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Conflicted from Karen encounter

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posted on Jul, 21 2021 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: sine.nomine

Was just teasing a bit. Don't worry about me. Am just a crazy old fool.

Realize that you were just trying to be considerate of others.

posted on Jul, 21 2021 @ 10:35 PM
a reply to: pthena

You're right.
Am so far removed from smokers having to seek asylum just to get a smoke these days.

Honestly haven't known any smokers for years now.

Don't really need to hide much here to smoke things that have just recently been declared legal...
See it more common than regular cigs.

posted on Jul, 21 2021 @ 10:57 PM

originally posted by: sine.nomine
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

Glad I'm not alone there. Weird though, right? Where does the switch flip?

I guess you're right. Fear and dependency. Odd, the lack of trust in family and abundance of trust in government so suddenly. Eh, what do I know? I'm not there yet...

Well, I am 65, this is all an illusion, a prison of some kind, so I am coming back again anyway, why worry? Death is just a transition to the next life. Maybe I won't look at it that way when I am 89, don't know, not there yet. I don't see how I could possibly rationalize that the government is anything but a warden in a prison or a wolf on a free range tax farm. But then again, I have worked alongside evil and put it down in the bush, two sides of the same coin, nothing is what it seems.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 01:25 AM

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle

originally posted by: sine.nomine
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

Glad I'm not alone there. Weird though, right? Where does the switch flip?

I guess you're right. Fear and dependency. Odd, the lack of trust in family and abundance of trust in government so suddenly. Eh, what do I know? I'm not there yet...

Well, I am 65, this is all an illusion, a prison of some kind, so I am coming back again anyway, why worry? Death is just a transition to the next life. Maybe I won't look at it that way when I am 89, don't know, not there yet. I don't see how I could possibly rationalize that the government is anything but a warden in a prison or a wolf on a free range tax farm. But then again, I have worked alongside evil and put it down in the bush, two sides of the same coin, nothing is what it seems.

Cheers - Dave

Man, I'd love to have a beer with you.
edit on 22-7-2021 by sine.nomine because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 03:32 AM
People have to really start MINDING THEIR OWN BUSINESS.



posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 03:45 AM
a reply to: sine.nomine

Simply put I am a product of my time and the environment I was brought up in.

I understand why you felt the need to find some seclusion and privacy.
I would have politely told the lady that it had absolutely nothing to do with her what you were doing and would she please go away - it seems you were polite and mild mannered.

I would have then simply told her to go # herself.
I would then have apologised to her children for having to hear such language but then explain if it wasn't for their mother being such an interfering, overbearing, self-righteous and insufferable person they wouldn't have had to hear it.

I would have politely asked her husband to try and talk reason into her and if that failed I would have calmly told him that I'd pull his head off his shoulders if he didn't just # off and leave me alone.

Plainly put it was none of their/her business what you were doing regardless of what you were smoking.

This pandemic has changed my Dad.
He's 77 years old and all his adult life he's loved a pint.
He won't go out at all and its beginning to affect him.
He needs to see his friends and talk bollocks to them....exactly like he used pre-Covid 19.

He's a sprightly 77 and in full control of all his faculties - touch wood - but for some reason he's lost the willingness to question the official line.
He was always a bit of a firebrand, I guess some of his passion rubbed off on me, and he didn't trust anything the government did or said.

My mother is even worse.

I honestly think the pandemic has brought home their own mortality.
I don't think they are unique in that.....and the government have played on these fears and used them to scare the crap out of our aged and infirm.

posted on Jul, 22 2021 @ 09:12 AM
Interesting subject (not the Karen part, but the part about people changing). I too have noticed a change in people since the CHI-COM flu. People I knew as a certain way are completely different now, and not in ways I would have ever expected. Some good, some bad. Some who were rebels and militant about everything are now wet towels, and others who were scared of their own shadows before are now Atilla the Hun on blood-letting day.

I never really thought about this until now. I just chalked it up to those specific individuals, but now seeing others discussing the same things makes me wonder.

posted on Jul, 23 2021 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
People have to really start MINDING THEIR OWN BUSINESS.



To a leftist, everyone else's business is their business.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 05:06 AM
a reply to: sine.nomine

Some woman came up and accused us of smoking weed. Neither of us smoke weed. We explained, and we showed her the pouch of tobacco.

Why do people always humor Karens? Just don't give them the chance, don't give them ANYTHING! Don't give them your time, or any response beyond 'Why are you talking to me?' or 'Ssshh!' and move away from them. Don't treat them like they're humans, because they're not. Treat them like some kind of weird insects that want to buzz in your ear and disrupt your life. You don't negotiate or try to have a conversation with insects that can't talk human language. Why would you do that with Karens? They're the same thing. It may sound like human language, but it isn't.

Just because something seemingly uses words, doesn't mean you can, should or need to try to have a conversation with it. Sheesh.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: sine.nomine

Death is just a transition to the next life.

There is no death, except for things that had birth. Body has birth and death, and is never truly alive - it only seems alive because a living soul is inhabiting and animating it. As soon as the soul leaves, the body starts rotting. Immediately. It proves it was never really alive.

A soul is never dead, it only moves from one frequency to another. There's no "next life", it's still the same life, you're just living in a different frequency in the astral world until you incarnate again - you can also level up to higher planes of existence between incarnations, of course, but that's a bit beyond the scope of my post.

It's not really 'next life' per se, it's the same life you lived before you incarnated, and whence you returned inbetween 'being awake' (i.e. when you were sleeping).

The whole so-called 'birth-death-birth-death'-cycle is just a 'sleep-awake-sleep-awake'-cycle in a larger scale. No one talks about going to 'next life' when they go to sleep. It's just returning to the astral world.

No one could stand either world for an extended period of time - we need both the heavy, miserable physical world, and the more 'ethereal' (as wrong as that word is to used within this kind of context, as 'etheric plane' is basically between astral and the physical) astral world just to retain our sanity. Just like no one can stay awake forever, or asleep for long.

There are exceptions, of course, and your endurance grows with time, so you can actually withstand prolonged existence in the astral side (can't imagine anyone being able to do the same on the physical level, although back in the day, people used to live even 10 000 years per incarnation before the protective layer of moisture was split (by the exploding other moon that rained on Atlantis) and rained on Earth, causing the floods, and then were followed by the enormous sub-pressure (I always forget the proper name in english), which caused the masses of water to freeze almost immediately (causing the Ice Age)..

Whops, sorry, this was about 'what death is' and 'whether there's a 'next life' or whether it's the 'same, continuous life', not true Terran history lesson.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 05:17 AM
a reply to: Nothin

Honestly haven't known any smokers for years now.

I think I am living in a bad part of town, because today I witnessed not only one, but two gangs of.. let's say 'non-native locals' smoking like a house on fire RIGHT in front of a supermarket's doors, which of course meant everyone in the supermarket had the pleasant opportunity to experience a change in the constitution of the breathable air near the exit.

It's like, you can't move two meters to the side, you have to be RIGHT there, so there's 0% chance for anyone to escape breathing your vile, chemically induced demonic poison smoke?

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