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Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) and Targeted Individuals (TI�s)

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posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 09:00 PM
I have a video of a DEW going at me .. you can see the plasma or ionized gas literally "waving" hood of my car and hear the massive sizzle .. short snippet here

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 11:15 AM
This thread made my day! Thank you. The truth is- the honest to God truth- is there is tech out there that allows mind and thought reading wirelessly and from a distance. I'm under no NDA so I can discuss it freely because I am still negotiating with the folks contacting me. It is hard to believe and slightly terrifying but true. It has to work somehow with brain frequencies. That is all that I know. The tech can also induce medical affects like drugs influencing the brain. Or very strongly influence people or change normal behavior, like invoking greed to make you work harder, or lust to make you act stupidly. Currently as far as I know the tech is privately owned by very large organizations, but I am not privvy to the details. i am just a test dummy somehow.

What links it to DEW is that I know a laser is involved lol.

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 12:05 PM
Didnt cracker jacks and comic books have little voice throwing gadgets? If this conspiracy ever turned out to be anything but, therell be a bunch of people become med non compliant and rampage in their own way..i still dont think its government doing this if it is indeed a thing. Itd be like social retards with alot of new money. and thed be a target selection process...pretty easy to label an actual TI mental deficient, i think thats why most people assume its govmnt still doing this, sure the US certainly has think tanked the subject to death, but i think their experimentation would have been very limited and over by now and as usual some copy cat on a power trip or tryin to get off.

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: didntasktobeborned

Right, in my case it is private industry. The tech is amazingly cool. Can read thoughts, see created pictures and can communicate via thoughts or words in the brain without talking. Pretty awesome stuff. I have a hard time thinking / recreating parts of a song though in detail, that gets trickier the more complex the music is. Hell, they know I am posting this and are not pleased lol. Again, I am one of their test dummies.

I just hope how powerful this stuff is, there aren't many more out there or affected by it. I began to slowly realize my mindsets on occasion, and I realized- why am I thinking this way? Is this me or who I am? Ask yourself those questions, especially about politics and work productivity.

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