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Looting in Philadelphia

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posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: WolfPants
It doesn’t matter who sold who ,

Yes it does.

Who bought black slaves in America ?

Last I read it was about 5% of the white population in states that slavery was legal.
And it was a smattering of black people who owned slaves as well.
By the way ... they are all long dead and gone.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: MConnalley

originally posted by: stevieray
a reply to: AlexandrosTheGreat
I ain’t never seen no 37 star post before. Feel like I’m in the presence of royalty.

Whatever happened to that person who suggested it was all false ? Would be nice to see someone back up their BS for once. Feelz don’t like them facts that question our feelz.

I get it, the racism thing and all. But the only hope is a little rational and logical behavior.

37 stars ain't special lol just 37 people, two city transit busses full of people...

hardly a percentage of the 10 million visits that this site has garnered over this month alone. average pages per visit are around 4 to 5 per session with sessions lasting up to 15 minutes on average.

We are here to amalgamate not polarize...

unless your a russian propaganda bot then that's where I personally draw the line haha.

Yes of course I am a bot, if I disagree with you.

I was talking about a comparison of different posts, not people. I had never seen more than 6 or 8 stars before.

A post could get stars simply because it’s well written and well researched. Independent of agendas.

So don’t be so one dimensional in your dismissals.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Not many free blacks owned legit slaves to work plantations or something, they usually bought family members or people who were close to them, and even at that it was a tiny percentage as even just owning land was a struggle for them.

Anyway. To address the topic, what's going on in Philly and in walmarts has nothing to do with slavery.

Whata going on is what happens when society begins to smell the funk of decay, the poor just don't care anymore and start doing stuff like what we are seeing.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 05:08 PM
Their not. They have paid for "rent a mob" from the dems that go out and hype up situations and then others follow.

They emable it then leave

Like Ray epps at the Jan 6th

Same people that start riots setting police cars on fire. And let the mob mentality kick in

Dems wont be quick to stop it. They will allow it like BLM buring down cities and looting.

Probably the same actors that aint even from philly. thata reply to: beyondknowledge2

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 07:42 PM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
a reply to: WolfPants

Entirely false. Not even close, actually.

Chicago has been run exclusively by democrats with the exception of William Thompson who served as mayor of Chicago from 1915 to 1923 and again from 1927 to 1931. Apart from that, not a single law was passed in Chicago that was not passed by democrats. Not a single law in Chicago was denied that was not denied by democrats. Chicago is one of the worst democrat strongholds in the country. To say white hegemony destroyed the inner cities is laughable. It was democrats, with varied skin color, but, all with the same fundamentally flawed ethos. Its the same defective reasoning we see now all over the country. Every democrat run city is a third world sh1thole compared to republican run cities.

As for unions, they don't create jobs. They take jobs from hard working tax paying Americans and give them to other tax paying Americans who, coincidentally I'm sure, also pay them a kickback in the form of union dues. I grew up in Chicago. I worked at a place that had a union. I didn't want to join, I didn't want to pay the dues. The union rep from our area and his assistant came out to talk to me personally. They asked why I didn't want to join the union. I told them. The guy said, "The union can protect your job for you." I said, "My job is pretty secure already." He replied, "We'll see about that. The next day I was fired for "unsatisfactory performance and excessive tardiness". No one ever said a word to me about my performance prior to that day and I was only late by a few minutes ONE time. Unions are nothing more than legalized racketeering IMO.
Chicago has been run by racist white people forever. The black ran cities are a new paradigm.
Prior to Reagan Detroit , Milwaukee , Chicago & the whole rust belt was home to vibrant black middle class families , because of Union wages .
You have just an opinion without true facts

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 07:45 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: WolfPants
It doesn’t matter who sold who ,

Yes it does.

Who bought black slaves in America ?

Last I read it was about 5% of the white population in states that slavery was legal.
And it was a smattering of black people who owned slaves as well.
By the way ... they are all long dead and gone.
Im sure Jesus agrees with you .

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 09:12 PM
Absolutely disgusting behavior. Then the looters get a slap on the wrist. Greg is pretty on point with his videos pointing out the obvious any rational citizen can comprehend.

edit on 28-9-2023 by JunglistNerd because: fixing link

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: watchitburn

Such a civilized and misunderstood peoples. *gag*

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 10:11 PM
'knowing what she did, and that she was live streaming, why the tears?'

It hurts when ya get caught!

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: WolfPants

Racist white people? Like whom?

Is it better if it is run by racist black people?

Stop the hate please

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: FNGalpha

She is such a manipulative fool. Able to manipher dumb parents obviously with some tears. She is the poster child for those scumbag girls that fight in school and film it. So dignified and tough lol

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: Schmoe1223

I was expecting at least a “word salad” accusation but there was absolutely nothing in the form of a rebuttal. Not one point argued. Sounds like something an empty suit politician would type

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel
You are absolutely correct - my husband had a union job in a huge company for 18 years. At first everything seemed fine and above board.
In the last several years however, the union reps changed and suddenly speaking 'English' was against policy and 'friends of friends' were getting jobs there, while those who had worked faithfully for years were out.
My husband made a few valid complaints about safety issues there, etc., and not one of the union reps would help him, or even listen. They just brushed him off.
In the end he contracted Hepatitis C at this company, after a few years of their ignoring safety issues, and after 18 years he left and filed for unemployment.
The company battled him, but he had spoken with OSHA about the issues and won his case.
Back in the day labor unions may have been majorly effective and necessary. Today it's who you are and who you know.

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: WolfPants

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
a reply to: WolfPants

Entirely false. Not even close, actually.

Chicago has been run exclusively by democrats with the exception of William Thompson who served as mayor of Chicago from 1915 to 1923 and again from 1927 to 1931. Apart from that, not a single law was passed in Chicago that was not passed by democrats. Not a single law in Chicago was denied that was not denied by democrats. Chicago is one of the worst democrat strongholds in the country. To say white hegemony destroyed the inner cities is laughable. It was democrats, with varied skin color, but, all with the same fundamentally flawed ethos. Its the same defective reasoning we see now all over the country. Every democrat run city is a third world sh1thole compared to republican run cities.

As for unions, they don't create jobs. They take jobs from hard working tax paying Americans and give them to other tax paying Americans who, coincidentally I'm sure, also pay them a kickback in the form of union dues. I grew up in Chicago. I worked at a place that had a union. I didn't want to join, I didn't want to pay the dues. The union rep from our area and his assistant came out to talk to me personally. They asked why I didn't want to join the union. I told them. The guy said, "The union can protect your job for you." I said, "My job is pretty secure already." He replied, "We'll see about that. The next day I was fired for "unsatisfactory performance and excessive tardiness". No one ever said a word to me about my performance prior to that day and I was only late by a few minutes ONE time. Unions are nothing more than legalized racketeering IMO.
Chicago has been run by racist white people forever. The black ran cities are a new paradigm.
Prior to Reagan Detroit , Milwaukee , Chicago & the whole rust belt was home to vibrant black middle class families , because of Union wages .
You have just an opinion without true facts

Can you please name some of these white racists that run have Chicago forever? I have lived there most of my life and don't know who you are referring to. As for unions, roughly 11.3% of workers nationwide are represented by unions. And roughly 11.6% of those workers are black. This data comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 11.6% of 11.3% is not enough to make a robust anything.

No, its not a new paradigm. Look at Baltimore if you won't accept the truth about Chicago. Run by democrats since 1947 with the exception of one 4 year term. What a liberal utopia that sh1thole is.

My statements are all facts you can easily verify for yourself. YOU have nothing but an opinion and a pitiful one at that. I will review any citation you can provide confirming your position on this.

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: watchitburn

I heard they wiped out that whole footlocker of everything except work boots

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: RonnieJersey

I couldn't agree more. Once upon a time unions were necessary. They stopped being a service to their workers a long time ago. Now its just a cash cow and only the chosen few get the rewards.

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 02:28 PM
One of the looters is a fat loud-mouthed black woman nicknamed "Meatball". She live streamed herself looting. She got caught and was arrested. She's now selling t-shirts with her mugshot on them to raise cash. And her lawyer is saying that anyone who criticizes 'Meatball' is a ... RACIST. Yeah ... she's playing the race card even though the idiot live streamed herself engaging in all those crimes.

Daily Mail

Her lawyer, Jessica Mann has gone on to say that critics of her client are 'racist' and added: 'It sickens me to witness the media's complicity in what can only be described as an all-out assault on black and brown people, as their character and actions are mercilessly vilified.'

Blackwell was charged with burglary, conspiracy, criminal trespass, riot, criminal mischief, criminal use of communication facility, receipt of stolen property and disorderly conduct after the widespread looting on Monday night.

Last week around 100 juveniles went from store to store in Philadelphia and looted them. An Apple store, Lululemon and Foot Locker were all targeted, along with multiple liquor stores.

In the heat of the riot, Blackwell turned to her 181,000 Instagram followers and filmed a mob as they looted each name brand store, before moving on to a liquor store where she herself boasted about grabbing a bottle of Hennessy.

In her video she said: 'Tell the police if they lock me up tonight it's going to be lit, it's going to be a movie! Everybody's gotta eat!'

In the same night, cops were able to locate her in her friend's car around midnight. Authorities have also given Meatball another nickname- 'Livestream Looter'.

Blackwell was still live streaming as she tried to talk her way out of the arrest and said: 'We didn't have anything to do with this!', as she clearly forgot the hours of footage she'd so keenly put together and brazenly shared.

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