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I think I dreamt of a past life

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posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: VelvetElvis

So I did a quick search and one of the most famous glass jar factories is in Buffalo New York. It is the Ball company!

Oddly, or maybe not, I have collected Antique glass Ball jars since I was a child 😳
I have some displayed in my house right now… I’m not a canner or preserver so there’s no other connection other than I’ve always loved old glass jars…

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 06:08 PM
I went through a lot of stress and trauma when I was a young child at home, I can't say for sure but looking back on it I'm sure I lived in past lives/parallel universes when asleep.

I'm thinking it was a method of escaping the madness around me in my waking moments.

I distinctly remember two different places I would visit often in my sleep I was around 6 years old so couldn't identify where I was at back then but looking back on it now as an adult I can identify.

First place was a desert setting very brown very sandy I could feel the heat as I walked around i would say this place resembled texas i worked with cars as a mechanic had a few friends I interacted with frequently or maybe they were colleagues.

Second place was in a japanese city I worked in a tall skyscraper building something to do with the stock market. I remember it always seemed to be night time never any daytime memories of the place compared to the texas one.

The strange thing is I have always lived in England UK and being the age i was when these lifelike dreams happened had never been on holiday or watched any media containing either of those places mentioned. It's crazy they were some of the clearest dreams I have had and still remember them in detail over 20 years later.

Nowadays I hardly dream or remember them at all at least it's been that way for nearly 2 years now.
edit on 22-12-2023 by Samuel336 because: Spelling mistake

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I dreamt very clearly a few times of spending my last few moments on Earth in different life situations & then dying & ascending to Heaven each time.

On the first occasion I was running through a deserted/wrecked school building which was constructed around a large quadrangle. I came to a room in which desks & chairs were piled high in a haphazard way that literally blocked my path, permitting me to go no further in my attempt to eascape from the attentions of an Apache style helicopter which had descended into the quadrangle & was turning slowly towards me, strafing the buildings with the 50 calibre cannon mounted beneath the fuselage. As it turned it finally reached alignment with my position - I was hit three times inn the chest, centre mass, and felt the impact like being punched absurdly hard. As I fell backwards I died, the shock & trauma of the impact caused death within seconds - perhaps I took another shot to the head that I didn't feel for obvious reasons. As I fell back & died, I continued to fall into a spirit realm which was dark yet comforting, like a heavy woolen comfort blanket in the wintertime, keeping you safe & warm, simultaneously i fell into a deep state of rest/sleep/meditation, where all the cares & concerns of life just drifted away, I was at perfect peace. A few moments later, angelic hands picked me up & transported me to another realm - to Heaven. I awoke on the floor of a forest, with sunlight filtering through the trees - I stood up & looked around - I saw several symbols: two magpies ("two for joy"); the signet ring with the seal of the King upon it, and more that I don't remember any more, but all beautiful. As I looked the other way I saw an angelic being, his body seemed to be made of light. He approached & stated: "You'll never be persecuted again." At this I broke down & began to worship him, believing perhaps he was God - but he resisted this, being an angel & not God. Either way this dream was absurdly wonderful, and indeed it occurred on the very same night that I had given my life to Jesus, this was the sign in the form of a dream which took away my fear of death, and set my heart moving forward at a steady pace.

The second dream of this sort that really stands out was the one in which I found myself a commander of a British army contingent in France during the Great War of 1914-1918. I was underground in a bunker system interconnected by tunnels - I was walking around & encouraging the me, telling them to have courage. In my heart I knew that we were done for, there was artillery fire incoming & we didn't stand a chance, though I couldn't reveal that to the troops. After a few moments the end came - huge series of explosions ripped the bunker system to shreds - I felt the burning of my flesh for an instant as the firedestroyed my physical body - but in that same instant my soul was pulled rapidly upwards, towards Heaven, I knew that was my destination. The dream ended before I actually reached Heaven on this occasion, mainly because the shock of the explosion had shaken me sufficiently to wake me from sleep. Either way, this was an overall positive dream, again it felt that God was on our side, or at least that He had blessed us with a quick & practically painless death.

I've had other dreams in which I found myself in Heaven - on one occasion I was in Manchester, UK, where I live in real life. There were huge riots going on, the BBC was filming some footage for its evening news programme. The violence & anger of the crowds was overwhelming, and I felt that all was lost.. Suddenly, I found myself translated instantly into Heaven, standing outside a beautiful log cabin, in a glorious forest by a clear lakeside. The atmosphere of peace was a wonderful relief after the scenes of rioting I had just experienced. I entered the log cabin & found myself looking at a woman I did not know - she was a beautiful middle aged black lady, very well-dressed & smiling with genuine warmth. I turned & saw on the table by the window a very large & ancient-looking book, bound in thick leather with brass clasps. On the open pages a lovely flowing script was being added line by line by an invisible hand/pen, with gorgeous illustrations also appearing as if by magic. I had the intuition that this was the Book of Life, that I was privileged to see the story of my life being written by the hand of God. This dream was extremely memorable, a great blessing (they all are, to be fair). After waking from this dream, I went about my life for several days, at which point I found a new church which I wanted to try out attending, to see if I could fit in there. It was a Pentecostal church, almost entirely populated with black folks (I'm pasty white). In the first service I was thoroughly shocked to find that the wife of the senior pastor was the lady I had seen in the log cabin in my dream! A few years later I was saddened to learn that a scandal had destroyed the church - the senior pastor had raped one of the young women in the congregation, in the bathroom of the church itself, a terrible tragedy. I don't know what happened to the pastor's wife, but I imagine she left him & went her way to find a new church, to keep writing her story away from the influence of that man, who was convicted & sentenced to several years in prison.

I have to say, the dreams I receive are often wonderful, I consider them a great blessing. There's also a sort of narrative thread that is woven through very, very many of my dreams over the past thirty five years, a story which the Lord is telling night by night as I travel in the astral realms. It's very important to pray for protection in the night watches if you are someone who dreams vividly, as I do every night, often for hours at a time. Indeed, sometimes I wake up more tired than when I went to bed!

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