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UK Developing 'Ajax' Armored Vehicle; Problems with

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posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 05:08 PM

The first prototype Ajax vehicle was unveiled in 2015, more than seven years ago.

Statements by UK officials in October failed to provide any clarity as to when Ajax could enter service, with its use “remaining limited under safety notices” while work was carried out to resolve noise and vibration issues that have plagued the development of the platform. Further, it was stated that it was “not possible to say” when Ajax could enter service.

noise/vibration issues.
a rumor is that troops have received medical discharges after extensive operations.
with today's tech, 6-8 years is a LOOOOONG time
wonder when/if they'll pull the plug and start over.

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: ElGoobero

So, Ajax was unveiled 7 years ago and they don't know when it will be operational.....if Ajax had been unveiled in 1939, we would be in 1946 and Ajax would still not be ready for combat, with not even an expected by date ....

...the Allies would have lost the war, and it would not even had been close...

During WW2, the Greatest Generation, had no computers, Internet, robots or CNC Machines...just pencil & paper....and they managed to do more accurate scheduling using hand-made PAPER Gantt charts...

How incredibly far we have fallen...unreal....

edit on 29-3-2023 by M5xaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: M5xaz

you said everything that needs to be said right there in one post!

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 06:09 PM

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 06:30 PM
The UK and the Ajax aren't the only ones with issues remember the fanfare when Germany was sending Leopard 2 tanks, though not design flaws but logistical nightmares and poor maintenance?

America spends billions in Europe and the UK for defense, is it too much to ask that they keep their vehicles in simple running condition?

Scruffy Leopards Straggle In

March 19, 2023: Germany and other European NATO members that agreed to send Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine are running into logistical problems. Germany finally relented and allowed NATO nations that had purchased Leopard 2 tanks from Germany to send them to Ukraine whereupon the real problems started. Most contributors found that their Leopard 2s needed remedial work because they never expected another recurrence of European military tension, let alone another war, and failed to complete, or never started, planned or recommend upgrades.

Delaying these upgrades seemed reasonable because the Americans were still an active NATO member and their M1 tanks were known to be up-to-date. There are still about 2,000 Leopard 2s in service with European nations. Unlike the Americans, the Europeans saw no need to complete needed upgrades to their tanks or even keep most of them operational. So the Ukrainians will have to wait until the Europeans get enough of their Leopard 2s operational or the Americans change their minds on how quickly they will deliver M-1s. There are already over 200 operational M-1s in Europe with American armored brigades. The Ukrainians don’t need American soldiers but they could use their M-1 tanks.

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 07:20 PM

originally posted by: autopat51
a reply to: M5xaz

you said everything that needs to be said right there in one post!

A large portion of the current Generation Z seem unable to do the most menial mental calculation, such as pulling out the calculator to give out it laziness, the school system, what ?

Tunnel or bridge construction projects that could be done in a few years now take a decade or more, and frequently go way over budget. And that's when the bridge itself does not suffer early failure !

With all the modern tools at our disposal, we should be crushing it, putting past generations to shame, and we're not.
We're worse, much worse.

Something is fundamentally wrong that must get fixed ASAP.

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: putnam6

It was always a bad idea to propose giving M-1 tanks to Ukraine, politics aside.

M-1s are unique in that, unlike just about any other land vehicle or any other military, M-1s are powered by gas turbine engines, something the vast majority of mechanics are unable to service, and few countires are able to make parts for, should it become required.

Short of supplying an American support battalion in Ukraine, M-1s will fail pretty quickly.

But maybe that's the plan
Get Americans in Ukraine
Get them killed
Instant justification for full on NATO invasion of Ukraine.

And this does not lead to victory in Ukraine but to WW3, Nuclear war and tens of millions of dead.
A cease fire, Korean-war style, remains the best solution.

edit on 29-3-2023 by M5xaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 08:12 PM

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: putnam6

It was always a bad idea to propose giving M-1 tanks to Ukraine, politics aside.

M-1s are unique in that, unlike just about any other land vehicle or any other military, M-1s are powered by gas turbine engines, something the vast majority of mechanics are unable to service, and few countires are able to make parts for, should it become required.

Short of supplying an American support battalion in Ukraine, M-1s will fail pretty quickly.

But maybe that's the plan
Get Americans in Ukraine
Get them killed
Instant justification for full on NATO invasion of Ukraine.

And this does not lead to victory in Ukraine but to WW3, Nuclear war and tens of millions of dead.
A cease fire, Korean-war style, remains the best solution.

That's what those supposedly in the know are saying as well.

posted on Mar, 30 2023 @ 07:43 AM

originally posted by: ElGoobero
noise/vibration issues.
a rumor is that troops have received medical discharges after extensive operations.
with today's tech, 6-8 years is a LOOOOONG time
wonder when/if they'll pull the plug and start over.

Yep, I read an article back in February... no worries, they're getting the noise and vibration issue sorted.

The “troubled” £5.5bn programme to build the British army’s new Ajax fighting vehicle has turned a corner, the defence secretary has said.

Better seat cushions and ear defenders are among improvements being hailed by Ben Wallace.

The Ministry of Defence project to build 589 of the state-of-the-art vehicles has prompted severe criticism, having been running for nearly 13 years without yet providing a single deployable vehicle.

Originally intended to enter service in 2017, it has been repeatedly delayed, with problems including noise and vibration issues, which injured soldiers testing the vehicles.

These improvements include new ear defenders with incorporated hearing pieces for better communication, remounted seating with better cushioning and improved joysticks and controls.

Cushions and ear defenders... Bloody hell! Wall-to-wall carpeting would surely help, too.

posted on Mar, 30 2023 @ 11:13 AM
How good will tanks work with battery power???? Will they have chargers on the battle field??

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