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Vandals Have Destroyed 30,000-Year-Old Australian Cave Art

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posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 05:14 PM
I say sacrifice them to long forgotten gods in the most vandalizingly brutal of ways…after all the offense isn’t so much to modern man but those that created the art. And they did not play around with worrying about if the punishment bruised the self esteem of the criminal back then.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

The word Morons comes to mind though they could be mentally ill, drug addicts or just simply stupid pranksters that thought it would be funny to destroy the cultural legacy of a people whose land there ancestors stole.

But of course let's throw in racist retards as well as that probably fits the bill very well indeed.

It is like someone is trying to destroy the history of the world, let's hope these pieces of filth do not damage the Gosford glyph's.

Of course we have had some very well placed intellectuals stoop to this level in the past such as one whom is said to have destroyed the Paluxy river tracks which were fossil human footprints crossing and being crossed by duck bill dinosaur tracks so were a problem for the old evolutionist's and there favourite belief system.

Similarly back in the 1800's the age of empire at it's height and even earlier in the 1700's and of course before that empire's often destroyed vastly ancient sites and stole there artwork.

Religious vandals for ideological reasons often destroys the work's of other religions and cultures that do not share it's values and morals, most recently Isis in Iraq and Syria and the Taliban in Afghanistan both destroyed ancient ruins and monuments.

Of course political vandals also exist, the Communists in Russia but by a far greater degree in China are prime examples of this with the Chinese communist party going to such pains to hide evidence of NON Han Chinese constructions such as the great pyramids of China which local legend's attested to have been created by the Sun gods whom had golden hair and eye's like the sky, during the cultural revolution they even had farmers terrace the sides of them and farm on them destroying artifacts and who knows what else in the process as Mao thinking himself the new Qui-Shi-Huang set out to destroy the past, the traditions and the legacy of the ancestors of that nation in order to impose his own ideology upon them.

A lesser evil man but no less evil by the name of Pol Pot tried to copy him on a smaller scale in Cambodia but he wanted to magnify the past and just contented himself with torturing to death anyone that could read.

But this is just plain evil minded scum, I mean what is the point other than to show hatred for the world and for those that value and seek to protect the legacy of the past.

I don't want harm to befall these idiots but I do want them to come to a true realization of the irreparable damage that they have committed and to understand there own vileness and selfishness and how little and unwanted they have made themselves by this act as people from the whole world now rightly revile them.

But it has to be said that there crime while Vile is not as bad as harming an actual person.

And I do not buy that these can not be restored so is there another motive here such as Minerals in the area hmmm?.

The site need's to be protected and for the sake of future generations it SHOULD Be restored using modern techniques and to also add our own glyph's showing the restoration so that perhaps in another 30.000 years someone could see and know that we (Well not we but the Aussies) had once been there as well.

I suggest that this may be a prelude to mining and DEVELOPMENT in the region and have been done not by some mindless idiots but by corrupt and very well informed corporate agent's.

edit on 22-12-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-12-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

You're barking up the wrong tree. The kind of people who do this kind of thing have no moral foundation. They are emotionless.

Explaining the error of their ways is pointless. They won't understand it as they have no frame of reference.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: Creep Thumper

Guess we shall see if a mining consortium within the next five to ten years gets the go ahead but I believe you are correct it is probably just pure morons.

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 02:27 AM
Or just hand them over to the traditional custodians of the land for punishment. That would f them up hard.


posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 04:01 AM

originally posted by: Ahabstar
I say sacrifice them to long forgotten gods in the most vandalizingly brutal of ways…after all the offense isn’t so much to modern man but those that created the art. And they did not play around with worrying about if the punishment bruised the self esteem of the criminal back then.

oh yeah. old school.

— Aztec priests, using razor-sharp obsidian blades, sliced open the chests of sacrificial victims and offered their still-beating hearts to the ...

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 04:07 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

No different from American tourists craving their names on Colosseum.
Climbing it.

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 04:20 AM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
a reply to: LABTECH767

You're barking up the wrong tree. The kind of people who do this kind of thing have no moral foundation. They are emotionless.

Explaining the error of their ways is pointless. They won't understand it as they have no frame of reference.

people need to start hitting back hard.

burn down stanford and Berkley and more of their holy places. deface their bs.

it's a culture war.

let's dance.

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 09:00 AM

originally posted by: sarahvital

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
a reply to: LABTECH767

You're barking up the wrong tree. The kind of people who do this kind of thing have no moral foundation. They are emotionless.

Explaining the error of their ways is pointless. They won't understand it as they have no frame of reference.

people need to start hitting back hard.

burn down stanford and Berkley and more of their holy places. deface their bs.

it's a culture war.

let's dance.

Interesting perspective.

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: sarahvital

Not sure about Stanford they have some good laboratories even if some idiots in the past may have used there facility's for less than wholesome scientific research.

But if you don't mind you could IF (mostly tongue in cheek but only mostly) poor beleaguered could get you to add SOME parts of the Cambridge and oxford sites along with Eton (now to be fair they have also given out some good characters but these days it seems over here we have been run into the ground by a clique if Bullingdon boy's, the Bullingdon Club - AND likely the Skull and Bones over in the US - grew out of a very disreputable bunch of ne'er do well rich boys called the Hellfire Club whom have been rumoured to have been orgy loving satan worshipping elites - Though these days they have tried to whitewash there history as neo pagans - of course they grew out of the top end of a certain very popular worldwide cult also called a brotherhood say no more).

Think of the Bullingdon club (not the club that is actually a club that has adopted that name but the fraternity) as the UK's version of the Skulls and it has many link's to them going back century's.

David Cameron was one, his initiation other than stuffing his privates into a dead pig's mouth is said to have included burning a £50 note under a tramp's (Down and out) nose while elder Bullingdon boy's looked on ready to jump the poor guy if he tried to fight back against this act of cruelty and intimidation an act that was designed to show and prove disdain for the poor as you would expect from a group like this), he was helped into power when we had a hung election by forming a coalition government with a minor party headed by one of his classmates another Bullingdon boy (same initiation, same club) called Nick Clegg whom at the time was head of the Liberal Democrat party of the UK and after a few more failures he was succeeded shortly by another Bullingdon boy whom was also in the same club at the same time by the name of Boris Johnson.

So our nation at least would be better off without that bunch of hooray harrys in charge of our society.

Though it is conceivable that despite it's nefarious nature the Bullingdon club may - just possibly - in the past among the many prime ministers that were once members have actually given us the odd good one though counter to that they probably also gave us a few soviet spies in high positions back in the old cold war period.

It is a disreputable and nasty club that nevertheless has given us many prime ministers, that often sneered down there noses at there own electorate.

And one that the police often turn a blind eye to committing some of the most serious of offences due to there members wealth and position on the pecking order of the old boy network in the UK or at least that of there parentage.
They grew out of this though these being wiki them tend to avoid the more savour claims of debauchery and evil committed by both clubs.

That certain OTHER brotherhood they originally both grew out of is known for mock weddings to little boy's, (Some satanist cults abuse little boy's as part of there initiation which should raise an eyebrow there as well as an ample amount of healthy right minded anger though of course that other older cult is not so debauched, at least not at the lowest ranks but is definitely a religion outside of Christianity and draws it's inspiration from such as Voltaire and other morally questionable philosophers.

All the while claiming to be something they are not, originally though they were exactly what they are called a medieval guild of actual REAL craftsmen (With possible links to the old Hansiatic League hmm I wonder how much that web of intrigue contributed to it, the Hansiatic league had contact and membership far wider than is often shown on modern accounts of the organization of merchants and craftsmen, indeed it is said by some to have reached the heart of the orient and deep into Africa's then thriving empires but that is another subject matter.

They of course got usurped by the elite after getting mixed up with some old German royalty (the crown prince of one of the German states became there patron and highest member which triggered an avalanche of elites wanting to join) back around the tenth or eleventh century's,.

They believe themselves to be something far grander than they actually are and much of there esotericism was imported from other cults that were definitely outside mainstream religion), other spin offs which I once almost got involved in though a particular branch that actually used an old CHRISTIAN crusader oath (Though the swearing of oath's is actually forbidden if you read the bible) are the so called Rosicrucian's out of whom grew the Illuminati.

Indeed as to the Illuminati it is said that the founding father of the Illuminati was the grandson of a Rosicrucian, they were once a much more noble outfit though the rose being the Gebirah - Virgin Mary queen of heaven a tradition taken from Solomonic tradition were the mother of the king was the queen and the cross being the cross of Christ but it later got twisted into something very different to it's Christian origin's and was likewise usurped by Gnostics - Alchemy and the search for the philosophers stone, father Rosencrantz and his seven sided tomb etc with eternally burning lamps, and other pagan sects from within, modern Rosicrucian's are NOT Rosicrucian's it is worth mentioning there).

edit on 23-12-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2022 @ 01:53 AM
Fark your kidding me

posted on Dec, 24 2022 @ 03:41 AM

originally posted by: Dalamax
Or just hand them over to the traditional custodians of the land for punishment. That would f them up hard.


Feed ‘em to the Yowies I say!
edit on 24122022 by IAMALLYETALLIAM because: (no reason given)

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