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In the early MRNA studies with rats 60% became infertile

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posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 02:00 AM

originally posted by: GenerationGap

originally posted by: burtburt44
a reply to: DaRAGE

A 5 minute video from a doctor who calls the vaccines a bio-weapon.

Going to need more information than a quick video by someone who makes such radical claims.

She was claiming that most of the people who got the vaccine would be getting AIDS - HIV :

Sounds like a quack to me. Im all for questioning vaccines, but making doom and gloom claims requires evidence to back it up.

Like, who has gotten AIDs from covid vaccines??

AIDS in the sense of acquired immune deficiency syndrome is not hard to believe. The vaxed having multiple bouts with Covid is an initial signpost of atleast one acquired immune deficiency. I will not be shocked if the vaxed end up contracting things like RSV, Flu, Rhinovirus, and cancers at higher rates than the unvaxxed. If so, I would consider that a form of AIDS, though I doubt people will ever test positive for HIV AIDS on the vax alone, but wouldn't be shocked if they are more likely to contract it when they do come into contact with it.

Only by watching the human lab rats closely will we ever know. Personally, I'm glad I decided to be a part of the control group at this point with the data we have so far on the experiment.

Because no-one caught COVID until the vaccines existed?


posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Google started using the website macrotrends as the first website being pushed when asking about birth rates. I dont believe it for a second.

Btw there is plenty of evidence out there. If you can’t see it you must be blind.

posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 06:29 AM

edit on 27-11-2022 by DaRAGE because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

She mentions that 50+% of patients in the Ebola study died of Remdesivir, and yet no study I have ever seen suggests that.

I have heard of a few doctors talk about this study. From the descriptions it sounds like this one:

A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Ebola Virus Disease Therapeutics

The results for Remdesivir don't look good in the trial. It does make one wonder why Fauci thinks it is the only answer for covid?

This claim (that the COVID-19 vaccines caused infertility) came out from almost day one of the public roll-out (when there was no data suggesting it at all).

Have you already forgotten about all the irregular menstrual issues going on at the start of the vax program or did you miss that one too? From here it looks like data that there will be fertility problems on the way.

As for dealing with Bitchute, yeah, lot of rubbish out there. Also a lot of rubbish on the censored, corporate ministry of truth. What Bitchute does offer is an opportunity to hear a different side of the story before it is deleted and never heard of again. As for what you choose to make of it?

posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 12:42 PM

originally posted by: kwakakev
a reply to: chr0naut

She mentions that 50+% of patients in the Ebola study died of Remdesivir, and yet no study I have ever seen suggests that.

I have heard of a few doctors talk about this study. From the descriptions it sounds like this one:

A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Ebola Virus Disease Therapeutics

The results for Remdesivir don't look good in the trial. It does make one wonder why Fauci thinks it is the only answer for covid?

It says there in the results that 35.1% of those in the study, died. How could a greater percentage (60%) die of Remdesivir?

This claim (that the COVID-19 vaccines caused infertility) came out from almost day one of the public roll-out (when there was no data suggesting it at all).

Have you already forgotten about all the irregular menstrual issues going on at the start of the vax program or did you miss that one too? From here it looks like data that there will be fertility problems on the way.

As for dealing with Bitchute, yeah, lot of rubbish out there. Also a lot of rubbish on the censored, corporate ministry of truth. What Bitchute does offer is an opportunity to hear a different side of the story before it is deleted and never heard of again. As for what you choose to make of it?

There have always been irregular menstrual issues. You'd need a lot more to raise the few above the noise.

And, it seems that as more data was gathered, and more were vaccinated, the issue went away.

edit on 27/11/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 01:27 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

And, it seems that as more data was gathered, and more were vaccinated, the issue went away.

If by issues you mean population growth, I guess it does.

One criticism with your current UN statistics, How do they keep a current accurate count when it can take an individual nation a year or two to compile an accurate account? For now these figures just look like an estimate. Hopefully in time they will become more accurate as clearer national government data rolls in.

It is also rolling all the data between nations that had a high vax uptake with those with a low vax update. This is going to cloud any distinction the vax is having.

As for that Ebola / Remdesivir paper, it has become a political can of worms with the way things are going. Going to be a lot of different interpretations and twisting of facts to sort out what really went on. The general conclusions of the paper show Remdesivir as trouble. Financial and depopulation aims appear as motives for the political directions on covid treatment made.

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