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The latest spike protein found in the brain a year plus out

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posted on May, 10 2023 @ 06:20 AM

originally posted by: Quintilian

originally posted by: Whiskermegistus

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: Whiskermegistus

Is there an actual study though?
Or did Dr Been make it up?

Are you going after the player and not the ball?
Would you go to a Doctor with next to zero medical practice who runs a company that writes computer programs ?

Who people might go to for personal medical treatment is irrelevant, as that isn't what is being considered here. If you could point out where and how his presentation lacks merit, or where his understanding is awry, that would be worth listening to. Can you?

If not, perhaps you could point out where the study itself is problematic?

I haven't listened to the whole thing, but I notice he begins by pointing out limitations and urges a degree of caution regarding the study he discusses. I wish some of the charlatans pushing this treatment had a smidgeon of his humility. Though apart from that I really couldn't care if he is the local sh-thouse cleaner, if what he says has merit.

Notwithstanding the fact that for all you know he might be a brilliant doctor (regardless that he has chosen a different career). He has experience as a medical practitioner and is a qualified doctor. So I do think he is qualified enough to look at and explain the study.

The relevant head "scientist" in my country (who FOI documents show either doesn't understand the literature, or lies constantly regarding his claims) is basically a botanist. Yet he is considered the highest authority. Go figure.

The so called "experts" have been the wrongest people of the lot throughout this pandemic. Some of them quite obviously stupid (or corrupt).
You used a word like “ wrongest “ so can you explain your base knowledge ? I mean no disrespect , but autofill won’t pick a word like “ wrongest “

Did you ever consider the fact that spike proteins occur , because of covid 19 ?
Im done arguing about this lunacy .

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 09:33 AM

originally posted by: Whiskermegistus
You used a word like “ wrongest “ so can you explain your base knowledge ? I mean no disrespect , but autofill won’t pick a word like “ wrongest “

"Wrongest" is a slang word for being being the most wrong, or wrong the most often. You really didn't know that? Another expression that would have been relevant at times is when someone is so utterly wrong as to be considered "not even wrong" (look it up). My pet word nazi thing involves "affect" and "effect" being used correctly. lol

Common sense is my knowledge base.

We will get to vaccine induced herd immunity at vaccination we won't, ain't (slang for "it isn't" in this instance lol) gunna (slang for "going to") happen. Do you realise that it was widely known (amongst laymen) and common sense itself dictated with these "vaccines" against this virus, the claim was always nonsense?

95% effective (100% according to vaccine expert/horse doctor Bourla) at preventing the spread of covid. Get vaccinated and we'll protect each other from infection. Also great against variants. According to full time grifter, part time garden gnome A. Fauci. Can you get any "wronger" than that? To make it worse we now know that Fauci knew this was untrue at the time he said it (thanks to a book by one D Birx). The real risk reduction was 0.84% against developing mild covid symptoms (it was never tested for anything else). That's if you accept it as a legitimate study to begin with.

The lnp's and thus s-proteins stay at injection site and are degraded within a few hours to a few days. Oops. Real experts (who were censored) always doubted this. To make it worse they recommended not to aspirate the needle. Thus ensuring that some people would have this toxic soup injected directly into their bloodstream.

Remember when immunity derived from infection stopped being a thing, despite us being aware of it since at least the Athenian plague in 430bce...You do know that vaccines mimic infection in various ways to produce an immune response right? The word "mimic" is important here. If you ponder it you will realise why any expert pushing this was either quite stupid, or corrupt.

Remember when masks didn't work, then did work, then were >80% effective at preventing spread of covid. Based on a particulate study. If you understand why such studies aren't particularly relevant to spread of infection via an airborne respiratory virus, you will be one up on the director of the CDC. If not, please read the Cochrane Collaboration study on NPI's.

Remember when the same director claimed there was no evidence of vaccine induced myocarditis, only for her organisation to release an article discussing known episodes of myocarditis the very next day.

Remember when lockdowns saved countless lives? (please read the Johns Hopkins study).

This is only a small and superficial sample. We could delve deeper and go on almost ad infinitum. It would be easier to list the things they got correct. I'll have a go at it...

Did you ever consider the fact that spike proteins occur , because of covid 19 ?
Im done arguing about this lunacy .

Absolutely. It was a result of bioweapons research after all. It was a double whammy (although it seems the gene therapies were far more toxic).

Really, if you're worried that a doctor might make some money (why shouldn't he?), please look at the authors of the Pfizer study. Find out not only how many had financial interests in the drug they were "testing" gaining approval, but just how much some of these people gained. Then see if you can begrudge Mobeen with a straight face.

This whole episode was one big grift.

edit on 10-5-2023 by Quintilian because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: JohnTitorSociety
I generally agree with all of this in theory. On the other hand, I am skeptical that humans can organize an event of this scale.

I am certain based on professional experience that most of the data regarding mRNA uptake is faulty, it’s hard to find a person who will even admit to taking a single mRNA shot in one of the two counties I live in (on the other county it’s hard to find a person who says they didn’t fully comply). Both counties are very large in terms of population.

I know both of the general aggregate statements on mRNA uptake by individuals is highly inaccurate, and I’d say with six-sigma confidence that the real mRNA uptake is at least 16% to 20% overstated and is heavily skewed toward populations that are mostly past peak child birth years (Boomers and older Millennials report/are reported as having the highest mRNA uptake % in the US).

reply to: Quintilian

Fair enough. I understand your scepticism and can't offer anything conclusive to the contrary. I'm not completely convinced myself. Only to say, there is plenty to indicate certain people had foreknowledge of this, and that there was plenty of planning and preparation. This, along with the response itself leaves me open to the possibility.

As to the statistics, I can't really argue there either. Data fraud seemed to be all the rage throughout this pandemic. Though a 20% over estimate will still amount to over 4 billion people. So I guess it just depends on what percentage are affected, but there is the possibility there for something unprecedented.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 02:16 PM

originally posted by: Quintilian

originally posted by: Whiskermegistus
You used a word like “ wrongest “ so can you explain your base knowledge ? I mean no disrespect , but autofill won’t pick a word like “ wrongest “

"Wrongest" is a slang word for being being the most wrong, or wrong the most often. You really didn't know that? Another expression that would have been relevant at times is when someone is so utterly wrong as to be considered "not even wrong" (look it up). My pet word nazi thing involves "affect" and "effect" being used correctly. lol

Common sense is my knowledge base.

We will get to vaccine induced herd immunity at vaccination we won't, ain't (slang for "it isn't" in this instance lol) gunna (slang for "going to") happen. Do you realise that it was widely known (amongst laymen) and common sense itself dictated with these "vaccines" against this virus, the claim was always nonsense?

95% effective (100% according to vaccine expert/horse doctor Bourla) at preventing the spread of covid. Get vaccinated and we'll protect each other from infection. Also great against variants. According to full time grifter, part time garden gnome A. Fauci. Can you get any "wronger" than that? To make it worse we now know that Fauci knew this was untrue at the time he said it (thanks to a book by one D Birx). The real risk reduction was 0.84% against developing mild covid symptoms (it was never tested for anything else). That's if you accept it as a legitimate study to begin with.

The lnp's and thus s-proteins stay at injection site and are degraded within a few hours to a few days. Oops. Real experts (who were censored) always doubted this. To make it worse they recommended not to aspirate the needle. Thus ensuring that some people would have this toxic soup injected directly into their bloodstream.

Remember when immunity derived from infection stopped being a thing, despite us being aware of it since at least the Athenian plague in 430bce...You do know that vaccines mimic infection in various ways to produce an immune response right? The word "mimic" is important here. If you ponder it you will realise why any expert pushing this was either quite stupid, or corrupt.

Remember when masks didn't work, then did work, then were >80% effective at preventing spread of covid. Based on a particulate study. If you understand why such studies aren't particularly relevant to spread of infection via an airborne respiratory virus, you will be one up on the director of the CDC. If not, please read the Cochrane Collaboration study on NPI's.

Remember when the same director claimed there was no evidence of vaccine induced myocarditis, only for her organisation to release an article discussing known episodes of myocarditis the very next day.

Remember when lockdowns saved countless lives? (please read the Johns Hopkins study).

This is only a small and superficial sample. We could delve deeper and go on almost ad infinitum. It would be easier to list the things they got correct. I'll have a go at it...

Did you ever consider the fact that spike proteins occur , because of covid 19 ?
Im done arguing about this lunacy .

Absolutely. It was a result of bioweapons research after all. It was a double whammy (although it seems the gene therapies were far more toxic).

Really, if you're worried that a doctor might make some money (why shouldn't he?), please look at the authors of the Pfizer study. Find out not only how many had financial interests in the drug they were "testing" gaining approval, but just how much some of these people gained. Then see if you can begrudge Mobeen with a straight face.

This whole episode was one big grift.

Im done with you . Reason has left your base arguments. This site is horrible , because of lunacy like your post . I won’t argue with you at all .

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 09:34 PM

originally posted by: Whiskermegistus

originally posted by: Quintilian

originally posted by: Whiskermegistus
You used a word like “ wrongest “ so can you explain your base knowledge ? I mean no disrespect , but autofill won’t pick a word like “ wrongest “

"Wrongest" is a slang word for being being the most wrong, or wrong the most often. You really didn't know that? Another expression that would have been relevant at times is when someone is so utterly wrong as to be considered "not even wrong" (look it up). My pet word nazi thing involves "affect" and "effect" being used correctly. lol

Common sense is my knowledge base.

We will get to vaccine induced herd immunity at vaccination we won't, ain't (slang for "it isn't" in this instance lol) gunna (slang for "going to") happen. Do you realise that it was widely known (amongst laymen) and common sense itself dictated with these "vaccines" against this virus, the claim was always nonsense?

95% effective (100% according to vaccine expert/horse doctor Bourla) at preventing the spread of covid. Get vaccinated and we'll protect each other from infection. Also great against variants. According to full time grifter, part time garden gnome A. Fauci. Can you get any "wronger" than that? To make it worse we now know that Fauci knew this was untrue at the time he said it (thanks to a book by one D Birx). The real risk reduction was 0.84% against developing mild covid symptoms (it was never tested for anything else). That's if you accept it as a legitimate study to begin with.

The lnp's and thus s-proteins stay at injection site and are degraded within a few hours to a few days. Oops. Real experts (who were censored) always doubted this. To make it worse they recommended not to aspirate the needle. Thus ensuring that some people would have this toxic soup injected directly into their bloodstream.

Remember when immunity derived from infection stopped being a thing, despite us being aware of it since at least the Athenian plague in 430bce...You do know that vaccines mimic infection in various ways to produce an immune response right? The word "mimic" is important here. If you ponder it you will realise why any expert pushing this was either quite stupid, or corrupt.

Remember when masks didn't work, then did work, then were >80% effective at preventing spread of covid. Based on a particulate study. If you understand why such studies aren't particularly relevant to spread of infection via an airborne respiratory virus, you will be one up on the director of the CDC. If not, please read the Cochrane Collaboration study on NPI's.

Remember when the same director claimed there was no evidence of vaccine induced myocarditis, only for her organisation to release an article discussing known episodes of myocarditis the very next day.

Remember when lockdowns saved countless lives? (please read the Johns Hopkins study).

This is only a small and superficial sample. We could delve deeper and go on almost ad infinitum. It would be easier to list the things they got correct. I'll have a go at it...

Did you ever consider the fact that spike proteins occur , because of covid 19 ?
Im done arguing about this lunacy .

Absolutely. It was a result of bioweapons research after all. It was a double whammy (although it seems the gene therapies were far more toxic).

Really, if you're worried that a doctor might make some money (why shouldn't he?), please look at the authors of the Pfizer study. Find out not only how many had financial interests in the drug they were "testing" gaining approval, but just how much some of these people gained. Then see if you can begrudge Mobeen with a straight face.

This whole episode was one big grift.

Im done with you . Reason has left your base arguments. This site is horrible , because of lunacy like your post . I won’t argue with you at all .

That's up to you. You could point out the lack of reason and the lunacy, I'll certainly listen. Everything listed above is pretty well documented. I don't like being wrong (who does) but you'll find I'll accept it if so.

Nowhere have I offered empty strawman and ad hominem objections to anything, as you did with this doctor. Speaking of reason, you do realise these are logical fallacies and bad faith arguments? I at least gave you clear examples. Nor did I offer word pedantry as a response (I don't believe for one moment that you didn't understand the context and meaning of the term "wrongest").

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