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James O'Keefe says that he is overloaded with whistle blowers

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posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 11:09 AM
James Okeefe is on Tim Pool and he explains that he has so many whistle blowers that he can't possibly attend to all of them. As a corporate stooge myself, I understand. Work is no longer fun or comfortable for almost anyone. People with no skills are being put ahead of everyone due to the color of their skin or how they prefer to have sexual intercourse. No one can talk openly about anything without fear of being prosecuted or losing their job or being doxxed by lunatics.

It is good to hear that more and more people are sick of it and turning against the system. Even better that it is a multitude of people. I am glad that the left is losing their power of lording over people by punishing them. I hope it continues, but I realize it is a battle that never really ends.

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 12:05 PM

he explains that he has so many whistle blowers that he can't possibly attend to all of them.

I wonder why he can't attend to them. Used to be he had an organization that attended to whistle blowers, but he lost that. He was voted out by the board of directors for, what was it, incompetence and misappropriation of money ? Then the woman who was by his side from the beginning working their stings and who took over the reigns of the organization resigned and turned the information about corruption and unlawful activity in that very organization to the proper authorities.

So maybe, if he were out attending to those people that want his help instead of promoting himself and his ideas on conservative podcasts he would have more time to attend to them.

And about that one guy in the video who claims that people who work in jobs to feed their children and don't ''whistle blow for fear of losing the means to feed their children have made a pact with the devil is simply an big mouthed moron.

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: dust2023

Excellent points in this particular clip. Thanks for posting.
I agree, and not only with the whistleblower concept.

People need to choose what is more important.
Money now, or fighting for a better tomorrow.

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof

he explains that he has so many whistle blowers that he can't possibly attend to all of them.

I wonder why he can't attend to them. Used to be he had an organization that attended to whistle blowers, but he lost that. He was voted out by the board of directors for, what was it, incompetence and misappropriation of money ? Then the woman who was by his side from the beginning working their stings and who took over the reigns of the organization resigned and turned the information about corruption and unlawful activity in that very organization to the proper authorities.

So maybe, if he were out attending to those people that want his help instead of promoting himself and his ideas on conservative podcasts he would have more time to attend to them.

And about that one guy in the video who claims that people who work in jobs to feed their children and don't ''whistle blow for fear of losing the means to feed their children have made a pact with the devil is simply an big mouthed moron.

I do believe that his new orgnanization is just as productive as Project Veritas was. Also, I was paraphrasing. Regardless, I assume you are partially left wing - do you think that whistleblowers should not have a journalistic outlet any longer? I think you are not American, not that it matters, but in the USA every since I would say around about 2000 or so, only whistleblowers allowed on our MSM have to be against anything Republican, or some corporation that is in the lefts cross hair.

It boggles my mind that people do not see that - however I do also feel that they DON'T want to see it. Mainly for lack of self education or merely because of tribal alliance.

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: dust2023

Partially ''left wing''? Maybe partially ''right wing''. Which do you think would be better I wonder. Some would call this ''middle of the road'', others might call it ''wishy washy''. Others call it attempting to hold an open mind, I call it trying to tread that thin line between ideologies that all to often base themselves on antiquated conceptions of reality. And as you correctly point out, and I agree completely, that pull of tribal alliance. This, if you may have not noticed is difficult on a website like this one that is for the most part firmly in the grasp of one of those tribal alliances.

Whistle blowers have a respected history in the US. There was a time when most, if not all were, by today's standards, more liberal than not. You can take that as you wish without my making a list.

As for OKeefe not being allowed on MSM, that is where I first heard of him, on MSM. That was in about 2010, his reporting on Acorn pushed him and Veritas to the forefront of that news cycle. However his tactics at that time were ferreted out as being misleading downright fradulent and the Acorn employee that had been his target was allowed a strong monetary compensation for being a victim of his fraudulent reporting.

Indeed, you talk about bias, well, contrary to the image of being a voice for whistleblowers,history shows that he and his activities have received at least most of their funding by those of a far right bias. To do what? Target anything left of Trumpianism.

So yes, once again I agree with you that many people just do not want to see, either for lack of self education or because of tribal alliances.

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

However his tactics at that time were ferreted out as being misleading downright fradulent and the Acorn employee that had been his target was allowed a strong monetary compensation for being a victim of his fraudulent reporting.

I do believe that the MSM "proved" this. I also think that Okeefe has won more court battles than he has lost. Surely you can tell that in the inner cities of the USA that the judicial system is so biased as to be practically criminal.

I hate to be the one to break it, but in the USA, the system is totally corrupt and if someone is part of or claims to be part of the DNC or claims allegiance to them, lying is not something that is frowned upon. It is actually admired.

Also, if you go back and view Okeefes responses to the allegations that he was misleading people or editing content to make his opinion fact, which by the way I did watch over the years, were actually falling in line with the content and the edited content.

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

And about that one guy in the video who claims that people who work in jobs to feed their children and don't ''whistle blow for fear of losing the means to feed their children have made a pact with the devil is simply an big mouthed moron.

That's not exactly true. When I worked as a ballistic technician I had two little kids depending on me; I couldn't afford to lose my job without also loeing my one major debt-our home.

Our ballistic tunnels required lead dust to be cleanded out every other week, and respirators needed to be worn. The company didn't have one small enough to fit my face, so they told me I'd be fine; just watch for 'men in suits' to come through. If I was cleaning the tunnels, I was told to get out and hide my respirator from them.

I could have called OSHA. It would have been obvious where the complaint came from. There are many ways to get rid of an employee (as long as they don't check the DEI box) without it looking like retaliation.

Kind of like the covid shot; you don't have to get it, just know your employment will end if you don't.

edit on 1/1/1908 by nugget1 because: sp

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: dust2023
People with no skills are being put ahead of everyone due to the color of their skin or how they prefer to have sexual intercourse.

Wow! Wow, wow, wow.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding you but i dont see how I can be. Let me tell you what I'm reading here.

People with no skills are getting special privileges becuase of being non-white, they are getting privileges because of the color of their skin. meaning not the standard white.

And they are privileged because of who they want to have sex with, meaning not the stadard 96% who are hetero. So the 4% are taking privileges and jobs of the 96%.

White grievance and anti-gay sentiment? Am I suppose to get it some other way? how else can that be read?

Am I understanding you? I dont know how I could misunderstand that, you were pretty clear.

And look at how many stars and support you got from saying that! Thats what gets me. Not what you said but how many agree with it.

Maybe, just maybe, I dont belong here. I was looking for esoteric topics on this website but maybe this just isnt for me. Thank you for the last month of reads.

Merry Xmas to everyone, have an incredible next year, Happy New Year. And farewell.

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: PrestigeWorldwide

originally posted by: dust2023
People with no skills are being put ahead of everyone due to the color of their skin or how they prefer to have sexual intercourse.

Wow! Wow, wow, wow.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding you but i dont see how I can be. Let me tell you what I'm reading here.

People with no skills are getting special privileges becuase of being non-white, they are getting privileges because of the color of their skin. meaning not the standard white.

And they are privileged because of who they want to have sex with, meaning not the stadard 96% who are hetero. So the 4% are taking privileges and jobs of the 96%.

White grievance and anti-gay sentiment? Am I suppose to get it some other way? how else can that be read?

Am I understanding you? I dont know how I could misunderstand that, you were pretty clear.

And look at how many stars and support you got from saying that! Thats what gets me. Not what you said but how many agree with it.

Maybe, just maybe, I dont belong here. I was looking for esoteric topics on this website but maybe this just isnt for me. Thank you for the last month of reads.

Merry Xmas to everyone, have an incredible next year, Happy New Year. And farewell.

Yeah, sure, whatever. I was never anti anyone, but I am starting to become that way, and the way things are being handled are the reason why. So sure, call me a bigot or whatever. Words like that no longer matter to me. They have been slung around like hashbrowns in a diner for ages now. I just do not care. They have no value to me. They mean nothing. I tried for 2 decades to play this game and I am just too tired of the constant lying. I hate liars. And anyone that values cosmetic things over actual skills in regards to how a business (or a government for that matter) should run, is not only lying to themselves, they are lying to the world.

So yeah I do hate things. I hate woke BS and I hate lying.
edit on 24-12-2023 by dust2023 because: .

Also this:

People with no skills are getting special privileges becuase of being non-white, they are getting privileges because of the color of their skin. meaning not the standard white.

I have ZERO problem with anyone that is qualified for whatever they do. White, black, gay, midget, half dog, purple, whatever.. My problem is that people such as yourself kneejerk reaction to everything is to place YOUR mindset into others and raise the racism flag. STOP it. It is very boring. We all know why you do it and it doesnt work anymore.

The problem is dodo, that very unqualified people get jobs because of their color or sexual ideas that they cannot do. They were not hired because of their actual potential value to an organization but because of quota demands. It causes damage and depression to others around them that are doing the job professionally and to the best of their ability. It also is not good for the person hired because of the quota needs because they are never sure of their value to the organization. It is not my fault that if you don't understand something that you think it must be racism.
edit on 24-12-2023 by dust2023 because: .

edit on 24-12-2023 by dust2023 because: ...

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: nugget1

I read though your reply twice and could not find where your statements were not completely in line with the intentions of my comment so possibly I was obtuse. Many of us have experiences like this, where we were forced to comply with directives that we knew were wrong yet had to in order to remain employed due to children and family's needing support. I know I did. Where I worked it was near impossible to even express concerns to higher management about the more immediate management problems let alone go to anyone outside of the organization.

My comment in that past post was about the pod caster who said that employees that comply with bad directions due to needing a job to feed their children have made a pact with the Devil. For a bit I thought he was speaking metaphorically but no, indeed , he was speaking literally.

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
a reply to: nugget1

I read though your reply twice and could not find where your statements were not completely in line with the intentions of my comment so possibly I was obtuse. Many of us have experiences like this, where we were forced to comply with directives that we knew were wrong yet had to in order to remain employed due to children and family's needing support. I know I did. Where I worked it was near impossible to even express concerns to higher management about the more immediate management problems let alone go to anyone outside of the organization.

My comment in that past post was about the pod caster who said that employees that comply with bad directions due to needing a job to feed their children have made a pact with the Devil. For a bit I thought he was speaking metaphorically but no, indeed , he was speaking literally.

I think Tim Pool is over-rated. I do think that he has moxy, but he makes his own point in saying that people that have kids should still just quit their jobs. He doesn't have kids and he has much more in the bank than most so it would be hard for him to understand the kid angle. In the scenarios he raises, I agree with the corrupt policeman or guard analogy. Personally, children or not, if I was an authority figure and was being made to violate human rights, I would quit. However, if I work at a business that is pushing woke garbage because of their money grubbing policy to please Blackrock or whatever, I am not sure if its neccesary to quit your job as much as it is to voice your opinion wherever possible in a way that doesn't get you fired.
However, what social media companies were doing in the US prior to the last presidential election were abhorrent. I think in that situation I would speak out even if it made me lose my job.

I think Tim Pool is starting to get close to being in the category of having F U money.
edit on 24-12-2023 by dust2023 because: .

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: dust2023.

I think that the respect I have had for whistle blowers over the years was for the risk to their own security. OKeefe never risked anything as I could see, he actually made a money making job of it, and contrived some situations to do so.
Back to that bias thing though, this statement of yours, if I may say, reeks of it

in the USA, the system is totally corrupt and if someone is part of or claims to be part of the DNC or claims allegiance to them, lying is not something that is frowned upon. It is actually admired.

Do you think that it is ''totally'' corrupt? Totally? Why not go a step further and make that claim about the RNC as well. Claiming is one thing and reality is another. I could claim that the RNC is but I don't believe it is, nor do I believe that the DNC is totally corrupt. As for lying being admired, while I agree that they do, I cannot suggest that they do and the Republicans don't. Calling Biden a lair is fine, but not mentioning Trump at the same time is a failure to grasp or admit a glaring reality.

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof

And about that one guy in the video who claims that people who work in jobs to feed their children and don't ''whistle blow for fear of losing the means to feed their children have made a pact with the devil is simply an big mouthed moron.

I like Tim Pool a lot if you never have listened to him, but that was a bad comment. My family comes first...period. If I worked for a bad company I would still put my family above all else, sorry all you social warriors. This doesn't mean I would not be working to get a new job, but I'm not taking a knee and letting my family suffer. Now, when I retire all bets are off, but until then, I'm going to do what works for my family above all else.

Tim has put himself into a position where he has a compound in West Virginia and brings in a ton of money to be that guy that speaks out on all this crap. The rest of us can't as we could be fired for even something like bad Facebook posts, so he lost a little reality there. With O'keefe I still see a a good person, but he has no organization now, so I bet he is limited as he says.

edit on x31Sun, 24 Dec 2023 15:36:26 -06002023357America/ChicagoSun, 24 Dec 2023 15:36:26 -06002023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: havok
People need to choose what is more important.
Money now, or fighting for a better tomorrow.

Money now...

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: dust2023

In a way, your post here about Pool fits with my other reply to you, that is the money to be made by whistle blowing and even in being a counter-establishment pundit. This goes for any system that gets rich from descent. If you were to ask me, this is why this country is really divided, because there is so much money to be made by joining with either side and spweing it out into the media, MSM or just small outlets like his.

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
a reply to: dust2023

Partially ''left wing''? Maybe partially ''right wing''. Which do you think would be better I wonder. Some would call this ''middle of the road'', others might call it ''wishy washy''. Others call it attempting to hold an open mind, I call it trying to tread that thin line between ideologies that all to often base themselves on antiquated conceptions of reality.

I call it being a moderate. What this means is for some things a person leans left and for other things, a person leans right. That is how it should be for everyone. Many here would call me MAGA, but I'm actually very middle of the road depending on the issues. I'm for abortions with limitations, I support Ucrane and think we should give them all they need. I 100% support Israel, we should close the borders, but make it easier to immigrate legally and have a work visa program for seasonal workers. We should increase police pay and funding and hit criminals hard. We should legalize pot, and go after the bad guys in Mexico. Cut the crap out of our government, come up with a flat tax without taxing the rich some excessive amount. Actually fix the homeless issue and put more into needed social programs... I could go on and on.

edit on x31Sun, 24 Dec 2023 15:45:15 -06002023357America/ChicagoSun, 24 Dec 2023 15:45:15 -06002023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 03:50 PM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof

I think that the respect I have had for whistle blowers over the years was for the risk to their own security.

It all depends on the person's situation and how hard is the landing.

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
a reply to: dust2023.

I think that the respect I have had for whistle blowers over the years was for the risk to their own security. OKeefe never risked anything as I could see, he actually made a money making job of it, and contrived some situations to do so.
Back to that bias thing though, this statement of yours, if I may say, reeks of it

in the USA, the system is totally corrupt and if someone is part of or claims to be part of the DNC or claims allegiance to them, lying is not something that is frowned upon. It is actually admired.

Do you think that it is ''totally'' corrupt? Totally? Why not go a step further and make that claim about the RNC as well. Claiming is one thing and reality is another. I could claim that the RNC is but I don't believe it is, nor do I believe that the DNC is totally corrupt. As for lying being admired, while I agree that they do, I cannot suggest that they do and the Republicans don't. Calling Biden a lair is fine, but not mentioning Trump at the same time is a failure to grasp or admit a glaring reality.

There are many Republicans on my naughty list. The problem is that they do not control the media, the universities, the K through 12 schools, the Unions, almost all entertainment companies and so on. Also the Republicans I dislike - I usually dislike them for pretending to be something they are not. I can give you a list of dozens if not hundreds. All the way down to several local mayors where I live.

Also, Okeefe started with the goal of being a journalist who would tell the stories of people being pushed down by power and authority. And yes, he made money. Is making money bad to you or something? Is the guy a billionaire? Is he affecting your life personally with what he does for a living in a bad way? I am not sure where the loathing on your part is coming from to be honest.

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
OKeefe never risked anything as I could see

I'm not sure what "Risk" means here... How about going into places like abortion clinics and recording what they do, or making a series of undercover videos inside ACORN offices around the country,

How about this in 2021 "FBI raid on Project Veritas founder’s home sparks questions about press freedom"

How about "The video shows O’Keefe confronting a man identified as Jordon Trishton Walker — Pfizer Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations — at a New York restaurant, asking him to explain statements about the company potentially developing new vaccines by creating mutations in the COVID-19 virus. He discussed the subject with a Project Veritas investigator secretly recording Walker on a date."

So on and so forth. He isn't just sitting in a chair waiting for whistle-blowers to come along. The guy has a lot of balls, so who else is doing that kind of thing?

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I have been far-left in my past though no longer. The avenues to correct many of the situations you describe in that post were beyond the capacity of the far-left to deal with by any means other than rhetoric. I gravitated that way because of tha rhetoric, rhetoric by the way that the right was not addressing at all. In that past.

Now, I find the far-right addressing them better than much of the so called liberal rhetoric. But the more I listen to both the left and the right, that is most of what I find, rhetoric. So yes, I consider myself moderate as well and that I find is the only place on the political scale that is open to negotiation, to compromise, to open mindedness. And pardon me but even that sounds like rhetoric when I read it back. But alas.

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