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The 1945 Trinity UFO Story... Crashes

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posted on May, 2 2023 @ 08:05 AM
The legislation mandating ARRO examine historical UFO cases was pushed back from 1947 to 1945. Why? The Trinity 1945 UFO crash story promoted by Jacques Vallee and Paola Harris. Reme Baca was the architect of the Trinity UFO-crash story, which took many years to be taken seriously. It had shaky origins, which have now crumbled.

Regarding the nature and quality of earlier “investigations” of the Trinity story by Paola Harris and Jacques Vallee, readers may reach their own judgments after reviewing the linked series of Crash Story Files.

This in-depth examination by Douglas Dean Johnson exposes the Trinity hoax.

Crash Story: The Trinity UFO Crash Hoax

posted on May, 2 2023 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: CardDown

Some threads have mentioned the 1945 crash before…..

For some previous gouge….here’s one previous thread…


edit on 2-5-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2023 @ 03:10 PM
The entire series is worthwhile, but this article alone torpedoes the case. The chief supporting witness was not even in the USA at the time of the alleged UFO crash. Johnson says:

What I found when I delved into the matter of New Mexico State Police officer Eddie C. Apodaca may tell you all that you really need to know about the credibility of Remigio (Reme) Baca and Jose Padilla...

Crash Story File: Eddie Apodaca, the Real Policeman Who Cracked The Trinity UFO Crash Case

posted on May, 2 2023 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: CardDown

What’s funny about this “1945 crash” saga is that the current U.S. Government chose that case to be “the” case to investigate instead of Roswell.

I think they were told, or realized that it was a nothing burger case after all. I think I read something about deciding officially not pursue the 1945 case.


posted on May, 3 2023 @ 05:21 AM
I've always had great respect for Vallee, but I must admit that this really has me questioning my image of Vallee as a serious researcher.

It seems that Vallee, and Harris, really has done little, if any, due dilligence at all.

To quote Mr Johnson:

Regarding the nature and quality of earlier “investigations” of the Trinity story by Paola Harris and Jacques Vallee, readers may reach their own judgments after reviewing the linked series of Crash Story Files. Remember, the material you read in the Crash Story Files was all assembled by a citizen journalist (very much “part time”), with no corporate media platform, and with financial resources that (I feel it safe to assert) are very far short of those reputed to be available to Jacques Vallee.


Mr Vallee, I am disappoint...

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 06:18 AM
a reply to: beetee

In general with some exceptions……there is a period of time when the elderly are seen as being wise….and are regarded as people that should be listened too because of their life’s experiences and so one can learn from those.

But then these same wise elders get to a point in the aging process were their minds begin to fail to the point of being feeble….mentally diminished.

This is when one should take conversation with the elderly with a grain of salt….death is not far away.

Vallee could be starting to loose the clarity of his thoughts and decisions as he declines while aging to the end of his life……

Imo ….what follows the Wise period of someone’s life is the Alzheimer’s or Dementia periods of end of life.

The key is to know the differences… that you either pay attention or disregard what they say.

Wise old man or Crazy old fool.

Which one is Vallee at this period of his life?

edit on 3-5-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2023 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Well, maybe it is possible, even for a seasoned researcher like Vallee (and others, for that matter) to be swept along a little bit in the current flash flood of recognition and validation.

Maybe, aften swimming against the current for all these years, it is easy to let yourself be carried downstream on all this goodwill and outpouring of secrets.

Perhaps you forget that you still have to swim and so, unsurprisingly, you sink.

posted on May, 4 2023 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Let's not pick on Jacques Vallee because of his age. His work in the past has contained many mistakes, just none of them as catastrophic as basing an entire book on a hoax.

posted on May, 16 2023 @ 03:06 PM
Here is Vallees response to Johnsons article:
edit on 16-5-2023 by TheMadScientist2 because: Correction

posted on May, 17 2023 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: TheMadScientist2
Sounds like Vallee may put out yet another revised edition to try and save the book. His indignation and excuses can’t fix this fiasco.

posted on May, 17 2023 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: TheMadScientist2
Here is Vallees response to Johnsons article:

It actually saddened me to read that response.

posted on May, 17 2023 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: TheMadScientist2

Yeah….I think among other things…..I suspect Vallee is pissed off that the government/AARO won’t be studing the purported 1945 crash after all.

At first they were….but I seem to remember that they changed their minds…

After all….

In 2015 Vallée had a spectroscopy analysis performed on the metal panel they said they recovered from the wreckage. It points to a mundane, man-made origin.

At that point….the story has a hint of BS……

Why would the Gov waist time studying a possible Hoax?

edit on 17-5-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2023 @ 03:16 PM
Paola Harris has deleted her posting of Jacques Vallee's response without explanation.
A PDF of it can be found at this link.

posted on May, 17 2023 @ 09:57 PM
Hey Vallee and Harris… could run …. but you can’t hide.

Here’s a direct link of the reposting….

Source: Jacques Vallee Hits Back at Hoax Claims Over Trinity UFO Crash Book


posted on May, 18 2023 @ 07:51 AM
Maybe Paola Harris deleted it from her Facebook page to hide the negative responses. Anyway, she still has response by Jacques Vallee up at her site. If you haven't read it yet, see this version, it's formatted and much easier to read.
TRINITY: THE INCONVENIENT REALITY A response to Douglas Dean Johnson’s " Crash Story"

posted on May, 18 2023 @ 08:49 AM


posted on May, 19 2023 @ 04:45 AM
I haven't invested much time on Trinity as it received fairly bad reactions immediately after its release.Nor have I read the rebuttal in full as yet. But it would appear that Mr. Vallee has tarnished his reputation here.

He has a huge body of previous work, of course, which people are free to agree or disagree with too. But he suffers from the same problem every other popular UFO celebrity has done to date. They hit a brickwall.

A period of focus on core issues and rise in popularity and profile within the so called "UFO community" eventually leads to an impenetrable barrier they collide with. There is no hard evidence for ET visiting Earth (or even a truly supranatural explanation). It becomes a turning point in their career. They then start to speculate on unfalsifiable theories, which never result in anything. And/or they jump on the UFOtainment bus and preach to the converted.

Mr. Vallee has enjoyed a huge profile for 40+ years within the UFO topic. But he is also not immune to the above.

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 07:14 AM
a reply to: mirageman

The book is probably the only thing published of Vallee's that I haven't read and didn't intend to due to the complete lack of evidence but the bit below from the rebuttal is interesting - if anyone has read the book ?

Our main interest, which the book reflects throughout, goes beyond the fascinating episode of the crash. The later reports we have uncovered point to four different types of high-performance materials that excite our interest, and those of the Silicon Valley experts we have consulted. The reported physical features are internally consistent, yet they couldn’t have existed in operational settings in 1945 if they were human-made.

Also why is it called Trinity - is this a reference to the Trinity site (whose co-ordinates were given as a crash site in one of the MJ-12 documents) ?

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 08:12 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Lol. Naughty.


posted on May, 20 2023 @ 05:15 PM
New discovery.

Over 20 years ago, the Trinity case was pitched to Tom Carey (of Roswell Slides fame). You know it’s bad when even the dog won’t eat it.

This article includes Carey’s recording of hearing the first draft of the Trinity tale.
edit on 20-5-2023 by CardDown because: Sp

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