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Zionism vs Bolshevism

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posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 02:08 PM
wikisource link

The following letter was published in the Illustrated Sunday Herald (London), on the 8th of February, 1920.

It is now in the public domain.



By the Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill.

SOME people like Jews and some do not; but no thoughtful man can doubt the fact that they are beyond all question the most formidable and the most remarkable race which has ever appeared in the world.

Disraeli, the Jew Prime Minister of England, and Leader of the Conservative Party, who was always true to his race and proud of his origin, said on a well-known occasion: “The Lord deals with the nations as the nations deal with the Jews.” Certainly when we look at the miserable state of Russia, where of all countries in the world the Jews were the most cruelly treated, and contrast it with the fortunes of our own country, which seems to have been so providentially preserved amid the awful perils of these times, we must admit that nothing that has since happened in the history of the world has falsified the truth of Disraeli’s confident assertion.

Good and Bad Jews.

The conflict between good and evil which proceeds unceasingly in the breast of man nowhere reaches such an intensity as in the Jewish race. The dual nature of mankind is nowhere more strongly or more terribly exemplified. We owe to the Jews in the Christian revelation a system of ethics which, even if it were entirely separated from the supernatural, would be incomparably the most precious possession of mankind, worth in fact the fruits of all other wisdom and learning put together. On that system and by that faith there has been built out of the wreck of the Roman Empire the whole of our existing civilisation.

And it may well be that this same astounding race may at the present time be in the actual process of producing another system of morals and philosophy, as malevolent as Christianity was benevolent, which, if not arrested, would shatter irretrievably all that Christianity has rendered possible. It would almost seem as if the gospel of Christ and the gospel of Antichrist were destined to originate among the same people; and that this mystic and mysterious race had been chosen for the supreme manifestations, both of the divine and the diabolical.

"National" Jews.

There can be no greater mistake than to attribute to each individual a recognisable share in the qualities which make up the national character. There are all sorts of men – good, bad and, for the most part, indifferent – in every country, and in every race. Nothing is more wrong than to deny to an individual, on account of race or origin, his right to be judged on his personal merits and conduct. In a people of peculiar genius like the Jews, contrasts are more vivid, the extremes are more widely separated, the resulting consequences are more decisive.

At the present fateful period there are three main lines of political conception among the Jews, two of which are helpful and hopeful in a very high degree to humanity, and the third absolutely destructive.

First there are the Jews who, dwelling in every country throughout the world, identify themselves with that country, enter into its national life, and, while adhering faithfully to their own religion, regard themselves as citizens in the fullest sense of the State which has received them. Such a Jew living in England would say, “I am an Englishman practising the Jewish faith.” This is a worthy conception, and useful in the highest degree. We in Great Britain well know that during the great struggle the influence of what may be called the “National Jews” in many lands was cast preponderatingly on the side of the Allies; and in our own Army Jewish soldiers have played a most distinguished part, some rising to the command of armies, others winning the Victoria Cross for valour.

The National Russian Jews, in spite of the disabilities under which they have suffered, have managed to play an honourable and useful part in the national life even of Russia. As bankers and industrialists they have strenuously promoted the development of Russia’s economic resources and they were foremost in the creation of those remarkable organisations, the Russian Co-operative Societies. In politics their support has been given, for the most part, to liberal and progressive movements, and they have been among the staunchest upholders of friendship with France and Great Britain.

[continued below]

edit on 24-11-2023 by 19Bones79 because: Added link

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 02:08 PM
International Jews.

In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all, of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognisable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.

Terrorist Jews.

There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krassin or Radek – all Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses. The same evil prominence was obtained by Jews in the brief period of terror during which Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. The same phenomenon has been presented in Germany (especially in Bavaria), so far as this madness has been allowed to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German people. Although in all these countries there are many non-Jews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers in the population is astonishing.

[continued below]
edit on 24-11-2023 by 19Bones79 because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-11-2023 by 19Bones79 because: Highlighted

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 02:11 PM
"Protector of the Jews."

Needless to say, the most intense passions of revenge have been excited in the breasts of the Russian people. Wherever General Denikin’s authority could reach, protection was always accorded to the Jewish population, and strenuous efforts were made by his officers to prevent reprisals and to punish those guilty of them. So much was this the case that the Petlurist propaganda against General Denikin denounced him as the Protector of the Jews. The Misses Healy, nieces of Mr. Tim Healy, in relating their personal experiences in Kieff, have declared that to their knowledge on more than one occasion officers who committed offences against Jews were reduced to the ranks and sent out of the city to the front. But the hordes of brigands by whom the whole vast expanse of the Russian Empire is becoming infested do not hesitate to gratify their lust for blood and for revenge at the expense of the innocent Jewish population whenever an opportunity occurs. The brigand Makhno, the hordes of Petlura and of Gregorieff, who signalised their every success by the most brutal massacres, everywhere found among the half-stupefied, half-infuriated population an eager response to anti-Semitism in its worst and foulest forms.

The fact that in many cases Jewish interests and Jewish places of worship are excepted by the Bolsheviks from their universal hostility has tended more and more to associate the Jewish race in Russia with the villainies which are now being perpetrated. This is an injustice on millions of helpless people, most of whom are themselves sufferers from the revolutionary regime. It becomes, therefore, specially important to foster and develop any strongly-marked Jewish movement which leads directly away from these fatal associations. And it is here that Zionism has such a deep significance for the whole world at the present time.

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 02:13 PM
A Home for the Jews.

Zionism offers the third sphere to the political conceptions of the Jewish race. In violent contrast to international communism, it presents to the Jew a national idea of a commanding character. It has fallen to the British Government, as the result of the conquest of Palestine, to have the opportunity and the responsibility of securing for the Jewish race all over the world a home and a centre of national life. The statesmanship and historic sense of Mr. Balfour were prompt to seize this opportunity. Declarations have been made which have irrevocably decided the policy of Great Britain. The fiery energies of Dr. Weissmann, the leader, for practical purposes, of the Zionist project, backed by many of the most prominent British Jews, and supported by the full authority of Lord Allenby, are all directed to achieving the success of this inspiring movement.

Of course, Palestine is far too small to accommodate more than a fraction of the Jewish race, nor do the majority of national Jews wish to go there. But if, as may well happen, there should be created in our own lifetime by the banks of the Jordan a Jewish State under the protection of the British Crown, which might comprise three or four millions of Jews, an event would have occurred in the history of the world which would, from every point of view, be beneficial, and would be especially in harmony with the truest interests of the British Empire.

Zionism has already become a factor in the political convulsions of Russia, as a powerful competing influence in Bolshevik circles with the international communistic system. Nothing could be more significant than the fury with which Trotsky has attacked the Zionists generally, and Dr. Weissmann in particular. The cruel penetration of his mind leaves him in no doubt that his schemes of a world-wide communistic State under Jewish domination are directly thwarted and hindered by this new ideal, which directs the energies and the hopes of Jews in every land towards a simpler, a truer, and a far more attainable goal. The struggle which is now beginning between the Zionist and Bolshevik Jews is little less than a struggle for the soul of the Jewish people.

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 02:14 PM
Duty of Loyal Jews.

It is particularly important in these circumstances that the national Jews in every country who are loyal to the land of their adoption should come forward on every occasion, as many of them in England have already done, and take a prominent part in every measure for combating the Bolshevik conspiracy. In this way they will be able to vindicate the honour of the Jewish name and make it clear to all the world that the Bolshevik movement is not a Jewish movement, but is repudiated vehemently by the great mass of the Jewish race.

But a negative resistance to Bolshevism in any field is not enough. Positive and practicable alternatives are needed in the moral as well as in the social sphere; and in building up with the utmost possible rapidity a Jewish national centre in Palestine which may become not only a refuge to the oppressed from the unhappy lands of Central Europe, but which will also be a symbol of Jewish unity and the temple of Jewish glory, a task is presented on which many blessings rest.

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 02:26 PM
Two things stand out for me in this letter written by Winston Churchill.

1. Acknowledgement of a worldwide conspiracy by a group of Jews to overthrow civilization.

2. The belief in the early 20th century that those who were considered "bad Jews" were not to be supported but instead it was of paramount importance to support the "good Jews". The good Jews were deemed to be the Zionists.

As we are moving ever closer to a globalist, authoritarian police state and with the elites openly admitting that the world's population must be drastically reduced, I wonder who is in control? Who has the upper hand between the "good Jews" and the "bad Jews"?

Looking at the behavior of Israel, I find it difficult to agree with Churchill and that perhaps he was in way over his head when trying to define such a complex people.

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79
Dang, so either way the world was destined to be governed by the jews I guess. Either under Jewish Soviet Communism, or under the current Zionist doctrines that guide the foreign policies of Europe and North America. Either way, clearly they are at the top of every food chain in Western governments.

So how is it anti-semitic to state this out loud when we are just stating facts?? perhaps Zionism was a good idea in 1920, but now that we see how it has unfolded since 1948, can we really call the Zionists Good jews?? For that matter, how do we know they are still the real zionists, and were not actually overthrown by the Bolshevik jews? Global policies in the last few years sure appear more in line with what Churchill describes as the "bad jews" .

I think the Jehova's witnesses are on the right track. Maybe we should let them run things for a bit?

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

One thing I can tell you is that they are smarter and more efficient than other races, which is the obvious conclusion based on their conquest of other countries in a covert fashion.

Another thing would be that they are bloodthirsty and consider the goyim as beneath them.

And lastly it can't be ignored how they completely captivate those over who they rule.

Reminds me of the relationship between Dracula and Renfield.

The Mel Brooks version.

I think the Jehova's witnesses are on the right track. Maybe we should let them run things for a bit?

It's still an Abrahamic sect, it won't change anything.
edit on 24-11-2023 by 19Bones79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

If your bottom line here is to highlight the diametric opposition between theocratic oligarchy and constitutional republic, then we can agree.

I would also submit that Jewish race is a misnomer. Ethnic commonalities don't excuse the othering language which separates and necessarily elevates one nation over the other, as speciation often does, instead motivating society to defend itself from the evils of puritan lore.

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 02:54 PM
Good Jews and Bad Jews is such complete bullsnip. It's veiled antisemitism. There are no good and bad Jews, there are good and bad people.

In the same way that there are no good and bad Texans or Canadians or any other enormous group of people. There are bad people within that community, but it's not ok to label and insinuate that the group itself makes anyone bad.

There is nothing wrong with Jews, and many are standing up against these war crimes, because they are good people. Good people are always good people, regardless of the nose size or skin color, or religion. Or the size of other appendages for that matter.

What I do not support is Netanyahu's lies and brutality. You can love a people, but be completely against what their government does.

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

If your bottom line here is to highlight the diametric opposition between theocratic oligarchy and constitutional republic, then we can agree.

We can't change the world for the better if we don't know or worse, admit who's in charge of this spiraling mess in the first place.

We all should know by now that "elected governments" are a farce.

Secret societies exist in order for the people who are truly in power to operate behind the scenes, and to work from the shadows.

Everything we know is fake. History is the biggest lie ever perpertrated.

Everybody is brainwashed in one way or another by the elites.

We don't know what we don't know.

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: Mahogani

Good Jews and Bad Jews is such complete bullsnip. It's veiled antisemitism.

Perhaps it's time to tear down every statue of Churchill in order to erase the past?

Is Churchill considered to be an anti-semite?

Are Khazarian Jews a Semitic people?

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79
Khazarian Jews are certainly not Semites, they are Turkic. of course modern academia would accuse us of Anti-semitism for even saying Khazar jew. I think they want people to believe there is no such thing. I just do not have enough information to really comment on the matter. Everytime I use the term it is usually in a topic like this, where I first even discovered the term, and just in a comment without much substance.

basically I only state what I have read about this sub group from ATS and frankly and am a bit ignorant on the topic itself.
Here is a quick wiki on it though

Determining the origins and nature of the Khazars is closely bound with theories of their languages, but it is a matter of intricate difficulty since no indigenous records in the Khazar language survive, and the state was polyglot and polyethnic. The native religion of the Khazars is thought to have been Tengrism, like that of the North Caucasian Huns and other Turkic peoples.[16] The polyethnic populace of the Khazar Khaganate appears to have been a multiconfessional mosaic of pagan, Tengrist, Jewish, Christian and Muslim worshippers.[17] Some of the Khazars (namely the Kabars) joined the ancient Hungarians in the 9th century. The ruling elite of the Khazars was said by Judah Halevi and Abraham ibn Daud to have converted to Rabbinic Judaism in the 8th century,[18] but the scope of the conversion to Judaism within the Khazar Khanate remains uncertain.[19]

Kind of seem like ancient version of the Druze we know today, which popped up about 300 years after this article claims the Khazar elite converted to rabbinic judaism. Honestly the Druze themselves operate as a kind of secret society in a ways. makes me wonder what they know that Israel was only somewhat concerned for their welfare during the reign of ISIS.

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

Everyone was jumping on the bandwagon of spooky jews controlling the world... I don't see this as anything more than just digging up old antisemitic information to some how tie what's going on in todays world of conspiracy theories.

Back then if you were like 1 / 8th Jewish you were seen as a player in the whole grand scheme of things. Realistically there was only one actual jew in the leading bolsheviks, Trotsky.
An zionism is litterally woven into Jewish religion, it's been around much longer than the Belfour declaration, Judaism is basically a religion fixated on returning to the holy land to see if the messiah will magically come back.

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

You really really really don't Like Jewish people do ya mate ?

I read all through your Mein Kampf Garble and it's a long winded way of saying " Jew BAD
" .

Lol are they really so scary to you ?
edit on 24-11-2023 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

It's just a thinly veiled attempt at supporting hamas but not coming out and saying it.

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy
now you see right there, that is the programming working just perfectly. Maybe you have read bones opinions on Hamas, maybe you have not. But I have not seen him declare his support of Hamas once. You could have said he hates jews, probably even could have called him a neo-Nazi, but you figured supporting Hamas made more sense to say.

Why is that? This topic certainly was not about the current war in Israel at all, and considering I want Israel to succeed in their de-Hamasification of Gaza I sure as # do not support them either.

We are having a simple discussion about something written by the British head of State during WW2, according to the OP anyways. I simply chimed in trying to figure out where this other sub sect of this ethnic group the former British Head of State was talking about fits in with another sect that Israel was using as their justification for providing aid and comfort to Islamic Fanatics , the Druze peoples and whether they may be connected to the former Kazar society.

You may have seen me bandy around this Times of Israel article over the last month regarding the assistance they were providing to the rebels, which I believe you yourself called islamic terrorist fanatics at the time and could easily go back and verify that from any of those threads if it mattered that much. That was not in question, but this aid they were providing to those terrorists is something to raise an eyebrow about if you ask me.

What has recently made me curious is one of their rationales for doing so.

During a briefing with Israel’s diplomatic correspondents at the IDF’s headquarters in Tel Aviv, Ya’alon said that Israel’s ongoing humanitarian assistance to Syrian rebel fighters, a source of growing conflict between Israel and its own Druze population, safeguards the minority population in Syria.

“We’ve assisted them under two conditions,” Ya’alon said of the Israeli medical aid to the Syrian rebels, some of whom are presumably fighting with al-Qaeda affiliate al-Nusra Front to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad. “That they don’t get too close to the border, and that they don’t touch the Druze.”

The Druze on Israel’s side of the Golan, Ya’alon charged, acted “irresponsibly” last week by attacking an Israeli ambulance carrying wounded Syrian rebel fighters. One person was killed and another wounded during what Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu termed a “lynching.” The person in the Israeli ambulance was not affiliated with the al-Nusra Front, and his death would provoke calls for revenge, Ya’alon asserted.

Now, these Druze people are mostly Arabs. We see Israel has no qualms about wasting arabs in missile strikes, but when it comes to Druze people they are admittedly more sensitive. To the point they kind of had to admit they were helping the maniacs in Syria who were essentially murdering Semites all over the place.

The Kazars land were essentially assimilated by Rus, and the survivors pushed a bit south and West, to where the Druze society came to be a few hundred years later. I feel like there is a connection there, but if you believe that has anything to do with supporting Hamas, you have my sympathies.

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

I base it on a history of posts, thinly veiled racist posts against my sister who is Native American, among others.

I don't make claims lightly.

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 06:37 PM
Oh gosh...I can just picture you and your old prison tattoos where you learned all this nonsense as you sit there at the computer for hours, trying to word it all so it doesn't sound like the blind hatred it truly is...

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

isms - Rinse and Repeat the Folly ......

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