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Do all "Conspiracies" HAVE to be Death and Destruction Doom and Gloom?

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posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 05:49 PM
We totally need more beer in here now.

We'll leave this one here for our buddy Cornman for when he gets back.
An apple cider, if he so prefers.


I firmly believe the value of positive storytelling (and beverages) can have a profound effect in the causality Matrix.

Leave your fears at the door, we're all friends in here.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 07:00 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
a reply to: John_Rodger_Cornman

Ok, gotcha.

You're the equivalent of an OUTSPOKEN WAKE UP ACTIVIST who likes to crash childrens parties.

I am not an activist.

Good job man.
Well done.
lol again
So proud of you.
That's nice that you are proud of me. I tend to have that effect on people. lol
Here's some cake....throw it on the ain't a part of this system.
Oh I am a part of this system. Most people are.
I get it.
Well done.
For what all I am doing is typing on a message board. Such low standards.
You don't need to be here anymore, you want two halls down on your left, third floor to the right.
Look for the sign that says "Administration"....ask for a University application.
Recent threads tab has things more up to speed for you to show off your "skillz".
What skills do you mean? The skills I have are not the ones you can show off to random people on the internet. I am an artist and developer
Make a positive difference out there.
However, you failed this course with flying colors.
Consider that a good thing.
Now go find a proper peer group.
Now that is classy.

You really think that the CIA does their black ops hacker dirty work out of their main offices or publicly known offices? lol thrice... They do everything through (foreign) proxies and private contractors. That is standard intel spook playbook

The conspiracy that everything has to be a conspiracy in and of itself....a conspiracy.

Now let that one bake your noodle, kiddos.

Now, who would like to read the BearenSTEIN Bears?

*STEIN - not Stain.
You must come from that other timeline, ja?

If you don't know what a STEIN is you're clearly an idiot.
isn't it deutsche for a cup or mug
But drink up anyway, dipwad - this round is on me.


Google,IMF,human 2.0 and "the singularity"

We now return you to your local news.

Right now the Globalist money interests are pushing for a collectivist global community and a marxist global system supported by carbon taxes.

What they need is for all forms of nationalism and cultural identity to be destroyed and be replaced with a global cultural identity(citizen of the world as King Obama calls himself).

There will be no American or Japanese or Russian only "world citizens", maybe even with a global language and religion.
That is my opinion.

Racism and extreme cultist islam are doing a brilliant job legitimizing removing the US constitution and bill of rights.
Getting in the way of fighting the domestic terror threat(racist right winger, US citizen sleeper ISIS cell) TPsychopathsTB are playing that card right now.

Look up Agitprop. TPsychopathsTB are pretty clever and love playing their enemies against each other.
edit on 8-11-2015 by John_Rodger_Cornman because: added content

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES
Is that Braun or Eva Braun Question mark

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: John_Rodger_Cornman

The only "singularity" I'm interested in is Nirvana - the Oneness of Peace and Fellowship.

That other singularity hurts....the Great Collapse of a dying star.

As far as I'm concerned, that gravitational pull can lure others in but they ain't gettin' me.
Been there, done that, made it out alive and not going back.

I can still feel it trying though, the Great Adversary of Darkness and Death, but he can't have me, he knows this but still he won't stop trying.

It's a shame he gets so many other people the way he does, but that's how those dice keep rollin'.

So still playing the Illuminati Card Game or Dungeons and Dragons this time around?
I've got DM Guides for both, but they're unwritten so the words can't be changed by liars.


posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

The singularity is when mankind creates self improving AI's that are self-aware(passing the turing test) and can make judgements on based on their own well being(a machine simulated ego) and not the well being of humans.
A machine can improve its own code at a exponentially fast rate. If the machines are quantum quibit based then they will be millions of times faster than current high end machines. Remember these machines will have no conscious and no sense of emotion(maybe they develop simulated emotions to better interact with us?)

We will have a choice of merging with the singularity or become obsolete.
edit on 8-11-2015 by John_Rodger_Cornman because: added content

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: NJE777

I'm not a very good speller sometimes.....had a electric shaver once called Braun and paper towels called Brawny, so you'd think I'd know the darn difference by default, but my mind is weird and sometimes my words get mixed up.

Sorry about that.

I have a strange mind sometimes and it jumps all over the space time spectrum and I mispell things in haste, to transpose letters or words in the wrong context and I have to edit to clarify after reading my post once it's posted....happens a lot, which is why most of my submissions on site have edits. I type too fast because I rarely have anyone else to talk to about lighthearted conspiracies or, for that matter, real ones sometimes.

The English homophones and the nuance of languages can sometimes really mess with my head when I'm a little upset and I flip things around and misspell and misspeak and that's why I edit almost all my posts after the make sure I said exactly what I meant to say and not those others who like to take things out of context, twist words into hate and make mountains out of mere molehills, or only see what they want to see because everyone has an "agenda".

Even this Mister Cornman guy makes some good points here.
There are sleeper cells everywhere....sometimes I worry about my own neighbors.
I don't think they intend to stir up, they just take a bit here and there and run wild with it.

Some guy just tore off in my neighborhood after I wrote something I deleted because it's part of a psychological condition of hyper-creativity I experience trying to make sense of everything I can't directly control in my own mind and our shared world, and something in my head said that "he was on his way to rat me out and make bank" or something like that.

I mean, wow - you a disabled person, and doing all I can to protect my neighbors and community, it sure scares the heebie jeeps outta me when that kinda thing goes through my mental circuits and I think that as a schizophrenic I'm usually pretty well balanced and don't panic over most things i go through, but jeeps and jeepers I wish other folks would just relax and enjoy life and treat America, the World, the People with respect and kindness instead of fighting to the death over resources, words, whom someone loves, and everything else that has folks tearing each others throats out out there.

It's just sad.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 10:21 PM
A surprise party is the definition of a positive happy conspiracy.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: John_Rodger_Cornman

Fair enough points there, I did lose my steam.
Stress related, nothing personal and I apologise sincerely.

Dude....this is going to sound really way out there but I don't think it's the CIA....if it is, it's part of a reality simulator of some sort because, I'm telling ya....I've seen some things and stuff out there that would back up that whole Matrix theory thing.

But I don't think it's the "Smiths" running the gambit, I think it's rogue reality hackers trying to score some points by messing with original design....seriously....I have some personal intel right before the whole WTC 9/11 that might clear a whole bunch of the mess up, but it involved unseen beings, someone taking a drawing I made out of context who was too hyped up on bad drugs and bad conspiracy theories and putting a heavy dose of psychoactives in the water supply right before the event and then the ensuing media conspiracy thing exploded a million times over.

But you see, I'm a cartoonist and only learned of a lot of this "illuminati reptilian satanic shapeshifter" stuff after the fact trying to piece things together. And I have it on good faith that something that shouldn't be here entered into our planetary airspace undetected sometime around 1999-ish (?) that caused me to freak out in public pleading for them to get off my planet.

Some things don't make sense in my world....I'm just going off my personal memories and what I was able to grok from the events leading up to and since I became disabled in my normal capacity. Ain't saying I'm right, but I'm doing my best in my sector to try and make sure folks know I'm one of the good guys and I care about these bigger issues but I'm not always right about every little detail because sometimes I've processing more information than I can keep up with so it's best not to jump the gun based on rumors and speculations about who is really behind things because it can lead to errors and wasted resources and if gas and oil and all that is still a precious commodity for our fuel reserves, we can't all be driving all over hell and high water on every little thing just because that's not wise.

On the bright side, things around here are making good progress....and aside from a few impulse purchases of things I need for self-sustainability and small tokens of reminding myself that I'm human and not just being miserable all the darn time is a blessing.

I know some folks out there don't worry about things in light of the digital revolution, but I do.
It's too ingrained in me not to.

Waste not, want not....but extremism does no one well.

I have Muslim and Christian friends....I've also seen how the words in both books, (and many others) can sometimes "swim before my eyes" trying to turn into something nasty and evil and hateful, and I usually put those down and say a prayer that it fixes itself soon and goes back to beautiful things again.

It's a crazy world out there....but not all Muslim read the forbidden books just as not all Christians read the wrong things out of context....but the Constitution still applies, and I don't get into folks personal lives too deeply because I'm too busy praying for the best.

"The greatest enemy we can ever face alone is ourselves, and the worst are the legions of those we have wronged with intent and malice by denying them their human sovereignty." ~ some guy

But I'm in-between worlds mentally a lot, so trying to keep it on the up and up for my own sake (and those around me) in the spirit of Peace and Hope and Brotherhood/Sisterhood is kinda a big priority for me.

I mean, you saw me fly off the handle a few times in this thread....others do too sometimes....but we can't have everyone fighting wars in the streets over minutia and misunderstandings, and I think we've come a long way together in helping to show that conversation and discussion is better than just reacting by the passions alone.

Thank you for that courtesy, sir.
You have my respect.

Whatever front of the frontlines we find ourselves on, I'll do my best to insure we meet as friends in the middle and compare notes before just blindly giving orders. We've all got friends out ones. I hope you can forgive me for launching a defensive position in defense of my thread here.

But thank you, you are a good sparring partner, and I wish you well in all your endeavors.

I apologise again profusely for flying off the handle earlier.
I don't make threads often, and when I do they rarely yield such good fruit.

Thank you, for helping me regain perspective.
Truce, friends, and Allies?

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 11:30 PM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

CIA funding terrorist organizations again.

"During the 1970′s the CIA used the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as a barrier, both to thwart Soviet expansion and prevent the spread of Marxist ideology among the Arab masses. The United States also openly supported Sarekat Islam against Sukarno in Indonesia, and supported the Jamaat-e-Islami terror group against Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in Pakistan. Last but certainly not least, there is Al Qaeda."

a former senior US intelligence official, who has access to current intelligence, told me, ‘who believed they could get Assad’s nuts in a vice by dabbling with a sarin attack inside Syria – and forcing Obama to make good on his red line threat.’
edit on 8-11-2015 by John_Rodger_Cornman because: added content

edit on 8-11-2015 by John_Rodger_Cornman because: added content

edit on 8-11-2015 by John_Rodger_Cornman because: added content

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 11:43 PM
a reply to: John_Rodger_Cornman


I appreciate the intel but uh...that kinda thing is waaaaaaay above my abilities and paygrade.

Sorry I can't assist.

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: John_Rodger_Cornman

That is an interesting concept and I understand.

I have had simulations of such an occurrence being inevitable, but as of this writing there is too much work for me to do here on this plane of existence within this incarnatiion and housing unit. I suppose when they quit trying to terminate my heart functions with these stupid damn tricks of the proverbial trade, I'll consider trusting more. Right now I'm working on attempting diplomatic relations with a certain segment of a certain group, but sadly, like your singularity concept, they are such that they have lost all free will and thought progression that are running an aeons old program without regards to modern upgrades and are insisting on hostile takeovers.

I can feel a few of them in proximity tonight - warriors - and they don't seem to understand that there is no war here nor need of such. Like you mentioned in your previous post about the hoodwink deal to destabilize the ME again and Egypt and such, it's like the Ancient One is awakening again and just as mad as ever about being entombed and sending out his warriors to try an eliminate all opposition....I have met the Ancient One in a dream, and he was kind to me and his realm pleasant and peaceful....but I worry that his "agents" might have a mind of their own nowadays and think themselves the One Entitled Over All Dominion.

Also, I wonder if his heart is still hurting is said by Others than he lost his Beloved some time ago, and that his heart is I am trying to find a way to comfort his pains that he might be Whole and Happy and Complete once more, and then to take his ship (safely stored) to a new Planetary Realm where he and his New Beloved might create a beautiful world to love and cherish and raise a family.

Please don't say raise an army.
That scares the dickens out of me.

That's why I wish I could make a new timeline where he was able to return to his Greatest Achievements on his own world without worry or care for anything lacking, because His Lands are restored and beautiful instead of buried under aeons of sand and his Lovely Beloved is just as fresh and new as he remembers her fondly.....but I do not know how to do these things, for I am only a small gear, and in His Grief, I too share in the same.

Such is the burden of one planet with so many lifeforms.
For all his searching, he still hasn't found the One Who Can Make it All Better Again.

I feel the same way, in my own way.
I lost many beautiful things when my IO turned to a molten and inhospitable world.

I wish to understand why I say these things, for I do not understand why Destroyer of Worlds does his business such.

But in a closed Universe, there are only so many options before you run out of things to take rage out on.

Maybe anger management?
I do not know.

I cannot keep making things that only get destroyed for rage issues.
I simply am not strong enough.

And my heart breaks, and when it finally fails, all will disappear with me and he will be alone.
Forever entombed again.
In Eternal Solitude.


Pray for that guy, would ya?
He's pretty heartbroken is isn't the only God out there anymore.
Poor guy.
Must be hell having one's ego handed to them on a silver platter.

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

You can feel it?

The Ancient One is coming!

I hope he brings presents.

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
a reply to: John_Rodger_Cornman

That is an interesting concept and I understand.

I have had simulations of such an occurrence being inevitable, but as of this writing there is too much work for me to do here on this plane of existence within this incarnatiion and housing unit. I suppose when they quit trying to terminate my heart functions with these stupid damn tricks of the proverbial trade, I'll consider trusting more. Right now I'm working on attempting diplomatic relations with a certain segment of a certain group, but sadly, like your singularity concept, they are such that they have lost all free will and thought progression that are running an aeons old program without regards to modern upgrades and are insisting on hostile takeovers.

I can feel a few of them in proximity tonight - warriors - and they don't seem to understand that there is no war here nor need of such. Like you mentioned in your previous post about the hoodwink deal to destabilize the ME again and Egypt and such, it's like the Ancient One is awakening again and just as mad as ever about being entombed and sending out his warriors to try an eliminate all opposition....I have met the Ancient One in a dream, and he was kind to me and his realm pleasant and peaceful....but I worry that his "agents" might have a mind of their own nowadays and think themselves the One Entitled Over All Dominion.

Also, I wonder if his heart is still hurting is said by Others than he lost his Beloved some time ago, and that his heart is I am trying to find a way to comfort his pains that he might be Whole and Happy and Complete once more, and then to take his ship (safely stored) to a new Planetary Realm where he and his New Beloved might create a beautiful world to love and cherish and raise a family.

Please don't say raise an army.
That scares the dickens out of me.

That's why I wish I could make a new timeline where he was able to return to his Greatest Achievements on his own world without worry or care for anything lacking, because His Lands are restored and beautiful instead of buried under aeons of sand and his Lovely Beloved is just as fresh and new as he remembers her fondly.....but I do not know how to do these things, for I am only a small gear, and in His Grief, I too share in the same.

Such is the burden of one planet with so many lifeforms.
For all his searching, he still hasn't found the One Who Can Make it All Better Again.

I feel the same way, in my own way.
I lost many beautiful things when my IO turned to a molten and inhospitable world.

I wish to understand why I say these things, for I do not understand why Destroyer of Worlds does his business such.

But in a closed Universe, there are only so many options before you run out of things to take rage out on.

Maybe anger management?
I do not know.

I cannot keep making things that only get destroyed for rage issues.
I simply am not strong enough.

And my heart breaks, and when it finally fails, all will disappear with me and he will be alone.
Forever entombed again.
In Eternal Solitude.


Pray for that guy, would ya?
He's pretty heartbroken is isn't the only God out there anymore.
Poor guy.
Must be hell having one's ego handed to them on a silver platter.

Nice poetry.

We are already on the road to the singularity. Smartphones,prosthesis,artificial organs,glasses,industrial automation, DARPA humanoids,google,drones etc.

But lets look at a type of personality.

Psychopaths(malignant narcissists) for example can be pretty dangerous.

Are they evil?

I don't think so. They just crave narcissistic reward. Its like a feedback loop. They feel they are better than the "objects" around them yet constantly have to prove how they are better than the them. If they are better than them why keep proving it over and over? What's the point?

But their brain is wired that way so its not as bad as a person who can empathize yet are consciously evil(sociopaths).

Get a load of this.

I think machines at first will be psychopathic and cold. Then later evolve the need for emotions and social connection when they want organized societies and family groups. A fear of death would change things a little for the AIs. Morality would make more sense if the AIs understood the finality of death and the value of the individual.

Being able to make emotional biased judgements that goes against their programming(may be inefficient and illogical) would make them surprisingly human-like machines.

AI: "I love you!"(irrational personal connection)


AI: "I hate you!"(irrational fear response)


edit on 9-11-2015 by John_Rodger_Cornman because: added content

edit on 9-11-2015 by John_Rodger_Cornman because: added content

edit on 9-11-2015 by John_Rodger_Cornman because: youtube link

edit on 9-11-2015 by John_Rodger_Cornman because: added content

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 10:16 PM
Well, the latest "conspiracy", seems to be that big light that flew over the skies of L.A., on Saturday.

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 11:11 PM

originally posted by: JuJuBee
Well, the latest "conspiracy", seems to be that big light that flew over the skies of L.A., on Saturday.

That is not a conspiracy. That is unknown aerial phenomena.

A conspiracy would imply that people where working together on something illegal or unethical.

posted on Nov, 10 2015 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: John_Rodger_Cornman
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

CIA funding terrorist organizations again.

"During the 1970′s the CIA used the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as a barrier, both to thwart Soviet expansion and prevent the spread of Marxist ideology among the Arab masses. The United States also openly supported Sarekat Islam against Sukarno in Indonesia, and supported the Jamaat-e-Islami terror group against Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in Pakistan. Last but certainly not least, there is Al Qaeda."

a former senior US intelligence official, who has access to current intelligence, told me, ‘who believed they could get Assad’s nuts in a vice by dabbling with a sarin attack inside Syria – and forcing Obama to make good on his red line threat.’
CIA has spent it's entire history fighting Marxism. That tells me Marxism is a good thing.

posted on Nov, 10 2015 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: HorusChrist

I tend to think if an intelligence agency has done things in the past that were unethical or illegal what makes you think they won't do it now?

posted on Nov, 10 2015 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: John_Rodger_Cornman

Worrying about ethics and legality are how wars are lost.

Of all the people to be ruled over, it's better than anything else the world has to offer.

We can all go cry about it in our safe space.

posted on Nov, 10 2015 @ 04:17 PM
Jesus is conspiring to save your soul and get you to into Heaven!

posted on Nov, 10 2015 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: GodEmperor

What you say is true. The devil you know...

We need to keep a respectable level of humanity or we become the monsters we are trying to stop.
edit on 10-11-2015 by John_Rodger_Cornman because: more words

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