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Canada State-Funded Euthanasia Program 31.2% Increase

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posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 06:11 AM
Wow! this is not good development in the land known as Canada .

Canada’s data on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) have been released, showing a 31.2% increase in deaths since 2021 through the state-funded euthanasia program. In 2022, 13,241 Canadians died from assisted suicide, accounting for 4.1% of the total deaths in Canada.

MAiD statistics from 2022 released, show 31% increase

Fourth annual report on Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada 2022

In nazi Germany they had the T4 Program, or Aktion T4 ....which was set up to kill incurably ill, physically or mentally disabled, emotionally distraught, and elderly people :

T4 Program Nazi policy

Surely it seems like they do ask people in Canada permission to do this now? , but it`s still process that kills human being, and looks like in industrial/large scales...( 4.1% of the total deaths in Canada. ) jeeez..

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

Who are you or I do refuse this to someone that is terminal ill? I support this because I think no one wants to live in pain and just waiting for death.

Also you compare this to NAZI T4 program that had a complete different purpose, not sure why exactly, as one use is humanitarian, the other is genocide.

I don't think people use assisted suicide just for fun.
edit on 23.11.2023 by ThatDamnDuckAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

Are you sick or homeless? Have you considered dying?

Canada has become a crazy place.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

Well to me it look`s like the Canadian program is used also to people who are not terminally ill , thought i have not read all details about it yet...This scale is not normal what they are doing there IMO and look`s like it`s increasing by every year .

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: watchitburn

Yep , since trudeau family ruled , it got crazy place .

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 06:49 AM

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain
a reply to: Kenzo

Who are you or I do refuse this to someone that is terminal ill? I support this because I think no one wants to live in pain and just waiting for death.

Also you compare this to NAZI T4 program that had a complete different purpose, not sure why exactly, as one use is humanitarian, the other is genocide.

I don't think people use assisted suicide just for fun.

When the option is encouraged by government and medical professionals as the best option to the patient and at the same time each death saves the same entities $$$ that they can spend elsewhere, there is a lot of room for abuse of the Plebs to occur.
I'm sure the government only has the best interest of the Plebs at heart though...

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 07:03 AM
Both opinions, for and against are valid in this.
I wish there was an easy death option for people.
Even older folk who are still healthy but don't want to live forever.
On the other side, this will be abused. People with depression or momentarily out of luck, who can be helped and live on without the reasons for their despair will become victims.

I have thought how to make this less abusable and I can't come up with anything.
And yet I wish when I am older and want an easy, dignified death this option would exist.
Especially for terminally ill people in pain.

This is really difficult.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: stosh64

I am not saying that the gov has the best interest. On the other hand we could say the medical industry would earn more money on the backs of those that are terminal ill and live in daily pain. To keep them alive and earn money with them.

In the end it is not up to you and me to decide over their lives. I say when someone is terminal ill and suffering through a lot of pain and more to come, why not grant them a death in dignity, if they wish for it. In that case I think it is good from ethics point of view.

As for those that do it outside the described frame, still their decision but I won't advocate for it.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 08:27 AM
It isn't only for people who are terminally ill. Irremediable medical condition's can envelop a whole lot of issues and mental illness alone will also be acceptable.

It's actually a pretty loose system in Canada from what I have read. And hey, you can DIY.

Final consent for persons who choose to self-administer substance for MAID

In addition, persons approved to receive MAID who choose to self-administer the substance for MAID can now make an arrangement in writing with their medical practitioner if complications arise after the ingestion of the substance, causing loss of decision-making capacity, but not death.

But let's say you screw up your own poison ingestion for suicide or it doesn't work for you because the doses and mixes are pretty standard or is simply doesn't work quite like it was intended. No worries, they've got backup!

Such arrangements allow the person to provide their consent to practitioner-administered MAID in advance, in the event of complications with self-administration, and if the practitioner is present at the time of self-administration. All persons who choose to self-administer a substance for the purpose of MAID can make such an arrangement with their practitioner, regardless of their prognosis.

Yikes....127 minutes to die?,neuromuscular%20blockers%20to%20stop%20respiration).

Time to death:

The median length of time from initiation of MAiD until death was 9 (IQR 6) minutes. The shortest documented time until death was 1 minute, and the longest documented time was 127 minutes.

Sucks to be them.

In most countries approving of medical assisted suicide, it was originally considered only for TERMINALLY ill patients in most countries. As in terminally ill and likely to die within 6 months. _source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAjfyqBhAsEiwA-UdzJAopTpvl9azuXHDavz0AXxcrmQh7LkqdVPvNLrqnpYYksaphbSVPHRoCDqMQAvD_BwE

The issue in Canada is that it's actually never been clear who assisted dying was intended for, whether it was meant for those with terminal illness who are suffering from how they were about to die or whether it was intended for people with chronic illness who are suffering with how they're currently living. It's unlike the States where - in the States where it's legal, assisted dying is only for terminal illness and people who have less than six months left to live. So their deaths would occur whether they were medically assisted or not.


There have been - over 30,000 people have received assisted dying since it was first legalized - 10,064 patient (ph) in 2021. That accounts for 3.3% of all deaths in Canada.


Patients with only a mental disorder as the basis of their suffering can request and receive MAID if they meet all the eligibility criteria.


The big challenge is people who are not acutely distressed but have been living with - and that's clouding their judgment and their impulsivity. How do you distinguish people who are unduly influenced by their mental disorder, who emotionally are hopeless, who - and this is more common in people who are marginalized by things like mental disorders where part of what might be driving their desire to die is psychosocial vulnerability, that they lack housing, they lack finances, they lack relationships and if that's driving their desire to die and could be remediable but they're hopeless around it.


Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder who are seeking help and can't access it, have been - there've been some cases in the news where they've been offered MAID as an alternative.

But suicide is legal in Canada and elsewhere on our planet:

As you can see from the image above, suicide death is actually more legal than not.

I support physician assisted suicide for terminally ill people. Others, not so much. Considering the lack of medical assistance for a range of illness and medical conditions due to finances, lack of medical capability from medical providers due to undiscovered treatments and medicines, and finally, those considered 'insignificant' with medical providers unwilling to treat, and we all know who that is. Which is exactly what Canada seems to be doing with some of these people.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 08:59 AM
She asked about her wheelchair ramp and they offered suicide instead.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

Moral dilemma because if someone is able minded and can actually decide to do this and terminally ill and wants to do it its one thing but when they're having mentally ill or even just depressed people doing this it raises quite a few red flags but on the opposite side I suppose if they really want to kill themselves they will by some means. The question is how hard are they willing to try. How badly do they want to die if bad enough they'll hang themselves or blow their brains out or something. I dont know if we should make it easier for mentally ill people to kill themselves or not especially when who knows if they're actually understanding what they're doing or if its just an impulsive thing. It might seem selfish to force people to keep living who don't want to but I think we shouldn't make it easier for them where there's a will there's a way.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

I think that if someone wants to die, then they should.

I also think that government, any government, should not have this as an option with difficult medical cases.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

Yeeh not easy topic..

It`s abusable or sure . Difficult indeed .

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 09:48 AM
When people have basic needs that aren't being met, such as food and housing, they tend to become despondent. Canada has a plan for that, and it isn't a 'hand up', it's a 'hand out'.

TORONTO (AP) — Alan Nichols had a history of depression and other medical issues, but none were life-threatening. When the 61-year-old Canadian was hospitalized in June 2019 over fears he might be suicidal, he asked his brother to “bust him out” as soon as possible.

Within a month, Nichols submitted a request to be euthanized and he was killed, despite concerns raised by his family and a nurse practitioner.

His application for euthanasia listed only one health condition as the reason for his request to die: hearing loss.


When Canada first began this program I remember reading one of the qualifications was the person had to be fully vaccinated against C19 to qualify; I wonder if that's still in effect?

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: StoutBroux

This whole issue ....I was long time ago very depressed for a long long time...many years . Anyone having been there knows what it is. I am pretty confident that if there is build in suicide system ready , and depression / mental problems would be entitled to getting the suicide help some would use it . But the thing is, some people really do find another gear, meaning of life and even joy again
. So having too low fence set up or the assisted suicide would mean some people really would do it by too light decision .....cant cancel that decision anymore once it`s done. So some would make wrong decision ....cant undo that then again .

I am afraid the fence is set up too low , or doing wrong decision is too easy . Not sure how to put it clearly here.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

You are right Canada seems to have very high numbers of people opting for assisted death.

They are ignoring the evolving law?

Pullman astutely notes that, since the Liberals made assisted death legal seven years ago, media outlets have reduced their coverage of the issue and, with exceptions, largely ignored how the evolving law is working for the dying and their loved ones.

Here's a story of a man lying about his mental health status so he can be eligible for assisted dying.

Assisted suicide and euthanasia are becoming legal in a growing number of countries and in those where the practice has been allowed, the number of those who die with assistance is increasing.

While surveys show that a majority of people support assisted suicide, the practice has not been without controversy as it is expanding. Most recently, the case of Canadian Alan Nichols has been making headlines. The 61-year-old who suffered from depression and was thought to be suicidal was granted his request to die by euthanasia upon listing his non-mental health issue—required by Canadian law—as severe hearing loss. His family reported the case to police as they believe that Nichols did not have any health problems severe enough to qualify him for assisted dying.

I guess the question then becomes when people are suffering with severe mental health issues where their quality of life and life functioning skills are poor, do we deny them assisted suicide if they want it?

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Yeeh agree, it just goes too far with integrated suicide systems . Or that i find it totally conflicting or odd that same medical system pushes non tested injections for masses ( covid ) with horrific side effects/deaths and then have this assisted suicide system there ready , i just cant see those people being professionals /talented medical care people . Damn fraudsters ...
edit on 23-11-2023 by Kenzo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

"Well Mr. DBCowboy, we CAN replace your hip, but have you considered killing yourself instead?"

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

I just feel bad when reading about that Alan Nichols case....yikes!

When society start resemble suicide cult...

I wil never travel to Canada...never!

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