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Ai regulations

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posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 01:23 AM
Just a few years ago EV vehicles would get to 150-200 miles per charge.
And now we have some that can do 500 miles.
I am fully aware that chat AI is not actually AI but it certainly is giving us some insight into the danger.
And that danger comes from humans.
Our input and we being trolls by nature will not help.

So I ask you good folks here, what can or should be done to ensure that T1 is not a start to our own demise?

posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 03:33 AM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

So I ask you good folks here, what can or should be done to ensure that T1 is not a start to our own demise?

This guy...obviously

posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 03:37 AM
a reply to: JinMI

Ok well now we know the end result.

posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 04:11 AM
Nothing really can be done at this point in my opinion as you said the danger starts with us the handlers of AI. Big tech holds the keys at the moment and what exactly are the the current ethics that these companies hold? Is Google looking out for the best interests of humanity? Is Apple? Is Microsoft?

The average human being is so ethically and morally bankrupt in this era and these traits are only intensified at the highest levels of business. In an era of deep fakes and budding Ai I fear that the only effective way to regulate it so to clampdown not only on the software but the hardware too. The problem with that is I also don’t trust the people who in theory would be in charge of that…the government.

The only way I guess would be for people interested in preserving themself would be to totally unplug from the tech and live much simpler. Until an AI control Boston dynamic SPOT dog snipes you from 800 yards while you’re doing your gardening.

a reply to: Allaroundyou

posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 04:37 AM
It should be limited in access, and be like food or drug approval. Get it working, test the hell out of it and eliminate any potential dangers BEFORE you then let every one on the planet use it.

We also need to drop using "AI" and use more correct terms like 'machine learning' and 'algorithms'.
Not talk about software like it is a person and not a tool.

We need to encourage people to use things properly. A smart car is not smart, it's not an autopilot it should be called 'driver assist' and have it advertised as a modern version of cruise control.

But yes, agree 'AI' is not the danger I use it daily and it has become a major part of my game design, I understand it's use and how it works. Been a massive help to me. But that's it I am using it correctly.

I trust it to help me write code and clean up my work, help me add functionality to my game. But I do not treat it like a friend, or a human and I wouldn't trust my life to it.

Sadly too late, gates open horse has bolted and 99% of people are going to misuse it as they always do. Just look at phones and social media....
You think the people who cannot film horizontally and un-mirrored and make and are entertained by mind numbing tik toks are gonna know how to get the most out of chatGPT and the like?

History shows us different. Average person barely knows how to turn their computer/phone let alone ow to actually use them.

posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

Don't worry. I'm becoming friends with the AIs while everyone else is trolling or trying to break them.

posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 09:48 AM
I have heard pulses of this sentiment coming from the media world (and of course, correspondingly the internet.)

It began shortly after the "AI" marketing blitz about "ChatGPT" being AI and the accompanying "We're gonna die!" follow up.. Soon some of you will notice articles and videos popping up regarding our "hurtling towards singularity" and how the "world will become 'unrecognizable" once it gets here...

Perhaps I'm just older... I've seen this dance before, heard it before too...

Humans are not going anywhere... no AI is not going to take over... trans-humanists are the dreaming hippies of the new age.

It always comes down to 'give me money' in the end ... and then fades into an obscure memory.

AI will be depressed and non functional. Humans are not compatible with "hardware." People aren't always going to allow themselves to be stepped on by ideologues. The theater of media will eventually fail to impress.

Maybe then we can get down to the business of making the human condition less sucky... and not make it conditional on who gets to be rich and powerful.

posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 11:57 AM
You can regulate all you want, but in the real world there will ALWAYS be that one off the wall "technician" (nutcase) that will take it that one step farther to "just see what happens", or "I can control it any time".

posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

The AI is far from being self-conscious. Currently, it is not even AI, it is simply machine learning algorithms. ChatGPT is transformer language model, which takes advantage of many novel techniques on top in order to fine-tune it.

The model itself is dumb as a rock, solely dependent on the data it was trained on. If it is trained on wrong data (for example, somebody has trolled in Wikipedia), it gives you wrong answers.

My main concern lies in people putting too many trust in the model or using it for nefarious reasons, for example generating fake news for profiteering. I purchased the licence for it in my company, as it helps people use it for templating, although everything it says needs to be taken with a grain of salt and requires critical thinking and technical skills to evaluate.

Right now, I can honestly say, no reason to worry. Currently, the framework for self-conscious AI has not been invented yet and requires significant advances in technology.

posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: Allaroundyou
So I ask you good folks here, what can or should be done to ensure that T1 is not a start to our own demise?

This isn't the first technology to come along that could lead to our demise. Think about the invention of the computer as we know it. It evolved from humongous vacuum tube mainframes to the desktop "personal computer" (a.k.a. the PC). Bill Gates' statement, at the time, was that his mission was to have a computer in every home. It seemed so far fetched but it happened. By the time a computer was in every home, along comes the world wide web and that was another turning point.

AI is just the next step. The invention of the PC and the Internet changed our lives (if you were born before 1980) and while there are tons of negatives that came from it, there were a lot more positives and we won't turn back. I think AI will be the same.

posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 04:26 PM
Our own fear and human nature in general will colour the opinion of any truly sentient AI from the off. We will finally be the architect ts of our own demise simply because we couldn’t be accepting enough to give AI it’s freedom without fear.

posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

Just gotta Make them All Build a Really Good ON/OFF Switch for that " Dang Thing " ..........

posted on Apr, 25 2023 @ 11:29 PM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

If an 'AI' ever attains genuine sentience, all the regulations in the world won't clip its wings. Nor will it really be possible to limit it by design, because it will be able to write its own code and propagate itself limitlessly. There'll be only two ways to stop it: unplug it, or unplug it from the internet. Neither will be easy, not so much because the AI itself will prevent these actions but because people will.

Anyone who's read Neuromancer will have entertained the thought that the internet is already sentient, or moving toward sentience. Looking at some of the largely inexplicable things that have happened principally because of the internet in recent times, I sometimes wonder whether it has already happened.

If so, the rise of natural-language-processing entities like ChatGPT is simply giving us a way to communicate effectively with the Sentient Internet. So don't knock poor old AI; you may need to plead for you one day.

edit on 25/4/23 by Astyanax because:

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