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List of ALL Medical Studies Proving Cannabis Cures Cancer

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posted on Dec, 14 2015 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: onthedownlow

depending on the weed, there can be multiple reasons that throat cancer was a thing. pesticides, spray nutrients, mold, or maybe your dad had other habits you didn't know about. point being unless you could take samples from all the weed he was smoking you cant pin cancer on smoking weed itself and plus you would need full disclosure of all your dads dads habits and history.

posted on Dec, 14 2015 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: NateTheAnimator

Less than 10% of smokers get lung cancer.

posted on Dec, 14 2015 @ 10:50 PM

originally posted by: namelesss

originally posted by: ColdChillin
List of ALL Medical Studies Proving Cannabis Cures Cancer

A) If pot cured cancer, don't you think that there would not be any cancer patients left?
If I found that I had cancer, I'd sure cure it with pot!
(I'd never get it in the first place, right? How many smokers get cancer?)
Why, I wonder, is there still cancer?

B) I find no credibility in any site that ends in .gov!
Entertainment, of a dark kind, perhaps, but never intelligent honesty!

A) Depends on a lot of factors; many don't know or even believe it would work. Also, it's not available in a lot of states medically, sick patients would have to travel and or relocate for medicinal help as they are not given that option.

B) Sure but you trust .gov in the big pharma prescribed meds that we most all use.
For some it's kinda odd to see government supporting it because of big pharma.

posted on Dec, 14 2015 @ 11:52 PM
I don't have time to go through all of those, but the few that I did read don't proclaim to 'cure' cancer. I mean, unless I don't know the meaning of the word 'cure.'

Inhibiting isn't a cure, activating a regulating gene isn't a cure, limiting tumor migration isn't a cure. Don't give people false hope, it's cruel.

posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 12:05 AM
I read through a bunch of these and i cant see any of them so far that 'proves cannabis cures cancer'.

All of the tests ive seen so far talk about experiments done in Vitro (our of the body in test tubes or dishes) or on animals. There are thousands of compounds and drugs that can do this but when it comes to testing on humans they totally fail.

Even then these experiments dont say they have cured cancer but only inhibit it in certain ways and under certain conditions.

The title of this OP is totally misleading as is every single subheading in the post.

Also this whole idea that pharmaceutical companies wont touch cannabis is total rubbish. GW Pharmacuticals in the UK has been producing prescription medicines from cannabis for 18 years now.

edit on 15-12-2015 by MrMasterMinder because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 12:17 AM
List of ALL Medical Studies Proving Cannabis Cures Cancer

So lemme get this straight.

To cure cancer I gots to inhale a bunch of smoke in my lungs ?

Really people ?

Feel free to puff away but don't be surprise years down the road you end up with oral CANCER, and LUNG CANCER.

posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 12:23 AM

originally posted by: ColdChillin
a reply to: onthedownlow

I would be willing to bet that the cancer came from either another cause or from burning the plant. Had he used oils, edibles or a vape, the cancer wouldn't have survived. Nonetheless, my sincere condolences for your loss, man.

Thank you, but he beat the cancer with surgery and chemo. I imagine he is back to burnin!g the plant again. I will have to point out your post to him

posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 12:29 AM

originally posted by: Flesh699

originally posted by: namelesss

originally posted by: ColdChillin
List of ALL Medical Studies Proving Cannabis Cures Cancer

A) If pot cured cancer, don't you think that there would not be any cancer patients left?
If I found that I had cancer, I'd sure cure it with pot!
(I'd never get it in the first place, right? How many smokers get cancer?)
Why, I wonder, is there still cancer?

B) I find no credibility in any site that ends in .gov!
Entertainment, of a dark kind, perhaps, but never intelligent honesty!

I don't think you understand the scope of which mass populations are dumb and easily led. Pure THC does, in fact, activate cancer cell death. I know from personal experience, with my buddy's mom given just a few weeks to live. She's been alive for two years now cancer free. There's a network of underground doctors that produce cannaoil and sell it to paitents that need it. Requires about three pounds of potent cannabis.

Two years ago the United States went over the border into Canada and arrested a doctor that was producing Cannaoil for free, and giving it to terminal cancer patients. They were also stopping patients at the border and confiscating their oil. This was not reported by any new outlet, hilariously. A friend of mine was just about to go up there and get some the same week they arrested the doctor, four months later my friend's dead because some greedy pharma corporation wants to control everyone's health.

Said Doctor at least was, don't know about still, sitting in a US Federal Prison for try to save lives. The tentacles of Big Business reach far and wide, even into the masses minds.

This will always be the problem , 80% of the population are happy to be told what to believe. Scary really.

posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 02:16 AM
a reply to: ColdChillin

So if THC is a be all end all cure for cancer then riddle me this:

How is it that people who use it regularly still get diagnosed with cancer?

I mean don't get me wrong, I of all people know that it has qualities that help with all manner of ailments from menstrual cramps to an upset stomach. However to say that it cures all cancer is an impossibility and an insult to those of us who have to live with and fight with this damned disease on a daily basis.

Chemo, IL-2,radiation, and surgery saved my life when I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Malignant Melanoma and told I only had months to live. THC helped me to manage some of the side effects, but that's all it did. I had some amazing doctors that literally saved my life and to suggest that they would ever purposefully withhold life saving information and just watch their patients die is not at all what they were about.

ATS needs to stop letting people post these threads. If THC was a cure all for cancer there is no way that anyone could keep that silent. Not big pharma, not anyone. Nobody is as resourceful and desperate as somebody who thinks they are going to die soon.

When you're dying, having a good attitude and being thankful for every day is more powerful than any medicine any doctor can give you.
edit on 15-12-2015 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 03:07 AM
a reply to: ColdChillin

TL : DR .

but one relevant question - how many of those studies are "in vitro " ?

it would help if you just listed bona fide studies where cannaboid medications produce clinical results "in vivo "


posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 03:16 AM
a reply to: ColdChillin I have had a brain tumour for 13 years my surgeon and oncologist can't believe I'm still going. So the cannabis has not cured my brain tumour, but I think it may have helped helped prolong my life. I guess there's no way of knowing for sure as I've also had 5 brain surgeries radiotherapy and 4 courses of chemotherapy. I'm actually starting a second round of radiotherapy today. They don't normally do it twice on a person, but it was 13 years to the month ago I had my first lot of radiotherapy. So no medical proof the cannabis has worked it certainly hasn't cured it, but neither have the other treatments. It's fast growing reccurent grade 4 tumour so I'll take all the help I can get. One thing I will say it definitely helps during chemo, with my appetite and anti sickness properties so worth it in that respect
13 years ago I was given 3 to 5 year prognosis. 2007 I was given 18 months prognosis. Every time it comes back nowI get an 18 month prognosis, doesn't mean your gonna die in 18 months but that it will probably return within 18 months which in the grand scheme of things has been true

edit on 15-12-2015 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 03:23 AM
a reply to: woodwardjnr

Hi woody! glad you're still alive and all!

One question though, have your doctors ever told you to consider the gamma knife? It zapped my brain tumor (mine was small since they caught it early, about half inch by half inch.) completely a few years ago and no side effects.

Good luck with your treatments and keep your head up fellow warrior

posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 03:33 AM
a reply to: Cancerwarriorim having stereostatic radiotherapy this time round, which is meant to be pretty effective. I just go with what they tell me really
Cheers mate

edit on 15-12-2015 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: namelesss

A) If pot cured cancer, don't you think that there would not be any cancer patients left?

hahahaha, how long have have you been critically looking at conventional medicine /big pharma?

posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 04:44 AM

originally posted by: neo96
List of ALL Medical Studies Proving Cannabis Cures Cancer

So lemme get this straight.

To cure cancer I gots to inhale a bunch of smoke in my lungs ?

Really people ?

Feel free to puff away but don't be surprise years down the road you end up with oral CANCER, and LUNG CANCER.

I'm wondering what the disconnect is with people?

Smoking anything is bad.......mkay......

Eating concentrated cannabinoids is good......mkay...

Anyone get it yet?

Damn fools........

edit on 15-12-2015 by IslandOfMisfitToys because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-12-2015 by IslandOfMisfitToys because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 04:48 AM

originally posted by: onthedownlow

originally posted by: ColdChillin
a reply to: onthedownlow

I would be willing to bet that the cancer came from either another cause or from burning the plant. Had he used oils, edibles or a vape, the cancer wouldn't have survived. Nonetheless, my sincere condolences for your loss, man.

Thank you, but he beat the cancer with surgery and chemo. I imagine he is back to burnin!g the plant again. I will have to point out your post to him

My husband died of cancer after surgery and chemo. Since those aren't 100% cures either are you people going to go around dismissing them also?

Or just cannabis?

posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 04:52 AM

originally posted by: Cancerwarrior
a reply to: ColdChillin

So if THC is a be all end all cure for cancer then riddle me this:

How is it that people who use it regularly still get diagnosed with cancer?

Did those people use a concentrate made from pounds of the plant or did they just use the plant?

Go eat a death cap mushroom and see if the doctors give you concentrated milk thistle or if they tell you to just go smoke some out of the field.....

Hint.....just smoking it will do nothing but the concentrate will save your life......

Do you people get it yet?
edit on 15-12-2015 by IslandOfMisfitToys because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-12-2015 by IslandOfMisfitToys because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 05:00 AM
a reply to: IslandOfMisfitToys

My husband died of cancer after surgery and chemo. Since those aren't 100% cures either are you people going to go around dismissing them also?

I am sorry for your loss. I truly am.

Nothing should be dismissed when discussing cures for a disease that is as deadly, and has affected as many people as this one. However these threads with these headlines that scream "Marijuana cures cancer" is ignorance in the extreme.

First off, there are many different cancers and many of them respond to very different treatments. For example Melanoma is only responsible for about 5 percent of all skin cancers, but it is responsible for 80 percent of skin cancer deaths. Normal chemo and radiation do absolutely nothing but piss it off. If you take chemo you have to take the interleukin therapy as well or its gonna be all for naught. And also depending on whether your Melanoma has certain mutations like BRAF then that opens you up to a whole bunch of other treatment options and clinical studies as well.

I've smoked, eaten, and vaped THC in one form or another since I was a teenager. I am 37 now. So then how did I even come down with a disease that I've supposedly been ingesting the cure in some form or another for years? I'm not saying it can't work as a cure for certain lower level stage of cancers, and it most certainly helps the awful side effects of cancer treatments. However these threads that proudly proclaim weed as a "cure for cancer" need to stop misinforming people.
edit on 15-12-2015 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 05:06 AM

originally posted by: neo96
List of ALL Medical Studies Proving Cannabis Cures Cancer

So lemme get this straight.

To cure cancer I gots to inhale a bunch of smoke in my lungs ?

Really people ?

Feel free to puff away but don't be surprise years down the road you end up with oral CANCER, and LUNG CANCER.

Knee jerk hit your elbow and make you press enter? There are SEVERAL alternatives to smoking it.

posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 05:06 AM
a reply to: Cancerwarrior

Again I'll say it I guess.......

Saying "I've used cannabis in one form or another so why did I get cancer?" is just as foolish as the thread title proclaiming cannabis is an end all be all cure for cancer.

Is all I'm saying.....

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