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Could common colds hold the key to variant-proof COVID vaccines?

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posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 12:26 PM
It seems that all those common cold infections (specially within the corona family of viruses) we suffered during our childhood as we were growing up could be the key of why some people seems not be affected by Covid virus and its variants, this is becoming widely speculated and it seems the truth is coming out, is more and more people that covid seems no to affect them at all.

London — T-cells generated as part of the body's natural immune response to the common cold may help protect against serious illness from COVID-19, according to a study carried out in the U.K. Researchers at Imperial College London told CBS News the findings could help scientists create vaccines that remain more effective against new variants of the coronavirus.

While this should be the prove that natural immunity will keep the viruses away from those that have it, I see how scientist think this should be exploited for a new type of vaccines.

Are Omicron symptoms different from other COVID variants?

The study, which was peer reviewed and published in the journal "Nature Communications," began in September 2020 and looked at 52 household contacts of people who had tested positive for COVID-19. It found that 26 people who were exposed to the coronavirus but did not get sick had significantly higher cross-reactive T-cells, generated by previous common colds, than those who did become ill with COVID.

As we have witnessed Omicron seems to be taken over the original covid virus and rendering infections less deadly for most people.

While this should be good news for us humans' big pharma is working to change their tactics to target covid soo they can come back with a new type of vaccines.

edit on 10-1-2022 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 12:33 PM
Maybe the issue is that our cleanliness and ability to kill germs (along with constant use of drugs when we get sick) is creating super bugs.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: marg6043

It seems that all those common cold infections (specially within the corona family of viruses) we suffered during our childhood as we were growing up could be the key of why some people seems not be affected by Covid virus and its variants, this is becoming widely speculated and it seems the truth is coming out, is more and more people that covid seems no to affect them at all.

I'm not trying to be a Smart Ass when I say this but ...Duh

We all have Hundreds of Cold Viruses growing up and this is how our Natural Immune system grows , This is not some revelation it's common sense .

The main Reason Covid-19 was as deadly as it was , is because the Virus was clearly ' Gain of Function ' it took our immune systems time to catch up , and now all the people who are Vaxxed seem to be struggling the most with the new Variants for some reason.
edit on 10-1-2022 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

It definitely is. What’s worse is that it’s making our immune systems compromised and weaker, sometimes they even bored as we lose constant contact with all these organisms we evolved to coexist and come into contact with. I would expect that our immune systems in the developed world are awful compared to our ancestors, especially with dysbiosis.

Cross reactive T cells, especially cytotoxic T cells are why some don’t show antibodies and are immune. It’s why kids eliminate respiratory pathogens so well. It’s why healthcare workers seem to do well. And it shows that protein structures can be conserved across pathogens and do not always result from laboratory altering and recombination like many seem to believe.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

I agree with you 100% we humans learn and adapt, yes covid been an enhance virus in a lab took our species like a storm but the body is an amazing machine and will survive.

From the beginning when I learned that covid was from the corona family of viruses and been around for a long time, I thought that we could be testing positive even if we had the common cold and that we could have immunity after having the common cold corona.

But I am not a scientist and no expert like Dr. Fauci and big pharma vaccines developers.

Now it is obvious.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

That is for sure and the reason why is an array of synthetic antibiotics out there, I can not take any of the new expensive antibiotics, it send me to the ER with hives, but have not problems when given anything penicillin base.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 01:00 PM
The fact that they rushed out leaky ineffective vaccines is the reason we have all these covid variants. All the experiments walking around seem to be getting sick lately. They should just let it run its course like a very small percentage of us said from the beginning.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: Middleoftheroad

The virus infections were ebbing right before the big jab roll out came into effect, remember? then by the time summer came around no only the jabs have been given all over but also the spikes in covid were off the roof.

But many will come and argue now that is because of the jabs that is going away.

Sadly, the new variant is proving that covid is not really going away, just that the human body is adapting to the variants and as more people get infected variants will be less lethal.

Every time independent studies were done to point this fact, the medical community nazis were squashing any data and still do and the agenda is already out on how the CDC and Fauci were complicit.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 01:33 PM
The problem with the common coronavirus cold is that we do not build long term immunity to it. Lots of people will have multiple colds a year. Trying to make a vaccine for the coronaviruses does not go well most times. That is why they use the adenovirus and the spike protein to target. Getting a cold protects a person somewhat against this virus, but not for the long term.

Humans must have evolved with the coronaviruses and they did some alterations to our genetics long ago so we adapted and drop the immune response to keep us from having some serious side effects from permanent immunity. Autoimmune problems occur if you target the coronavirus itself for a longer period for some reason it seems.

The same goes for some of the other common colds, the negatives exceed the positive in those vaccines. Because of this I wonder if keeping giving boosters is actually a good thing when the spike protein is attached to a coronavirus. No long term testing was done, and I believe that that was not done because it would have led to discovery of problems that would emerge if they did. Lots of vaccines were abandoned because song term side effects showed up. Also important is the fact that they have been testing mRNA vaccines for decades and never succeeded in getting a vaccine that had an adequate long term safety.

I do not believe they tested this vaccine properly...and because now boosters will be needed on a regular basis, I feel that the risk is getting higher of a long term problem. They would never have told people they needed three flu shots a year, the body needs time to settle down or it can cause complications. Putting the people in charge of things that benefit financially or gain prestige is not a good thing when it comes to this kind of thing, and that is what has happened with this.

As for the research in the OP. It was also done long ago, but they have just recently looked at this more again since these vaccines seem to be failing with their method of action recently. I talked about this in posts over a year ago already, they knew then that the common cold gave immunity to people and the immunity from some other viruses other than coronaviruses also protected them from getting a bad case of covid 19. That immunity is one of the main reasons that so many people have asymptomatic or mild cases of the viruses.

I like this article better than the msm article.
edit on 10-1-2022 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

I agree, you are right on the spot, main thing is, we will never get rid of corona be common cold of the covid, but the body will adapt naturally, we will get sick but not sick enough to die from it, unless extreme situations.

But just think that is already talks of developing new vaccines to target covid in a different way makes you think realized that the jabs soo hastily were pushed in to the population today and making billions of dollars will be obsolete soon enough.

We know that 4 injections every six months is not possible, feasible or economically smart.

The military is already developing a new injection that is base on nanoparticles.

We are still in the experimental phase and is about to stay with us for a long time until 2024.

The US Army is developing a vaccine to fight against COVID-19 and SARS-origin variants — and could announce the new treatment within weeks, according to a report.

Scientists at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research expect to announce the one-stop shot in just weeks after nearly two years of research that began with the DNA sequencing of the COVID-19 virus in early 2020, Defense One reported late Tuesday.

The outlet initially reported the vaccine would fight all variants of COVID-19, including Omicron and Delta, as well as prior coronaviruses and strains not yet identified, but the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research issued a statement Wednesday clarifying the report.

“The Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle platform is designed to protect against an array of SARS-CoV-2 variants and SARS-origin variants but was not tested on the Omicron variant,” Walter Reed officials said.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: rickymouse

I agree, you are right on the spot, main thing is, we will never get rid of corona be common cold of the covid, but the body will adapt naturally, we will get sick but not sick enough to die from it, unless extreme situations.

But just think that is already talks of developing new vaccines to target covid in a different way makes you think realized that the jabs soo hastily were pushed in to the population today and making billions of dollars will be obsolete soon enough.

We know that 4 injections every six months is not possible, feasible or economically smart.

The military is already developing a new injection that is base on nanoparticles.

We are still in the experimental phase and is about to stay with us for a long time until 2024.

The US Army is developing a vaccine to fight against COVID-19 and SARS-origin variants — and could announce the new treatment within weeks, according to a report.

Scientists at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research expect to announce the one-stop shot in just weeks after nearly two years of research that began with the DNA sequencing of the COVID-19 virus in early 2020, Defense One reported late Tuesday.

The outlet initially reported the vaccine would fight all variants of COVID-19, including Omicron and Delta, as well as prior coronaviruses and strains not yet identified, but the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research issued a statement Wednesday clarifying the report.

“The Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle platform is designed to protect against an array of SARS-CoV-2 variants and SARS-origin variants but was not tested on the Omicron variant,” Walter Reed officials said.

I wonder if that spiked ferritin nano-particle technology is based on the fact that lactoferrin severely disables the viruses, a compound found in human and cows milk. Lactoferrin is pretty much made UN-bioavailable by the process of high heat, basically pasteurization irreversibly binds it to something. Minimally pasteurized milk does still contain some quality lactoferrin in it though.

Milk is an antidote for many diseases, yet they have screwed it up to increase the shelf life and so you don't have to shake it to keep the cream in suspension.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Interesting to say the least, this the thing, I cannot longer drink the milk that is sold in the stores, but when I get raw milk and drink it I have not problems at all.

I may have to start getting raw milk again, but I have to travel 2 hours and half to get it.

Now I wonder how good this Military new vaccine is going to be and if the vaccine will be available for people that already got the mRNA or if only those that have not prior injections can take it.

edit on 10-1-2022 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: rickymouse

Interesting to say the least, this the think, I cannot longer drink the milk that is sold in the stores, but when I get raw milk and drink it I have not problems at all.

I may have to start getting raw milk again, but I have to travel 2 hours and half to get it.

Now I wonder how good this Military new vaccine is going to be and if the vaccine will be available for people that already got the mRNA or if only those that have not prior injections can take it.

We buy the organic valley grassmilk, that is good milk and although I am allergic to milk plus lactose intolerant...which works well when I drink milk if I am constipated...I do enjoy drinking the grassmilk. Raw milk is good but it depends on the diet that the cows eat, if it is mostly grain fed, I have way more problems with the milk. I learned that over thirty five years ago, less problems with milk where the cows eat grasses in the fields, and for flavor, the right mix of types of grasses sure does make it good too. The farmer we used to get our milk from many years ago got shut down by the USDA for selling an agent unpasteurized milk that came to their farm. A real lot of farmers stopped selling their milk to anyone after that in the copper country. I didn't know that farmer hardly at all, but his milk was exceptionally great for milk.

The flavor of beef is also dependent on what a cow eats, the right mix of grasses in the field can really increase the taste of the beef.

Grain fed milk sucks, so does beef raised on a high percentage of corn and other grains.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

I never thought about that, I always presume that organic cows will be fed only grass, but you never know.

I find raw milk very delicious.

posted on Jan, 10 2022 @ 10:30 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: rickymouse

I never thought about that, I always presume that organic cows will be fed only grass, but you never know.

I find raw milk very delicious.

Organic cows are fed organic foods. Some certification groups stipulate a certain percentage of grass fed, like Organic valley regular milk is a minimum of fifty percent grassfed or pastured in their diet.

Grass fed milk by Horizon is only guaranteed sixty percent grassfed. Organic valley grassmilk is one hundred percent grassfed diet. I do miss the OV grassmilk that had the minimum pasteurization and had the cream on top, but I guess that the shelf life was so much shorter that around here they only have the ultrapasteurized now...which means the taurine in the milk is bound and not able to be utilized. But taurine pills are not that expensive so I guess that is all right.

Full Grain fed milk is more inflammatory, one hundred percent grassfed is antiinflammatory, at fifty percent minimum grassfed, organic milk is kind of neutral. It is strange that someone funded research on that subject. I read the research article.

posted on Jan, 11 2022 @ 02:27 AM
edit on 1/11/2022 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

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