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Reincarnation-Does Your Soul Have An AH HA Moment?

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posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 01:51 PM
I know there are many theories regarding reincarnation, but I've been wondering about one aspect in particular.

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that the point of you returning is that you have decided to learn a certain life/soul lesson this time around.

My question is, do you, or your soul, know you have learned what you are suppose to learn, when it happens? While you are still here? An Ah Ha moment?

Or do you have to wait until your journey here is over? Is that why they claim you may have to come back several times, because you didn't get it right the first time?
It seems a little unjust that you would have to wait to find out. Why, if you are choosing what you are to learn, would you subject yourself to the disappointment?

I know there a lot of questions here, that probably don't have any real answers, at least until we pass on, but this is something I've been thinking about for a while now.

I'm curious what others that believe in reincarnation think about this.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by chiefsmom

It is my impression, from the reading I have done, that the only time the soul knows how much it has learned - and in effect, how far it has yet to go - is when it has something to compare itself to. That's when the soul makes a decision and things proceed from there. On the other hand, it could be an entirely autonomous system where the soul naturally gravitates as a result of an imbalance...and if the balance is perfect, the soul continues on unhindered until it reaches a dimension or a plane where what WAS considered balance is then considered IMBALANCE. Thus begins a new phase of evolution.
edit on 8-8-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

I think I understand what you are saying, but then do you believe that the comparison can happen while still in this body, or after it leaves, or both?

BTW, thank you for responding.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by chiefsmom

My soul has had many ah ha moments. The trick I wonder about is if they are always correct hahaha...

I don't think it really matters though, because as far as I have seen I can't break the rules.. Tried to get out of it, but then I was told you get to die and start over... My soul said nah I stick it out, and I (my mind) didn't even get the chance to hide the truth within me.. Damn.

I think it's more magnetic and natural how you wind up, kind of like how it's natural that you get tipsy after a few drinks. Not like God goes "Oh he's had 4 beers, I will send a drunkeness judgement against him!"

There do seem to be active rather than passive "guards" However.

Not to worry though, whatever problems you have now you'll have later no matter where you move. The pattern continues until it's changed..

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by chiefsmom

While life and soul paths can be seperate but one in the same, so is reincarnation. It's not that you have to reincarnate. Astrology will say you live each life 12 times before moving through to the next sign. Each Sign having different lessons to be learned. Metaphysics will say that the soul reincarnates as many times "necessary" to achieve enlightenment and move on.

One item they both have in common is that any particular incarnate can make massive leaps in a souls evolution in each lifetime (move faster so to speak) I would say this is where you get so many "Individuals" on different paths but the "same" overall lesson being learned.

Even when you a "soul" masters "something" there are always greater lesson's to be learned, call it Master Lessons (that would be to say, just because we have Ascended Masters doesn't mean they stop learning or incarnating. Just out of our "Realm" of reality)

It's really a interesting topic to say the least.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 02:37 PM
Thank you all for the reply's.

I do think this is a very interesting subject.
Just frustrating in a way, because there are so many questions, and it seems the more I read about it, the more questions I have!

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by chiefsmom

I think I understand what you are saying, but then do you believe that the comparison can happen while still in this body, or after it leaves, or both?

BTW, thank you for responding.

This part: "when it has something to compare itself to"...this, to my understanding, happens for most people when they die and their soul is allowed to join an entity that exists on a plane of reality which eludes our senses and our technology. By entity, I mean something similar to a vast ocean, except that it's much larger and more pervasive and exists on a frequency that is tucked into and around the frequencies we are familiar with. In essence, it's an advanced translation which is above our pay grade to observe or comprehend.

If you are going to engage in such a perspective, you must have the ability to manipulate your sensory systems. I guess you could say that if you want to communicate in French, you must first learn French...but let's say that the French language requires an advanced physiology capable of both sending and receiving energy for which your current form is not equipped nor intended. Some people are genetically predisposed to such adaptation. They were born with...add-ons, you could say. Biological capacities for engaging in such communication or sensory processes. Most are born with just enough to experience particularly intense encounters originating from a similar system to the one by which souls are subject to the collective consciousness. This is because, in my mind, spiritual encounters happen on less developed, more rudimentary systems that lie somewhere between this dimension or this frequency and that of collective consciousness. This would explain the possibility of emotional imprints, recordings that play back events of particularly intense electromagnetic value.

Imagine a Ford Model T versus a Black Bird. There's a lot of different vehicles that mark various stages of intention and development, like a tree with a common theme but a plethora of different revisions, revelations, and reservations. Some projects are stored for later examination, others are adjusted because they become quite apt at a particular function...and others evolve with adventure. This is what the various spiritual planes are like. We're not bricks in a wall. We're souls learning on a very personal basis. And so all eventualities must be planned for. Not difficult, considering the planes themselves are intelligent in the same way a cricket is intelligent. Basic functions, basic reactions.

I hope that explains my thoughts in the matter.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

In essence, it's an advanced translation which is above our pay grade to observe or comprehend.

Well Played.... Well Played~


I couldn't agree more, even when your start down this rabbit hole of a cunundrum and have a good amount of information, the puzzle still feels incomplete, but not impossible. IMO I couldn't agree more with what Infinity stated, even as much as I retained on the subject and am a "believer" in this said topic. I have only my gut feeling and a multitude of explanation's, something about it though I just can't quite figure out.... Hence waaaaay~ above my paygrade~

Guess I'll figure it out when I get to review this life prior to starting my next~ Dun dun dun

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by chiefsmom

I'm always reading that souls come back so that they can learn a lesson or better an understanding of a certain topic, perhaps pushing a higher agenda. I'm sure that is true for some, but recently I have started thinking that some come back because they enjoy being here, they like enjoying themselves and playing this game we call life.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by QuietSpeech

See, I've read that too.
I've also read that others come back to help someone else with their lesson.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 03:41 PM
It's when your reading something that you have no idea of and it hits home so good in your soul data bank that you get cold chills and goosebumps. It will generally have lots of plausibility and lots of logic plugged into it.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by chiefsmom
reply to post by QuietSpeech

I've also read that others come back to help someone else with their lesson.

That in the realm of reincarnation is nothing "uncommon" regardless of our Physical Ego's that are driven by the different tasks we undertake, we don't keep those "ego's" once we cross (So they say) as all the souls incarnate are here together helping each other and choose to (they sign up) prior to living the life they are.

Odd example, and "Coincidence" that day your walking and some stranger holds you back from walking into the street. You make that "Eye Contact" a quick smile and your both off doing what you previously were oblivious of each other. There's many "Coincidences" that follow this same type of suit~

For that brief second you have that AH HA moment

edit on 8-8-2013 by sulaw because: (no reason given)

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