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SPACE X Transporter 2 launch scrubbed at T Minus 10 seconds

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posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 11:06 PM

originally posted by: Skyhigh00

originally posted by: TzarChasm
How about we cancel the whole "going to space" business until we figure out how to be a functional type 1 civilization that doesn't set its own planet on fire and constantly pollute the only air/water we have. Less war and more renewable energy and sustainable development would be great too. Mars can wait until we've checked all those boxes.

I always laugh at this type of comment....
Every dollar we spend on going into/space research benefits all of humanity 10x in the inevitable research advances. Microwaves/memory foam etc.

If we ratcheted up NASAs budget we would all come out on top and we can hopefully fix our issues here by solving the challenges out there.

You know who else is laughing? Actual type 1 civilization pilots flying by our planet.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 11:20 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm

originally posted by: Skyhigh00

originally posted by: TzarChasm
How about we cancel the whole "going to space" business until we figure out how to be a functional type 1 civilization that doesn't set its own planet on fire and constantly pollute the only air/water we have. Less war and more renewable energy and sustainable development would be great too. Mars can wait until we've checked all those boxes.

I always laugh at this type of comment....
Every dollar we spend on going into/space research benefits all of humanity 10x in the inevitable research advances. Microwaves/memory foam etc.

If we ratcheted up NASAs budget we would all come out on top and we can hopefully fix our issues here by solving the challenges out there.

You know who else is laughing? Actual type 1 civilization pilots flying by our planet.

Ummm…I really love the person that just…knows

I really do…

Do share your…gnosis…with we lower life forms who only claim speculation…and remain skeptics until truth and fact answer the enigmatic…

Hubris might own such a statement as the one I quoted above…


posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

And if we had less people like you there'd be less people suffering in the world.

Your logic is the same as those who think dropping bombs spreads democracy.

Every time another satellite is put in space it's one more bar in the prison cell.

But you don't see that. Besides "entertainment" and porn and weapons and junk food what does America contribute to Americans and the world itself?

People like me have common sense and understand when celebrities are on stage jacking each other off while one street over homeless families are abusing drugs and pissing and #ting on the sidewalk something is wrong.

Everything done in space is for self gratification of the elites, your kind benefits from a false sense of security, not self improvement.

But I understand where your head is at, my advice, hold your nose when you fart.

posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: Hypntick

If they're footing the bill more power to the private space industry.

I'm talking about our government throwing money at them like NASA, then every election jackass candidates say "infrastructure" but nothing's ever done, except for the wealthy areas---speaking specifically about speed humps in white areas while black neighborhoods have none but do have dilapidated parks and playgrounds. Which COULD MAYBE POSSIBLY have something to do with the probs we see in black communities...and it's usually black people in local government in these areas.

posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 12:21 AM
a reply to: YouSir

I was homeless in 2015-2016, not from drugs, not from choice.

Spent eight months at a shelter, most people that came through those doors had mental issues.

But what would you expect when mental health facilities closing regularly because of lack of funding, but by all means let's toss money to NASA and give tax breaks to billionaires cuz spayce is kewl, bruh.

Not buying it. What experience do YOU have with homelessness, let's talk about it.

How do we fix it? How about asking that to every goddamned politician that says it needs to be addressed then when they get their plush cozy overpaid seat in government it's the furthest thing from their minds.

That would be a good start. I mean how could ya go wrong by holding politicians accountable for what they do and don't do. Nancy Pelosi said HERSELF none are above the law, so let's start holding some feets to the fire.

posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 12:35 AM
a reply to: EdisonintheFM

Think about everything America has done for the world, and continues to provide for the world, then get back to us.

As for me not being here, well then. The truth is, and I think you'll disagree with me, is that if we spent all our time fixing social issues and no time advancing society as a whole, then all we'll ever be doing is patching up a blown wheel. Going into space provides something more important then just jobs, and "gratification of the elites, it also creates drive for people just coming into their own. It allows people to have dreams to follow, and most importantly it advances culture.

You want to sound all high and mighty about what we should be doing, but would you fix societies ills? What would you do to house the homeless, while at the same time encouraging them to take responsibility for their situation? Sitting at a computer screen and telling everyone that spacer exploration is wrong because so-and-so lives in a box in an alleyway, only goes to show how little you understand the benefits and importance of not just space exploration, but scientific discoveries as well.

I would rather hold my head up high and risk smelling my own farts, then live with my head in the sand due to self selected ignorance.

posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Why can't we do both? I'm pretty sure America is capable of multitasking, God knows the government gets enough money from Americans to handle this country's problems.

I see things different. I've always liked to stay on top of repairs because the longer you wait, the more headaches and more expenses you have to deal with.

Case in point, I worked at a pizza joint and the makeline wasn't cooling. I KNEW what needed to be done because of past experiences but the franchisee didn't want to spend the money right away.

Fast forward two weeks of using bags of ice, which weren't free, and the compressor completely goes out and had to be replaced.

There are so many people out there in positions of authority who have no clue how to be successful in their position. That's just a fact.

posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 01:09 AM

originally posted by: EdisonintheFM
a reply to: Guyfriday

There are so many people out there in positions of authority who have no clue how to be successful in their position. That's just a fact.

Elon Musk is one of those people that seems to have been very successful in his space exploration endeavors. yet you seem to be thinking that he needs to dump his money into giving the down trodden all that money instead of using it for putting satellites into orbit, and sending people to the Moon and Mars.

posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: EdisonintheFM

Ummm…you can’t fix it…that’s the point…I’ve already stated that I’ve been there…in those trenches…on both sides of the homeless coin…

I was there because of choices I made…on one hand misplaced empathy…posing as compassion…on the other…intransigence and perceived spiritual ennui…

Again…by decision…not design…

You can only fix…you…
One lesson I did learn is to recognize and accept what I was and am…and be content with all the myriad aspects of my ever changing character…


posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 07:10 AM

originally posted by: YouSir
a reply to: EdisonintheFM

Ummm…you can’t fix it…that’s the point…I’ve already stated that I’ve been there…in those trenches…on both sides of the homeless coin…

I was there because of choices I made…on one hand misplaced empathy…posing as compassion…on the other…intransigence and perceived spiritual ennui…

Again…by decision…not design…

You can only fix…you…
One lesson I did learn is to recognize and accept what I was and am…and be content with all the myriad aspects of my ever changing character…


I do agree with this comment. It is by poor choices and decisions that a person usually hits rock bottom.

But there is a way to damper it. Education. Instead of teaching lies, like born this way and 99 choices of sex on the wall, schools should be teaching responsibility, humility, and common sense in general.

That's how i see it. I mean we pay for education through various sources, yet it seems we're less educated on sense and more educated on feelings.

It's a Rated R world. People need to accept that or leave the theatre.

posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 07:14 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Not sure where you get your opinion from, I never singled any one person out.

I'd guess Elon would be the first, if he doesn't already, to help those in need.

It IS possible to be successful AND charitable at the same time. Companies boast of doing so all the time.

posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: EdisonintheFM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Not sure where you get your opinion from, I never singled any one person out.

I'd guess Elon would be the first, if he doesn't already, to help those in need.

It IS possible to be successful AND charitable at the same time. Companies boast of doing so all the time.

Ummm...look at it this way...whatever motivates Elon Musk...he certainly does have deep seated desires to help pursuing and accomplishing electric vehicle manufacture...distribution and availability...

And most importantly in his belief...which I have also held since I first started reading Sci-Fi as a child...(I'm 61 now)...that humanity needs to have more baskets for it's eggs...than just the Earth...

I also realize that the resources that we need to accomplish that are just floating in their orbits...waiting for those who also share that vision...

I created a fictitious company a number of years ago for a digital design class I was taking...where the company mined the asteroids and moons of other planets in the system...through the use of robotics and telepresence...the absolute quintillions of wealth generated were used to solve those issues you spoke also return the earth into it's previous garden...allowing harmony between humanity and it's fellow life also enrich every person so that none lacked the necessities they need to live in comfort...

What use wealth...if it's only accumulated...

Better to use it to attempt to improve the human condition...and I'm sure you'd agree...

That's what Elon Musk does...and just look at all those other corporations and persons with vast resources...that don't...

They'd do well to emulate such a model...


posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
How about we cancel the whole "going to space" business until we figure out how to be a functional type 1 civilization that doesn't set its own planet on fire and constantly pollute the only air/water we have. Less war and more renewable energy and sustainable development would be great too. Mars can wait until we've checked all those boxes.

While I understand the argument, the reality is, engaging in space faring activities is extremely likely to result in lots of new advanced technologies that will end up providing lots of benefits back home - clean energy, water capture/recycling/conversion, pollution/trash capture/recycling methods, etc.

What needs to happen here at home is the abolition of the elite ruling class asshats that serve no benefit to society, only drain resources and encourage death and destruction through wars, and yes, plan/scam-demics, etc)...

posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: Hypntick
a reply to: EdisonintheFM
Homelessness will never end unless you kill a portion of the population, that portion being the ones that have no desire to not be homeless. Drug abuse? Easy, legalize all of it and let the idiots who become addicts die off naturally.

Cold, man.

Speaking as a former addict/alcoholic with 33+ years sobriety...

First: I totally agree with legalizing everything (yes, everything), and simply regulate/tax it the same way alcohol is regulated/taxed (no selling to minors, etc), BUT, require all associated taxes first and foremost to go toward rehab facilities, with merit based fund allocation - the more successful the rehab facility is, the more funds they get.

Second - homelessness, from what I do know about it (not been there, so no personal experience to draw from), is almost always associated with some combination of drug (includes alcohol) addiction and/or mental illness.

Third, most mental illness of the debilitating kind is caused by extreme nutritional deficiencies - for example, schizophrenia and related type illnesses can be treated very effectively with high dose niacin.

Gun violence in the inner cities, easy enough, enable the police to do what needs done.

While I agree that police should be allowed to enforce the law, a much more effective strategy would be to totally eliminate any and all gun laws, and allow Citizens to protect themselves.

That said, I do think that some form of formal training (safety and proficiency) should be mandated, but I'm not sure how that could work, without adding such a requirement to the Constitution.

No BLM marches for a jackass being shot that quite frankly deserves it.

Nonsensical. Peaceful marches are fine. Violence is what is and should be forbidden, but it - violence - needs to be dealt with swiftly and severely when it occurs.

Infrastructure I'm fairly sure the government is trying to pass a spending bill on that.

Yeah, except they're intentionally conflating all kinds of things with infrastructure that simple aren't.

Tuition costs would take care of themselves if we streamlined the degree process by removing BS degrees completely,

That would be a good thing to do, but won't solve the tuition problem.

No, the best way to deal with the tuition problem is completely and totally abolish and and all government subsidies of any and all higher education facilities.

I'm also strongly in favor of abolishing the entire concept of 'public education'. States should simply outline a general process all schools are required to follow, limited only to teaching a) general critical thinking skills, and b) the basics of reading writing, language, and math, with appropriate advanced courses for those interested an capable.

Curing disease needs a full on revamp of the pharmaceutical industry as there is no money to be made in cures, only prolonging the problem.

Yes, bring back the Hippocrates Oath, and I am, in fact, in favor of government funding research into and promoting the use of non-patentable forms of diet, nutrition, and natural health care (herbs, vitamins, HBOT, Ozone therapy, etc).

Every single one of these issues you listed have nothing to do with a private citizen starting his own company and trying to get to Mars. Why should he, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, or anyone else who is trying to get to space be responsible for the issues that for the most part the government has created?

Anything that is funded by government should not be allowed to be treated as some individual Citizen or Company's private property. Meaning, let me know the day the vast majority of those people get where they are without massive government subsidies.

posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Ok going to get hate but... Yes been homeless, no money, a drunk(no before was homeles) played with drugs but not my thing. So wonderful person now as far as you say. Broke, barely making ends meet(do surveys for food before you bitch). Could that money be used for other things here? Sure. And I'm SURE you know just how that would happen right? Enlightene me please. A man that made his money SHOULDNT spend it as he wishes? Ok well thats the govenment you Wont help get the certains ones you want the f out. Want to really talk about any change (wont happen unless all out war and we lose). Its just talk. Pray for your kids. About all that is left at this point. Just jump on the ride and hang on

posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Actually with the clout Elon has he could just start a conversation about doing more to repair the problems in America that should not exist in this age.

He wouldn't have to drop a dime.

posted on Jun, 30 2021 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: YouSir

You're definitely right about your model. And I hope a private company, with no government aid, can get us resources from other sources besides our home planet.

What goes on in Africa, the Amazon, and other places is a disgusting disgrace.

posted on Jul, 1 2021 @ 06:50 AM
Try again. I think there is something there we could have a discussion about, but, sorry - that was ... totally unintelligible.

originally posted by: boredhere74
a reply to: tanstaafl

Ok going to get hate but... Yes been homeless, no money, a drunk(no before was homeles) played with drugs but not my thing. So wonderful person now as far as you say. Broke, barely making ends meet(do surveys for food before you bitch). Could that money be used for other things here? Sure. And I'm SURE you know just how that would happen right? Enlightene me please. A man that made his money SHOULDNT spend it as he wishes? Ok well thats the govenment you Wont help get the certains ones you want the f out. Want to really talk about any change (wont happen unless all out war and we lose). Its just talk. Pray for your kids. About all that is left at this point. Just jump on the ride and hang on

posted on Jul, 1 2021 @ 07:57 AM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
How about we cancel the whole "going to space" business until we figure out how to be a functional type 1 civilization that doesn't set its own planet on fire and constantly pollute the only air/water we have. Less war and more renewable energy and sustainable development would be great too. Mars can wait until we've checked all those boxes.

There will always be new boxes to check. We will end up never getting anywhere.

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