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FOIA: Fabricated Majestic 12 document confirmed by FBI

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posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 04:55 AM
Possible disclosure of Classified Information Regarding Majestic 12
A request to the Director of the FBI for clarification on whether a document that has come to light is genuine.

Document date: 1988-10-25
Department: FBI
Author: SAC, Dallas
Document type: Airtel request for clarification
pages: 13


Archivist's Notes: This is a request and response regarding a Majestic 12 briefing paper that was allegedy received in the mail by an individual. It is said to be completely fabricated by FBIHQ and marked as BOGUS on the document. Some information is redacted but the gist of the information is clear.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 08:30 AM
Very interesting and well known document. This file is about a request and response regarding Majestic 12 briefing paper received by an anonymous individual and claimed latter to be totally fabricated by FBI, there fore a bogus document. The document it self is the preliminary briefing for President Eisenhower dated November 18, 1952. In the document is recorded the foundation of the group for the research and development/intelligence operation under the direct control of Majestic 12, a group created with the direct orders of President Truman on September 24, 1947 upon recommendation by Dr. Vannevar Bush and secretary James Forrestal. And even though is a well known group allow me to post the names as they were at the very beginning of MJ-12.

The original members of the Majestic12 are as follows:

Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter
Dr. Vanevar Bush
Secretary James V. Forrestal*
General Nathan P. Twinning
General Hoyt S. Vandenberg
Dr. Detlev Bronk
Dr. Jerome Hunsaker
Mr. Sidney W. Souere
Mr. Gordon Gray
Dr. Donald Mensel
General Robert M. Montague
Dr. Lloyd V. Bernker

As we also know Secretary James Forrestal died 'jumping' from his room's window in the fifth floor at the Bethesda Naval Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland.

In the file we have some documentation of UFO sightings in different part of the country and the action taken by MJ-12 to handle the situation. Each page at the end is signed Top Secret/ Majic Eyes Only. There are direct orders from the president and briefing for the UFO situation around the USA. Reports are detailed and carry the language and terminology of that epoch. If the document is not a bogus one that I would say is one of the best ufo reports I've seen so far. Detailed descriptions of the flying discs, their shapes, flying pattern, size and speed etc.

But on November 30, 1988 the Office of Special Investigation, U.S. Air Force advised that the document was fabricated and totally bogus.

In the document is also stated that FBI took very seriously the matter and started a thorough investigation to prove the authenticity of the November 18, 1952 document.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 08:36 AM
I do have a copy of MJ-12 1952 document in my pc and I'm posting it in this thread. I want to add something which might be a known fact for most of us. Stanton Friedman has run a very detailed investigation in the regards of the alleged Majestic 12 papers. He has also wrote a book about this. There are 19 documents in total and so far the one described in this thread is the only one, to my knowledge, determined to be a bogus.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by Telos]

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 07:19 PM
There is also a thread by me few month ago that talks about the same thing. For more check the link: No Proof of Fakery in Leaked Top Secret Majestic Documents

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 07:29 PM
The problem with all material obtained in the USA under FOIA is that there is no governmental agency worthy of trust or that has demonstrated a capacity to serve Truth first and perceived national interests second.

I usually look at FOIA material as another layer of obfuscation. Sometimes enough truth is dribbled in to make it potable, but it still tastes like swill to me.

(I do like Sgt. Stone's interview with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot. He seems like a good egg -- the kind of man one would like to visit with over a cup of tea on a winter's day.)

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 08:20 AM
I would like to know more of this series of documents. If only this oen has actually been declared false it does thicken the plot somewhat.

I would also like to note the following from page 11.

Based on DOD representations made to SSA [blank] which, incredibly, tended to buttress a portion of the document, he discussed this matter with DAD BRANDON on 10/30/91. Based upon those DOD comments and DAD BRANDON'S instructions, Salt Lake City is submitting the enclosed document to FBIHQ in order for the latter to further determine any DOD interest in the enclosed document which discusses the three above-mentioned code name operations.

I guess that they are referring to the first two projects which we know did exist rather than any necessary reference to Majestic 12.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 08:54 PM
Fabricated by who? I heard the signature of Truman was an old copy.
They defied the laws with a dead Presidents signature and got away with it.

This is part of the Alien cover for Tesla's UFO patents that were taken
away from the public by National Security classification.

Forestall was thrown out of the window for not going along with
the Alien cover for Tesla's mechanism.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 01:34 AM

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