story claims.

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

You are just in denial. It's perfectly possible.

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: BukkaWukka
You get so angry!.

I'm not angry. You are projecting. I'm stating facts. Ron Wyatt is a hoaxer. A fraud. A proven huckster. I'll continue to post those facts anytime I see someone try to claim that the guy was authentic in any way.

FURTHERMORE on the subject of Noahs Ark -

National Center for Science Education - The Impossible Voyage of Noahs Ark

The ark was roughly half the size of the Titanic. Ship building skills at that time couldn't pull it off. Additionally, Noah and his sons had no ship building skills at all. They could not have fallen the trees, gathered and created the lumber, and built the ark in the time allowed. By the time they got to a new section to work on, the previous section would have rotted away. The amount of pitch needed to cover the ark wasn't available.

Noah and his family were not wildlife experts and had no idea how to properly transport animals and how to build cages proper for each animals special needs.There wasn't enough room for all the animals, their food, their fresh water. There are 8.7 million species of animal in the world including over a million species of insects. (Although this site puts the required number of species at 3,858,920). They and their food and water requirements would not have all fit on the ark. Heck, they couldn't GET to the ark living on the other side of the planet and having oceans between them and the ark. Some even have specific food requirements that can only be found in their part of the world. Also sensitive temperature and climate requirements. Many animals need a colony to reproduce - like bees. And what about the parasites? Hundreds of thousands of species are known. They all would have had to have been on animals on the ark, but that would have been detrimental to the animals.

How did the koala get from Australia to the Middle East? It only eats eucalyptus ... so what did it eat in the Middle East? How did the kangaroo get to the Middle East? How did the Panda get from China to the Middle East? It primarily (99%) only eats bamboo .. so what did it eat in the Middle East? How did the sloth get from South America to the Middle East? What did the bees eat on the ark since there were no flowers for the year on the ark and for many years after the flood because all plants were dead?? What about the animals that ate ants and termites? How did Noah get a years supply of ants and termites for them to eat? How did he keep them alive for the year so the animals would have fresh ants and termites to eat?

The environment provided by the deluge waters would have hopelessly polluted fresh and salt water, killing every fish and aquatic animal on the planet. Also, the temperature sensitive fish and aquatic animals wouldn't have survived the massive water temperature change, nor the salinity of the oceans being substantially affected by the flood. All plants and their seeds would have drown and been squashed by the weight of the water. No plants and a dead ocean means no oxygen and that means a dead planet. That also kills the future food supply for people and animals.

The ethnic complexity found throughout the world cannot be derived from the flood survivors in the few centuries since that time. DNA and ethnic diversity shows we didn't all come from these six people 4,000 years ago. Impossible. We have ancient civilizations in Egypt, India and China that have an unbroken history dating back to well before the flood was supposed to have happened. Languages and cultures in those parts of the world with unbroken history through those time periods. And they kept worshipping their pagan gods before, during and after the flood time period. Archeology and history show this.

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Here is some evidence that the flood happened.

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