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Latest magnetic pole position

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posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: UpIsNowDown2

The USA also monitors the Pole Shift in Antartica. They also keep all past poles in the ground so all can see the who, what and wheres.

That being said could just the North Pole move dramatically while the South remains somewhat constant?

Using Google Earth doesnt really show a major Pole Shift towards Russia. But thats Google

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: annonentity
a reply to: ExploreTheImpossible

So all the pole positions present and past are irrelevant because in your opinion he is a scammer. So please present the latest pole position to discredit his claim.
I don't think the pole positions are irrelevant. I'm interested in what scientists have to say about pole wander.

But when it comes to random youtubers who are not scientists, why do you prefer one random youtuber over another random youtuber, say, this one?

Maverick Star reloaded - Con Artist and Fraud!

please report his channel there is an investigation going on regarding him, he did the same thing 8 years ago, he begged for money, then when it got to his 40 degree mark he did a runner, 5 years later he opened up a new channel and is doing the same. He is a well known scammer from central England, his name is Gene barry Beards. he lied on here a year ago about having lung cancer then begged for money for treatment, a week later he has never mentioned lung cancer again. He never had cancer!.... Please unsubscribe and report this channel !

It seems most people who watch maverickstar reloaded are unable to think critically. I keep wondering what's keeping people from not realizing his deceptions. It must be inability to think critically. I can't explain another reason why.
Is there any reason to watch him for someone who thinks critically? I suppose I would have to ask someone who thinks critically to get a good answer.

originally posted by: dust2023
a reply to: annonentity

I wonder what the Electric Universe model has for an explanation of this. There has to be someone here that is knowledgeable about my query.
You are completely mistaken in your belief that electric universe (from Thunderbolts, etc) has a model. Electric universe has no "model", which is why it's "not even wrong" pseudoscience. If however you happen to find an electric universe model, meaning something that can make predictions with mathematical calculations like scientific models, please post it. I would be amazed and would love to see that, as I've searched for years and found nothing mathematical, in fact avoiding math appears to be a basic principle of electric universe, and you can't have a useful physics model without math.

The People Who Believe Electricity Rules the Universe

The electric universe concept does not meet the National Academy of Sciences' definition of a "theory," which is "a comprehensive explanation of some aspect of nature that is supported by a vast body of evidence" and "can be used to make predictions about natural events or phenomena that have not yet been observed."

In physics, theories need math. That's how you predict, gather evidence, verify, disprove, and support. But EU theory isn't big on math. In fact, "Mathematics is not physics," Thornhill said. While that equation aversion makes the theory pretty much a nonstarter for "mainstream" astronomers, it is the exact thing that appeals to many adherents...

EU is completely at odds, however, with everything modern science has determined about the universe.

"At best, the 'electric universe' is a solution in search of a problem; it seeks to explain things we already understand very well through gravity, plasma and nuclear physics, and the like," said astronomer Phil Plait, who runs the blog Bad Astronomy at Slate. "At worst it's sheer crackpottery like homeopathy and astrology, making claims clearly contradicted by the evidence."
EU tends to avoid math, and that oddly seems to be what followers like about it, but that makes it completely a non-starter for the scientific community who needs to test a model to see if it's true or not, and there's no way to do that without being quantitative, which requires using some math.

I know that institutional science says that it is happening because of pole reversal. Does Electric Universe model say something similar?
Where is your link for that? My link of institutional science research doesn't say that:

The Rapid Changes We’re Seeing With the Earth’s Magnetic Field Don’t Mean the Poles are About to Flip. This is Normal

The Earth’s magnetic field is experiencing some rapid changes right now, but scientists say that has no relation to pole flipping.

Earth not due for a geomagnetic flip in the near future

according to a new MIT study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the geomagnetic field is not in danger of flipping anytime soon: The researchers calculated Earth’s average, stable field intensity over the last 5 million years, and found that today’s intensity is about twice that of the historical average. This indicates that the current field intensity has a long way to fall before reaching an unstable level that would lead to a reversal.

edit on 20231225 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: gspatfound

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle

originally posted by: gspatfound
My understanding is that for the past number of years, anything shown as to the actual location is only an estimate.

Until they actually publish the actual location, we can only guess.

Here's your alleged location 81°47'44.0"N 114°25'04.2"E and it is seriously scary. The pole has moved so far. It used to be near Baffin Island.

Cheers - Dave

Is that an actual measurement, or just another estimate?

They'll need to publish an actual location soon, navigation system depend on accurate locations.

Apparently, it's an actual measurement and about 250 miles off the coast of Russia. The north magnetic pole ***was*** centered just west of Baffin island I believe, but the sucker has moved. There can be multiple poles when this happens, I believe up to 8 all fighting each other and creating the weakening of the magnetic field. The mainstream bought and paid for "scientific community" is trying to say it would last thousands of years. That seems to be patent BS. Once field flips, it should re-stabilize within a year or two. The problem is, what happens with the sun while our magnetic field is pooched? If we get a good flare coupled to a strong solar wind, it is possible that it blow the atmosphere away from the surface temporarily. That lets in the cold of space and we get insta-freeze. Remember the woolly mammoths they found frozen with fresh food in their mouths? There's your explanation, solar wind ---> deep freeze and of course the start of a new ice age.

Cheers - Dave
edit on b2023b46_000000Mon, 25 Dec 2023 13:56:46 -0600000000122023-12-25T13:56:46-06:00 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2023 @ 06:58 PM

originally posted by: WingDingLuey

originally posted by: nugget1
Another good article:

About 42,000 years ago, a reversal of the Earth’s magnetic poles triggered massive climate shifts and caused environmental changes to sweep across the globe, according to new Australian-led research.

Scientists have long known that the planet’s magnetic field periodically flips, with the north and south poles switching places. The last known reversal – which was temporary and technically known as the “Laschamps excursion” – occurred 41,000–42,000 years ago. If such an event happened today, it would wreak havoc on satellites and electrical grids, but its environmental impact is less well understood.


That's about the time they say Neanderthals went extinct !! ☠️

Neanderthals were bred out of existence and a lot of people have neanderthal DNA.

posted on Dec, 26 2023 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle
The mainstream bought and paid for "scientific community" is trying to say it would last thousands of years.
How are we supposed to know what you mean by "it"? I don't see where you explained what "it" refers to here.

That seems to be patent BS. Once field flips, it should re-stabilize within a year or two.

Ok now maybe it looks like "it" was some kind of reference to pole flip? Why does it seem to be patent BS? How long have previous pole flips taken, and how do you know better than the scientists?

The problem is, what happens with the sun while our magnetic field is pooched? If we get a good flare coupled to a strong solar wind, it is possible that it blow the atmosphere away from the surface temporarily. That lets in the cold of space and we get insta-freeze. Remember the woolly mammoths they found frozen with fresh food in their mouths? There's your explanation, solar wind ---> deep freeze and of course the start of a new ice age.
The magnetic field doesn't go to zero during pole flips, and more imporantly, there have been a lot of them and the atmosphere has survived all of them.

How does the atmosphere blow "away from the surface temporarily"? I understand the hypothesis about supposedly blowing away, although I'm not sure that can happen even with the magnetic field reduced by 90%, but how can that be temporary? How does the atmosphere come back in your speculation? I can see water evaporating, but our current atmosphere is only about 1% water vapor.

Personally I would look for another cause for the frozen wolly mammoth.

posted on Dec, 26 2023 @ 02:35 PM
Cool part is if something really bad does happen you probably wont even know it happened...or at least we could hope.

This cannot be the first go around for us as a civilization and maybe, just maybe, these events take place more than is lead to be. We have come a long way in 4-5k years. I would think the chances of a climactic event are...every day.

posted on Dec, 27 2023 @ 01:20 PM
These threads have existed for years. So this guy was outed as having been doing this for many years and wants cash?

Almost 20 years ago (I work in the Aerospace Engineering Industry) I learned that True North (TN) deviates every year. I was wondering about this because my very expensive old clunky GPS showed a different heading than my lucky ol' compass. It then led me to polar shifts, and there is always evidence in the geological archeology of the earth. I believe geologists can determine shifts by the way iron is oriented in rock.

The article below says we survived a magnetic fluctuation, and probably didn't notice it. However, it doesn't really detail why, perhaps temperature, composition, and convection currents can lead to variations in field strength over time..

Regardless, the poles will flip again and we might even be due for one. Probably are. True North will always deviate, speed up and slow down, until finally...

Ancient bricks baked when Nebuchadnezzar II was king absorbed a power surge in Earth’s magnetic field

edit on 27-12-2023 by daBLOB because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2023 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: daBLOB
So this guy was outed as having been doing this for many years and wants cash?
He also wanted cash to treat his "lung cancer" which he didn't have.

Regardless, the poles will flip again and we might even be due for one. Probably are.
It makes no sense to say we are probably due for a flip. The magnetic field hasn't flipped in 780,000 years, and the Earth has gone millions of years without a flip before. For example, the Cretaceous Normal lasted about 37 million years, from about 120 to 83 million years ago, though at other times flips can occur multiple times within a million years. There's no regularity to the flipping of Earth's magnetic poles like there is with the sun's magnetic poles.

Ancient bricks baked when Nebuchadnezzar II was king absorbed a power surge in Earth’s magnetic field
The magnetic field strength varies a lot, that was a high, it also has lows, and it bounces between them. Look at how many times it went low (to the left of the dotted line) without flipping. So even a low field strength may or may not suggest a coming flip and it's not very low yet. But the field apparently doesn't flip without the field strength getting pretty low, and even though it's gone down, it's not that low yet.

Earth's Magnetic Field Strength - Past 800,000 Years

In the past there have been many, many reversals of Earth's magnetic field. Sometimes when the field strength fell below 4 there was a reversal... but not all of the time. The field strength has fallen below 4 a few times during the Brunhes normal... but there hasn't been a magnetic reversal.

Some people think we are in the middle of a magnetic reversal right now. The magnetic field has been getting weaker for many years. However, if you look at the graph you can see that the field isn't especially weak. It has been even weaker many times before during the Brunhes normal. Most scientist think it will get stronger in the future, and that this probably isn't a reversal now. Even though we might be in a reversal, we probably are not.

originally posted by: matafuchs
This cannot be the first go around for us as a civilization...
No idea what that means. Civilizations have come and gone in the last maybe 10,000 years, but that seems to have little relevance to Earth's magnetic field or pole flips since the poles haven't flipped in 780,000 years. Only in the last 200 years have we had an electric grid, and it's not even that old. I think we are indeed the first civilization with an electric grid, which is something that might be affected during a pole reversal, when it eventually happens, which probably won't be any time soon.

edit on 20231227 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Dec, 27 2023 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

Any major change in the position of the Earth's magnetic pole strength can have many opinions proffered but the fact that at the moment the polar vortex seems to be changing to favor the Russian higher strength area might or might not be evidential, but the fact it is occurring in the here and now cannot be disputed
, and no doubt the consequences will be fairly dire to those affected.

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 02:11 AM
a reply to: annonentity
What does that weather have to do with "Latest magnetic pole position", the topic of this thread?

That video says the cold weather will be moving to Canada in the next few days, and he doesn't say anything about the magnetic pole moving to Canada in the next few days, in fact he didn't use the word "magnetic" once in the entire video.

I've seen a claimed link between the magnetic field and climate, that a weaker field allows more cosmic particles to go deeper in the atmosphere forming more clouds, creating cooling trends, but even that is far from confirmed as we see climate change with rising temperatures against a declining magnetic field strength, so the opposite of what that claimed link would predict (though there are other factors in the complex system like greenhouse gases). Even if that was true about the climate link to the Earth's magnetic field, climate is not todays or yesterday's or tomorrow's weather, it's usually referring to a 30 year average of weather.

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 05:11 AM

originally posted by: Arbitrageur

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle
The mainstream bought and paid for "scientific community" is trying to say it would last thousands of years.
How are we supposed to know what you mean by "it"? I don't see where you explained what "it" refers to here.

That seems to be patent BS. Once field flips, it should re-stabilize within a year or two.

Ok now maybe it looks like "it" was some kind of reference to pole flip? Why does it seem to be patent BS? How long have previous pole flips taken, and how do you know better than the scientists?

The problem is, what happens with the sun while our magnetic field is pooched? If we get a good flare coupled to a strong solar wind, it is possible that it blow the atmosphere away from the surface temporarily. That lets in the cold of space and we get insta-freeze. Remember the woolly mammoths they found frozen with fresh food in their mouths? There's your explanation, solar wind ---> deep freeze and of course the start of a new ice age.
The magnetic field doesn't go to zero during pole flips, and more imporantly, there have been a lot of them and the atmosphere has survived all of them.

How does the atmosphere blow "away from the surface temporarily"? I understand the hypothesis about supposedly blowing away, although I'm not sure that can happen even with the magnetic field reduced by 90%, but how can that be temporary? How does the atmosphere come back in your speculation? I can see water evaporating, but our current atmosphere is only about 1% water vapor.

Personally I would look for another cause for the frozen wolly mammoth.

Sorry, typing from hospital in stupid phone, in case I make mistakes...hard to read text this small. It meaning the magnetic field and the time it is taking for it to stabilize. Generally the magnetic field will not go to zero, it could drop to 10% of what it was say 20 years ago. Right now I believe we are around 70% of what it was 30 years ago so this summer may be brutal for sunburns. If the flips were slow, the constant bathing in strong UV and gamma rays would literally sterilize the planet. The longer the magnetic field is reduced in strength the higher the number of xclass and extreme solar events we are likely to be exposed to, detrimentally.

As far as atmospheric stripping look at Mars, look at our woolly mammoths that were frozen chewing food. What do you think caused that, maybe cavemen threw them in liquid nitrogen pools? Temporary atmospheric loss, well funny thing about gravity, if it's strong enough it drags the atmosphere back to the planet. Why do I know more than the climate scientists? I don't know if I do or I dont, I'm just not paid to lie like they are. I am not being extorted with Grant's or tenure as I am retired.

Cheers - Dave
edit on b2023b52_000000Thu, 28 Dec 2023 05:16:52 -0600000000122023-12-28T05:16:52-06:00 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle
Generally the magnetic field will not go to zero, it could drop to 10% of what it was say 20 years ago.
During a pole flip yes it can drop to 10% strength, but the historical record shows that happened many times before and there's no correlation with mass extinctions and pole flips. So that evidence tells us the 10% strength isn't causing catastrophic loss of the atmosphere. Maybe some is lost but we lose atmosphere everyday even with the current field strength, mostly hydrogen and not a lot of it.

Right now I believe we are around 70% of what it was 30 years ago so this summer may be brutal for sunburns.
I don't think the magnetic field does much to ultraviolet light which is what causes sunburns. It does more to affect the solar wind of charged particles, and whatever fields the motion of those particles creates. Low Earth orbit satelites are the most likely to be affected by solar storms in weak magnetic fields.

If the flips were slow, the constant bathing in strong UV and gamma rays would literally sterilize the planet.
We already have a weak spot, the SAA or South Atlantic Anomaly, and I don't see any sterilization taking place under that, or even increased radiation at ground level (except from terrestrial sources that have nothing to do with the reduced magnetic field):

The field there gets as low as less than a third what it is elsewhere so it's a good opportunity to see the effects of reduced magnetic field strength, and actual data collected during research falsifies numerous myths about what radiation reaches a flight crew at 43,000 feet and how much radiation reaches the ground. The research shows that the radiation due to the "hole" in the magnetic field isn't much at 43,000 feet or at the ground, but it can affect satellites in low earth orbit at altitudes over 100,000 feet.

Impact of the South Atlantic Anomaly on radiation exposure

The urban legend of increased radiation exposure at flight altitudes in the geographical region of the SAA seems to be based on the assumption of a linear or similar relationship between the increase in the radiation exposure in LEOs inside and outside the SAA and the corresponding effect on the atmosphere beneath the inner Van Allen radiation belt. Moreover, this widely spread misconception is seemingly supported by increased levels of ionizing radiation even at ground level. However, the strong absorption of particles from the radiation belt due to the atmospheric shielding is ignored in this concept and the measured increase in radiation on the ground has been proven to be caused by terrestrial radioactivity, e.g., 232Th
So in other words, you can probably find sources claiming the increased radiation at ground level you infer, but they are wrong and don't take into account the atmospheric shielding. At least NASA got it right:

Earth's Magnetosphere

We also know there’s a well-known “weak spot” in the magnetosphere that is present year-round. Located over South America and the southern Atlantic Ocean, the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) is an area where the solar wind penetrates closer to Earth’s surface. It’s created by the combined influences of the geodynamo and the tilt of Earth’s magnetic axis. While charged solar particles and cosmic ray particles within the SAA can fry spacecraft electronics, they don’t affect life on Earth’s surface.

As far as atmospheric stripping look at Mars, look at our woolly mammoths that were frozen chewing food. What do you think caused that, maybe cavemen threw them in liquid nitrogen pools? Temporary atmospheric loss, well funny thing about gravity, if it's strong enough it drags the atmosphere back to the planet.
If the solar wind blows the Earth's atmosphere away, no the Earth's gravity is not going to pull it back, I don't know how you came up with that idea. If the atmosphere was blown out to say the orbit of Mars, Earth's gravity there is so weak it's not heading back to Earth, especially not against the solar wind which continues to blow it further away from the sun.

I said I would look for another cause for Frozen wooly mammoths since the evidence suggests your hypothesis is implausible. What is the radiocarbon dating age of the mammoth you refer to? 44,000 years old is the age of one of the most famous specimens, the Berezovsky mammoth. If it is less than 700,000 years, which is the case for the ones I know of, there was no pole flip in the last 700,000 years so that's a reason to rule out pole flip. There's not just one specimen, I know of at least a handful of specimens of various ages, that's another reason to rule out pole flip as the cause, since there wasn't even one pole flip in the last 700,000 years, much less multiple flips it would take to explain all those preserved mammoths with various radiocarbon dates.

Here's a video explaining why it's not pole flip at 2:20, then it goes on to propose Pfizenmayer's explanation for the Berezovsky mammoth possibly falling into something like a crevasse, supported by the fact it had broken bones, probably from a fall, and subsequently was buried and suffocated. The video also mentions that such specimens are the exceptions rather than the rule, another reason to discount some catastrophic event in the environment, which would have affected a lot more animals, than just a handful at thousands or tens of thousands of years apart in their ages.

Another possibility it mentions is avalanches, since the quickly frozen mammoths and other animals have suffocation as a usual cause of death, which is consistent with an avalanche, or several avalanches, at different times.

The Reason behind “Flash Frozen Mammoths”

For trusting mainstream science, the more money is involved, the less trust I have, so big pharma chasing billions of dollars gives big pharma people plenty of incentive to bias their findings and therefore I'm always suspicious of their findings. However, I'm not seeing that kind of incentive to lie about pole shift or flips.

edit on 20231228 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: Arbitrageur

originally posted by: daBLOB
So this guy was outed as having been doing this for many years and wants cash?
He also wanted cash to treat his "lung cancer" which he didn't have.

Regardless, the poles will flip again and we might even be due for one. Probably are.
It makes no sense to say we are probably due for a flip. The magnetic field hasn't flipped in 780,000 years, and the Earth has gone millions of years without a flip before. For example, the Cretaceous Normal lasted about 37 million years, from about 120 to 83 million years ago, though at other times flips can occur multiple times within a million years. There's no regularity to the flipping of Earth's magnetic poles like there is with the sun's magnetic poles.

Some people think we are in the middle of a magnetic reversal right now. The magnetic field has been getting weaker for many years.

Depending what you want decide to read, we are way over due or not at all. Some articles say 780K was the last flip, some say 100K or less. Geological evidence I believe supports most of these theories, ranging from lava flows to sedimentary formations.

So really, I don't think we have any idea. Observing trends and patterns is about all we have to go on to try and estimate the next one, which of course could also be 50M years from now.

edit on 29-12-2023 by daBLOB because: (no reason given)

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