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FBI misled judge who signed warrant for Beverly Hills seizure of $86 million in cash

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posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: ntech
a reply to: carewemust

Hope that judge thinks the money was worth it. Being the FBI lied and ignored the guidelines set down. And made him look like the a** he is as well as an accomplice to civil rights violations.

Greed + Evil overrides common sense. That's what "normal" people have a hard time grasping.

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 03:35 PM
This has been ongoing for some time now, judges have even ordered the contents to be reunited, but they refuse, then this little bombshell.

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: Overseeall

originally posted by: JIMC5499

originally posted by: Overseeall
a reply to: Iamonlyhuman

So, just allow all the criminals to withdraw their criminal profits? Make sense, let those illegal immigrant drug dealers keep their money right so they can go to another state and continue on?

Makes no sense to me.

You don't make any sense. Do you have any proof that the items in the safety deposit boxes are "criminal profits"?
I just had to have the items in my box appraised to increase the insurance on them because over time the items have become more valuable. None of those items are "criminal profits".

The owners of the company admitted that their clients were drug dealers and that they helped launder money. Did you read the linked article?

Right..what, about 5 of the hundreds of boxes are linked to drugs. The rest..not so much.

You appeal to authority a tad too much.

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: Overseeall

Even IF you aren't associated with any of the intelligence agencies, you should be aware of what the FBI stands for. Federal Bureau of INVESTIGATION. They are meant to investigate, not assume, steal, or lie.

If they had no probable cause and they wanted to do the right thing, like you wish to believe, then they should have done their job!! They could have watched for closures and withdrawals/visits to the deposit boxes in question, then make the few who DO try to take the illegal money and run suspects in their INVESTIGATION. See how that works?

In this country there are laws meant to prevent this kind of over-reach and authoritarianism. It seems as if they are dis-regarded more and more these days, but they are there for a reason.

You claim that these people will have their property returned, but have you ever had property seized for an investigation and then tried to get it returned? It will be costly, time consuming, and down-right frustrating for these people to even ATTEMPT to reclaim what is legally theirs.

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 06:59 PM
Rip open all the safety deposit boxes....because there might be some unknown crimes being committed! ROFL we're living in the real James Orwell 1984. The feds will believe anything and people know this and weaponize it. Someone told me that there is a hidden roll of Kodak film on Jimmy Hoffa inside a stop sign somewhere on Union street in Detroit. Now watch them cut down all the stop signs. ::::geeez:::

edit on 27-9-2022 by sean because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 07:40 PM
I have been following this for some time, Steve Lehto, a lawyer with a youtube channel, has been updating this case as it moves along

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 07:48 PM
It's long since past the time to GUT the FBI (Federal Bureau of Insurrection)..

The day is coming for the total DEMISE of this rogue and criminal organization. The FBI has become the new modern Mafia.

They are running on borrowed time at this point.

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: Iamonlyhuman


posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 05:26 AM
This could happen to you or me! Beware!

edit on 28/9/2022 by Iamonlyhuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 05:26 AM
Russian KGB warned the FBI about the Boston bombers, what happened?

The fbi ignored the rapes of young gymnast for years.

The father of the gay night club shooting in Florida called the FBI on his own son to warn them.

Today the FBI is 90% under Democrat control which makes putsn them in a weaker position.

How can an adult Male, tough FBI agent be attracted to side with Democrats?

How can any male vote Democrat? You wouldn't feel week?

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 05:28 AM
a reply to: Bloodworth

And, this is not just "FBI leadership". This is every single last one of them. Regardless of rank. If they don't speak up and out against this abusive culture, they are part of the problem!

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 05:59 AM

originally posted by: Overseeall
a reply to: Iamonlyhuman
Yes, confiscated items from those individuals found to not be involved will be returned. No litigation required for the innocent.

Spoken like a true ... ... ... I can't remember, what is it you call a slave who defends their masters to their dying breath?
edit on 28-9-2022 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 09:07 AM

originally posted by: Bloodworth
Russian KGB warned the FBI about the Boston bombers, what happened?

The fbi ignored the rapes of young gymnast for years.

The father of the gay night club shooting in Florida called the FBI on his own son to warn them.

Today the FBI is 90% under Democrat control which makes putsn them in a weaker position.

How can an adult Male, tough FBI agent be attracted to side with Democrats?

How can any male vote Democrat? You wouldn't feel week?

Tack on the FISA warrant lying about Trump witch hunt investigation #235 for the "Russian election tampering" debacle.

Tack on the the role playing/acting the Federal Bureau of Instigation participated in for the Whitmer kidnapping case, where something like over 50% of the "participants" were FBI agents/CIs.

How many times can one "cry wolf" before your credibility is SHOT.

BUT TRUST US, the Trump Marra Elago classified document investigation is on the up-and-up, COMPLETELY by the book, no misrepresentations/lies to judges , completely by the numbers and operationally flawless warrant and searching, no tricky business here!


This or

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: SleeperHasAwakened

originally posted by: Bloodworth
Russian KGB warned the FBI about the Boston bombers, what happened?

The fbi ignored the rapes of young gymnast for years.

The father of the gay night club shooting in Florida called the FBI on his own son to warn them.

Today the FBI is 90% under Democrat control which makes putsn them in a weaker position.

How can an adult Male, tough FBI agent be attracted to side with Democrats?

How can any male vote Democrat? You wouldn't feel week?

Tack on the FISA warrant lying about Trump witch hunt investigation #235 for the "Russian election tampering" debacle.

Tack on the the role playing/acting the Federal Bureau of Instigation participated in for the Whitmer kidnapping case, where something like over 50% of the "participants" were FBI agents/CIs.

How many times can one "cry wolf" before your credibility is SHOT.

BUT TRUST US, the Trump Marra Elago classified document investigation is on the up-and-up, COMPLETELY by the book, no misrepresentations/lies to judges , completely by the numbers and operationally flawless warrant and searching, no tricky business here!


This or

Weren't the FBI involved a bit too much in the gov whitmer kidnapping scandal?

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 01:29 PM
The irony of this. They justify what they do in the name of fighting crime while they steal everyone's belongings. Surely not everyone is a criminal that has a safety deposit box. My god how can this even happen or be allowed to go unchecked is beyond words. Fight crime by day and rob you during the night. It's like a modern day stagecoach robbery, done by the very cowboys that are supposed to protect and get the wagon to it's destination. How many times did the FBI or CIA got caught in trafficking drugs? Always happens during wartime too. They even steal military weaponry too. People that are in high level positions don't have to look up to a boss that often as they are the boss. So you have young private or spec 4 always trying to look good and do good 'yes sir, go on through sir' waive you right on through the gate with your hummer loaded with weapons and bullets.

When I was a young kid I knew my neighbor was in the reserve and was one of those weekend warriors in the Army blowing stuff up. This dude had a half a garage filled clear to the to the rafters of military stuff. God knows what was in there. His dad would take off for days and days and us boys being boys his son and I...we would get into it and run around and play wearing military clothes and boots. I saw RME's, gas masks, trip wire, cans full of BMG 50 on a belt. Hell there could of been guns and grenades hidden deep in all that piles of stuff. That was 35 years ago, but thinking about it now.... you know that's not normal. The military just don't give away MRE's and cans of 50Cal. lol I don't know maybe they do!

The gov tells you one thing and then does some pretty shady stuff afterwards. Is it normal for officials to sell uranium to your enemies? Is it normal to shutdown oil pipelines disrupting the economy and sell the strategic oil reserves? Is it normal to talk about national security, but leave the borders wide open? It has become top priority to go after the former prez because he had some secret docs that was signed or addressed to him. I mean hell we all got letters addressed to us that is secret and private don't we? All those private documents belongs to the United States!! Even though none of us have the clearance to read it. So I guess it doesn't belong to us or does it?? I don't know I am confused. This gov makes up # as it goes along. More and more people are finally starting to wake up to this BS as it has become blatantly obvious. The real criminals are the ones running the show. Imagine that!

This country from what I understand is a 2 party system. They sent me a voting registration and there was Republican, Democrat, Independent. I didn't want the Gov to know what party I belonged to as it seems the last vote got stolen and jacked up. Well...I couldn't figure out why I never got a voter ballot sent out. So I called and what you know. They tell me that if you choose Independent you cannot vote in a Republican or Democrat election. So I chose to be a Republican and now my gov calls me a Nazi extremist and now I get political calls asking me questions if I am a republican or a democrat?? The nerve of these clowns! Already trying to rig the voting system I see! If they know how many Republicans there are then that's how many dead people votes they need to dig up. I seriously think I am living in the twilight zone! The next org that calls me is getting recorded and I am going to expose these crooked SOB's!!! Do not answer these calls and do not give them any information. The less info they know the better. Just hang up, or better yet... tell them you're a democrat and then vote republican that ought to throw a monkey wrench into their bunko operation. Yeaaah that's it...We'll call it..... operation "Monkey Wrench!"

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 07:02 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: Iamonlyhuman

I would start here.

The plea deal the company long agreed too.

Under the plea deal with U.S. Private Vaults Inc., the U.S. attorney’s office in Los Angeles agreed not to file criminal charges against the company’s two owners. That decision ran counter to a recent Department of Justice policy requiring prosecutors to be more aggressive about holding individuals accountable for corporate wrongdoing.

The company admitted that it recruited drug traffickers as customers and used the illicit proceeds to run the business. It also acknowledged that people at the company sold coc aine, arranged drug deals at the store and instructed customers how to structure cash transactions to dodge currency reporting requirements.

I feel for the bad people that didn't know 1980 Panama actually ran that business. And the feds didn't even have to blackmail an installed puppet leader to appropriate bank funds this time.

I think its a default funding drive. All it needs is at least 60% of the clientele to make those blanket assumptions and take some assets.
edit on 15-8-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

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